Today, we're diving deep into the world of insulin and its vital role in regulating our blood sugar levels, particularly in relation to our food choices. Liam O'Toole discusses how the type and quality of carbohydrates we consume can lead to significant spikes in insulin, impacting our energy levels and overall health. He emphasises the importance of balanced meals that include a mix of proteins, slow-digesting carbohydrates, and plenty of vegetables to maintain stable insulin levels. With humour and insight, Liam shares practical tips for smarter eating habits that can help mitigate the risks of insulin resistance and improve your well-being. Join the conversation as we explore how making informed dietary choices can support your fitness journey and enhance your energy throughout the day.
Hi, everybody.
Limo Toole:Welcome back to the weight loss strength and fitness podcast.
Limo Toole:It's me, it's Limo Toole.
Limo Toole:And today we're gonna talk about something very glamorous when it comes to your health.
Limo Toole:But it's something that has a big impact, right?
Limo Toole:It's insulin.
Limo Toole:So you've probably heard of insulin a million times over, you know, when it comes to things like diabetes or weight and things like that.
Limo Toole:But, but today we're going to dive into it a little bit further.
Limo Toole:We're going to talk about food choices, how that affects it, and ultimately, I guess what you need to know as someone who's listening to a gym based podcast about it.
Limo Toole:So before we get to that, I'd just like to say a huge thank you to everybody for the conversations that followed up last week's episode about Ozempic and other medications.
Limo Toole:Reason being is that I really found coming out of that, you know, the messages, you know, whether you were someone who was, you know, considering it, someone who's already taking it, someone whose family kind of has an experience with it, or even just someone who listened and found the kind of concept of it quite interesting.
Limo Toole:I really enjoyed the conversations that spun out of that.
Limo Toole:So thank you very much for the engagements.
Limo Toole:And it was, it was fun to talk to everybody and it was nice to know that it made an impact.
Limo Toole:So then, you know, following up on that episode, I was kind of thinking, you know, what do we want to talk about this week?
Limo Toole:And I suppose it's kind of, you know, it's January.
Limo Toole:So I guess a lot of the conversations I'm having in the gym are, you know, nutrition based.
Limo Toole:I had three nutrition consultations last week.
Limo Toole:I already have two booked for the week coming.
Limo Toole:And I suppose, like, obviously we've got our habits challenge running.
Limo Toole:There's the nutrition course that I sent out to everybody.
Limo Toole:So I think it's just something that's on everyone's mind as we start the year.
Limo Toole:Everyone wants to, you know, start out healthy.
Limo Toole:So I decided, I was like, how can I go a little bit further than the nutrition course?
Limo Toole:How can we start talking about it?
Limo Toole:And I'm going to, I'm going to reference it in terms of the gym, you know, and kind of if we're thinking about the gym, we're thinking about maybe losing weight.
Limo Toole:So we're thinking about diets and things like that.
Limo Toole:And, you know, that's what I'm going to kind of gear this around, around when it comes to talking about insulin.
Limo Toole:Right.
Limo Toole:So, you know, first of all, like, what is It.
Limo Toole:What does it do in the body?
Limo Toole:It's a hormone produced by your pancreas, and its main job is to help you digest food.
Limo Toole:So without insulin, you literally couldn't do it.
Limo Toole:You could eat all you want, but none of it would get to the muscle cell and you'd starve to death.
Limo Toole:Okay, so when you eat food, especially carbohydrates, your body breaks it down into glucose, which then enters your bloodstream.
Limo Toole:Insulin's role is to help move that glucose from the bloodstream into your cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for later use.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:So it can get stored as fat.
Limo Toole:Without insulin, the glucose would just stay in your bloodstream.
Limo Toole:As I just said, it causes high blood sugar levels, which can lead to health issues over time.
Limo Toole:And that's kind of what we've heard about a lot, right?
Limo Toole:So, like, insulin doesn't really care what goes where.
Limo Toole:It just looks for emptiness in the cells and fills it accordingly.
Limo Toole:So when your blood sugar is rising too fast or too high, the pancreas can overreact a little bit, and insulin pours into our bloodstream, pushing blood sugar, amino acids, anywhere possible.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:Unfortunately, this is what results in the blood sugar crashes that we can feel later on because insulin doesn't know when to stop, right?
