This week we're talking about the pipeline: the talent crisis that's on everyone's radar in our profession. The most recent AICPA trends report found that accountants are leaving their jobs in unprecedented numbers and fewer students are opting to go into accounting.
Now that we've recognized this problem, a number of solutions have been presented such as adjusting certain requirements and regulations for CPA candidates. One major point we need to address is making sure the accounting career path is accessible to those of all backgrounds, allowing our profession to be more diverse and inclusive.
Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) has launched a campaign, Accounting+, designed to strengthen the accounting pipeline and reach Black & Latinx students at the high school level. In this episode, I speak with Liz Barentzen, VP of Operations & Talent Initiatives at CAQ, where she oversees strategies to attract and retain talent. Liz breaks down what Accounting+ is, what the response has been, and what roles CPAs can play in all of this.