Artwork for podcast The Ruminant: Audio Candy for Farmers, Gardeners and Food Lovers
e.92: The Farmers Aren't All Right
3rd March 2017 • The Ruminant: Audio Candy for Farmers, Gardeners and Food Lovers • Jordan Marr
00:00:00 00:45:31

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Farming is tough work. The unpredictability of the job and the pressure to present a curated, bucolic version of the work can easily lead to various kinds of mental health problems: despair, feeling overwhelmed or like a failure, or even depression. In this episode, co-produced with Jessica Gale of Sweet Gale Gardens, we discuss the prevalence of mental health problems among farmers, and how to address them. 

Mentioned: Professor Andria Jones-Bitton's work The Market Gardener (JM Fortier) The Urban Farmer (Curtis Stone) Sustainable Market Farming (Pam Dawling)




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