Exploring what it means to be present as an actor and how to get to that. What does self care look like as an actor and how do you sustain a career through all the ups and downs mentally. What does ego and identity mean and how does it apply to actors. We talk about therapy and the changes it can make. We also talk about couples therapy and who it's good for. Group therapy versus individual therapy and it's benefits.
Today we're joined by Seth Menachem, LMFT, joins me today in talking about his experiences as a therapist and his experiences working with actors and entertainment professionals.
Seth Menachem: Before becoming a therapist, he earned his B.A. in Psychology from Emory University in Atlanta, where he contributed to research and conducted studies in England measuring children’s abilities to identify emotions in facial expressions.
He moved to LA, where he spent twenty years working as an actor and writer. He is very familiar with the unique challenges of working in the entertainment industry, and many of his clients work in TV and film.
He received his Masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University in LA, and did his training at Beit T’Shuvah, an inpatient addiction facility. He worked with a variety of clients–some coming from a life of privilege; others who are transitioning out of the criminal justice system. He also worked at Creative Care, an inpatient substance abuse rehabilitation facility specializing in co-occurring disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and borderline personality.
He currently work with individuals, couples, and groups in private practice at Menachem Psychotherapy Group. He founded this group in order to create a place for like-minded therapists to work with clients.
Find him at:
Instagram: @menachempsychotherapy @the.life.of.a.therapist
Website: https://menachempsychotherapygroup.com/team/seth-menachem-lmft/
Hosted by Greg and Thomas Bekkers of Apollo Management.
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IG: @breakthroughapollo