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8 reasons why its important to prioritize your muscle tissue with Hashimoto's
Episode 1343rd November 2022 • Thyroid Strong • Emily Kiberd
00:00:00 00:10:58

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Welcome to this week’s episode of Thyroid Strong as I spell out why it is so important to prioritize your muscle tissue with Hashimoto’s. Not only for the longevity of your life but to also live every day how you prefer, without injuries or stress responses dictating your lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

We all want to live longer and fuller lives, and one way to do that is by prioritizing your muscle tissue. Us Hashi ladies have to preserve, build, and feed our muscle tissue to help our thyroid, tighten our ligaments, and build quality tissue around the joints. 

Prioritizing Muscle Tissue During your Workouts

Muscle is our metabolic engine and with hyperthyroidism, stimulating the muscle encourages thyroid hormone turnover, which we need! Muscle tissue also helps to stabilize the joints, and with ligament laxity, put down the pilates and pick up heavier weights to stimulate the muscles. 

Muscle Tissue and Longevity of Life

The more we age, the more maintenance of our muscle tissue. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Life lesson, you don’t fall and break a hip. You break a hip and then fall so the more muscle tissue you have around the joint, the more longevity you have in your everyday life. Now, with Hashimoto’s, we need to focus on building quality muscle tissue with proper nutrition and recovery time.

In This Episode

Muscle is our metabolic engine [1:36]

Muscle helps stabilize our joints [2:29]

Thyroid receptors and contracting your muscle tissue under load [3:43]

The more muscle tissue you have the more longevity you have [4:38]

The more muscle tissue the less likely you are to “waste away” as we age [5:04]

Why it’s harder to maintain muscle mass with Hashimoto’s [6:27]

How to feed your muscle tissue [7:29]

Slower recovery time with Hashimoto’s [8:11]


“So muscle being our metabolic engine, it helps us rev back up gives us more energy.” [2:10]

“The more muscle tissue we have, the less likely we are to fall or break our hip, the less likely we are to have weak bones.” [5:41]

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Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

Topics Covered:

  • Low thyroid hormone and its connection to our muscles
  • Ligament laxity and stabilizing your joints
  • Stimulating your muscle tissue and turning over your thyroid hormones
  • Preserving your longevity through muscle tissue
  • Hashimoto’s and lesser quality muscle tissue

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Emily Kiberd:

