This week, Suzi is talking about money! And specifically 3 money mindset changes you will need if you want to both generate and keep money.
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Suzi Belmont is a multi 7 figure entrepreneur (15 years), therapist, coach, mental health and psychology expert known for ‘creating seismic shifts in women and entrepreneurs’, causing ‘quantum leaps in their abilities’ and ‘completely transforming confidence’ in her clients. Her work has been described by clients as ‘mind-blowing’, ‘like having a fairy godmother around’, ‘the most extraordinary coach’, ‘pure gold’ and ‘absolutely life changing’.
She blends her 15 years entrepreneurial experience with psychology, emotional intelligence, leadership, energetics, consciousness, early childhood development, trauma, mindset, neuroscience and a touch of ancient wisdom (she can read Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs fluently) to help you understand how you inner world REALLY operates so that you can harness it to create massive success as an entrepreneur.
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You're listening to the Inside Out Entrepreneur Podcast. Today's episode is all about your money mindset and three mindset changes you will need to address if you want to be more wealthy.
All right, buckle up, enjoy the ride. This is your time now. Okay, let's go.
Hi, I'm Suzi Belmont, a multiple seven figure entrepreneur with 15 years experience building and selling businesses, as well as being a psychology expert, qualified coach and therapist.
Think of this show as personal development for women like you who want to master your inner world in order to lead yourself to greater external success, whether that's in relationships, emotionally, in business or financially. So pull up your chair and get ready to change your life and your business from the inside out. This is the Inside Out Entrepreneur Podcast.
Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to another episode of the Inside Out Entrepreneur Podcast. And this week I am talking about about money, your money and your money mindset.
Specifically, I'm going to talk about three money mindset changes you will need to address if you want to be more wealthy, you want to have more income. And I'm guessing that if you're tuning into this week's episode based on the title, it might be that money is a bit of an issue for you right now.
Perhaps you are trapped in a bit of a hustle mentality, pattern, feeling like you can't get off a hamster wheel and doing things that you don't even like doing whilst not really making the money you want.
Or Perhaps you're working 247 in your business and then at the end of the month you think, this is it, this is all I've got to show for all of the work. Or perhaps you feel just plain broke or afraid of taking a risk because of the financial risks associated with moving forward.
Perhaps you've got some huge ambitions for your business and you can clearly see a vision for your future, but you just don't seem to be able to find enough time to get on with working on it or working on the growth because of all the things that you think have to be done that are taking up your time.
Or perhaps you're just really afraid to go all in because you're worried you won't make the money and that kind of feels painful, so you avoid doing anything so that you can avoid those painful feelings. Perhaps you sometimes feel like giving up because you just can't seem to get to the next level.
Perhaps you're so busy that you're having to turn away customers and yet you're not seeing enough financial return for that level of business.
Or perhaps you've become scared to spend any money or invest in yourself or your future business education because you're so focused right now on not having enough money.
And I give all of these examples because perhaps you know that the real problem is with you and your mindset and your energetics, but you can't quite get yourself to a place where you feel justified in spending money on what you know you need to do to progress through this stage, perhaps because of years of training and belief systems that make you think that it's what you do that matters. And it isn't, you know, that it's who you are that really matters to how successful you are in what you do.
So let me give you a quick example of that.
If you take two people who are both building online courses or online coaching businesses, and they both have the strategy and they both have the tools to do the business. So let's assume that they are equal in their skills and their tools and their strategy. Person A is absolutely confident it will work.
They believe that they will make all of the money, and energetically, they know that they are 100% a match for the income that they desire. All of their small actions in their business are based on that. And you can imagine the kind of actions they would then take.
Person B, on the other hand, doubts the business will work. They're not really sure if they should be showing up or not.
They don't really want to invest any time or money in understanding why, and all of their small actions are based on that. Who do you think is going to get the better external financial money results? Yep, it's Person A.
You see, your financial success, the money you make is 100% dependent on what is happening emotionally and internally in your inner world. So today, my friends, we're going to be continuing talking about money and your business and more specifically, your money mindset.
How are the small decisions you make about money having huge unwanted repercussions in your business? And what can you do about that? That's what I'm really going to address today.
I'm going to show you some of the money mindset shifts and why you need to make them to improve the health of your business. And I wanted to talk about this as a topic because it comes up a lot with people that I work with.
You see mindset around business and money is the very thing that is usually stopping you from moving forward and growing in areas of your business. It is like you started out with all these great ideas, but somehow you've ended up in a bit of a glass box and you just can't find your way out.
And if you get trapped inside your own glass prison and then even the act of making a decision starts to cause you to feel paralyzed, you can't move forward. And you often then don't know why, because it's quite hard to see what's going on from the inside.
