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The Two Witnesses & Sacred Names
Episode 26018th October 2023 • Truth of God Podcast • Fred Coulter
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The Two Witnesses & Sacred Names - Bible Study

(FOT Day 3—LIVE) - Fred R. Coulter—October 2, 2023

The first thing we’re going to do is look at Matt. 24 because there will be a lot of them coming up. All you have to do to know that this is true is go on the Internet and go on YouTube and so forth and see how many people, how many men and even women, are saying that they’re preaching the Gospel. Some are even saying that we’re in the Tribulation.

Well, let’s look at a couple of things here. We’ve put this together because we want to cover the two witnesses and sacred names.

Matthew 24 vs.14: “And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come.”

Exactly how that’s going to be, we don’t know. What’s the first way? The written word! It’s the most available book in the world in the most languages. If a person doesn’t read it, that’s not God’s fault! He sent it:

You got a telegram from your recently dead uncle. You didn’t like him, you didn’t want it, you didn’t go to his funeral, you didn’t care anything about him. So, when you got the telegram, you put it up on the shelf. Then, a couple years later, you’re cleaning the shelf, and you thought, ‘Well, I’ll open this up and see what’s in it.’ Opened it up, and it says, you’ve inherited two million dollars. You have 60 days to claim it.’

That’s what it’s going to be for these people! How it’s going to be preached, we don’t know.

Verse 15 is the key. Why is this the key?

Verse 1: “And after going out, Jesus departed from the temple; and His disciples came to Him to point out the buildings of the temple.”

Looking down from the Mount of Olives, from the floor of the Kidron Valley up to the highest pinnacle is 450 feet. They had beautiful rock up on the side of the Kidron Valley going up to the temple.

Verse 2: “But Jesus said to them...

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