How do we know for certain that Yeshua is the prophesied Messiah? In this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast 🎙, Chosen People Ministries' staff member Robert Walter helps us unpack how Jesus fulfills the Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh, or Old Testament. Listen now!
Welcome to Our Hope,
Speaker:a production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:On this podcast you will hear
Speaker:inspiring testimonies,
Speaker:learn about Messianic
Speaker:apologetics and discover
Speaker:God's plan for Israel and you.
Speaker:Wherever you're listening,
Speaker:we hope you lean in,
Speaker:listen closely and be blessed.
Speaker:“There will be no
Speaker:end to the increase
Speaker:of His government
Speaker:or of peace, On
Speaker:the throne of David
Speaker:and over his kingdom, To
Speaker:establish it
Speaker:and to uphold it with justice
Speaker:and righteousness From then on
Speaker:and forevermore. The
Speaker:zeal of the Lord of hosts
Speaker:will accomplish this.”
Speaker:Isaiah 9:7.
Speaker:This is one of many prophecies
Speaker:about the Messiah
Speaker:in the Tanakh, or
Speaker:the Old Testament.
Speaker:When we think about
Speaker:the question, “Did
Speaker:Jesus fulfill the
Speaker:Messianic prophecies?”,
Speaker:we would first
Speaker:need to understand what
Speaker:these prophecies reveal
Speaker:about the Messiah.
Speaker:Isaiah chapter
Speaker:9 is one prophecy
Speaker:that has stirred a deep longing
Speaker:for a perfect King,
Speaker:who would bring about
Speaker:the promised age of world
Speaker:peace and justice.
Speaker:One thing both Jewish
Speaker:people and believers in
Speaker:Jesus would agree on
Speaker:is that the Messiah is
Speaker:to fulfill
Speaker:such a glorious role.
Speaker:His Kingdom will be perfect,
Speaker:without any injustice
Speaker:or suffering.
Speaker:one of the main objections
Speaker:to Yeshua fulfilling
Speaker:this Messianic prophecy
Speaker:is that though He came
Speaker:2,000 years ago,
Speaker:there is still no peace
Speaker:in this world.
Speaker:But there are many other
Speaker:prophecies in the Tanakh,
Speaker:and today we will attempt
Speaker:to understand them in relation
Speaker:to who this Messiah is—is
Speaker:it Yeshua,
Speaker:or are we waiting for
Speaker:a different Messiah?
Speaker:Joining us today for this
Speaker:discussion is Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries'
Speaker:staff member, Robert Walter.
Speaker:I now introduce
Speaker:the host of Our Hope
Speaker:Podcast, Abe Vazquez.
Speaker:I have a bone to pick with you.
Robert:Okay Abe.
Robert:Hello, by the way.
Abe:Oh, hello.
Abe:I forgot we're supposed
Abe:to start with "hellos".
Abe:Well, Robert,
Abe:you were one of
Abe:our first guests
Abe:on Our Hope Podcast,
Abe:and now it seems
Abe:you went off and started
Abe:your own radio program.
Abe:So, you're on over
Abe:a hundred stations
Abe:across the US and you're
Abe:co-hosting with Dr.
Abe:Mitch Glaser.
Abe:Where's the loyalty man?
Robert:You know
Robert:there comes a time
Robert:and person's life
Robert:where they just have to sort of
Robert:dive out of the nest
Robert:and begin flapping
Robert:their wings, Abe.
Robert:I mean, you know,
Robert:don't take it personally,
Robert:you're my friend.
Robert:You know, you're my coworker.
Robert:I love you, you're
Robert:my brother in Messiah.
Robert:But you know, it is what it is.
Abe:Well, well thanks.
Abe:Thanks man.
Abe:No, but in all seriousness, I
Abe:think this radio broadcast
Abe:that we're doing
Abe:is really awesome.
Abe:It's called the Chosen People,
Abe:co-hosted by Dr.
Abe:Mitch Glaser and Robert Walter.
Abe:Do you want to talk
Abe:a little bit
Abe:about some of the topics
Abe:you all cover
Abe:and some of the guests
Abe:that we have on that?
Robert:Yeah, yeah, actually,
Robert:it's been a great experience.
Robert:So far.
Robert:We've been on the air
Robert:for just over a month now
Robert:and it's
Robert:been a learning experience
Robert:and we've talked about
Robert:some really exciting stuff
Robert:like Messianic Prophecy,
Robert:which I believe
Robert:we're going to be
Robert:discussing today
Robert:as Nicole mentioned,
Robert:and we've had
Robert:some great guests.
