Showrunners Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams released the television show OZARK on Netflix, July 21, 2017. After two seasons the series received prominent praise and recognition during award season. Starring Jason Bateman and Laura Linney, the show is lead by a solid cast and with a third season to arrive on March 27th, 2020.
Marty Byrde, a self employed financial advisor out of Chicago, took on an undisclosed drug cartel as a client. When his partner messes up, Marty and his wife Wendy convince the Mexican cartel to give them another chance. With millions of dollars of drug money, they move to Missouri to the Lake of the Ozarks to “clean” the money. But soon they have to deal with complications including other criminal elements by in their new town.
Sometimes compared to BREAKING BAD, the show only has crime being its only likeness. Instead a bourgeois family lands up in a rural and tourist town. It’s a true tale of the “fish out of water”. Jason Bateman executive produces the show and also directs many of the episodes. Dark Discussions takes a look at this television show and prepares for season three.