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WIS Show: The Progression of Women in Safety Panel
4th April 2022 • Safeopedia Podcasts • Safeopedia Podcast
00:00:00 01:07:56

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Join our last discussion in a series of four where hosts Tamara Parris and Amandeep Beesla have candid conversations with industry guests about what it really means to be a woman in a male-dominated industry. In our final episode of this series we speak bring everyone back! Come listen in as our special guests, Candice Brown, Stacey Glanville and Janice Stanley  join us once again for a group discussion of what was it like entering into a male-dominated industry, how do they believe those experiences helped them develop to who they are today and what they think the future holds. Did you miss the previous session? Check them out here! OneTwo and Three.

We dive deep in to:

  • How did women's issues and the movement at the time you started working, impact your work experiences?
  • How have women influenced the progression of our current modern working landscape?
  • How is having more women working in the same field, health and safety, impacting heir experience differently now?
  • Where could we potentially take women in safety, and how can we influence the future direction?



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