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Podcast# 244 Lies and Deception: How do you Know, I'm not a Goddamn Liar?
Episode 2444th August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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Lies and Deception: How do you know, I'm not a Goddamn Liar?

Hello, everybody, thank you for tuning in. This is episode number 244, where we discuss lies and deception. How do you know that I'm not a goddamn liar?

The Reality of Lies

If there's one thing that most people hate, it's a liar. We all lie on some level, from little white lies that seem harmless to lies that affect the broader community or even the whole world. These are what I refer to as the goddamn lies.

The Media and Lies

The media often grows and expands stories, sometimes from the smallest, most innocuous thing. Some of these stories can be seen as quite legitimate, but others are artificially created, which is a tragedy in itself.

The Power of Perspective

Different media outlets, like MSNBC and Fox News, can give vastly different interpretations of the same event. The truth of whatever is really going on is often somewhere between both extreme positions.

The Danger of Manufactured Views

The most destructive lies are those that are deliberately manufactured. We need to be on guard against these lies.

The War in Ukraine

One of the things we are watching very closely in America is the war in Ukraine. This conflict is essentially a dick-waving contest between two narcissistic leaders, costing countless lives and money.

The Situation in Mexico

Another hot-button issue in America is the situation in Mexico. This issue is much more relevant and serious for us in America than the war in Ukraine.

The Media's Role in Deception

The modern media has zero interest in truth. It does what it is told as far as the narrative is concerned and also does what is most profitable.

The Truth

So, how do you know I am not a goddamn liar? Because unlike what's been pre-digested and put forth by the media, I am giving you a third rail, which in my opinion, is much closer to the truth.

Remember, always question the narrative and seek the truth.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 hello everybody thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 244. lies and deception how do you know that I'm not a goddamn liar now if there is one thing that most people hate it's a liar for so many reasons wasting time effort energy money all that well if there's one thing that I am absolutely not lying to you about right at this moment is that I am sick I did not make my normal recording on Wednesday

01:04 and I apologize for that but whatever um got a hold of me has gotten a hold of me pretty good and so my my chest is um well you probably can detect that I don't exactly sound as normal as I do that's the reason I've been coughing for four days and uh got it coming out the front and I got problems coming out the rear so anyway I wanted to do the best that I could do and so I am here what is left of me for this time I'm not even 50 I figure but regardless as they say The Show Must Go On so we'll try to tell you something

02:05 interesting or thought provoking nothing Earth shattering because quite frankly it just ain't got it in me and uh like I said I'm sorry about not having Wednesday's show but I was even sicker than so [Music] um having said that [Music] um what I wanted to talk to you about for a moment was maybe trying to give you some calmness in your life knowing that um there are there really are out there uh people that don't have your best interest in hearts and we call them goddamn Liars now we all lie I mean on one level

03:00 you know we may tell what what they call or refer to as little white lies that seem pretty harmless we lie to not hurt other people we lie to ourselves we well I guess you could say we're pretty [ __ ] good at lying but [Music] um there are lies and then there are lies there are lies that affect us in our individual lives of course and then there are lives that affect the broader Community or hell sometimes maybe even the whole world and you see those are what I refer to as the goddamn lives because those goddamn lives can

03:54 they can affect well the entire world sometimes but absolutely talking consequences so um just wanted to let you know if you'd please forgive me if I uncontrollably need to call for hacked um as I already explained what's going on that may happen so at any rate it all depends on what the person knows of what's coming down the pike as far as these two different very Divergent um let's say elements that can happen from a story something you know something that occurs and it it hits the media and then it it

04:52 just grows and it expands and and it can you know it can start from maybe the smallest most innocuous uh thing out there and it it just becomes huge um I'm sure you know I'm sure you know what I'm talking about here now some of these things objectively speaking can be seen this quite legitimate um as far as their effect on well what's going to happen in the society Nation country or whatnot or immediately around them and in real terms some of them don't really mean a damn or let's say what the real crime is is

05:48 let's say the one thing that doesn't mean a dam or that it shouldn't mean a damn um is and is completely being artificially created that's a tragedy in and of itself you know but I'm telling you all this because what I what I have found is when I hear and you know something in the news and it's you know regardless of whether or not that something is uh you know U.