You actually almost need somebody else to look at you from the outside and say, I can see it. This is where I come in. As a coach and a mentor for lots of my clients, I can see what they can't see. And here is the really scary bit about this.
And this is the reason behind this week's podcast.
If this is sounding familiar to you and you don't break the pattern, before you know it, 15 years will pass and you will look back at your business and you will realize that you've been running it a little bit like a job that employed you. You would have gone in each and every day, day in, day out, and done things on a list, tick things off a list and gone home.
And at the end of those 15 years, you won't have achieved what you set out to do when you had your original business idea because you were too busy firefighting all of the time.
On all of the other issues that come up, a lot of which are money mindset based, for 15 years, you will have underachieved on all those original goals. And yet the fix. I hate that word fix, but I'm going to use it now.
The fix to this is so simple, but something you absolutely have to commit to within yourself. It's about investing in yourself and deciding it is time to change things that sabotage you.
Because when you do that, when you decide to change these things and you get some tools and strategies to do it, you stop sabotaging your income and your money and your life. So if this is all resonating with you, keep on listening as I'm going to be talking about two things. Number one, what is a money mindset?
Because it's really important. We all know we're talking about the same thing here.
And number two, what money mindset beliefs are really specific to female entrepreneurs getting stuck?
And how can you shift those thoughts, those things that are happening, so that you adjust and break patterns to enable you to grow your business and make better choices, both about the challenges that you face in your business today and also the ones coming in the future.
By the end of this podcast, you should feel more equipped to direct your business from the right mindset when it comes to managing money and growth within your business.
Before we start though, it is time to make someone a little bit more famous and read out the review of the week, which this week comes from a listener on Apple Podcasts called I love this name. Cruella Deville, 18 who says that's such a cool name? Who says this podcast is one of the best resources for entrepreneurs?
I have followed Suzi since her daughter Wren was 4. That is to say, since before the sabbatical Suzy took.
I appreciate the clarity with which she presents her ideas and it already has helped me a lot in my entrepreneur journey. I am so glad she's back and moreover with a touch of neuroscience in her podcast.
This is a field which has taken my interest to in the past couple of years and it is great to learn how I can apply it in both my personal and business life. I totally recommend Suzy's podcasts to my closest friends and to the whole world out there. And that's the end of her review.
And thank you Cruella Deville, 18, for a brilliant review. I see from your review on Apple Podcasts you are from Romania and I remember one of my former clients a long, long time ago was from Romania.
So if that is you, if you are a former client, do reach out, drop me a dm, send me an email and say hi. Identify yourself if you want to.
You don't have to of course, but it's always just nice to get back in contact with former clients and I hope that you will also find this week's episode really helpful to you too. Okay, so back to money mindset. And the first thing to cover is what exactly is a money mindset?
You see, a lot of people assume money mindset is all about thinking and thinking positively or changing your beliefs about money. But it's not just that. Money mindset in really simple terms has two aspects.
The first is that it refers to your beliefs and attitude to money and your financials and it is your attitude that will drive your decisions, the decisions that you make about money and your business every single day. The second, though, which is less well known, is that money is also about energetics, your frequency and what you are an energetic match for.
In really simple terms.
Just to explain this at really high level, think of money as a high frequency thing and then think about whether you as an entrepreneur are operating at a high or a low frequency. Because when those two things are out of alignment you have a mismatch and then you end up with a lack of money.
Now I have a saying that I often use, which I think would be really useful here. It is common to hear the phrase you are what you think, or the phrase your thoughts become your reality.
In part that is true, but in truth my belief is that your energetic frequency is the real source of your reality, especially when it comes to money. So at this point, if you're thinking, well, okay, Suzi, but money is money. It's not rocket science. You either have it or you don't.
The decision is just a decision. End of story.
You may not realize until you've listened to all of this podcast that your decisions are based on your underlying deeply ingrained thinking about financials and and that is probably what's causing you to end up broke.
Despite the huge amount of effort that you're putting into your business, these deeply ingrained thinking patterns are actually further rooted in energetic patterns below that thinking.
Some of these deeply ingrained core patterns I refer to as money survival patterns and I have an entire program about this and helping you release these money survival patterns. For now though, let's dive into some of these really easy and small changes you can make when it comes to money and your mindset around money.
And as per many of the lessons in my podcasts, I have a little story to demonstrate what I mean about money mindset.
You see, this year, James, my husband, for those of you who don't know him, James and I decided that we were going to sell our central Bath Georgian townhouse and observing other people's money mindset blocks around this was really fascinating.
