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Episode 208 – New Children of Israel – Nathan Devir pt 1
15th January 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:29:16

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Episode 208 Show Notes for Nathan Devir Interview

Hello everyone everywhere, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau and I want to welcome you to another DUAL BROACAST of the “Everything Church Related Podcast” AND “The Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast!” Amen! Now, if we are doing a dual broadcast, then you know we have something special lined up for you today…

Today, we are going to be talking about the development of Jewish communities around the world. This is a very special topic and one which deserves special attention. We know the enemy is out to stop the spread of the Gospel and that he has tried for centuries to eradicate the Jewish people.

To help us look at this discussion today, I have the distinct pleasure to welcome to our broadcast, Nathan P Devir, an assistant professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Utah, where he also serves as the director of the Middle East Center and the Religious Studies Program. He is the author of the book, “New Children of Israel – Emerging Jewish Communities in an Era of Globalization.” He is the founder of the ministry called “The New Children of Israel.”

Help me welcome to the program, Nathan Devir.

I guess the first question I have for you, is why did you write this book? What was the motivation behind it?

You have the book structured to look at three particular areas. One section of the book is devoted to the study of developing or established Jewish communities in Ghana, another in Cameroon and then, what you call, “Children of Ephraim” in India. Tell us about the studies you did in each of these regions.

You talk about the “Judaizing movements” in the developing world. That’s a good thing, correct? What points are you trying to make concerning the spread of the Judaizing movement?

You talk about the symbolic or ideological impetus behind these movements. Can you explain what you mean by that?

In your book, you discuss the importance of the Oral History and the heritage narratives. Aren’t these referring to the same thing? What do they have in common? How are they different?

How does each community, wherever they are located, define what “Jewishness” means to them?

From what I have read, do some of these communities, especially in Africa, consider themselves to be part of the “ten lost tribes” of Israel?

It must be very difficult for them to try and live their Faith in these communities, correct? Can you expound on that?

Unfortunately, we are about out of time…tell us how someone can purchase your book. I take it they can order it through Amazon or through your website?

This has been a fascinating discussion. I learned a lot and I believe our listens did as well. If someone has a question or wanted to get ahold of you, perhaps to do another interview such as this – how can they do that? Can you give us your contact information?


Website: devir



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