06:27 S based or perhaps taking place somewhere in the world the very first thing I want to do is try to break it all down and I break it down into its you know component parts I say okay let's let's for instance I'll say let's follow the money Trail what what could possibly be the financial motivation going on here so you'd break down all these angles and usually this is assuming of course that your mind isn't already biased um you can get a clearer picture of what you're really dealing with

07:18 so now for instance just saying um if you're a person that is watching and you're a big fan of MSNBC news or conversely let's say Fox News you can get vastly different interpretations of someone that's going on and in reality if we took a third opinion or a third rail then you might find that the truth of whatever the hell is really going on is actually somewhere between both extreme positions but in addition to that the thing that I feel can be very hurtful and potentially much more destructive is when you understand that there are

08:18 people that are absolutely deliberately Manufacturing a given um you know point of view and you see that's that's the kind of thing as far as you know this being destructive the kind of destructive [ __ ] that we have to deal with as a society that we need to be on guard against what I would what I would like to do right now what I'd like to do is give you a couple of examples of this and this of course is my this is my own uh you know my own perceptions this is not any it's from University studies or

09:20 no newspaper articles none of that I'm just I'm just you know shooting from the hip as they say and and telling you like a CN okay so we have in America a couple of things that we are watching very closely um of course one of them is the the war in Ukraine the war that's been going on for um almost uh the account has been over a year and a half ish something like that uh Ukraine and Russia and then the the latest boiling point of what's happening to um the people that live the south of us the people in Mexico

10:17 um and some of whom are invading the country and those are these are two very very hot button issues but I would just like to point out my take in how at least one of them is is completely irrelevant as far as we in the U.S are concerned and let me just for a moment touch on the situation in Ukraine summarize something like this well I guess you just say what I'm going to say um asbestos I can tell both ideologically and behaviorally zelinski is not only a narcissist but he's a fascist as well is if you notice him as he basically

a bad:

12:12 um movie of about Russian terrorist or something but I can just picture him stopping intermittently for the camera and and pumping up his masses like honored said to don't look at the bicep this is why I cannot stand Putin look at those arm muscles look at the development he is something really very strange and very odd about that man and as best as I can tell when you put together the fact that he is a narcissist a a narcissist if I could speak he's a narcissist and definitely a fascist and he succeeded in intoxicating

13:09 the world with his particular Narrative of what's taken place and you know it does take two to tango and um you know Putin this is Putin's a bit of a narcissist himself and yeah I don't think it would be much of a stress to stretch to call him an authoritarian so you get these guys button heads here and then what happens is one of the worst things that can happen in Nations oh that's really stupid it becomes basically a dick waving contest and these people who are costing God only knows how much money

14:03 and how many countless how many human lives well not countless but the point is the travesty of a hell of a lot of people needlessly dying on both sides of this idiotic [ __ ] conflict okay that's what I'm trying to say yeah so they obviously you know they they they they get on each other's nerves and one thing led to another but what I'm saying is is while these two men are you know having their dick waving contest going on and hurling missiles and all this at each other you know thousands of people and thousands of

14:55 innocent people in the military all this [ __ ] for no no real reason I'm saying you know no real [ __ ] reason all of this ultimately really is pointless it's it's just pointless so you know that in turn this makes the whole thing [ __ ] and so for you to say for anyone to say um in good conscious well you're supporting this or you're supporting that if either one of them it seems pretty disingenuous as far as I'm concerned because how do you how do you really support either one of these clowns because

15:45 essentially you know that that's what it is you're supporting clowns so I'm not buying it for Not For a Moment but it is taking up um it's taking up U.S resources time attention but it's the money but it's spending money wasting money it's being used as a political football here and the and on top of it I said people are needlessly dying and getting hurt and maimed for nothing and for that reason alone um you know that's one thing you can tell about as far as it's quote unquote importance is

16:32 concerned you're being lied to it's complete [ __ ] you know as far as I can tell and I and I really if you think about this I think zelinski should have been out on his narcissistic fascistic ass a long time ago okay and so for that reason alone you're being you're being bullshitted now if I turn it on around here a little bit because we have we have a situation here with basically the country and and you know I'm I'm just gonna say I'm gonna say it like I feel is and this country is being

17:24 invaded from the south from Mexico and um that's quite simply what it is call it what it is and then there's this whole thing with the latest barrier these floating Barrel things supposed to be a barrier and then the apartment just is getting involved with Governor Abbott and what the deal is though it's just like let's break this down to its core elements okay all right these people are escaping something that basically they don't want because I mean hell if you look at if you look at the life

18:16 um if you you know make pretty good money if you look at the life you can have in America compared to the life you can have in Mexico um yeah I can certainly understand and if you live there you'd understand in pretty short order um that there's a really a really good reason why for instance as an example it's nice to live in a country that actually has laws and it's not corrupt to the Core whereas in Mexico it's largely corrupt to the Core I mean it won for one little News Press article that the president of New Mexico

19:12 and I guess he I guess you know to look good to say face he has to say something about Governor Abbott in Texas you know he has to he has to show a pair you know and say something that sounds like he has a pair um to throw [ __ ] and have it and he said you know he thought that Abbott was being quote unquote irresponsible that was a couple weeks ago what have you and I understand the politics I understand that so yeah okay but the thing is and the fact is you see even if you have a lot of money and you figure you have a lot of money and there's no

20:01 doubt and there are areas of Mexico I'm not you know say I'm not including Mexico City but I mean in the country There Are Places there that are absolutely drop dead beautiful and so yeah if you have the money you have the promise that you could go and live there so duh who the hell wouldn't want to go and live there but there's a catch because that is the point everybody knows that all the Mexicans know that it's like the it's like the old old Leonard Cohen song as everybody knows and I absolutely love Leonard Cohen but

