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Episode 189 - Price of Silence
Episode 18910th October 2020 • Your Ultimate Life with Kellan Fluckiger • Kellan Fluckiger
00:00:00 00:17:05

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Are you choosing to stay silent, or to act and make a difference?

In this episode, Kellan talks about the Price of Silence – the consequence of feeling like you should do or say something about a situation, and not doing so. Silence might have several meanings depending on the context – not intervening in a heated disagreement between people, not following your gut when making career choices, and not stepping up and doing something you really want to do. The price of that silence: constantly wondering, “what if I had chosen to act?”

Kellan reminds us that enacting change (breaking the silence) doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or dramatic action – it might not be a billion-dollar decision, but it might just make a difference in somebody’s heart. Even the smallest adjustment in our direction will eventually culminate in a vastly different outcome than if we had chosen to stay on our original path.

Every action that breaks the silence, makes a difference, and enacts change will be rewarded. Go at it, keep at it, and don’t be silent. Your action will contribute to Your Ultimate Life.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The price of silence is your conscience.”
  • “Silence is when you see something and you feel like you should do or say something about it, and you don’t.”
  • “You have enough experience and knowledge that, if you chose to, you could be of service to someone else.”
  • “Most times when we choose to not be silent, it isn’t going to be worth a billion dollars, but it might make a difference in somebody’s heart. It might be the start of an adventure for you – the adventure might be your choice to use your gifts and talents.”
  • “It doesn’t take a big jerk of the wheel to change course. If you make a small adjustment now, in an hour you’ll be in a different place than you would’ve been if you stayed in the same rut.”
  • “Your worst critic is your inner voice.”
  • “The price of silence is high. The price of silence is wondering forever ‘what if I had chosen to act’.”
  • “Your choice to act, to not stay silent, will be rewarded. So, go at it, keep at it, and don’t be silent.”

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