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Validate Your Own Parking
13th August 2020 • The Karen Kenney Show • Karen Kenney
00:00:00 00:21:51

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In this world today (especially with the presence of social media) we’re constantly being asked to be noticed, to stand out and to prove ourselves so that we can appear or feel “special”. We create, write, post and share stuff “out there” - which leads us into a constant state of wanting or having to be validated by others.

This whole separation & specialness “dog & pony show” that we participate in... is the playground/battleground of the ego. And it’s a racket... that almost always ends in some kind of suffering.

Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re talking about getting stuck in the habit of looking to others (outside of ourselves) in order to know or believe how good of a person we are, how valuable our ideas/work/creativity/services/products are or and why we deserve to be loved.

What we need to understand is that sometimes we’re going to have people in our lives that don’t get us, don’t understand our mission or where it is that we’re coming from or going to.

People will sometimes resist your growth, your change, your pivot or your vision. They might even try to hold you back, get in your way or withhold their support and love.

And that’s exactly when you need to step up, grab the stamp & validate your own parking.

KK's Key Takeaways

Grocery Shopping (1:12)
Validation Stamp (8:56)
Find The Well Within (11:55)
Living In Alignment (16:28)

Karen Kenney is a writer, speaker, spiritual teacher, host of The Karen Kenney Show Podcast, founder of Fearless Flow™ Mentoring & creator of THE NEST Spiritual Membership.

KK is a certified Spiritual Mentor, a student of A Course in Miracles for 28+ years and a longtime practitioner of Passage Meditation. She’s also a certified teacher & facilitator of the Gateless Writing Method and is currently working on a memoir.

Teaching yoga since 1999, she became a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher in 2001 and got certified in Thai Yoga Massage in 2008 from the Lotus Palm School in Montreal.

KK grew up in Lawrence & Boston, MA and is known for her storytelling, her sense of humor, her love of the Divine and her “down-to-earth” approach to Spirituality.

Her signature Yoga & Writing Workshops, Fearless Flow™ Retreats & 1:1 Mentoring Programs utilize her transformational Your Story to Your Glory™ process and have helped hundreds of people to let go of their old stories of victimization and suffering, so they can choose Love over fear and live a new kick-ass story from a place of power, forgiveness, freedom and Spirit.

A sought-after expert, guest teacher and Spiritual Thought Leader for Live Events, Podcasts, Coaching Programs and Shows, Karen has been invited to speak and teach on various platforms across the country including the Omega Institute in NY.

You can learn more & connect with KK at:



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