My starting point was that I've always been a good investor in property and we've actually made about £400,000 profit in three years on this particular profit. And I wanted to capitalize on that. I wanted to sell it, buy a doer upper and do the same thing again, but on a bigger scale.
And we ended up finding the right property. But due to the cost of construction going up in the in the UK over the past few years, it was going to be a lot more expensive than we thought.
But still we were really happy to proceed. But it was really interesting observing how other people, estate agents and other people around us were talking about what we were doing.
We knew that the place we wanted to buy was nearly seven acres and it had multiple opportunities for passive income and cottages and all sorts of things going on there that would have been really, really good for us to do. And it exactly what we wanted to do.
But all of the people we spoke to were so full of negativity and scarcity thinking and ultimately we had to actually remove ourselves from those conversations where this was happening because it was really hard for us to level up financially when everyone around us was thinking from a place of scarcity, was thinking that everything was going to fail, there was thinking that everything was going to be too expensive. And a lot of the messaging we were getting was that money was going to run out.
They were acting like, well, if you buy this, you won't make enough money. And I was responding to this saying, there's always more money, you can always make more money.
So it was a really important reminder, and I mentioned this at the beginning, that you've got to be really careful who you listen to when it comes to money mindset. You've got to think about is that person just really negative and really scarce in their way of thinking? And is that rubbing off on me?
I could give you lots of other examples that where I've had these conversations where I've actually ended up saying to clients or to friends or to other people, what would you say if you weren't coming from a place of scarcity?
And it usually changes their answer now on that property story, as it turns out, the sale ultimately actually fell through for completely different reasons and we were absolutely gutted.
But I also live in a place of possibility and I think that it probably fell through because there's a bigger possibility or a better possibility coming for me. I just don't know what that is yet. And I will wait for it to manifest.
The point of the story, however, was to highlight those conversations with the people around us. It's such a reminder that most, and I mean most people around you who are not entrepreneurial in their mindset may have quite severe money blocks.
And to be really clear with yourself on understanding where your boundaries are here and who you listen to, because when you're an entrepreneur, you have to be careful not to listen to non entrepreneurs when it comes to money. There's some really stark examples here.
If I, if I sit myself in a group of people who are employed in average jobs, they will talk quite often from a place of scarcity and lack around money.
If I sit with a group of people who are entrepreneurs running their own business, they quite often talk as if there's no end to the amount of money that they can make. And you can see how sitting in those two different groups will change how you think about money.
So are you listening to and taking advice from people who've walked the walk you want to walk yourself, or are you listening to people who are Too scared to walk that walk and they're trying to put you off. It matters because your money mindset will be influenced by those that you listen to the most.
So you might have to be the trailblazer and the one who says, you know what? This conversation isn't for me. I'm going to take a different path and I'm going to listen to other people.
And then you get to choose who those people that you listen to are.
You see, the choices you make in your life and in your business are all based on your thoughts about money and your future where money is concerned, a mentality that is based in fear, lack and scarcity and beliefs that money will run out, beliefs that investing in you or your growth won't pay off, beliefs that you will never make enough money will create a future of exactly that fear, lack and total scarcity.
Whereas a mindset that focuses on being abundant and money being abundant and a belief that there is plenty of money in the world, that more money will come if you spend money, that money doesn't run out, and that you can always make more money, but just FYI, you can never make more time that changes your actions. This belief that you can always make more money changes your actions. Can you see how those two mindsets are so diametrically opposed?
And for you, the belief that is stronger is always going to be the one that wins. It's always going to be the one that dictates the future of your life and your business. It's as plain and simple as that.
What you believe is often what you become or what you go on to achieve. It's really, really powerful stuff.
So that's a little bit of an explanation of the importance of money mindset and what money mindset is and how it's connected to deeply rooted beliefs in your day to day decisions. And I haven't spoken at all really about the energetics of money, the deeper energetic side.
And what I want to do now and for the rest of the podcast is just go through these three mindset beliefs and how you can address them and deal with them. So there's going to be three between now and the end of the podcast. So mindset number one, this is when you focus on scarcity way too much.
So we touched upon this already in the preceding section.
But if you do this, if you focus on scarcity, it means that you probably spend a lot of your time thinking that money is scarce, that it's hard to make, that it may run out, that there's just not enough to go around. And as a result, your business and your life decisions will all be based on those fundamental beliefs about scarcity.
Whether you're thinking about it or not, it will become embedded into your system. And this mindset, as I've mentioned already, quite literally keeps you broke.
Because if you live your life with a scarcity mindset, it doesn't matter whether you make £1,000amonth or a million pounds a month for you, it will never be enough. You will still worry that it will run out and it's still not enough. You will still feel broke.
