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Simplifying the United Methodist Brand with Love, Grace and Forgiveness with Bishop Julius Trimble and David Johns
Episode 5413th December 2021 • The United Methodist People Podcast • Rev. Dr. Brad Miller
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In Episode 54 of the United Methodist People Podcast Rev. Dr. Brad Miller talks with Indiana Bishop Julus Trimble and Indiana Conference Lay Leader David Johns about simplifying the United Methodist Brand with Love, Grace, and Forgiveness. This is part 2 of a two-part conversation about simplifying the United Methodist Brand. Part 1 of this conversation is on Episode 53 of the United Methodist People Podcast.


Brad Miller:

We're talking about being full of ourselves since we

Brad Miller:

are full ourselves when we think about how we our agenda, our

Brad Miller:

personal focus, you know, our own personal agenda, and how

Brad Miller:

we've always done it, you know, this type of thing, you know,

Brad Miller:

we've always done it this way. And maybe this is a time for

Brad Miller:

even ramping up even more innovation and creativity and

Brad Miller:

bringing in different voices, whether it be younger people, or

Brad Miller:

people from the business world, for instance, anything else that

Brad Miller:

can give us a different perspective, because so much of

Brad Miller:

what we've done just hasn't been as effective as we would like to

Brad Miller:

have been busy. What do you think about that thinking about

Brad Miller:

innovation and creativity in the midst

Bishop Julius Trimble:

of a global pandemic? There someone

Bishop Julius Trimble:

who said, I don't know who originally said this, but we

Bishop Julius Trimble:

should never let a good crisis go to waste, that I think

Bishop Julius Trimble:

innovation and add adaptability are really a part of the

Bishop Julius Trimble:

outgrowth of being in a global pandemic. So this is a season

Bishop Julius Trimble:

for us not just to wait for whatever the future holds, but

Bishop Julius Trimble:

really to be creators of a better future and

Bishop Julius Trimble:

unapologetically pursuit, pursue beloved community in the

Bishop Julius Trimble:


Brad Miller:

I want to bring it right kind of around, kind of

Brad Miller:

bring the conversation around now to a a biblical theological

Brad Miller:

perspective for us to focus for the last minute or two of our

Brad Miller:

conversation, that's when it put if, for whatever reason is laid

Brad Miller:

on my heart, these three words that we need to be talking about

Brad Miller:

a little bit more, we're talking about our branding, and about

Brad Miller:

the diversity in the church and the division of the church and

Brad Miller:

how we can kind of get back to the main thing. And those three

Brad Miller:

words are grace, and love and forgiveness, and forgive grace,

Brad Miller:

grace, love and forgiveness. And I just like for you to, for you,

Brad Miller:

two gentlemen, to speak on those permitted in terms of how you

Brad Miller:

would experience those in terms of this conversation we're

Brad Miller:

having about branding, and keeping the main thing, the main

Brad Miller:

thing, Dave, how about you?


That's a great start. Because I've spent the last


couple of weeks sharing with people, my reinterpretation of


the word love, maybe liking the great version, where it's where


I can, I'm concerned about someone else's, I am me, we've


become very much about me and a little less about you. And how


do I get around that and to be reminded that grace is this


notion, I am willing to extend to you the same thing, I want to


extend it to me again, it's funny we are we are good at


skipping our own mistakes, but sometimes extremely good at


identifying someone else's. And Grace, this whole note, I share


the story that, you know, we recently went through, and one


of the one of the meetings, I spend a lot of meetings about


the Samaritan story. And how the Samaritan without hesitation,


saw a need and addressed it. It wasn't about anything other than


putting that person first. And someone Someone asked me about


it. And I kidded him, I said, well, because they said, Well,


Dave, don't do we need to have relationship. I said


relationships great in the context. But if you're hurting


out on the side of the street, what do you want somebody to


come? Do? You want somebody come extend grace to you, you don't


need an interrogation. They don't even know why you're


there. It's what what can they do? So that's, that's the love


of Christ to us. And the grace is extended to us by Christ. And


all he's asking is that we extend the same to others. And


so sometimes it just takes a little self reflection to


recognize where we're still imperfect souls. I mean, I


examine myself and I still make a lot of mistakes. There are


times I wish I could grab words and pull them back. And I can't


always do it. And I expect people around me to to grant me


that forgiveness. And in that same vein, I've got to extend


that same thought to others, because Christ extended that to


me, and is trying to help me understand how to do that.


