Welcome to our Titan News Brief for the week of Monday, September 27th.
- This week there is no school on Friday due to the staff development day. Enjoy your long weekend Titans!
- 11th grade Family Night is on Wednesday September 29th from 7:00 to 7:45. This presentation given by the counselors will give you all the information you need to know about taking the SAT and the ACT. Be sure to attend.
- The pick up order for the 2021 year book is in the Student Activities Office. If you have previously purchased a yearbook, you can pick up the free addendum.
- If you are interested in pre-ordering the 2022 yearbook and missed out on the 2021 yearbook, you can order both and get the 2021 yearbook for half price.
- Use the Yearbook Bundle link on the Titan Webstore to take advantage of that deal—it ends Sept. 30.
- If you missed the club fair, you can still sign up and join clubs. Check Schoology for the links to see the days, times, and locations of different types of clubs.
- PAUSD is hosting the first job fair of the school year on Wed, Oct 6 during PRIME, Since the event will be virtual, instead of signing up on Infinite Campus, a zoom link will be provided. Please contact Mrs. Kaci at . 3
- To close out our Titan News Brief, we wanted to let you know that this week is banned books week. Stop by the library to check out some awesome banned or challenged books