Robert:We've had Dr.
Robert:Michael Rydelnik
Robert:from Open Line Radio joined us
Robert:and we've got some more guests
Robert:lined up in the next
Robert:coming months
Robert:that I'm pretty excited
Robert:about as well. Awesome!
Robert:Well, congratulations.
Robert:Don't forget about us.
Abe:Diving into today's topic,
Abe:this question of
Abe:"Did Jesus fulfill
Abe:the Messianic prophecies?"
Abe:I think it's a pretty big one.
Abe:There are lots of
Abe:messianic prophecies
Abe:throughout Scripture
Abe:and there are
Abe:many interpretations of it,
Abe:depending on who you ask.
Abe:And we we know that
Abe:these prophecies
Abe:point to Jesus,
Abe:but there are many
Abe:who just don't believe
Abe:that and struggle with that
Abe:so we're hoping that
Abe:in the short time
Abe:that we have on this podcast
Abe:that we can answer that
Abe:question, "Did
Abe:Jesus really fulfill
Abe:these messianic prophecies?"
Abe:So one of the first prophecies,
Abe:and I think this is the obvious
Abe:and most popular
Abe:one, is Isaiah 53.
Abe:This chapter
Abe:in the Book of Isaiah.
Abe:Many Jewish people claim
Abe:that this prophecy
Abe:is about Israel and
Abe:not the Messiah.
Abe:Robert, can you unpack why
Abe:they believe this?
Robert:Yeah, yeah,
Robert:well this is a pretty important
Robert:one and a common objection
Robert:and I think part of
Robert:the reason is because
Robert:when you read that chapter
Robert:and you know
Robert:we always say Isaiah 53,
Robert:but really it goes
Robert:from Isaiah 52:13
Robert:through chapter 53:12.
Robert:And it's an amazing prophecy
Robert:because it clearly lays
Robert:out the suffering,
Robert:the humble beginnings,
Robert:the death, the burial,
Robert:the resurrection
Robert:of one innocent,
Robert:blameless human being, one man,
Robert:who goes through all of this
Robert:suffering and lays
Robert:down His life
Robert:and actually dies
Robert:for a purpose,
Robert:to pay for the crimes, sins
Robert:and transgressions
Robert:of what's called
Robert:the many
Robert:– so many other people,
Robert:including Israel
Robert:and the nations as well.
Robert:So it's, you know,
Robert:there's a global impact
Robert:that the death of
Robert:this servant of God has,
Robert:according to Isaiah 53.
Robert:So, many, many Jewish
Robert:people over the years
Robert:have come to faith
Robert:in Jesus in Yeshua
Robert:through Isaiah 53.
Robert:The Jewish community –
Robert:what has developed over
Robert:the years is sort
Robert:of an
Robert:alternative interpretation
Robert:of that chapter,
Robert:of that prophecy.
Robert:And like you said,
Robert:the primary recommendation
Robert:now, or the primary suggestion
Robert:now is that
Robert:the servant of Isaiah 53
Robert:is not talking about
Robert:the individual Messiah,
Robert:but that it's talking about
Robert:the nation of Israel.
Robert:And this
Robert:really became popular
Robert:in the Middle Ages,
Robert:and there were three
Robert:really prominent
Robert:Rabbinic voices
Robert:that began to suggest
Robert:and push this interpretation.
Robert:One was Radak,
Robert:another was Ibn Ezra
Robert:and then the third was Rashi.
Robert:And Rashi is, I mean
Robert:he is appealed to
Robert:by the religious
Robert:Jewish community
Robert:as an authoritative voice,
Robert:even to this day.
Robert:I mean very, very
Robert:prolific commentator
Robert:on the Old Testament
Robert:and on Jewish life
Robert:and Jewish interpretation
Robert:of the Torah, of the prophets,
Robert:of the writings and tradition,
Robert:and all of that.
Robert:So there's there's like,
Robert:you know, different
Robert:suggestions on why
Robert:this became the prevalent
Robert:interpretation of Isaiah
Robert:53 in that time.
Robert:One suggestion, some believe
Robert:that it was actually a reaction
Robert:to Christian
Robert:missionaries, Christians
Robert:coming and bringing Isaiah
Robert:53 to the Jewish community
Robert:and pointing out
Robert:how much it sounds like Jesus
Robert:and how Jesus must
Robert:be the One who fulfills this.