Limo Toole:It just keeps pushing.
Limo Toole:So a few hours later, you know, after having a big spike in blood sugar levels, like, let's say you eat a ton of jellies and drink a load of Coca Cola, you know, you're gonna feel tired and probably hungry again.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:So I guess what we're going to be talking about today is, you know, the impact of the food choices that we make on insulin.
Limo Toole:So if we think of carbohydrates, okay, whether it's bread, pasta, fruit, or sugary foods, your body breaks them down into glucose.
Limo Toole:However, the more refined and processed, the carbohydrates.
Limo Toole:So think, you know, jellies, right?
Limo Toole:Coca Cola, those things can turn very quickly into sugar, which causes a spike in the blood sugar levels.
Limo Toole:This spike triggers your pancreas to release.
Limo Toole:Release a large amount of insulin to bring the blood sugar levels back down.
Limo Toole:And this is what gets referred to as that traditional insulin spike.
Limo Toole:So what can cause those rapid spikes?
Limo Toole:It's the.
Limo Toole:It's the really processed stuff.
Limo Toole:Like we've talked about it before, and when we've done the nutrition stuff with macronutrients, it's highly processed things.
Limo Toole:It's not single ingredient foods.
Limo Toole:It's white bread, sugary snacks, drinks.
Limo Toole:Whereas I guess, on the other hand, you've got things like oats, whole grains, fruits, they're digested a lot more slowly, which leads to a more gradual release of glucose and a less dramatic insulin response, which is why you don't get that blood sugar dump after having porridge the same way as you would if you had a pack of Haribo.
Limo Toole:Okay, so when it comes to, that's carbohydrates, right?
Limo Toole:But if we think about proteins, then, you know, proteins can also, you know, stimulate insulin production, but to a lesser extent.
Limo Toole:Right.
Limo Toole:So I guess if we're thinking about diets and things, some diets, I guess over time, the reason.
Limo Toole:Actually, let's go back a little bit further.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:So one of the main reasons that a lot of diets don't work for a long period of time, you know, where we can get some short term results focusing on them, but, you know, we can't stick to them for a very, very long time, is because they don't actually address the hormones behind the storage of fat and the insulin spikes associated with the processed food.
Limo Toole:So we are finally getting to a level where most diets are recognizing the value of five to six small meals per day as opposed to kind of restriction.
Limo Toole:Few acknowledge that the goal behind having more frequent meals is the controlled insulin levels.
Limo Toole:So instead of waiting to have a couple of big meals, that would lead to spikes.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:But a lot of diets also choose to restrict carbohydrates, proteins, fats, or total calories.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:So like Weight Watchers, for example.
Limo Toole:For example, if you ate six small meals per day and some of those meals were solely carbohydrate, your blood sugar levels would make you store carbohydrate as fat.
Limo Toole:And then at the opposite level to that, you know, on an Atkins diet, where it's really high protein, you know, insulin levels can be too, too low, and the protein isn't effectively used as energy.
Limo Toole:You know, using protein for energy is a very inefficient process.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:Especially without the insulin levels there to help.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:So I suppose as we look to what we're doing, when we're talking about kind of like building diets and building sustainable habits for people, we want to do is make sure.
Limo Toole:And if you've kind of downloaded the nutrition course, you'll be aware of this.
Limo Toole:We want balanced meals, okay?
Limo Toole:We want 25 protein, 25 of a starchy carb, slow digesting carb, and 50% vegetables for all your micronutrients.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:Because I guess if we look at foods like, let's start with breakfast, right?
Limo Toole:And I'm going to tell you guys a story about John Harvey Kellogg.
Limo Toole:And you might recognize the last name of Kellogg, right?
Limo Toole:So a little known fact about John Harvey Kellogg is that he was a very religious man and he was part of an organization that, you know, he fully believed in, you know, no alcohol.
Limo Toole:He didn't believe in eating a lot of meats.
Limo Toole:He did.
Limo Toole:He really wanted a bland diet because he actually believed in spirit, like in terms of spirituality.
