hey there,
If you listen to this podcast chances are you are a growth oriented individual or you want to improve yourself and feel better about yourself
In todays episode I will talk about ‘tests’ you will run into along your way.
These tests will feel like setbacks and annoying obstacles
You will feel regret for being on this new path like : why did I not stay in this previous relationship or job where I was semi-content. Why do I want to challenge myself if I could have stayed in my comfort zone ?!
These feelings and thoughts are perfectly normal and I want to show you how you can push through these moments of doubts.
Your soul wants to expand and grow- let it :) and Feel good being on this path
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Let’s dive in and find out more about this juicy topic that will most likely affect you in one way or another.
In this episode and many other episodes I touch on topics that I usually work on with my clients. Here in my podcast it will be targeted to a broad spectrum of people. If you'd like to go more into depth with a topic I address, reach out to me.
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Hello, and welcome to the Borealis experience. Today,
Unknown:I'm especially happy to have you here. It's been a very, very
Unknown:tough day. And I was not gonna record anything you can maybe
Unknown:hear, still have a snotty nose. But I thought no, I show up for
Unknown:you every day. And that means that I'm going to be raw, I'm
Unknown:going to be honest. And I'm not going to put on a show. Because
Unknown:energetically, I wouldn't make it. If it was a once a week
Unknown:podcast, you will get the best version of me every week. But
Unknown:you get the daily Aurora. And Aurora goes through very deep
Unknown:downs and very high highs. So yeah, it's all good. Everybody's
Unknown:healthier, everybody's awesome. I just just problems with my
Unknown:phone, my main device for promoting and recreating and
Unknown:getting my work here done. That is causing me problems right
Unknown:now. And it was all about blaming and shaming from my
Unknown:phone provider and my cell service cellular provider,
Unknown:however you call it. And now they told me there's a huge
Unknown:amount of money involved to get things back into order. And they
Unknown:could have told me six days ago, so huge frustration. So all this
Unknown:to say I'm not perfect. I'm not living the perfect life. I run
Unknown:through shitty situations as well. And sometimes I just laugh
Unknown:because I think, Oh, I should live what I preach. I should
Unknown:really listen to my podcast today and do a meditation
Unknown:because it would do me so well. But recording really helps me to
Unknown:center myself and to feel good again. And I want to show up for
Unknown:you no matter what. Yes. All right. So let's talk about
Unknown:feeling stuck. feeling stuck was what we talked about yesterday,
Unknown:we all feel stuck during COVID confinement, and maybe get
Unknown:frustrated and maybe get depressed. And we have to find
Unknown:ways to be more resilient, because this might have not been
Unknown:the last time we run into a virus crisis. So we have to
Unknown:unlock our creativity, we have to be there. For other people
Unknown:without feeling drained afterwards, we have to find ways
Unknown:to be good with certain things being cut out of our lives. So I
Unknown:think if we run into problems like I did, and the last couple
Unknown:of days, we really have to make it discipline practice to be
Unknown:grateful for what we have, I kept reminding myself of my good
Unknown:health of my family of my friends and of my animals that I
Unknown:have around here. And that helps you to go through and to push
Unknown:through when you really want to throw the towel in and you want
Unknown:to give up and quit. You have to know that you shouldn't quit and
Unknown:you can quit. Because we need you out there and you need
Unknown:yourself to be strong. It is okay to feel desperate and
Unknown:frustrated and cry and everything. That's not the
Unknown:point. But you have to show up as soon as possible again,
Unknown:because again, we need you out there. We will always get
Unknown:tested. No matter what we do out there, we will get tested,
Unknown:especially if we want to challenge ourselves with a new
Unknown:project with a new hobby with
Unknown:a new partner. There's always going to be tests. Of course if
Unknown:you stay at home on your couch and binge watch Netflix, there's
Unknown:going to be lesser of a chance to be tested. But chances are if
Unknown:you listen to my podcast, you are out there and you want to be
Unknown:out there you want to be your best version. So once you start
Unknown:healing Once you start on stucking, on fucking yourself,
Unknown:you will run into tests. You can call it God is testing you, or
Unknown:the universe is testing you, Mother Nature's testing you, if
Unknown:you really want to be on that new path, if you're in it for
Unknown:the long haul, if you're in 120%, trust me, when I emigrated
Unknown:to Canada, it was exactly the same thing. Every time I ran
Unknown:into an obstacle, every time, I knew I had to start the process
Unknown:all over again, I knew it was testing me and just seeing if I
Unknown:wanted to immigrate to Canada 120%. So if we know that, I
Unknown:think we can look at our obstacles at our problems from a
Unknown:little bit more of a distance, and kind of boil them smaller.
Unknown:And really know that if we just stick to it, if we don't feel
Unknown:too discouraged. If we're just in there for 51% instead of 49,
Unknown:then we can do it, we can really do it. You will be tested, you
Unknown:will be tested from your coworkers, you will be tested
Unknown:from your parents, you will be tested. I think you say by and
Unknown:not from, by the way, you will be tested by your friends, you
Unknown:will be tested by yourself your resilience, once you start
Unknown:something new. And it is okay to feel like a failure, it is okay
Unknown:to compare yourself and feel really shitty for a moment.
Unknown:Because other out there, others out there might have more
Unknown:experience and a broader skill set. But you can learn those
Unknown:skills, you can learn to be your version, your best version and
Unknown:just shine out there just like the others. Don't feel
Unknown:discouraged. And know that you will be tested, your
Unknown:relationships will be tested, your friendships will be tested.
Unknown:When you came out of an abusive relationship, you will encounter
Unknown:people who will trigger you again. And you have to count
Unknown:until 10 then and know is it my trigger reacting now? Or is it
Unknown:my true self, myself that wants to be my best version of myself
Unknown:that is acting and living from the heart, you will have to make
Unknown:these decisions. And it's okay to take your time. You have to
Unknown:take that time in order to know what is real, and what is just
Unknown:past pain creeping up on you again. If you are in a romantic
Unknown:relationship, and you have trust issues, you will be tested. If
Unknown:you have abandonment issues, you will be tested. And you really
Unknown:have to be careful to distinguish is that person
Unknown:hurting me intentionally? Or is it my demons inside of me that
Unknown:are trying to protect me? Is it my demons inside of me that
Unknown:creating problems just to have that reality that I'm expecting,
Unknown:because I'm still not 100% healed. And then meditating and
Unknown:spending that 1015 minutes of meditation or a reflection
Unknown:meditate with me each day or a couple times a week, you will
Unknown:notice what's going on inside of yourself. And you will be out
Unknown:there as a more authentic person. You will be out there
Unknown:living from the heart and be okay with yourself. Embrace
Unknown:yourself and totally accept all your scars. So be okay. being
Unknown:tested. Don't feel like life is unfair and everything is bad and
Unknown:you're not meant to be on that path. I think you're meant to be
Unknown:on their path. You just need to stick to your guns and stick to
Unknown:it and take a break. But never bought walk backwards.
Unknown:Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. I'm
Unknown:shivering a little bit. Because I was sitting outside I needed
Unknown:the fresh air and I'm still very upset about my couple of days My
Unknown:precious hours that I wasted on my cell phone trying to fix it
Unknown:and yeah, that's it. I'm happy that I can be out here serving
Unknown:You I'm happy that you're listening to me. And I hope you
Unknown:received my message well, that you will feel stuck at times and
Unknown:when you unstuck yourself, you will maybe try a new path and it
Unknown:will feel awesome and right most of the time, but on those days
Unknown:it's not gonna feel good and it's gonna feel hard. I just
Unknown:don't want it to give up. All right, until tomorrow again,