Robert:So as a reaction
Robert:to that, this alternative
Robert:interpretation was developed
Robert:that no,
Robert:no, it's talking about,
Robert:not the Messiah, it's
Robert:talking about Israel.
Robert:So is it unfounded?
Robert:Well, yes, and no.
Robert:There are textual reasons
Robert:why the Jewish community
Robert:and leaders in the Jewish
Robert:community adhere to
Robert:this interpretation.
Robert:One is
Robert:with the use of the word Evatt.
Robert:Evatt is a Hebrew word.
Robert:It means servant,
Robert:and in this section of Isaiah
Robert:you know,
Robert:Isaiah is an amazing book
Robert:and an amazing prophecy.
Robert:The first 39 chapters of Isaiah
Robert:have a certain tone
Robert:and a certain certain focus.
Robert:Once you hit chapter 40
Robert:that tone
Robert:and that focus changes,
Robert:you get into a much
Robert:more hopeful picture
Robert:and a lot more promises
Robert:that God gives to Israel
Robert:in Isaiah chapter
Robert:40 through chapter 66.
Robert:And in this section,
Robert:beginning in Isaiah 42,
Robert:we have what are called
Robert:the Servant Songs of Isaiah,
Robert:the Servant Songs of Isaiah.
Robert:So, these are Isaiah 42:1–4,
Robert:Isaiah 49:1–6, Isaiah 50:4–7,
Robert:and Isaiah 52:13 through 53:12.
Robert:Now when we look
Robert:at these servants songs
Robert:that word "eved" is
Robert:used for servants and sometimes
Robert:in these chapters
Robert:the servant is referring
Robert:to the nation.
Robert:You know, it's valid.
Robert:In Isaiah 41, Isaiah 42,
Robert:Isaiah 43, 44, 45,
Robert:and even in Isaiah 48:20,
Robert:the word servant is
Robert:used to describe
Robert:the nation of Israel.
Robert:In other cases,
Robert:in these chapters
Robert:"eved", the word
Robert:servant is used to refer
Robert:to a righteous individual.
Robert:So, once we get to Isaiah
Robert:49:3, Isaiah 49:5–7
Robert:Isaiah 49:5–7, Isaiah 50:10.
Robert:Now we're looking at the use
Robert:of the word servant
Robert:as describing this
Robert:righteous individual,
Robert:who we later
Robert:realize is the Messiah.
Robert:Now, in some some cases
Robert:and some of the verses,
Robert:it's unclear
Robert:who we're talking about.
Robert:It could be the nation.
Robert:It could be an individual,
Robert:but really there's only like
Robert:two or three verses
Robert:in the whole section.
Robert:Isaiah 42:1, Isaiah 44:1–2
Robert:where we're not totally sure,
Robert:but what we do see
Robert:what we can say with confidence
Robert:is that once we get to
Robert:Isaiah 48:20 and forward
Robert:every use of "eved", of servant
Robert:is focused in on an individual.
Robert:It's talking about
Robert:a righteous individual.
Robert:So once we get to Isaiah 53,
Robert:Isaiah is focusing more
Robert:and more.
Robert:You know
Robert:it's almost like you know
Robert:he begins with sort of
Robert:like a broad view
Robert:of the servant of the nation,
Robert:and then he begins
Robert:to hone in on this one
Robert:righteous individual
Robert:who's a member of
Robert:the nation, who's
Robert:connected to the nation, right?
Robert:But he comes into
Robert:focus more and more.
Nicole:Yeah, I think there is
Nicole:a few reasons why
Nicole:we can point to the fact
Nicole:that it's an individual,
Nicole:not the entire nation.
Nicole:I mean, how can Israel
Nicole:be cut off for Israel?
Nicole:Or how could Israel,
Nicole:you know, die for Israel.
Robert:Right, and you know
Robert:there are a few
Robert:other reasons why
Robert:you know, it kind of
Robert:doesn't make sense.
Robert:I mean, granted
Robert:there are certain Hebrew
Robert:words and verbs that
Robert:are used in Isaiah 53
Robert:in that chapter that are plural
Robert:rather than singular,
Robert:but it doesn't really,
Robert:doesn't detract from the fact
Robert:that it's talking about
Robert:an individual, alright.
Robert:Okay, so Nicole,
Robert:you mentioned how Israel
Robert:cannot be cut off
Robert:from the land of the living
Robert:for the sake of Israel,
Robert:and even for the other nations.
Robert:But another like
Robert:really strong reason
Robert:why it's talking
Robert:about an individual
Robert:and not the nation
Robert:is because of how
Robert:the servant is portrayed.
