Artwork for podcast Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
How Unshakable Routines helps you master your habits for health, mindset, relationships, faith, and professional growth
Episode 61Bonus Episode28th March 2024 • Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals • Stephen Box
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Do you ever feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied with the direction your life is headed?

In the latest episode of Unshakable Habits, Stephen Box shares a solution to help you prioritize your health, manage work-life balance, and achieve your personal and professional goals with confidence. Learn how to build unshakable routines for a more balanced and fulfilling life. Ready to create a positive shift in your daily habits? Tune in to discover how!

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Stephen Box:

Do you ever find that sometimes you feel like life is

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headed in the wrong direction?

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There's maybe a sense of overwhelm or just general dissatisfaction with your

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life, or maybe things really aren't that bad, but at the same time, you don't

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have the time for the things that are really important to you, which kind

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of creates this exact same feeling.

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If so, I have something that I'm going to share with you on today's episode that is

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going to really help you to look at this problem from a different perspective and

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help you figure out how to move forward.

Stephen Box:

So guys, welcome to Unshakable Habits.

Stephen Box:

I am your host, Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

So before we can jump into the solution, we need to get really clear

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on exactly what the problem is that we're actually dealing with here.

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So here's a couple of things, four things actually, that.

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I've noticed consistently showing up in the people that I've been helping.

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And these might apply to you as well.

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So the first thing is that at least two to three days a week you look at

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your to do list and feel like you've barely even scratched the surface on it.

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There's just not enough time to do all the things you need to do.

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The second thing is that You tend to break promises to yourself to

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consistently prioritize your health.

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And I'm willing to bet this has probably happened at least

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once in the last three months.

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And it's probably happened multiple times in the last year.

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The third thing is that you are bringing work home with you just to keep up.

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Because again, going back to that first thing about your to do list, always Being

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so overwhelming, it forces this to happen.

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And if you are bringing work home with you on an even somewhat regular

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basis, is probably leading to tension in the home, leading to arguments

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with your spouse, leading to you maybe not having the time that you want to

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dedicate to spending with your children.

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And so you've now got these two competing priorities.

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Your family is really important to you.

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Your work is really important to you.

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And you're struggling to set that boundary and figure out how

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to make the two work together.

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And then the fourth thing that I've noticed with people is that Even in

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those moments of motivation, even when they maybe feel like the willpower

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levels are in an all time high, they end up getting distracted, or they

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end up losing sight of any personal and professional goals that they might

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set, or you just procrastinate and you just never really get started on it.

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So if any of those four things.

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sound familiar to you, then you are exactly who I'm

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going to be talking to today.

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If you're still listening, I'm going to assume that this episode is for you.

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or that you think it might be for you.

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So let's talk about some of the things that you might be doing that you're

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attempting to solve these problems, but it's actually making the problem

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worse without you even realizing it.

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So the first thing is that you've invested in some complex

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productivity tool or system, right?

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You've gotten apps or calendars, you set reminders, you've done all these things.

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And you're just hoping that you're going to find the right tool

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that's going to magically solve all the time management issues and

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get you what you're looking for.

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But the thing is, a lot of times they're so complicated and they're

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so time consuming to maintain.

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That they just basically double down on the problem.

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And I think a big part of this is that we tend to believe that we

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need to be doing so much stuff.

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We're not focused on the right things.

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We're trying to focus on doing everything.

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Because society has told us that busyness equals productivity.

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And so it makes sense that we're trying to do these things.

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Another thing that happens is Not only does society tell us that business

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equals productivity, but a lot of times, especially I think for men, but I think

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this really does apply to everyone, is that success, especially today's

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world, is measured by your professional achievement or your financial status.

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And this can lead to us prioritizing work above all else.

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We end up skipping breaks and working late hours and.

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Bringing the work home with us and all of those things and you've

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probably tried to set some boundaries.

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You've probably Made some attempts to I'll say compartmentalized things, right?

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It's like you try to have work and then you have to try to have family time and

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you try to separate the two But they just end up bleeding together Because you

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don't really maybe know how to set a clear healthy boundary and then enforce it.