Limo Toole:He believed it helped, but also he believed it helped your gut.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:However, he was also not a big fan of sex.
Limo Toole:And he believed with the invention of Corn Flakes being a bland food, Right.
Limo Toole:He believed that that would help reduce sexual desire and cure the epidemic of masturbation by lulling the eater into a lazy, unmotivated state.
Limo Toole:Right.
Limo Toole:That kind of like blood sugar drop.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:I suppose they weren't aware of the mechanism, but they knew that carbohydrates would lull people, right?
Limo Toole:They knew.
Limo Toole:It kind of brings us down a little bit.
Limo Toole:We know if we've had a big carby meal and you just want to go curl up on the couch, right?
Limo Toole:You know, if you've had like a big pasta dish, for example, like sometimes you just want to lie down.
Limo Toole:You're like, oh, I overage.
Limo Toole:I'm almost exhausted.
Speaker B:Okay.
Limo Toole:So that's just, I guess, a little bit of an indication about breakfast, right?
Limo Toole:Because if you think of the cereals that you could be eating, right?
Limo Toole:It's not that it's.
Limo Toole:You wouldn't necessarily think of, of cornflakes as like the bad one, right?
Limo Toole:But bear in mind that that's what its inventor was thinking at the time.
Limo Toole:It was going to help sedate people and bring them down and keep them calm.
Limo Toole:But when we think about traditional breakfast cereals, you know, milk is probably there enough to kind of bring us back down.
Limo Toole:But think of Cocoa Pops.
Limo Toole:Think of, I don't know, what's the most sugary cereals out there?
Limo Toole:The one that comes to my mind is Cocoa Pops, but I'm sure there's a million others.
Limo Toole:And particularly, like, if you think of like Lucky Charms and stuff in America, like, they're absolutely packed full of them, right?
Limo Toole:So I guess when you think of breakfast, it's the first meal we've had in maybe since dinner the night before.
Limo Toole:Maybe you had a snack before going to bed.
Limo Toole:But what do we actually want to have in that meal?
Limo Toole:Well, we actually do want to have a balanced meal.
Limo Toole:And I know it can be hard to think in the morning time of, oh, Am I supposed to have protein at breakfast?
Limo Toole:Really don't want to.
Limo Toole:Am I supposed to have veg at breakfast?
Limo Toole:Really don't want to.
Limo Toole:I just want to have my, my cereal.
Limo Toole:Which is why sometimes I'll often recommend porridge for people.
Limo Toole:So to have some oats and you can mix in some protein powder, you can have some Greek yogurt and things like that to help.
Limo Toole:And then I suppose, moving through the day like our traditional lunches and dinners, I mentioned pasta.
Limo Toole:But like when we look at a traditional dinner plate, like most of it is 2/3 carbohydrate.
Limo Toole:You know, pasta dishes is nearly all carbohydrate.
Limo Toole:You know, it's very hard for your pancreas to be able to control the insulin output with that kind of diet.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:Because we're just spreading, spiking it so high.
Limo Toole:So in terms of that balance plate, if we can reduce that down a little bit, you know, if we compare carbohydrates alongside some of those, some more protein sources, some healthy fat sources.
Limo Toole:So like understanding the impact of food on insulin, can we now make smarter choices to support regulation throughout the body so that we have more sustained energy throughout the day rather than peaks and troughs, you know, choosing more whole grains.
Limo Toole:So instead of going for white bread and cereals like cornflakes, we go for things like brown rice, oats, quinoa, whole wheat based bread.
Limo Toole:You know, these have a lot more fiber and it has a lot slower release of glucose.
Limo Toole:And then obviously think of that balance plate.
Limo Toole:We want to make sure we pair carbohydrates with protein.
Limo Toole:So as we mentioned earlier, pairing them together and having, you know, 25% of your plate being starchy carbs, 25% being protein, and then making sure there's some healthy fats kind of moderated through that will really help you monitor or moderate blood sugar level spikes and insulin release.
Limo Toole:So, for example, having eggs along with your toast or some nuts to go with your apple, whatever it is, adding more fiber to your meals.