Robert:This servant, He's portrayed
Robert:as being righteous,
Robert:as being blameless,
Robert:as not being deserving
Robert:of this suffering
Robert:that He's enduring.
Robert:Well, let's ask
Robert:a follow-up question to that,
Robert:and honestly, I'm
Robert:like indebted to Dr.
Robert:Michael Brown
Robert:for laying this out.
Robert:You know, I was able to
Robert:sit under his tutelage
Robert:and really dig deep into Isaiah
Robert:53 a number of years ago.
Robert:And when we look at
Robert:how Israel is described
Robert:in other places in Isaiah
Robert:or even in other places
Robert:in the Tanakh and
Robert:the other prophets,
Robert:so if we look in in Jeremiah
Robert:in Jeremiah 32:28–36
Robert:or in Ezekiel 5:5–17,
Robert:or if we look in
Robert:even other prophets like Hosea
Robert:and Amos.
Robert:The way that Israel is
Robert:described is not
Robert:is not righteous.
Robert:That's not how Israel
Robert:is described at all.
Robert:Israel as a nation
Robert:is being chastised
Robert:by these prophets
Robert:because of her sin.
Robert:You know that
Robert:that's a big reason
Robert:that God even sends
Robert:the prophets to begin with.
Robert:He sends the prophes
Robert:not just to you know, foretell
Robert:what's going to happen
Robert:in the future,
Robert:the prophets are sent
Robert:by God to Israel or to Judah,
Robert:or to a certain tribe,
Robert:or to a certain individual,
Robert:whoever it is,
Robert:and they're sent with a purpose
Robert:of pointing out and calling out
Robert:the sin of the nation
Robert:or the tribe or the individual,
Robert:or whoever it is
Robert:and giving a call
Robert:to repentance.
Robert:Calling out to that
Robert:person or that nation
Robert:to come back to God
Robert:to turn away from sin
Robert:and to come back to the Lord.
Robert:And in the process
Robert:these prophets will
Robert:will foretell
Robert:what's going to happen
Robert:and what is still yet
Robert:to come in the future.
Robert:But this really speaks
Robert:to a big part of the
Robert:principle of prophecy.
Robert:God gives prophecy,
Robert:not so that we'll just know
Robert:what's going to happen
Robert:in the future, but
Robert:prophecy is given
Robert:so that it impacts
Robert:how we live right now.
Robert:We'll be right back.
Robert:During these difficult times,
Robert:we know how hard it is
Robert:to hold on to hope,
Robert:and we want you to know
Robert:that Chosen People Ministries
Robert:is here for you.
Robert:If you have any prayer
Robert:requests, our prayer team
Robert:is standing by to receive them.
Robert:You can submit your request
Robert:at, again
Nicole:So Robert,
Nicole:I remember reading in Genesis 3
Nicole:after the fall, after Adam
Nicole:and Eve sinned,
Nicole:God says to Adam and Eve that
Nicole:the seed of the woman
Nicole:would be at emnity
Nicole:with the serpent,
Nicole:and that he will
Nicole:crush the Serpent's head,
Nicole:and the serpent
Nicole:will bruise his heel
Nicole:and we see that as a prophecy
Nicole:that Yeshua fulfilled.
Nicole:How does the Jewish
Nicole:community interpret this
Nicole:and how do we know that
Nicole:Yeshua fulfilled this?
Nicole:Yeah, that's that's
Nicole:an excellent question.
Nicole:As far as how the Jewish
Nicole:community interprets
Nicole:that particular promise,
Nicole:it isn't necessarily
Nicole:given the same kind of weight
Nicole:that it is in the
Nicole:Christian community today.
Nicole:I mean, it's
Nicole:an important passage
Nicole:because it really sort of
Nicole:introduces this, you know,
Nicole:it's almost like the
Nicole:first note in a song
Nicole:that begins to build and play
Nicole:throughout the rest
Nicole:of the Torah –
Nicole:the first five books –
Nicole:and you know all of Scripture,
Nicole:the prophets, the writings
Nicole:and ultimately we would believe
Nicole:in the New Testament as well.
Nicole:that passage is considered
Nicole:the first Messianic
Nicole:prophecy in the Bible.
Robert:considered the first
Robert:promise from God
Robert:that He would send
Robert:this special, unique individual
Robert:who would come to take care
Robert:of the sin
Robert:problem in the world.
Robert:I mean, if you look at what's
Robert:going on there, Adam and Eve,
Robert:like you said,
Robert:they've just sinned,
Robert:they've rebelled.