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And again, that's a common thing because it's honestly not something

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they were ever taught how to do.

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So it actually makes a lot of sense.

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Something else that you might be trying to do is consuming

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a lot of self help content.

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So you're listening to a podcast like this, Or you're reading books, or

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courses, or whatever, and you feel like just by simply consuming this

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information, you're going to get some insight that's going to be the thing.

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And here's the reality.

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It helps, right?

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I hope that you guys get some insights.

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from this podcast that you're able to take with you.

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That's one of my goals.

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I hope that when you read a book or you take a course that there's

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something in there that does shift things in the right direction.

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But the reality is this.

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Knowledge alone isn't really going to solve your problem.

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Remember the old G.

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Joe saying that knowing is half the battle.

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So we have to not just consume knowledge, but we have to know

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how to put it into action.

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And a lot of times what we need for that is systems.

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So that is another common thing that I see people doing.

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Another big mistake that I see is The people were setting unrealistic goals,

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and I think especially when it comes to our health, this is a huge one,

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because most of us when we're setting health goals, we're not setting them

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proactively, we're not setting goals to be healthier or move better or things

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like that, just because they happen.

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Makes sense to do.

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We're doing it because we don't like what we see in the mirror.

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We don't like being out of breath, playing with the kids.

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We don't like being tired or having your knees hurt, going up the stairs.

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So the thing is.

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When you're looking for an immediate fix to a problem, you're more likely

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to set unrealistic goals because you want that problem to go away.

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And that makes sense.

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I totally get it, but it doesn't work.

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And that's the problem.

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And so what ends up happening a lot of times is people will

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bounce around from diet to diet or exercise craze or whatever.

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Or they're buying the latest health gadgets or the newest

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supplement or whatever.

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And they're hoping that's just going to get them the quick

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result, but it never does.

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And again, I get where this is like a normal thing, because this is what

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society is pushing on us, right?

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They're always pushing all these, solution type things.

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And we're told that we live in this world where, that's the expectation is that

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things are supposed to work quickly.

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And so we assume that they should.

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But the problem is, they don't, another thing that I see people do is they're

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always waiting for that right moment, that perfect condition to come up right

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after this vacation, once the kids are back in school, once this work project

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slows down, I'm going to start doing whatever and the reality is, There's

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never going to be a perfect time.

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We as human beings are very good at elevating the importance of certain

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And we will always find something that needs our attention something that

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needs our focus So those are some of the common mistakes that I see and some

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of the reasons why they're happening.

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Hopefully you guys are getting some perspective here right now that is

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starting to click to use some of the mistakes that you might've been making

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Why they're not working, but I'm not just gonna leave you there guys.

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I'm going to offer you a solution today So again, I just want to check in with

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you guys really quick here before we move into the solution and I want to

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make sure that These are the things that you're looking for So so first of all, I

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want to help you figure out how to build a strong mind and body That is ready

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to handle life's challenges head on.

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The second thing is I want to help you to elevate those relationships

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and create deeper connections at home, even at work, and in the community.

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Because a lot of you may be, not only are you potentially a husband or a

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wife or a parent, but maybe you're a leader at work or in the community too.

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And so those relationships are super important for you.

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the third thing is, and this is something that, some of you may resonate with, some

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of you may not, but this is a huge part of my life and something that I have found

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so important is to grow in your faith and, or connect to a bigger purpose in life.

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so for me, that is.

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My faith that allows me to connect to something bigger, but I absolutely

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believe that everyone should have something bigger than themselves

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that they are connecting to.

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And then the fourth thing is, I want to help you gain the skills

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and the confidence to actually consistently achieve those

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personal and professional goals.

Stephen Box:

But let's be honest here for a second.

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Building habits is hard and to be very clear with you.

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The things that you're experiencing, all those problems that we talked

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about earlier, you've been trying to fix them with some of the

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things that I've talked about.

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And the reason it's not working is because it's not just time management issues.

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It's not just a matter of getting the right diet or the right workout.