Even when you live in a seven bedroom house with a swimming pool and a tennis court and a golf course, you will live your life in fear that you will run out of money. So you will then not like spending it. You won't invest in yourself.
You'll just focus on trying to hold onto it really tightly and hold on to what you have. And you'll end up taking as few risks as you can, especially when it comes to business.
Now you can see how this will inhibit your growth if this is during your journey. As I said to my eldest son Barnaby just this morning, money is simply an amplifier.
So if you are in a place where you are feeling like money's not scarce, if you're happy and if you're abundant now, then when you have more money, you'll just amplify that. If you are miserable and focused on lack and focused on what you don't have, money will just simply amplify that as well.
In fact, in that case, you end up in the more money, more problems mindset. But that's a different topic. So how do I know this? Well, this was and sometimes still is me when I let my mindset get out of focus.
I don't come from money. My parents were not wealthy. Money was tough and money was never spare. My Nana, who I spent most of my time with as a child, was extremely poor.
She was from the East End of London and her husband died when My dad was 12. So I remember my nana working three jobs just to make ends meet. But she always said to me, we're rich, Suzi, we're rich.
And that was her outlook on life. She felt rich. She felt that anything was possible. And this had a huge impact on me, an absolutely massive impact on me.
Because some of that scarcity, scarcity mindset was removed because of the way that she acted around money, even though actually, objectively speaking, she didn't have that much. Despite my entire family, my, the rest of my family, my mom and My dad, et cetera, always being in this place of scarcity all of their lives.
My Nana's impact on me was that I was essentially wealthy, even if I didn't have the proof at the time. And so I took action based on those inner core beliefs. And over time those actions added up.
I now live in a house worth two and a half million pounds and all of it's come from me and James believing in ourselves. We also own investment property as well and it all comes from this money mindset that we have.
But, and this is really important, if my mindset slips into scarcity mode, which it does sometimes, do you know what I do? I start to worry.
I start to convince myself that maybe I won't be able to afford the bills, maybe the government is going to mess things up again, maybe Brexit or the economy will implode things.
And I have a little panic and think, oh man, we should probably sell this, this house and get a smaller house and have more ca cash available and less assets. Maybe we shouldn't have bought this house in the first place. And I feel nervous about the future.
A scarcity mindset can quite literally make me want to sell my house. That is how powerful your mind can be.
And then when this happens, I have to do my own money mindset work and I have to work on my own money patterns because it's always ongoing work. Life is not static and things change and your energy changes.
So reworking your beliefs as the world changes and as I change is all part of the ongoing inner work. As you change, it's ongoing inner work that you have to maintain in order to maintain your outer success.
And when you do that work, when you work from an abundant mindset, you have thoughts like, well, if the economy gets worse, that doesn't stop me making more money. Or as I said to a client recently, you can always make more money.
I know this sounds simple, but entrepreneurs so often forget that you can always make more money. And it's not always as difficult as we make it. It is about our inner capacity to make and hold money rather than whether the money is always there.
It's always there. You just can't always see it because you're not resonating at that frequency.
There is so much money in the world, but so many people don't attract it, don't resonate with it because of the inner world beliefs and because of their inner energetic blocks. Now I will tell you another story about my business and the impact of a scarcity mindset in the design of your business as well.
repreneurial business back in:I was convinced that the money I was making was a fluke that the bubble would burst, that the customers would disappear, that it would all come crashing down. And my mindset was so firmly in scarcity mode that I actually focused my entire business as being a short term thing.
I woke up each morning thinking, well, today my business will probably end. And imagine what that did to my ability to plan the future of my business, what it did to my enjoyment of the business.
I never even considered the future. I never planned what it would be like 10 years later. I never did any thinking like that because I never believed it would work.
And that scarcity mindset got me trapped for quite a little time, not knowing what to do. And it took money mindset work to help with this, to fix this.
It was only when I started to believe that my business could be huge, despite the odds being stacked against me because it was such a niche industry and I had very young kids and I lived in the middle of nowhere and all these sorts of things.
It was only when I changed my mindset and I started to make changes as a result of that in my business that I started impacting the money that I was making. And it wasn't then long until I made my first seven figures. Now, these days running a business, I'm also constantly working on my money mindset.
In the early stages of a business, it's not so much about the money, but the sustainability. In other words, can you sustain your vision and belief and keep going long enough until you manifest what you intend to?
So many people just give up as they're about to make the money, literally just as they're on the cusp of making money.
And what this stage is about is holding out long enough when you're not making the money, knowing that you will make money as long as you keep going, as long as you listen to the data and the feedback and you pivot things accordingly. You don't just keep hammering on the same bits that are not working. If they're not working, you've got to trust.
