Hello, darling heart, and welcome to the drink less live better podcast. This is the podcast that helps you to see that drinking
less doesn't need to be stressful, lonely, or boring. I'm your host, Sarah Williamson, and I decided to have a year alcohol
free as a little life experiment and haven't looked back. With my experience and training, I now help other women with their
alcohol free or drink less adventures. You can find out more about me and sign up to my 5 day drink less challenge at drink
less live better.com. I'm here to tell you that you can relax, connect, and have fun without alcohol in your life. Join me
here each week to find out how. If you listened to episode 1, you'd have heard me talk about the reasons why I decided to
go alcohol free for a while. And today, I'd like to tell you a story about how I committed to a time frame for my alcohol
free experiment. As I have an interest in personal development and have spent many years as a coach and mentor, I know that
there was something to be said for choosing a stretch goal or a length of time that was outside my natural comfort zone. I
knew I could easily do a month alcohol free. I had the evidence for that. I'd done successful dry January's and sober October's
in the past. Doubling or tripling it to 60 days or 90 days didn't seem challenging enough, and there was no way I was going
to say I was never drinking again. I've had enough hideous hangovers and said that often enough to know that my brain hears
blah blah blah when I say never again about anything. So what to do? I'm a sucker for a round number. So whilst a 100 days
sounded good, it just didn't seem enough of a challenge. I wanted to be able to question whether I could really do it. In
the same way, people know they can run 5 k or 10 k, but start marathon training not knowing whether the final race is really
achievable. Well done to you if you've ever run a marathon, by the way. You are my hero. So 365 was the magic number I settled
on. I decided a proper life experiment would be best if it involved all the big drinking activities in my annual social calendar.
Christmas and all that that season entails, New Year's Eve, my birthday, family and friends' birthdays, a wedding, hectic
times at work, holidays, the lot. That was it. 365. My decision was made. All this work on the inside of my head happened
in 2019, and I was set to start my life experiment on the 1st January 2020. I told myself that my nice round goal of 1 year
should start on New Year's Day. As summer rolled into autumn 2019, I started to do some research. I felt I needed a few tools
to fall back on if my life experiment was to be successful. By October, I was committed to being alcohol free for the whole
of 2020 about New Year's resolutions. If alcohol was making me feel rubbish, why didn't I stop now? If I could get through
December 2019 then it would give me the evidence that the rest of 2020 was possible, surely. So I started before I was really
ready. On 8th December 2019, I went with my family to a house party at some close friends. I had a few gin and tonics, and
we ate, played board games, danced, and had a brilliant night. The next morning, I woke up and knew my life experiment had
started. I wasn't going to drink for a whole year from now. Thank you for listening today, and please listen in again next
time to find out why I was careful with my language around my life experiment. It would make me happier than a Buddhist monk
if you would 5 star review my podcast on whatever platform you listen, please. Imagine it like tasting notes on the finest
wine I'm never going to drink. Thank you, and, PS, I believe in you.