If you break your hip and then you fall, you don't fall and then you break your hip. The more muscle tissue we have, the less likely we are to fall or break our hip What's up lovely ladies Dr. Emily hybird. Here with thyroid strong podcast, I am a chiropractor, a mama to Elvis and Brooklyn and I have Hashimotos what is currently in remission. On this podcast I share simple actionable steps. With a little bit of tough love on how to lose that stubborn weight, get your energy, getting your life back and finally learn how to work out without burning out living with Hashimotos. Or lovely ladies Dr. Emily hybrid here. Today we're going to talk about why it is important to prioritize your muscle tissue. When you have Hashimotos, I have Hashimotos you probably have Hashimotos. My Hashimotos has been in remission since 2017. Even through a second pregnancy, luckily knock on wood and one of the things I did to help put myself into remission other than catching it early, which 20% of women can do if they catch their Hashimotos diagnosis early enough before there is too much destruction of their thyroid gland. Other than that, the other thing to do, which I have done is to prioritize your muscle tissue. And we're going to talk about eight reasons why you should prioritize not only muscle mass, good quality muscle mass, but also quantity, quantity and quality. Let's go number one muscle is our metabolic engine. Muscle is our metabolic engine. What the heck does that mean M It means when we have Hashimotos we get fatigued, everything slows down, right because we have less thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is required for every metabolic process in the body. It's why we get constipated is why our hair gets dry and brittle and falls out and our skin gets dry and we get fatigued and we don't lose weight as easily. All of these are due to a low thyroid hormone. So muscle being our metabolic engine, it helps us rev back up gives us more energy, especially when we feed it properly with proper resistance training to feed the muscle tissue proper exercise and when I mean proper exercise, I mean resistance training, feeding the muscle tissue so tissue is our metabolic engine. Number two muscle helps stabilize our joints. So not a lot of people talk about this. This is from my own observation as a chiropractor who has seen 1000s of women with autoimmune conditions, the majority of those with Hashimotos struggling with not only Hashimotos but also joint hypermobility tissue laxity, ligamentous laxity, joints that are unstable, no amount of yoga, stretching, pilates, walking, swimming, low impact exercise is going to help stabilize joints. I really wish it did. Because I have so many women who love yoga, who love Pilates. And when I tell them to remove it from their repertoire for six to eight weeks, I feel like I'm taking their soul. But what happens is they start to resistance train, aka pick up something heavy with amazing form, put it down and do it again. And they start to feel so much better. Their joints start to stabilize, they still have tissue laxity and elements of hypermobility, which you need to remind them to not stand hanging out on the backs of their joints over stretching their ligaments. But when you start to build the muscle tissue, there is this feeling of joint integrity joint stability. And this can only be done with resistance training. Number three, there are re thyroid receptors and muscle tissue. There's thyroid receptors in every cell in the body. But how cool is it that you could contract your muscle underload and have thyroid hormone dock onto the thyroid receptor in your muscle tissue and help with the turnover of your thyroid hormones directly you have a direct ability a control over that by stimulating your muscle tissue by contracting it under load, aka lifting a weight which can help with the turnover of your thyroid hormones. Pretty cool, hey, that only happens with muscle tissue. So their satellite cells in the muscle tissue play the important role in muscle repair, and myogenesis which is the formation of muscle tissue. So another reason to prioritize resistance training number four, muscle is a key factor in the quality of our life as we age. A lot of people are talking about longevity and they're talking about oh living a long life who wants to live a long life if you are frail and you need somebody to take care of you. That is not a long fulfilled fulfilling life. That is a life of being a burden. And so the more muscle tissue have, the better longevity we have. Number five muscles help us not waste away as we age. This is kind of going off number four. But the here's a little caveat. And this applies to when people break their hip as we age, right? So a lot of people think we fall, and then we break our hip. That is not the sequence of events, the sequence of events is people break their hip at the femoral head, right where that ball, the hip is a ball and socket, the ball turns into a shaft, the leg bone right at that place where the ball turns into the shaft is the femoral neck. That's where the typical breaks are for a hip break. You break your hip and then you fall, you don't fall and then you break your hip. The more muscle tissue we have, the less likely we are to fall or break our hip, the less likely we are to have weak bones, right, especially if we are tendency toward osteoporotic or osteopenic, especially through menopause, as our hormones are changing, to increase our bone density, no amount of walking in Pilates is going to do that no amount of swimming. I know lots of people as they age love to swim. Yes, it feels good to float around. But it does not increase your bone density. The only thing that increases your bone density is loading the bone putting stress on the bone through picking up something heavy resistance training. So if you want to have stronger bones and more muscle tissue, you got to pick up something heavy. So number five was a little bit of a caveat to number four trailing off of Aging and Longevity. Number six with Hashimotos, it is harder for us to maintain our muscle mass, right that hypothyroid component having less thyroid hormone turnover from the inactive to the active form, it is just harder to maintain our muscle mass. Often this looks like skinny fat, or having a little extra adipose tissue on top of the muscle. So we are already having a hard time to maintain our muscle tissue with Hashimotos. If we did just get normal Joe working out, we have to do more. And I don't mean more as in terms of harder, but we need to be smarter and we need to lift a heavier weight. There are no pink weights with 1000 reps that will lead to an overuse injury. We have to do heavier weights lower reps as long rest breaks to give us proper recovery time. I also like to prioritize resistance training because cardio will break down our muscle tissue, steady state cardio, long extended cardio. This is for the marathoners, the triathletes, the ultra marathoners breaks down muscle tissue, I used to be one of those people, I had to let it go. Number seven, we have a tendency to have just like lesser quality tissue. This often kind of shows up in slow, deep tendon reflexes, but we need to feed the muscle tissue there are Myo kinds of the muscle tissue. These are proteins that get secreted when we contract the muscle Myo kinds of proteins. They help regulate inflammation in the body as well as our hormones. This is a newer research kind of the leaders in the field are Donald layman Mac Prof. Stu, He's great. He's been on the podcast, his Instagram handles, Mac prof, or Mac and Prof. But our muscle secretes mio kinds, which is a protein that regulates the inflammatory processes in our body. Last but not least, number eight. When we have Hashimotos we have a slower recovery time we have slower tendon turnover. You've heard me say this all the tissue in the body regenerates and replenishes constantly continuously but it is a slower process with Hashimotos. So we need to feed our muscle tissue recovery is going to be slower but we need to stimulate muscle protein synthesis grow more muscle put more meat on the bone it will give us more energy it will help us lose weight burn calories at rest more calories at rest and just doing cardio and will just make us feel better help our pants fit better. So those are the eight reasons some of them are more scientific. Some of them are just more from a clinical observation and even vanity like Hey, I wanted my pants to fit better. Change body composition. If you enjoyed this episode, go to iTunes rate and review. Leave an honest review. I love all reviews really screenshot drop it on Instagram check me Dr Emily hybird share the love the more harshly ladies that learn how to work out without the burnout and without a hash flare up, the better the world will be. Alright ladies, I'll see you next week. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Go feed the muscle protein resistance training. Let's get after it. If you enjoyed this episode, or even learned just one more piece of information to help you on your Hashimotos journey. Would you do me a huge favor. rate and review thyroid strong podcast on iTunes, Spotify or whatever platform you used to listen to this podcast and share what you liked. maybe learn something new. And if you didn't like it, well shoot me a DM on Instagram Dr. Emily hybird I read and respond to every single DM I truly believe all feedback is good feedback even more The Ugly comments if you're interested in joining the thyroid strong course a home workout program using kettlebells and weights where I teach you how to work out without the burnout. Go to Dr. Emily forward slash T 's waitlist. You'll get all the most up to date information on when the course launches and goes live special deals and early access bonuses for myself and my functional medicine doctor friends again Dr. Emily Forward slash T s weightless. Hope to see you on the inside ladies





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