You've got to know yourself well enough to trust. So now I've said all of that, what do you do if your mind tends to lean towards scarcity thinking? The answer is really simple.
You need to retrain your thinking so that you create an abundance mindset instead of a scarcity one. Now it's simple to say it's not always simple to do, not on your own. Sometimes you have to get a bit of support to do this.
But as I say, awareness is everything. Awareness is the first step. So imagine this scenario. Think about yourself for a moment.
Picture yourself waking up in bed tomorrow morning and looking at your bank statement on your mobile app and saying, I am so broke, I can never afford what I want. Imagine right now how that makes you feel when you hear those words, I'm so broke I can't afford anything. How does that feel?
Where do you feel that in your body? It feels kind of depressing for me. That feels like a sinking in my stomach and that would set my day on a low ebb if that's how I started the day.
If you were in that frame of mind, you'd have to kind of drag yourself up and kickstart with some kind of motivation to get stuff done. And it would be so easy when you're in that place to think, oh, this is not worth it, maybe I should just get a real job. Now imagine the same.
You waking up tomorrow morning and looking at your bank statement and saying, I am so grateful for the income that I have so far and I know that there's more coming. I know my finances will improve if I just keep going. Or right now, I have the exact money I'm meant to have. Money is easy to make.
I don't need to work harder to create more money. I just need to work smarter. Imagine how that changes the start of your day, how that changes your outlook, your vision and your motivation.
Now imagine that you had that abundant mindset every single morning for the next year. Can you see how much that would change your motivation and therefore how much that would impact your business?
These small changes are too easy to push off as woo woo and woo woo thinking. But actually your brain is so powerful that you can harness that power in a positive way and it can really start to change your life.
If you listen to a sentence like, I always have enough money and it throws up for you a ton of objections and your mind says, no, I don't, Suzi, no I don't at all, then that's going to be your starting point. If I say to you, making money is easy and you immediately think, no, it isn't, no it isn't, Suzi, then that's going to be your starting point.
Because your beliefs about money become your reality, your frequency around money becomes your reality. You will subconsciously make your scarcity thoughts become your real life.
Conversely, if you work with abundant thoughts, that money comes to you easily that starts to become your life as well.
If you think money is difficult to make, it reveals a belief that you doubt your abilities, you doubt your skills, you doubt your customers want to buy from you, and that impacts how you market what you do and ultimately whether you even want to get out of bed in the morning and market yourself or your business at all.
So to help you with this and changing those scarcity thoughts into abundance thoughts, I've created a money mindset challenge guide that gives you some help with this. You can take a look, print it out, stick it on the wall, put it on your desk, wherever you want to put it.
And I think one of the advantages of this is when you see it all in black and white, as well as listening to it, it becomes even more powerful and it really makes you think. So if you want to get that download, just go to podcast 10 that's the numbers 10 so podcast 10.
I will also put that link in the show notes on the podcast player platforms and also on the blog post that goes with this episode over on my website.
Talking of the website, if you're over there anyway, also have a look out for the Inside Out Wisdom series because that is something that will really also boost your self belief and your self worth around manifesting things in your future and just maintaining that higher frequency. There's a series there you can find in the footer of the website called the Inside Out Wisdom. You can read about what it is when you go over there.
It's totally free, it uses no more than 20 seconds of your day up and it's awesome. I know from people who've been using it for the past few months that it's massively changing things in their lives. So go have a look.
You'll find that really quite powerful. Okay, so let's go on to money mindset change number two.
This is where you have to start to understand that you have to let go of the past for you to change your money mindset. You have to stop holding onto beliefs that don't serve you anymore. And yep, I completely hear you here.
Changing your past beliefs about money is not always a walk in the park. You will fall off the bandwagon a few times and it is ongoing work, not a one time when you're done kind of thing.
So the question is, are you willing and ready to make a decision to break past patterns, to deal with unresolved money patterns and past trauma around money and to move forward rather than existing based on past beliefs? Because it really is a difference between existing and living. If you're not ready and you're not willing to make the changes, you won't do it.
A lot of money mindset work that I do with my clients is subconscious work. But we don't ignore the conscious mind. The conscious brain plays a big part too.
And so if your conscious brain is not willing to get on board with this, you won't succeed. So let me tell you another story to illustrate what I mean here.
Remember back in episode one of the podcast and I told you about how one of my brothers died when he was 27? He was a heroin addict and he was a twin.
And I can remember sitting in my mum's house a few hours after it all happened and looking at my remaining brother, who was, as you can imagine as a twin, so devastated that he had lost his twin. And he was there, he was present in the room, but he wasn't really there. He was in his own thoughts. He was somewhere else.