Robert:They've fallen short
Robert:and the first thing
Robert:that they did after
Robert:they sinned and realized
Robert:that they had done wrong
Robert:is they try to hide
Robert:in their guilt in their shame.
Abe:And I love that this prophecy
Abe:is given by God Himself.
Abe:It's the first one given,
Abe:and it's not given
Abe:through a prophet
Abe:or through a mouthpiece.
Abe:It's given directly by God.
Abe:And that it's a promise
Abe:made directly from Him,
Abe:which is pretty cool.
Robert:Yeah, that
Robert:is pretty amazing
Robert:because it's not in you know
Robert:there's not visions or
Robert:awkward sayings.
Robert:This is God Himself
Robert:promising this
Robert:and prophesying here.
Robert:So that is pretty powerful
Robert:when you look at
Robert:and begin to sort of dissect
Robert:the promise that God makes.
Robert:He's describing
Robert:the suffering servant there.
Robert:He's describing a servant
Robert:who's going to have
Robert:a unique birth.
Robert:Who's going to enter
Robert:into the world in
Robert:a very unique way.
Robert:You know, well,
Robert:how can we say that?
Robert:He's speaking to the serpent
Robert:and He says that the seed
Robert:of the woman right?
Robert:Now, the seed of the
Robert:woman, biologically
Robert:even back then, in
Robert:the ancient Near
Robert:East they understood that
Robert:the man had the seed
Robert:part, not the woman.
Robert:So right away
Robert:just in saying that
Robert:it would be the seed
Robert:of the woman, it lets us know
Robert:that this Savior
Robert:would have unique origins,
Robert:that He would be
Robert:born miraculously,
Robert:and God has a track record
Robert:of doing this throughout
Robert:the Old Testament
Robert:we see some miraculousness
Robert:conceptions and miraculous
Robert:births, right?
Robert:We see with Abraham and Sarah
Robert:later on in Genesis,
Robert:as they in Genesis 18,
Robert:you know they're they're old.
Robert:Abraham is very old
Robert:and Sarah is beyond
Robert:childbearing years,
Robert:which means that
Robert:her womb is dead.
Robert:She cannot bear a child
Robert:naturally, but yet God promises
Robert:that a year later
Robert:he would return and she
Robert:would have a son Isaac,
Robert:and sure enough,
Robert:a year goes by God visits again
Robert:and she has a son,
Robert:and his name is Isaac.
Robert:God intervened
Robert:into a barren place of death
Robert:and brought life
Robert:and brought the son
Robert:of promise right?
Robert:And then even later on in
Robert:Isaiah 7, you know we have the
Robert:famous prophecy about
Robert:the Virgin
Robert:will conceive and give birth,
Robert:and ultimately when we come
Robert:to the New Testament,
Robert:we see that Yeshua,
Robert:Jesus was
Robert:miraculously conceived
Robert:and in the womb of a virgin
Robert:by the
Robert:power of the Holy Spirit,
Robert:and He had these unique
Robert:This unique birth experience.
Abe:So when that
Abe:particular prophecy says
Abe:the seed of the woman
Abe:will crush the Serpent's head,
Abe:what does that actually mean?
Robert:Yeah, yeah.
Robert:So again, when we begin
Robert:to like, dissect that prophecy,
Robert:this is really important
Robert:because the picture is painted
Robert:that the seed of the woman,
Robert:this special unique individual,
Robert:who has this special unique
Robert:origin and miraculous birth
Robert:a big part of the reason
Robert:of His coming, of His service
Robert:is He would crush the head
Robert:of the
Robert:serpent, and in the process
Robert:His heel
Robert:would be bruised, right?
Robert:He would suffer in the process
Robert:of crushing the head
Robert:of the serpent.
Robert:Now in the ancient Near
Robert:East, in the Bible,
Robert:I mean we have examples of this
Robert:to crush someone's head
Robert:or to even remove
Robert:someone's head.
Robert:Okay, like
Robert:you think of King David
Robert:when he slayed Goliath.
Robert:What did he do as Goliath's
Robert:corpse was laying there
Robert:on the battlefield?
Robert:He went over, took the blade
Robert:and chopped his head off
Robert:and then and then showed it
Robert:to the Philistines
Robert:and that is what struck
Robert:fear into their hearts
Robert:and caused them to scatter.
Robert:Because in the ancient Near
Robert:East, in this world,
Robert:to take someone's head or crush
Robert:someone's head meant that
Robert:you were taking
Robert:all of their life force,
Robert:all of their power, right?
