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How to Win Even if You Have Strong Competition
Episode 17916th October 2024 • Faith Based Business Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:06:03

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How to Win Even if You Have Strong Competition

Feeling like your niche is too crowded to break through? Don’t worry—God makes a way where there seems to be no way! In this episode, I’ll share how to evaluate whether there’s room for one more in your niche, and how you can thrive by trusting in God’s plan. Even in a saturated market, you can carve out space for your business when you align your goals with His purpose. Let me show you how to stand out, succeed, and serve others, no matter the competition!

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  • In a crowded market, uncovering unmet needs can help you create a unique niche.
  • Engaging with your audience through surveys can reveal their biggest challenges and needs.
  • A good plan implemented now is far superior to a perfect plan executed later.
  • Don’t spend years searching for the perfect niche; take action and adapt as you go.
  • Market research is crucial for understanding where your target audience hangs out online.
  • Trust in God's plan allows you to thrive even in saturated markets, creating opportunities.

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Pastor Bob Timido:

Hello, everyone everywhere.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Pastor Bob Timido here.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Welcome to the faith based business podcast today.

Pastor Bob Timido:

We're so blessed that you're joining us as we continue in our series on how to choose a niche.

Pastor Bob Timido:

I believe this is day eight or so, and it's just a great opportunity for you to do a deep dive and how to zero in on your target market.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

Let's jump in.

Pastor Bob Timido:

We'll get started in today's session here because we want to talk about how to win even if you have strong competition.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Timido:

So let's say a particular company appears to have a market totally locked up.

Pastor Bob Timido:

I mean, they've got everything figured out.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And if that's the case, there's probably still unmet needs in that marketplace that the company or that individual is not taking care of.

Pastor Bob Timido:

It's just they're not meeting all the needs.

Pastor Bob Timido:

It's impossible.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And if you can find out what those holes are in those unmet needs, you can have.

Pastor Bob Timido:

You can create a brand new niche all by itself, just for you.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

So how do you do that?

Pastor Bob Timido:

A great first step is just to collect subscribers in your niche.

Pastor Bob Timido:

You can run advertising, you can write some great content pieces, etcetera.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Just get people to sign up to your listen, then send an email out asking them your new contacts.

Pastor Bob Timido:

What are the two or three biggest problems in your niche?

Pastor Bob Timido:

What questions do you have that you just keep stumbling over?

Pastor Bob Timido:

And you'll get a lot of responses.

Pastor Bob Timido:

You really will.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And in the process of doing that, you'll begin to see some overlap.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Some people will respond with a lot of detail, and you can go back and forth with those people.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Others will just give one or two word comments.

Pastor Bob Timido:

But when you put it all together, you get a picture for what others are having issues with in that niche.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Now, you use these ideas to create products and to break into that niche, even a niche where the competition has a tight hold on things.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

I mean, your market research can help you pinpoint where your market is hanging out online.

Pastor Bob Timido:

So you know exactly where to find them and you can work to get them onto your list.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And when you do this, folks, you're off and running.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

You can take all your Internet marketing information and say, this is proof that you'll be able to sell online.

Pastor Bob Timido:

But you could take all of the things I've been sharing with you thus far, and then another teacher shares with you and a third teacher shares with you.

Pastor Bob Timido:

You can take all that information and set up your own shop online and nothing happens.

Pastor Bob Timido:

It just doesn't work it did not work for you.

Pastor Bob Timido:

It may have worked for someone else, it may have worked for brother Bob or Joe Schmo, but not you.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Or you could do none of this and just set up your own shop on fly fly by the seat of your pants, only to find that whatever it is that you did actually worked.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

The bottom line is this.

Pastor Bob Timido:

I'm a big believer in just getting out there and do it.

Pastor Bob Timido:

I mean, just go for it, right?

Pastor Bob Timido:

And find out what works.

Pastor Bob Timido:

You're going to fall on your face a couple times, then you get something that works a little bit.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Okay, let's focus on this a little bit more, see if we can refine it a little bit until you find that unique thing that's just for you.

Pastor Bob Timido:

You know, a famous shoe manufacturer once said, just do it.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

That's what you need to do.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Just do it.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Do whatever it is you're trying to do.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Get out there and set it up.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Because if you have an interest in a topic, don't spend the next year or 18 months trying to figure out if this is the best topic for you.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Don't do that.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Some people take two, three, even five years, I've seen, trying to figure out what their niche is.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And by the time they do and then work things to get it all set up, they find that all the competition has already beaten them to that particular market.

Pastor Bob Timido:

My favorite leadership quote of all time was given by General George Patton, George Patton Junior.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And, you know, I've used it for over 40 years.

Pastor Bob Timido:

I studied this guy extensively during my military time, and he said a good plan implemented now is a lot better than a perfect plan tried later.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And I could not agree more.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

Remember, the low hanging fruit on the trees is the easiest fruit to pick.

Pastor Bob Timido:

That's what you need to get the information you need and to get some sales generated so you have a little bit extra income to go ahead and do these advanced things later on.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

Don't let your competition beat you to the market on your idea.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Don't do that.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Instead, get out there right now, today, put up a website, start finding, start targeting these visitors and just see what happens.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Hit that subscribe button down below so you'll be notified next time that we're going to.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Each and every time we issue a new episode, you'll be notified about it.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

Just drop down.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Hit that subscribe button right now while you're thinking about.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And be sure to jump over at faithcaster

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

that's our training platform over there.

Pastor Bob Timido:

All our members get all the training for free.

Pastor Bob Timido:

I mean, it's part of their membership.

Pastor Bob Timido:

All current training, all future training.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Any webinars I do, any trainings I do, they all get access to it all for free as part of their membership.

Pastor Bob Timido:

And it's not that much.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Go check it out.

Pastor Bob Timido:


Pastor Bob Timido:

praise God.

Pastor Bob Timido:

That's all the time we have for today.

Pastor Bob Timido:

Let's pass the bow, reminding you once again to be blessed in all that you do.



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