Draw a line from one side of the page to the other, and place a mark somewhere along that spectrum from the far left, where everything’s going to return to normal again soon. Russia will crawl back into their hole, China will scale back it’s tough talk, and the US will learn how to take the lead again. Interest rates will fall and house prices will stabilise. On the right, however, we have full state control of our entire financial system, with everything we do and say linked to our ability to buy and sell. Subject to where you feel the world is going, not where you want it to go, you may wish to invest in a portfolio or strategy that is in line with that mark. Read more here.
If you feel like your organisation, family, or trust needs to have exposure to this type of investment, please reach out to me here to discuss how I could assist.
The Transformation of Value Podcast
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Disclaimer: Please act independently from any content provided in these episodes; it's not financial advice, because there's no accounting for your individual circumstances. Do your own research, and take a broad range of opinions into account. Ideally, engage a financial adviser and pay for advice!