Robert:So for the
Robert:the Messiah,
Robert:ultimately in Genesis 3
Robert:to crush
Robert:the head of the serpent means
Robert:that He is putting
Robert:a final end to the serpent,
Robert:the deceiver, the enemy, right?
Robert:Who crept in
Robert:and introduced all this chaos
Robert:into creation
Robert:as he deceived Eve.
Robert:And what's also amazing
Robert:is that His heel
Robert:would be bruised as He crushed
Robert:the head of the serpent,
Robert:so in the process
Robert:of gaining victory
Robert:over the enemy, over
Robert:sin, over death,
Robert:He would suffer.
Robert:And to be wounded on your heel
Robert:in that world,
Robert:it was a death sentence.
Robert:You know, whether
Robert:you were an animal
Robert:or a human right?
Robert:I mean, we even think of
Robert:like Greek mythology.
Robert:Achilles, exactly yeah,
Robert:I mean his weak spot
Robert:was his heel.
Robert:So to have a bruised
Robert:heel meant that you would die
Robert:that you wouldn't
Robert:be able to fend for yourself.
Robert:You wouldn't be able
Robert:to keep up with the tribe.
Robert:You wouldn't be able
Robert:to provide for yourself.
Robert:It was a death sentence.
Robert:So ultimately,
Robert:when we come to
Robert:the New Testament
Robert:and we look at the
Robert:Ministry of Jesus,
Robert:the service of Jesus
Robert:as the Messiah, we see that
Robert:a big part of the role
Robert:of the Messiah here
Robert:was to suffer that
Robert:it was through suffering
Robert:that He would achieve
Robert:and obtain the victory.
Abe:So Robert,
Abe:you know there's
Abe:some people who would say that
Abe:if Yeshua really is
Abe:the Messiah then He failed.
Abe:Which is funny,
Abe:because if He failed
Abe:He wouldn't be the
Abe:Messiah, but anyways,
Abe:and their rationale
Abe:behind that is that
Abe:He was supposed to bring peace
Abe:and we know that
Abe:there are themes
Abe:and certain scriptures
Abe:that talk about, for example,
Abe:Nicole read it earlier,
Abe:Isaiah 9:7.
Abe:But I'll read from 6 to 7, "For
Abe:a child will be born to us.
Abe:A son will be given to us
Abe:and the government will rest
Abe:on his shoulders and his name
Abe:will be called
Abe:wonderful counselor,
Abe:Mighty God, Eternal Father,
Abe:Prince of Peace.
Abe:There will be no end
Abe:to the increase
Abe:of his government or
Abe:of peace,
Abe:on the throne of David
Abe:and over his Kingdom
Abe:to establish it
Abe:and to uphold it with justice
Abe:and righteousness.
Abe:From then on and forever
Abe:more, the zeal of
Abe:the Lord of hosts
Abe:will accomplish this.:
Abe:That's Isaiah 9:6–7.
Abe:So what does Judaism teach
Abe:regarding the prophecies
Abe:about what the Messiah will do?
Robert:Yeah, so
Robert:this is a question
Robert:or even an objection
Robert:that we get pretty often,
Robert:quite frequently,
Robert:when we're talking with Jewish
Robert:people and it's valid,
Robert:I mean it's a valid question.
Robert:Like if I was Jewish,
Robert:I would want to know,
Robert:hey, if He's the Messiah,
Robert:then why is there no peace?
Robert:And why is this a question?
Robert:Well, because of
Robert:what you just read,
Robert:you know,
Robert:and multiple other passages
Robert:in the Tanakh, in
Robert:the Old Testament.
Robert:The coming of the
Robert:Messiah is equated
Robert:with the coming of peace,
Robert:where Israel's
Robert:enemies are put at bay
Robert:or are destroyed
Robert:and the Messiah establishes
Robert:His throne in Jerusalem,
Robert:and He rules and reigns
Robert:from that throne, and finally
Robert:everything is set straight,
Robert:everything is good, right?
Robert:Everything is restored
Robert:and we have peace.
Robert:We have Shalom, everything
Robert:in its right place.
Robert:How do we respond to this?
Robert:I always like to mention that
Robert:Jesus was Jewish, right?
Robert:Jesus was Jewish, He knew this.
Robert:He knew very well
Robert:these these prophecies.
Robert:He knew the description
Robert:of the Messiah.