Limo Toole:So vegetables, I'm always telling people to eat more vegetables.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:50% of that plate, if you can get it, you know, and then just be mindful of, of sugary snacks, you know, I guess everybody wants something sweet every so often.
Limo Toole:But you know, understanding how quick that can lead to a spike in your blood sugar levels, does that make you consider it a little bit differently?
Limo Toole:Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.
Limo Toole:I know it does for me.
Limo Toole:And I think over time, you know, over the course of the 11 years that I've been Doing this, I've been paying a little bit more attention and I've always been trying to increase my vegetable intake, you know, so I suppose eating denser carbohydrate sources at the same amount of protein, you know, having your veg, you know, a little bit of fat at each meal, it really does go a long way.
Limo Toole:Okay.
Limo Toole:And then also, you know, exercise intervals, weights, aerobics, you know, these things are.
Limo Toole:Do you know, the energy output that's going to help regulate everything too.
Limo Toole:So we're keeping it in check, you know, by eating well, by exercising, you're going to make sure that you're managing your blood sugar level spikes so that your body doesn't build up a resistance to insulin.
Limo Toole:And build up to resistance of insulin is where, you know, that's where diabetes comes around, right?
Limo Toole:That's the resistance of the muscle to the insulin.
Limo Toole:And we don't want that.
Limo Toole:Right?
Limo Toole:Not that anyone listening to this podcast is in danger of something like that, but I did just want to kind of go a little bit deeper than the macronutrients episode of this to kind of talk a little bit about what happens when we've digested those foods and they enter into the bloodstream.
Limo Toole:So hopefully you found it somewhat interesting.
Limo Toole:The big thing is, no matter what you do, just think of that balance place, think about how can I best fuel myself for the day, how can I best fuel myself for my exercise and how can I best fuel myself to be the best version possible of me?
Limo Toole:And that's the way to go about it.
Limo Toole:And unfortunately it's not with Kellogg's elsewhere, I suppose in the gym this week.
Limo Toole:It's a pretty busy one.
Limo Toole:I'm off to Stockholm at the end of the week for a coaches congress which should be good fun and I'm looking forward to bringing back some nuggets.
Limo Toole:Hopefully I'll actually be recording the next week's version of this podcast in Stockholm.
Limo Toole:So maybe we'll have a Stockholm based episode where I can talk to you guys about what I've learned and what I'm planning to bring back and implement and things like that elsewhere.
Limo Toole:Other than that, I suppose, training wise, we've got another couple of weeks in this cycle.
Limo Toole:It is quite a, quite a short cycle, I think, as I mentioned in previous episodes.
Limo Toole:But we're coming towards, you know, a mini assessment week before we get into training for the open and we're going to try a new power based cycle which I think I mentioned last week, which is going to be a interesting one.
Limo Toole:So for anyone who follows me on Instagram, you might have seen me do, you know, seated box jumps and things like that.
Limo Toole:So if you want a glimpse into your future, there it is.
Limo Toole:And, yeah, other than that, guys, for those of you who are doing the habits challenge this week, we've one or two small additions coming later on in the week.
Limo Toole:So they won't be there immediately, but when they're coming in, I'm gonna get on to you guys.
Limo Toole:It's gonna be about carbohydrates, actually, so it kind of follows on nicely from this episode.
Limo Toole:And other than that, guys, I really hope you enjoyed it.
Limo Toole:I hope we can have a little discussion about it if you're interested in kind of learning a little bit more.
Limo Toole:Happy to chat about it.
Limo Toole:I suppose the main thing to remember is that, you know, insulin is a powerful hormone.
Limo Toole:It regulates our blood sugar levels, but our food choices have a direct impact on how it functions within our body.
Limo Toole:So make sure we are controlling the carbohydrates that we eat so that they're of the best possible quality, making sure we're eating plenty of protein and healthy fats to better support the sensitivity and just the overall health.
Limo Toole:You know, thanks for tuning into this episode.
Limo Toole:I really hope it gives you a better understanding of how insulin works, and it helps you make some smarter choices for your health.
Limo Toole:And obviously, if you found this helpful, let me know.
Limo Toole:Share it with a friend, things like that.
Limo Toole:Other than that, guys, hopefully I'll see you in the gym and I'll talk to you soon.