In this episode of the podcast, Rachel is joined again by Dr Caroline Walker – The Joyful Doctor. Caroline is a Psychiatrist, therapist, specialist in the wellbeing of doctors and host of The Joyful Doctor Podcast.
This is the second in a new series of podcast episodes and videos – COVID-19 Supporting Doctors.
In these difficult times, we're working together to bring you as much support as they can. We’ll be tackling various different topics as they emerge in order to help doctors keep their head in the game and stay focussed and resilient.
In this episode, we talk about the sadness and sense of loss that we are all feeling at the moment. Grief brings with it many different emotions and reactions – from shock and denial through to extreme sadness and anger. Many of us are experiencing a lot of these emotions right now and IT’S OK AND NORMAL to feel like this.
When we suppress our emotions for too long it can be bad for us. We discuss how to release the emotions in a healthy way which doesn’t catch anyone in the crossfire and how accepting what we are feeling and making allowances for others to feel that way too is crucial in times like these. Our top tips are:
- Feel the emotion
- Vent your anger healthily and safely
- Share your sadness with others – we’re in this together
- Give yourself time and space to allow yourself to experience the emotions and let them settle.
- Make room for joy in your life – even when it’s hard out there
- Make extra allowances for yourself and others
Doctors – we need you more than ever. Keep up the good work. Keep your heads. Keep caring.
Contact Rachel – Twitter - @DrRachel Morris
Contact Caroline – Twitter @joyful_doctor
We’re sending out a weekly email with new resources, tips and useful content especially for doctors and healthcare professionals throughout the COVID-19 crisis. If you’d like to receive this and other resources about thriving at work then please sign up here
You can watch this podcast episode on YouTube here
Podcast links
Coronavirus wellbeing support for doctors Facebook group
The Joyful Doctor Website
Shapes for Doctors Website
You Are Not A Frog website
Tea and empathy Facebook group
The Happiness Trap: Stop Struggling, Start Living by Russ Harris
BMA Wellbeing Service
The NHS Practitioner Health Programme
Sign up for downloadable CPD reflection forms plus more tools and resources
For more episodes, check out You Are Not A Frog Podcasts and sign up to our mailing list here for loads of useful resources.
Mentioned in this episode:
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