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It's not about setting just the right boundary or learning

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to communicate better.

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Those are all part of the equation.

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But what you really need is a system that helps you build those habits

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to be able to do those things.

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You don't need necessarily the perfect plan.

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What you need is something that you can consistently show up and do every day.

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Because most people, their biggest struggle when it comes to

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creating habits is sticking with them long enough to see results.

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And the reason why that's so hard for most people is because it

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requires a whole new set of skills.

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Most of which, honestly, are counterintuitive to what comes

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naturally to us, and is something that people don't know how to do.

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And anything else, building the right habits is about doing the right things,

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the right way, and the right order.

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And if you're just relying on willpower or you're just guessing your way

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through, you're just throwing things at the wall and hoping this stuff

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works, it's a recipe for failure.

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And you don't need to go about doing it.

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Because I want you to stop for a second and imagine a life where you had the

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knowledge and the skills to turn your daily chaos into clarity and purpose.

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What if you could actually have consistent habits for better health?

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What if you actually had the ability to set clear boundaries between work

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and home without causing conflict in either one, what if you actually

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had time for the activities and the hobbies that really matter to you?

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Would that bring passion and joy back to your life?

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Now, I know that these things might seem like fantasies.

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This might seem very farfetched, but.

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I want to just share a quick personal story with you guys.

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A couple of years back, I found myself in a situation where I was

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starting to be in your situation.

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Trying to shift the focus of my company from just health and fitness

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into this broader idea of habits.

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And in the beginning, it was a little tough.

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And so I'm trying to grow the business.

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I'm trying to work on that, rebuild my client roster.

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And at the same time, I'm starting this podcast.

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I have a sports podcast that I also do, and I also took over leadership

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in a small group at my church.

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And on top of all that, my mom had to come and be with us for a little while.

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After she had surgery.

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And so that turned into a longer experience than what

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we had originally planned.

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And I had all of these things going on and I'm wearing all the hats in my business.

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And at the same time that I'm doing all this, I'm trying to set aside

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time to read and exercise and be a good husband and find social time

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to hang out and talk with friends.

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Or just maybe be able to sit down and relax.

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And this is all on top of, the other things that have

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to happen every day in life.

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And I really was at a point where I was overwhelmed.

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it's ironic, right?

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Someone who's teaching about habits found themself in this exact situation

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where I had to take a hard look in the mirror and be honest with

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myself about where my habits were.

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What I realized is my habits themselves weren't the problem, right?

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I had good habits.

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I created really great habits.

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What I didn't have was systems.

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What I didn't have was a way to organize those habits.

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I had created a list of independent habits that Individually worked great,

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but then when things hit a critical mass where we hit that tipping point

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where the to do list got too big, even though I might be able to stick with

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the individual habits, I had trouble getting all of them at the same time.

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And so what I realized is I need to create better systems.

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And when you start to think about what a system really is, it's a routine.

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And so when we create better systems, a.

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when we start to create routines and we figure out how do we fit our

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habits into those routines, all of a sudden it becomes so much easier.

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And this is what I did with my own life and it made such a difference.

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Today I'm running my business.

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I'm not overwhelmed.

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Maybe there's some days where I put in a little extra work.

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And then there's other days where I barely work at all, so it balances out

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and overall I've just found that I'm a lot happier and a lot more satisfied

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with where my life is right now.

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And this is something I wanted to share with people because I feel If I can help

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people to create these new routines and really build their habits into these

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routines, it is such a game changer.

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Because again, I've seen it personally myself.

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And so there's, excuse me.

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So there's five key areas that I like to focus on.

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Health, Mindset, Relationships, faith, and then professional growth.

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And I say professional growth because for some of you, that's a career.

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You work for somebody else.

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Some of you are going to be business owners.

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And so I say professional growth to encompass both of those things.

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And so when we start to look at these things, and we start to really understand

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like a strong body and mindset, it helps you face life's challenges.

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I absolutely believe those are foundational components of being able to

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be resilient and handle life's challenges.