20:54 actually if you ever get a chance check it out the song was redone brilliantly back in the 80s by a pen many people never heard of called Concrete Blonde and they did a brilliant um version of that song actually in my opinion probably even better than the original one of those few times that a song was done perhaps better than the original but this is not about that song it was just to make the point of that song is something which is common knowledge and everybody knows you see because the thing is if you make the choice to go and live

21:41 that kind of life um in those kind of places well they have those places they don't have a lot of them they're not never ending you know we're talking about people basically want they want their own Paradise I get it every you know everybody everybody would want that but guess what the people who live there who are natives and more than likely are drug dealers and members of the cartel because just because you think a very few of those were taken out uh uh they run the [ __ ] show they primarily still run the show

22:29 so they're still into getting their their um what's the word [Music] um safety payments or protection money that's what we got it's a Shakedown so let's say if you're a white Gringo and you made a whole bunch of money in the states and you want to go and live in one of these exclusive beautiful places where you could do that and you'd get some property you could do all those things but you know like a green grocer every month sooner or later an arrangement is going to be made and he's going to be paying for his

23:11 protection because if he doesn't well bad things will happen to him you see now when you look at the difference between that and say in America where you can still be you can be a corporate criminal you can be a Jeff Brazos or Elon Musk you know or you know some sort of other absolutely insanely obscenely Rich megalomaniac narcissistic [ __ ] um but they don't have to pay protection money they've got every tax shelter already worked out for them so they don't have to worry about that so that's

23:59 the real desired happiness place because we have uh we we don't quite have the mob here and you don't quite yet to keep from getting whacked um you know have to pay protection money every month so they know that and they like that so they want to come here and then for the regular work zombies that are trudging through the Rio Grande all they know is they want a better life you see um that's just like the story of Typhoid Mary Typhoid Mary who carried typhoid she just wanted a job as a in Victorian America she wanted

24:56 um you know to be the the cook and and do that which was that was common at the time um not wanting to believe that she actually carried a disease that with in short order no ma'am you know she went from employer employer until everybody in the house started dropping dead and then she'd have to pick up and move to the next one so yeah you know once once they finally uh caught her and captured her she lived in isolation on a state hospital quite literally till the day she died so because it had to deal with the technology of the time

25:45 but yeah I have no doubt that they're sincere and they say well they just want a better life but you see the problem with that is you can't imagine for a second that all of the things that have been the downfall of your home country I mean all of it if you look at the total picture it's sort of like carrying typhoid the same attitudes the same perniciousness that you carry you carry the disease with you and although this may not be literally a disease like typhoid it's a disease of it's basically a disease of culture

26:31 and wherever they roam everything becomes um it does yes it does and so people are getting fed up with the slumness and there they don't want to fix their own things and they don't want to confront the main primary issue one of the really major problems is the corruption and um that's what I'm talking about as far as understanding the difference between when something is you know relatively distant and not nearly as unchangeable unfixable um as say the war in Ukraine whereas the situation involving the um

27:37 the Immigrant the illegals and you know the Invaders um that's probably a hundred times worse that that is something that the the potential for uh the catastrophe of what will happen to America is a hundred times worse so when the news media is trying to to put this whole endless you know this urgency and just that they've pounded I don't know about with you with you but I would think that you know 24 hours coverage of every missile and every movement and the Russians did this Ukraine Army did that but I mean it's

28:26 like every time basically zelinski you know takes a piss or farts you know about it but when you look at the overall picture for us and and how it could be taken care of all this could be taken care of and then you balance that against the other huge news problem situation in America namely what I've been talking about with um Invasion from the south they're they're not they're not even remotely in the same league as far as one being truth one being truly relevant and serious with very very serious complications at

29:19 least for us in America and one that is you know [ __ ] and so how do you know when when I'm telling you this because certainly you know I mean the question that needs to be asked is how do you know I am not a goddamn liar you know how do you know well because unlike what's been pre-digested and put forth like the whole situation with Ukraine and this whole situation with Mexico okay the the way you know the difference is that I am not giving you a ace a completely um unoriginal you know a tripe of a narrative which has just been going and

30:20 established since day one I'm giving you a third rail and this third rail in my opinion is actually much closer to the truth but as you know on the modern media has in reality it has zero interest in truth it does what it is told as far as the narrative is concerned and it also does what is most profitable and that is it as for me I'm not getting [ __ ] I haven't even gotten so far I'm quite literally I haven't even gotten this [ __ ] biscuit for this sure would like it if you would throw me

31:16 a little [ __ ] biscuit every now and then but I haven't I have no Financial uh dog in this fight so to speak I'm just trying to tell you what I feel is really going on now if you'll excuse me I am going to Run With all sincerity to the bathroom take care cool



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