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065 New Year Reflections, The Practice of Practice And A Look At The Small Intestine That You've Probably Not Considered
Episode 651st January 2019 • Qiological Podcast • Michael Max
00:00:00 00:49:17

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Ahhh, the new year.

A moment in time to reflect on the path recently traveled and what’s up around that bend in the road.

This is a solo show reflecting on some of the podcast highlights of the past year, a glimpse into some things already on the calendar. Along with my clinical observations about using the Sa’am acupuncture method in clinical practice, how it has helped me to better understand the connections between the 六經, the six levels and the 五行, the five phases, and some thoughts on the forgotten fu organ in TCM— the small intestine. 

Head on over to the show notes page for more information about this episode and for links to the resources discussed in the interview. 




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