Because in my world, I was in a tough cutthroat, corporate


world. And, and I've got to learn a little bit more about


how to truly be the face of Christ so that people see grace


in me, they see the love of God in me, and they see forgiveness


in me. And if I expect people to do it for me, I'm going to do


that for others. And that's the tough part of those three words.


I think they're great three words to challenge us. Can we do


that? Can we see example. We've done that because we expect that


Brad, we expect that to be extended to us. How do we extend


that to others, Bishop grace,

Brad Miller:

love and forgiveness.

Bishop Julius Trimble:

Grace is I really like that word grace.

Bishop Julius Trimble:

Often I I've heard it years ago and said, My wife and I said,

Bishop Julius Trimble:

God loves you. There's nothing you can do about it. Sometimes

Bishop Julius Trimble:

we will say and we love you. There's nothing you can do about

Bishop Julius Trimble:

it. So we've received grace. And we can be instruments of grace

Bishop Julius Trimble:

by loving people without asking for as David said, application

Bishop Julius Trimble:

or aspiration. I use it. I use the illustration. I see if I can

Bishop Julius Trimble:

use my spiritual imagination. Got it. God has a printing press

Bishop Julius Trimble:

in heaven. And God is printing name tags, with everybody's name

Bishop Julius Trimble:

on it. And on the back of your name tag is stamp. God loves

Bishop Julius Trimble:

you. There's nothing you can do about it. And it says brand or

Bishop Julius Trimble:

when it says David or it says Cindy or it says Korean or is

Bishop Julius Trimble:

this Candice? Whatever. It's says every single person has a

Bishop Julius Trimble:

name, a name tag that God has printed that says you are loved.

Bishop Julius Trimble:

And there's nothing that doesn't require action of Congress or

Bishop Julius Trimble:

conference to change that. The prophet Jeremiah said, what God

Bishop Julius Trimble:

spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, and said, I love you with an

Bishop Julius Trimble:

everlasting love. So that's what I see. See graces, David's done

Bishop Julius Trimble:

a great job of talking about love, and you know, love, mate,

Bishop Julius Trimble:

love and love and flesh, love that love in the flesh and the

Bishop Julius Trimble:

sense of, you have to really see it take action, love as an

Bishop Julius Trimble:

action word. Forgiveness is something I think that we have

Bishop Julius Trimble:

neglected bred. And we really need to recover. And I thank God

Bishop Julius Trimble:

for you bringing that up. We, we pray it as a wrote prayer, in

Bishop Julius Trimble:

our religious ritual, you know, the Our Father who art in

Bishop Julius Trimble:

heaven, you know, forgive us our trespasses, and some

Bishop Julius Trimble:

translations, forgive us our debts, as we forgive our

Bishop Julius Trimble:

debtors, or forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive others

Bishop Julius Trimble:

who have trespass against us, or Jesus tells us that we ought to

Bishop Julius Trimble:

be forgiving, not just forgiving and loving, not just those whom

Bishop Julius Trimble:

we like, or whom we love, but even our enemies. And that's

Bishop Julius Trimble:

probably the hard work, the hard work of reconciliation is the is

Bishop Julius Trimble:

the outgrowth of true forgiveness.

Brad Miller:

I think the forgiveness pieces is a huge

Brad Miller:

piece of this, because I think the reality is, there's a lot of

Brad Miller:

hurt a lot of hurt feelings out there right now in our church,

Brad Miller:

and, man. And in order to get reconciliation, it's going to

Brad Miller:

take the hard work of forgiveness, asking for

Brad Miller:

forgiveness, and being contrite in many ways, and we can do it.

