In this episode of Voices of NCAJ, host Amber Nimocks welcomes three guests, NCAJ Executive Director Shannon Leskin, NCAJ Lobbyist Philip Isley and NCAJ Government Affairs Consultant Chris Nichols, to discuss how they helped NCAJ achieve some key legislative goals during the 2023 Long Session of the North Carolina General Assembly.
NCAJ is dedicated to supporting and furthering the rights of plaintiffs’ attorneys and criminal defense attorneys and their clients. One way we do this is through our strategic lobbying efforts and government affairs work.
Tune in to learn more about NCAJ, the organization’s recent endeavors and accomplishments.
🎙️ Featured Guests 🎙️
Name: Shannon Leskin
Connect: NCAJ
Name: Philip Isley
Connect: Blanchard, Miller, Lewis & Isley, P.A. | LinkedIn
Name: Chris Nichols
Connect: Nichols Law Firm | LinkedIn
💡 Episode Highlights 💡
[01:53] Highlights of the 2023 Legislative Session for NCAJ: NCAJ succeeded in getting the minimum liability insurance limits raised for the first time in more than two decades. NCAJ also did a lot of work to protect established laws by advising legislators against changing laws in ways that would negatively affect NCAJ members and their clients.
[04:37] The Difference Between Playing Offense and Defense: Playing offense refers to being in charge of trying to get something done, such as getting rid of the set-off for the UIM insurance. Playing defense refers to fighting “changing the status quo” that detrimentally affects NCAJ clients.
[10:48] Advocacy Strategic Plan: The Advocacy Strategic Plan was adopted by the Board of Governors of NCAJ in January of 2021 and has made a difference in NCAJ’s lobbying efforts this year in many ways.
[14:37] Senate Bill 452: This was one of the most important pieces of legislation that NCAJ helped through this year. Chris explains what this law does and how it helps NCAJ members and all drivers in the state of North Carolina.
[23:28] Relationships Are the Key to the Game: To be successful in lobbying, it’s important to build strong relationships with legislators, rather than viewing them as opponents.
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Voices of NCAJ features members of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice talking about what it means to be a trial lawyer, what it takes to be great at the practice of law and how being a part of NCAJ enriches their lives and their careers.
Members of NCAJ belong to a nonprofit, nonpartisan association of legal professionals dedicated to empowering a strong community of trial lawyers to protect people, prevent injustice and promote fairness. Membership affords many benefits and we’re proud to offer discounts and opportunities thanks to our tremendous community of sponsors and partners. Join today!