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Ep 132: Star Wars Visions Pt. 1
Episode 1328th October 2021 • The Living Force • Youtini Podcast Network
00:00:00 01:24:35

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The newest animated release from Disney+ is a collection of Star Wars inspired stories from some of the best anime creators in the industry. The TLF crew will discuss the first four episodes of the collection starting with “The Duel,” “Tatooine Rhapsody,” “The Twins,” and finally “The Village Bride.” As Kathleen Kennedy announced on Disney Investor Day, these short films will offer a fresh and diverse cultural perspective to Star Wars by bringing in several of the leading Japanese anime studios. These adaptations bring a fun and thrilling new perspective on how the audience views Star Wars through a new set of creative possibilities! Send any and all questions to, tweet at us @LivingForcePod, hit us up on Facebook, watch LIVE on YouTube, and don't forget to join the discussion on Discord at Help the galaxy find us by leaving a review and please remember to subscribe!




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