Artwork for podcast Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified
What We are Thankful For
27th November 2020 • Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified • Lipedema Simplified
00:00:00 00:06:54

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•On this day after Thanksgiving, there's just too much to be thankful for. •We're grateful that our journey opened a door that not only can we help women who have never been able to lose weight in their lower body, but also help with all the other symptoms that happen with someone that has lipedema. •This year, just as we're finding out the ketogenic diet is more than just weight loss, we're also finding that women with lipedema need more than just a diet. •We are going to have a webinar series through the month of December, talking a little bit about what we've learned. •In 2020, there's been so many challenges, but there've also been so many successes. • •We're gonna use the month of December to share with you many of the different breakthroughs, and where we're headed, and invite you to join us.

Mentioned in this episode:

A Heart to Heart Collaborative Community Event

Join our sixth annual lipedema virtual Event on March 31, April 1 & 2, 2023.

Join our Event!



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