Robert:He knew what people
Robert:were expecting
Robert:about the Messiah yet
Robert:He still claimed
Robert:to be the Messiah.
Robert:He made that claim, you know,
Robert:through His words,
Robert:through His actions.
Robert:Yeshua, Jesus made this claim.
Abe:He stood up in read one.
Nicole:In Synagogue, yeah.
Robert:Exactly, exactly.
Abe:Which is which
Abe:is insane to me.
Abe:I love that.
Abe:Like, He's stood up
Abe:and read a prophecy
about Himself. Robert:Right.
Nicole:And then He says,
Nicole:"This was fulfilled
Nicole:in your Presence."
Robert:Yeah, it's like
Robert:the ultimate mic drop.
Abe:Yeah, ultimate mic drop.
Abe:What would they have drop back
Abe:then? Like, I don't know.
Nicole:A Shofar drop.
Abe:Shofar drop!
Robert:Yeah, so
Robert:you know how
Robert:could He be aware
Robert:of these prophecies
Robert:and these expectations
Robert:about the Messiah,
Robert:and these promises
Robert:about the Messiah like this?
Robert:God said this, this is
Robert:going to happen, right?
Robert:So how could He do that
Robert:and yet still make
Robert:these claims to be the Messiah?
Robert:And when He came the first time
Robert:He didn't usher
Robert:in that peace yet,
Robert:He didn't usher in the fullness
Robert:of all those Kingdom promises
Robert:that we see in the Tanakh,
Robert:so there must
Robert:be something more.
Robert:There must be something more
Robert:that is being left
Robert:out of the objection.
Robert:And sure enough, Jesus himself
Robert:spoke about this in Luke
Robert:17:22–25, He's talking
Robert:about the time
Robert:of the Son of Man
Robert:and He makes this statement
Robert:where He says that
Robert:first OK,
Robert:as He's describing this
Robert:the day of the Son of Man
Robert:and the time of the Son of Man,
Robert:He says, first, He
Robert:the Messiah must suffer.
Robert:Okay, that's Luke 17:25.
Robert:But first,
Robert:He must suffer many things
Robert:and be
Robert:rejected by His generation.
Robert:So where does that come from?
Robert:Did Jesus just make
Robert:that up in that moment?
Robert:Well, no, no, because again,
Robert:we look back into the Tanakh.
Robert:We look back into
Robert:the Old Testament,
Robert:and you know, we've talked
Robert:about a number
Robert:of these passages already,
Robert:Isaiah 53 is a prime example
Robert:where we see that
Robert:the Messiah must suffer first.
Robert:Before you get to
Robert:the end of chapter 53 in Isaiah
Robert:where you see the Messiah,
Robert:you see the rejoicing,
Robert:you see the intercession,
Robert:you see things set
Robert:straight, you see peace,
Robert:right before you get there
Robert:and actually the means
Robert:of arriving at that place
Robert:is through the suffering
Robert:of the Messiah.
Robert:You see it in Genesis 3, right?
Robert:We talked about that.
Robert:You see it in Zachariah 12,
Robert:before this fountain
Robert:is opened up in Jerusalem
Robert:that brings fresh living water
Robert:to the nation to the city
Robert:before all of that happens,
Robert:the Messiah returns.
Robert:And it's described
Robert:as such a powerful moment
Robert:where God is speaking
Robert:and He says you will
Robert:look upon me whom
Robert:you have pierced
Robert:and mourn for Him
Robert:as one mourns for an only son.
Robert:So the suffering
Robert:is the prerequisite,
Robert:the suffering is
Robert:what's required before
Robert:we get to the fullness of all
Robert:those promises about peace.
Nicole:Something that both
Nicole:the Jewish community
Nicole:and believers in Jesus share
Nicole:is that we're both longing
Nicole:for this
Nicole:Messianic age of peace.
Nicole:So how can we I guess,
Nicole:reach out or just comfort
Nicole:people who are waiting for it.
Nicole:What can we point to
Nicole:in the Old Testament,
Nicole:in the Tanakh that
Nicole:points to the second coming
Nicole:and what's
Nicole:happening in the future?
Nicole:So let me let me answer that
Nicole:in two different ways.
Nicole:First, I think it's
Nicole:incredibly important
Nicole:for us as believers to realize
Nicole:and recognize, and
Nicole:walk in this truth
Nicole:that we are citizens
Nicole:of that Kingdom.
Nicole:That Kingdom of peace
Nicole:that's described
Nicole:that you read about in
Nicole:Isaiah 9, we are
Nicole:citizens of that Kingdom.