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Another thing is your faith or your spiritual health.

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when we can help you to build habits that strengthen that.

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It makes room for what's important in your life.

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It gives you peace and purpose and then your relationships, our

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relationships are our support systems.

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We need strong support systems.

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if we can develop habits to help to strengthen those relationships,

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again, whether they're at home, at work, or in the community, then

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those are going to be huge for us.

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And then there's professional growth.

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if we can help you to build habits for professional growth, then you

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can actually become more effective.

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efficient at work, and that's going to help you to create those boundaries that

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you've been struggling to create because you're going to be able to get things

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done much quicker and more efficiently.

Stephen Box:

So with that, what we've done is created a new program called Unshakable Routines.

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And this is a 16 week program designed to help you master your habits and create

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these routines for these five key areas.

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So I want to just share with you guys a little bit about the program here.

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So every single person when they sign up for this program is going

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to get a 60 minute kickoff call.

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Now if sitting down for a 60 minute call is too much for you, I'm happy to

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split that into two 30 minute calls.

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But what we're going to do with this call is we're going to help

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you to set your priorities, identify roadblocks, and we're going to create

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a personalized habit roadmap just for you in those five key areas.

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Once we have that set, I'm going to schedule another one on one call

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with you and I'm going to work with you to help actually craft out.

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Your ideal week and your ideal days, and we're going to focus on actually

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creating five routines in your life, a morning routine, a midday routine,

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and an icon routine, and then in addition to that, we're going to also

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set some really let's get started.

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Important routines here for pre and post work so that way you can integrate your

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professional and personal time together.

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And then every two weeks, we're going to have a group coaching call where

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we will have a hot seats and things like that to help you to stay on

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track and in a supportive environment.

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And as you start to get these habits in place, as you start to

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get these routines and built out.

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We're going to track the progress and then we're going to make adjustments as needed.

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Now, if the idea of being in a group is not appealing to you and you just

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want one on one service, there is a VIP option for this where you can just

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go one on one and then have the option to attend the group calls as well.

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Guys, if this sounds like something that you are interested in, I want to invite

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you to check out Unshakable Routines and let's get you on the path to creating

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a strong mind and body that's ready to handle life's challenges head on.

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Let's help you elevate your relationships and create deeper connections at

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home, work, and in your community.

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Let's help you to grow your faith and connect to a bigger purpose in your life.

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And let's help you gain the skills and the confidence to achieve your

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personal and professional goals.

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Let's help you to overcome procrastination.

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Let's help you to stop relying on willpower.

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Let's stop, let's help you stop wasting time doing the things

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that are not working for you.

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So guys, if this is something that you are interested in learning more

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about, I'll drop the link in the show notes or go to unshakablehabits.

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com and you click on work with me, you'll see a drop down menu and

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you'll see unshakable routines there.

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We are going to limit this right now.

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This will be the first intake we have for this.

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we're going to limit the intake to only maybe about 10 or so people.

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the first spot is actually going to open up on, or the first group

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is going to kick off April 22nd.

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The spots will not last until April 22nd, I'm going to tell you right now.

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so if this is something that you're interested in, head on over

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there and, I'll Get started today.

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And by the way, just an FYI for you, I'm so confident in what I'm

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offering you here today that I'm going to give you a 14 day free trial.

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That's how confident I am.

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I know that when you come in, you're going to get this 14 day and this, by the way,

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it means you're going to get that kickoff call where we're going to go over all your

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priorities and help you create a roadmap.

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And you're going to get that second call where you can go and

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get the game plan to go implement.

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So you're going to get everything you need in those first 14 days.

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And if you are not absolutely wowed by it, if you do not have absolute confidence

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in the plan that we put together.

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you can cancel and pay absolutely nothing.

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That's how confident I am that I'm going to be able to get

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you results with this program.

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So guys, I just wanted to come on today and share this program with you.

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It's something I'm super excited about and I know it's going to

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make a huge difference for people.

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So with that, allow me to remind you as always, that while none of us are born

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unshakable, we can all become unshakable.



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