Brad Miller:

That's what our tradition is. But it ain't easy isn't it ain't

Brad Miller:

easy, and it's hard to teach that as well. I want to bring up

Brad Miller:

to one more thing I want to kind of conclude on this thought,

Brad Miller:

David, when jugglin, big, big trouble. And I talk oftentimes,

Brad Miller:

we had the theme of Bishop trembles theme is be encouraged.

Brad Miller:

So I'd like to ask you to share what is it you are encouraged

Brad Miller:

about right now, given all this conversation we've had, then my

Brad Miller:

ask Vishal trembled to pray us out here. So David, what are you

Brad Miller:



I'm encouraged, because when, when I can go and talk to


people and a little bit smaller setting, and have a little bit


more intimate time, I see lots of hope out there. And I talk


about how as we have the help of the Holy Spirit, we also have a


tremendous amount of help from our sisters and brothers in


Christ. You know, it takes us that when I can break through


that other shell of these other things getting in people's way,


and you can see smiles on faces that Yeah, yeah, we can get back


to that again. And you go and you visit a food pantry in some


little town, you see the people there and are coming together


and pull that together. I just see all those things out there


and say to myself, it's there, we just got to keep working our


way through it not forget that it's there. And not forget that


those voices are out there. And the sometimes not be overwhelmed


by maybe some of the loud voices that are overly influencing me,


and paying attention to some of the more quiet voices out there.


That in truly our dedicated mission in ministry. And I can't


forget about them either. And so they encouraged me, I just, I


just love having those names and walking out of there hearing the


stories of the things that are going on the people they've


reached, and what they're doing. So Brad, I'm not discouraged at


all. I'm a little discouraged how little work I'm getting done


in that vein, because I've got a job there. I'm not discouraged


by what's out there.

Brad Miller:

When I think of it I love that about the listening

Brad Miller:

to the stories and this and the small, quiet voices, a bishop

Brad Miller:

any closing comments you want to make and then perhaps a prayer

Brad Miller:

for us?

Bishop Julius Trimble:

Most certainly I want to thank Brad

Bishop Julius Trimble:

and and David for this rich and robust conversation. And for

Bishop Julius Trimble:

those who may hear this podcast, we certainly want to send a

Bishop Julius Trimble:

blessing to all of the people who received his podcast may

Bishop Julius Trimble:

indeed be a blessing to you. For the Bible says in First

Bishop Julius Trimble:

Corinthians, We are one body even though we are many members.

Bishop Julius Trimble:

But just as the body is one and has many members, and all the

Bishop Julius Trimble:

members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with

Bishop Julius Trimble:

Christ. And we often refer to in terms of the church as the body

Bishop Julius Trimble:

of Christ. So I think that's a that's a serious mantle to

Bishop Julius Trimble:

carry. If we are to reflect, reflect the love and personhood

Bishop Julius Trimble:

and power of Jesus Christ. We really must demonstrate those

Bishop Julius Trimble:

three words you ended us with grace, love and forgiveness. Let

Bishop Julius Trimble:

us pray. Oh God of grace and God of love and God, forgiveness.

Bishop Julius Trimble:

Pour your power of healing upon our world, upon your world, upon

Bishop Julius Trimble:

our neighbors, and upon our nations. Oh God, we pray, indeed

Bishop Julius Trimble:

that those who are lonely will find a friend in you and maybe

Bishop Julius Trimble:

find a friend in hearing this word of encouragement. You love

Bishop Julius Trimble:

us with an everlasting love. And we are thankful to be recipients

Bishop Julius Trimble:

of that grace. Now give us the strength and power To be

Bishop Julius Trimble:

instruments of Your grace, so that we might indeed love

Bishop Julius Trimble:

others, even the stranger in our midst. It is in Jesus name we

Bishop Julius Trimble:

pray, amen.

Brad Miller:

Amen. Our guest today on the United Methodist

Brad Miller:

people podcast with Reverend Dr. Brad Miller, Indiana area Bishop

Brad Miller:

Julius treble in Indiana lately Indiana conference lay leader,

Brad Miller:

David Johns. Thank you for joining us.




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