But even at that time, I still remember turning to him, and for just a few moments, I wasn't 100% sympathetic. I was determined. And I think there's a big difference and there's a time and a place.
And this just felt intuitively like it was going to be the only time that he might hear these words. I was frustrated and I looked at him and I said in a really direct tone, you know, the drugs have caused Nick to pay the ultimate price. He's dead.
He's gone because of the drug, because of the past trauma that they were the resource for, because of not facing the inner wounds that they were causing him to reach out for an external resource. And he was finding that in drugs. And there was no blame in what I was saying, no blame at all. He didn't have the knowledge that we do now.
He didn't have the resources. But I looked at my brother and I said, if you do anything, anything at all right now, please do this. Please decide that now it is your time.
Decide it is your time now.
Decide that today you will start to work on breaking these old patterns, that you will stop reliving the same patterns from the past over and over again, that you can be resolved and determined to change your mind, to change your beliefs, to change what you are here to do on this earth, on your limited time here, to change your friends, if that's what it takes to change your outlook, if that's what it takes to change your future. Because if you don't, your brother died for nothing. And you will go exactly the same way. It's a choice.
And I just looked at him and said, are you willing to make that choice?
Back then I didn't have the knowledge that I now have about trauma and trauma patterns, which I build into my courses these days and my coaching and I do a lot more somatic work alongside the mindset. But back then, 20 years ago, my intuition told me to say those words.
And honestly, honestly, part of me was thinking, holy shit, Suzi, maybe this is not the time to be this harsh because your brother is really broken here. But the other half was saying, if you don't tell him now, he will die too. And it was what was needed.
He had assumed and he had learnt from his life back then that life was happening to him, that he didn't have any choice, that he had no agency, that he had no part to play in the future, that it was all just going to happen to him. But my words, albeit that they were harsh at the time, were coming from a different place.
I was approaching this knowing life happens for you and you do actually have choices. They're not always the choices you want to make, they're not always easy.
And my gosh, he had to go on a hard journey to get to where he then had to get to. But you know what? He did it. My surviving brother, he's called Simon, he did do it. He stopped that day.
He started to work on his belief, he started to change his inner belief that he, he couldn't give up and that it was just all happening to him. He started to change his identity.
He was identifying as a heroin addict and a lot of work beyond that which had to take place to help him with that identity happened, which I won't detail here, but in short, he changed his identity, he changed his beliefs, he cleaned up his life, he moved, he cut off his druggie friends, he used the grief that he had to ensure that his brother didn't die for nothing. By changing his own life, he changed everything and he removed all of the things in his life that were causing that destructive way of living.
And now he's coming up to 20 plus years free of drugs. He could have made any change at any time, but for him, it took the shock of losing his twin brother that made him question his beliefs about life.
It was a wake up call for him at the time.
And so my challenge to you as someone who's looking at your money mindset, at your business, at your beliefs, at your life, if you know it's not what you want, if you know something is not right if you know that it's causing you to self sabotage. Why are you waiting for a really big wake up call to take action? Why don't you do it now?
You don't need to wait for the serious worst case scenario death level wake up call to change something. You can choose to work on yourself, you can choose to work on your inner world right now. You can get coaching from me, from anyone, doesn't matter.
From whoever you choose, from whoever you resonate with.
You can take the step to put your name on a waitlist or a program, or put money aside for a program, or save up, put aside 25%, make a plan for how you're going to do it, or just buy the program if you can. Something as simple as listening to me right now could be your wake up call.
If this is resonating with you, it could be your time, your time to choose to do it, to be, to literally be who you're going to be. Because what are you waiting for? You can't be that person in the future if you're not that person right now.
Today might be the day that you stop letting your old beliefs, your old patterns rule your future. From today on, you may say, you know what?
From today I'm going to pay attention and I'm going to start to acknowledge that I matter, that I deserve wealth, that I'm the one who makes this happen, that I'm the one who chooses the next step I make. Whether that is putting money aside for a program, joining a waitlist, booking a coaching course, getting your own coach.
Whatever it is, it's one step, it's one choice, it's one decision that you matter. And it's from that same strength that you will find the resource that you need to move forward and let go of your past.
When it comes to money mindset, you have to grab it by the horns and change it. As a child, you may have heard so many things that have led to your beliefs about money.
Perhaps your parents said things like money doesn't grow on trees, or money is the root of all evil, or the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Or perhaps you now tell yourself, I'm no good with money, or I don't have what it takes to be wealthy.
All these things you need to recode within your very core, which is what I help you do in my programs. But you can't do those programs unless you make a choice that you matter.
When you work from a place of abundance and positive abundance, that money can and does work for you. It's a game changer. It's how you start the ball rolling. Even now.
