ClickUp: When you're looking for an all-in-one project manager [Tip Tuesday]
Episode 6519th October 2021 • Coffee Powered Systems • Miranda Merten
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Are you tired of using multiple different apps to manage your business? If so, it might be time to look for an all-in-one project management app. Using an all-in-one affords you the luxury of having all of your projects, docs, and spreadsheets all in one place (hence the name!). This is a great option if you feel stressed out everyday or you find yourself checking multiple places just to find one thing because you can’t remember where you stored it. Get off that hamster wheel!

This episode is about ClickUp — a popular project management app that is versatile and free. Even their paid plans are affordable, but most things can be done on the free plan, especially if you’re working solo.

So tune in to find out a little more about ClickUp and if it is something that could work for you.

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Welcome to Coffee Powered Systems equipping women with actionable steps to overcome overwhelm and streamline business and life. So grab your favorite drink and come hang out with me. I'm your host, Miranda Merten.


welcome back to Coffee Powered Systems. Today is Tip Tuesday, where I give you the skinny on an app for a tool that can be useful for your personal productivity. And today we're talking about ClickUp now. ClickUp from their website. It says one app to replace them all. All your work in one place, tasks, docs, chat, goals and more. Now, if you were listening to my previous episode right before this one episode 64 with Ashley Kang, she mentioned that she uses ClickUp pretty much primarily for her business.


So I figured this is a great time to go ahead and do a ClickUp episode. I recorded one a long time ago, but I never aired it so perfect time to go ahead and bring it out of the vault, courtesy of Ashley mentioning it in the last episode. So you've probably heard of ClickUp if you haven't. It is one of the more popular project management apps, and if I'm going to compare it to something, I would compare it to Asana. Actually, Asana is probably their biggest competitor right now.


There's a lot of project management apps out there, so with ClickUp, it can function as your to do list a project management app, a Wiki space. And if you don't know what a Wiki space is, it's basically like a Word Doc or Google Doc area, you type things in there for your company policies, things like that. You can use it for their spreadsheets reminders. You can even use it as a CRM, like a simple email for your customers. And if you have a team, you can use it for their chat and communication function.


So there's a lot going on inside of ClickUp. Now. What I like about ClickUp is there are multiple different views that you can use. And if you like the Trello style view, which is the conglomerate or kind of using it as a checklist or spreadsheets like Google Sheets or Airtable, you can pretty much use it how you want to, which is great for people that have teams. If you have a lot of people on your team, like I've said before, not everyone uses everything the same.


So having a tool like this that is multifunctional. If I want to use it some way and someone else on my team wants to use it a different way. That's a really great thing to have. There is a bit of a learning curve. So if you are not in a space to where you want to learn a new tool or you don't have the time really to take the time to get to know how to use it. It's probably not going to work for you at this time.


You want to go into it with the idea that you will take the time to learn it, either using their tutorials or finding someone on YouTube that is teaching ClickUp, or maybe you know someone personally that is using it and then see how they're using it. See the different ways they're using the applications and how they've set up their business. So essentially, if you are using Trello or Todoist or Google Sheets, if you have multiple different things that you're using, this might be something that is good for you because it's kind of an all in one.


You can finally take everything that you have and put it into one app, which is really great if you don't want to be pulling things from all over the place. Now, if you love your system that you are currently using, then there's no need to go look into ClickUp. But if you are looking for a change and you're looking for an all in one all encompassing project management app, go ahead and give pick up a try. It can be a great option. If you are using it for yourself, you can pretty much use the free version forever and use a lot of their features as well.


If you have a small team and maybe you want to step up the storage or there's a couple of options that aren't available on the free tier. They start at $5 per user per month and it goes up from there. Their business pricing is $9 per user per month, so you can take a look at what you need as far as the features. Go and see if you can utilize the free version or if you need to scale up, I'll drop the link for ClickUp down below.


If you want to use my link, you can go to and I'll put that down in the show notes for you. That is all I have for today. I'll see you next time.


Thanks for listening to Coffee Powered Systems. You can find links to everything mentioned in the episode down in the Show Notes or on the website at


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