Would you love to get more engagement on your social media posts from your potential clients rather than people in your industry?
If so, you’ll love this chat with dog trainer coach Erin Moore about how create content for pet parents rather than pet professionals.
It’s for you if you feel like your social media is an echo chamber.
Where you get more interest on posts from other pet professionals - who won’t ever need to buy your services.
When it’s actually pet owners who you want to attract.
Erin and I chat about how to navigate this, and why it’s key for you to market to potential clients rather than squabble with other pet pros.
Key topics and timings in this episode:
1.40 - About Erin and what she does in the pet industry
2.00 - Erin’s background and how she got to be where she is now
5.30 - Erin talks me through the steps she followed to get where she is now
8.30 - Why Erin became a coach
10.00 - Erin shares what dog trainers find most challenging when marketing their businesses
13.30 - Erin shares why dog trainers shouldn’t slag other trainers off online
18:00 - We talk about how blowing out someone else's candles doesn’t make yours burn any brighter
22:00 - The impact of getting into spats with other dog trainers
25.00 - Erin shares what dog trainers need to be posting to attract clients
27.55 - What’s the most helpful advice for dog trainers
37.00 - Erin’s advice to people who want to take the first step in marketing their pet business
38.23 - Why it’s important to come out and admit you’re wrong if you’ve made a mistake
43:40 - Where you can find more about Erin
Links mentioned in this episode:
Head to Erin's website: www.dogbizcoach.com
Check out her podcast: https://www.dogbizcoach.com/podcast
Find her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/erinmoorebel