You could take a really small step and do something like create your own whiteboard on your wall with your new matrix of money beliefs that you want to have.
You may not be able to cut out the negative people around you in your life and in your environment right now, but you can control your own mind and that is your power. You can decide that you matter. You can decide to invest in you.
You can decide that you are the one who creates your own future and you have everything it takes already to do it. It is your time now. How are you going to put yourself first More Take that example of the matrix of money beliefs that you've written down.
If you've created a matrix that's just full of limiting beliefs, that will be your point of reference when you make any decisions. So make a matrix full of positive money mindset.
Write your beliefs down or use the download that I've created for this podcast10 to help you identify some of your limiting beliefs. Right now. It is about letting go of the past and focusing on your future from today. And you will hear me say this a lot. You matter.
So start acting like you do.
Make that whiteboard from paper sheets if you need to, but make it so big that you see it every day and it reminds you what you want to believe and how you are going to approach money so that it works for you and your business to build the income that you want and to get you started with some really good supportive beliefs for that whiteboard. As I say, have a look at the download.
There's a part two to the download where I've set out some of the positive affirmations I've used myself to change my money mindset over the years. And that' podcast 10. I will put that in the show notes so you've got it.
And in the blog post for this podcast on my website you can use that list to build your own framework for a new money mindset to slowly re educate yourself and to give you a strong new set of money mindset beliefs to keep you on track. Okay, let's go on to the final money mindset shift for this podcast, which is number three.
And this is to stop blaming other people and other situations and to start to take control yourself now. Okay, this is a tough one, but I'm not going to sugarcoat this. Your financial problems are no one else's fault.
Yes, if times are tough, you can blame the economy. You can blame politicians, all of them, if you want. You can blame Brexit, you can blame Donald Trump, you can blame anything you want to.
We can all find ammunition there for a destabilized economy if we want to. Look, you can blame your background, you can blame your family, you can blame your customers and say that they won't pay your prices.
You can blame the lack of time you have. You can blame anything you can think of. The list goes on.
You can also fall into shame and allow yourself to feel ashamed of money, to allow that shame to let you feel small and unimportant, to allow money shame to keep your prices low so you don't get rejected by people saying no to higher prices, and so on and so on. But ultimately, if you do that, that victim mindset, that shaming, blaming mindset is going to get you nowhere at all.
If you want to be successful, you've got to stop blaming your circumstances. You can't fall into shame as a default.
If you want to be successful, focus instead on changing your circumstances by changing your mindset and your energetic frequency around that. And again, I would remind you here that you have to be compassionate. You won't deal with shame and blame by getting angry. You need to get curious.
What are the patterns you have? Where are you being a victim? Where are you stuck in shame?
And sometimes those wounds are really deep and they need a lot more subconscious and energetic work, which is what I do, as I've mentioned a million times in my programs. But for now, for this free podcast, you can start.
You can start to compassionately assess yourself honestly instead of giving up at the first sign of failure. Analyze what is not working, break it down, figure it out. Take responsibility for working out where the blocks are.
Take responsibility for making any changes you can in your business rather than just turning up like an employee every day and doing the tasks on your list even though you actually know they're not moving the needle in your business. Be honest about that. Take responsibility for doing things that evidence the fact that you do matter.
Instead of putting all of your energy into complaining and finding other people to complain with. Be the one who breaks free from your complaining group. Be the one who says, actually, no, I'm not going to do things like that.
I am going to change my outlook on what life has served me and be grateful for what I have got, but also build onto it with more. If you focus on what you can control little by little, that Starts to manifest in things that work and more success in your business and your life.
Little changes, little things that you can be grateful for. Little progress is what moves the needle because it compounds over time. And I will tell you a story here.
And like the story of my brother dying, it's another one around dying. I think maybe we learn some of our biggest lessons about life when someone we know is losing or has lost theirs.
It is a time when we look at things with more objectivity. We realize life is short and there's not much time to get on with it. And sometimes that is the kickstart that we need. But back to my story.
Back in:Her death was not easy for my husband at all.
But it was made even more difficult because her choice was, and we respected her choice was to have assisted suicide in Switzerland because she knew that her death was inevitable and she knew she was going to suffer. She was an incredibly brave lady, I think one of the bravest women I have ever known because that is one hell of a decision to have to make.
But her assisted suicide was also scheduled the same week as our wedding. As you can imagine, that was a rollercoaster of emotions that James and I had to deal with.
The happiest and the saddest days of his life, just a few days apart. And at that time, I just wanted to be at home. I didn't want to work, I didn't care about my job at that particular time.
I didn't care about my clients, I didn't care about my boss. I had too much other stuff going on. So I went to ask for time off so I could support my husband, who was in a really bad way at that time.
