Artwork for podcast Psilocybin Says
Psilocybin and Success are Not Mutually Exclusive
Episode 12022nd April 2024 • Psilocybin Says • Eric Osborne
00:00:00 01:16:24

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Dana Harvey shares her journey from a corporate career to one of psychedelic self-development. Her story of courage and faith is an inspiration to women, and men, who are seeking to achieve a balance of success and sanity.

Founder of the Flourish Academy, her organization provides loving guidance, shares evidence-based knowledge, and cultivates supportive communities to help people who are choosing to explore psychedelic microdosing and journeying to do so in a safe, knowledgeable, and transformational way.

Join us on Clubhouse 3 x per week at 8am PT:

Wed: Cannabis, Entheogens + Women's Wellness

Thurs: Psychedelic Microdosing 101

Fri: Psychedelics 101

We help people use psychedelics as a tool to flourish!





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