And I think I asked for something like four or six weeks away from the office to deal with the assisted suicide period, to deal with the wedding which had to be moved around or the wedding didn't, but the honeymoon got moved and all of the changes that had to be made, like rescheduling every single thing that had been organized and so on. And my boss replied at the time. And her reply is etched on my brain. It always will be.
She said, this firm cannot carry the financial burden of your family misfortune. Now, whilst she was sympathetic, she was clear it was not the firm's problem, it was not their fault. Why should she Pay me during this time.
They were not to blame, so I could not have the time off. Now, whether I agree with that approach or not is neither here nor there. I would say that I wouldn't have had the same approach if I was the boss.
But that's not what I'm focusing on here. What I'm focusing on is, despite my anger at the lack of compassion at the time, I also learned a huge lesson from this. It is no one else's fault.
Life sometimes deals you lemons and sometimes you have to make that choice. You can sit and look at those lemons in a bowl crying until they go rotten.
You can complain about someone else's lack of compassion or unfair attitude to you.
You can start an argument with them or a complaint with them, or you can pick up the lemons and say, right, how am I going to make these crappy lemons into lemonade? How do I work with what I have, even if it's only a really small thing? And how do I make that into something big?
How do I make this work for me, even if it feels like no one else is supporting me? How do I make me matter and raise myself and lead myself forward? How do I lead myself to my next level of greatness?
How do I say, I am it, I am the one, I am the vision of my own future and I am going to mold me and my beliefs and my energetic frequency to fit with what I visualize, not with what happened in the past. And this is a mindset shift. And this mindset shift in my own story served me well.
I still use it now when I'm really tired or when business gets on top of me. The fastest mindset shift for me is to fall back into thinking it's because of X, Y, Z that that happened.
But I've learned to train my mind into thinking. This is where it stops. Looking at the facts and then stopping before I focus on the blame. Because it gets you nowhere.
Sometimes you know that someone else was unfair, someone else was mean, disrespectful, wrong. They did the wrong thing. Sometimes they did something downright awful. Sometimes they did something illegal.
If you see that it was their fault and you just focus all of your energy or anger and negativity towards them for years and years and years. You never move forward and you keep yourself broke. If you know that it was XYZ that was to blame, but you chose to move on.
You have ultimate power, focusing on what you can control and the choices you can make and stopping any focus on blaming Everyone else and the things that you can't control is a mindset shift that can get you through the toughest of days in your business and in your life. You see, here's the thing. Sometimes, in fact, oftentimes, you have to choose inner peace.
And that might mean walking away and resisting the urge to fight every battle just to prove that you were right. If you are right, you are right. So move on. You can't drag the wrong person with you or make them change. You can only change you and your future.
And you know what? If you do that, that will impact the person that you might be frustrated with so much more.
As they see you fly, as they see you succeed, as they see you soar to your greatest potential, they won't have any more control. Because you control that. You control you. You control your future and you control your income. You are literally everything you need.
And if you put half the energy into building you from the inside out, as you did on all of the other things in your life right now, you'd be wealthier, wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Because you can. You literally can.
And I'm going to stop at this point or this episode will fry my ADHD listener's brain because it's going to get too long.
Because I've been talking for a long time this week and there are numerous other mindset shifts that you can make that will help you grow and nourish a more healthy money mindset when it comes to your business and indeed your life. So in the download to this podcast, I will add an additional list of ways to transform your money mindset.
Just remember, you can find that podcast 10 in addition, something I've not spoken much about in this episode, or in any of the episodes actually, is that I have a program all about money mindset, work and the energetics of money, which is a much deeper dive into how you do all of this.
If you want to get on the waitlist for that, or if you're listening to this at some point in the future and it's already been released, then head on over to the Work with me and look for a course called Inside Out Money. Just add your name there. Okay, that is it for me this week and I hope you have found this podcast, provoke some thoughts for you.
Keep on being the good person that you are. Keep on looking forward and asking yourself, why is life happening for you? You keep on being you.
And of course, if you found this podcast or any of them helpful. Do take a screenshot of you listening to the episode and post it on Stories on Instagram and tag me in it.
Or, as I always say, you can post a review on Apple Podcasts or a comment on Spotify. I recently found a couple actually on Apple podcasts that I didn't know existed.
So if you do a review, please feel free to let me know by tagging me somewhere or dming me or whatever you choose to do. Sometimes it's that's easier than me trying to find them on the interwebs.
Anyway, I will put a link to where you can do reviews underneath the podcast in the Show Notes, and also over on the podcast page on my website. Finally, Finally. Remember, you matter and only you can change the future. It is all your choice. See you next week. Bye.