Nicole:We have a taste of
Nicole:that Kingdom even.
Nicole:We have God's presence,
Nicole:His Holy Spirit
Nicole:dwelling inside of us.
Nicole:So naturally
Nicole:we should be
Nicole:walking in the Spirit
Nicole:and letting our light shine
Nicole:so that other people
Nicole:can recognize the
Nicole:difference in us,
Nicole:not because of who we are,
Nicole:but because of who
Nicole:the Messiah is
Nicole:and what He's done
Nicole:in our lives.
Nicole:Yeshua said it Himself,
Nicole:they'll know us,
Nicole:they'll know that
Nicole:we are His disciples
Nicole:by our love
Nicole:for one another, right?
Nicole:So it's not, you know,
Nicole:how good our Hebrew is, or
Nicole:how good our Yiddish is or
Nicole:what nice people
Nicole:we are,
it's- Abe:Or who's right.
Robert:Or who's right.
Abe:Trying to win an argument?
Robert:Yeah, yeah.
Robert:It's our love right?
Robert:The love of God being lived
Robert:out in our lives
Robert:and being recognized.
Robert:It's important,
Robert:you know, to know
Robert:the scriptures.
Robert:It's important to
Robert:do all these things
Robert:but the one thing that stands
Robert:out is the love.
Robert:Second part of the answer to
Robert:the question is where
Robert:can we look in the Tanakh?
Robert:Where can we look in
Robert:the Old Testament where we see
Robert:the second coming,
Robert:where we see the return of
Robert:the king, the Messiah.
Robert:And what comes to
Robert:my mind is Ezekiel, Ezekiel 37.
Robert:So when you look
Robert:in Ezekiel 37:1–14
Robert:or you know honestly
Robert:the whole chapter.
Robert:But the first 14 verses
Robert:really describe this
Robert:End Time regathering
Robert:and rebirth of the
Robert:Nation of Israel
Robert:and it's split up
Robert:into two phases.
Robert:You have a physical
Robert:regathering of the people,
Robert:the descendants of Abraham,
Robert:Isaac, and Jacob
Robert:to the physical land of Israel.
Robert:The land of promise.
Robert:And then that's
Robert:the first phase.
Robert:The second phase
Robert:is a spiritual regeneration
Robert:of the entire nation.
Robert:God breathing life, His spirit
Robert:into a nation
Robert:that is, you know, described
Robert:as spiritually dead.
Robert:But then they are resurrected
Robert:by this power of
Robert:God, by the Spirit of God.
Robert:And then you
Robert:keep reading, right?
Robert:We keep reading.
Robert:We see the divided Kingdom,
Robert:the ten tribes in
Robert:the North Israel
Robert:and the southern tribes Judah
Robert:reunited, right?
Robert:God is bringing things
Robert:back together.
Robert:He's restoring his
Robert:people in the land.
Robert:and this is all End Time stuff.
Robert:And then we come
Robert:to the last section
Robert:beginning in verse 24, right?
Robert:It says this, my servant David.
Robert:So you think just
Robert:those few words
Robert:there, my servant
Robert:David will be king over them,
Robert:and they will all
Robert:have one shepherd.
Robert:I mean, we could
Robert:we could spend an hour
Robert:just unpacking that verse
Robert:in all of those words
Robert:that are used to describe
Robert:this individual.
Robert:He's a servant.
Robert:He's a descendant of David
Robert:right? He's a king.
Robert:He's a shepherd.
Robert:These are all Messianic terms.
Robert:These are Messiah-like terms
Robert:and you know, I always,
Robert:I always like
Robert:to use the analogy
Robert:of a lightning rod.
Robert:I used to live in
Robert:South Florida, okay,
Robert:and there are more
Robert:lightning strikes in Florida
Robert:than I think anywhere else
Robert:in the in the world.
Robert:But maybe not the world,
Robert:but in the UK.
Robert:You can fact check me on that.
Abe:We will.
Robert:Yes, you will.
Robert:Thank you.
Robert:So some houses down there
Robert:will have lightning rods
Robert:on the top of the house
Robert:because a lightning rod,
Robert:what does it do?
Robert:It attracts the electricity
Robert:so that rather than
Robert:hitting the house,
Robert:it will hit the lightning rod
Robert:and then that's it.
Robert:It's done right?
Robert:It doesn't do damage right?
Robert:So Yeshua, Jesus
Robert:is like the lightning rod
Robert:and the strikes of lightning
Robert:are all of these prophecies
Robert:and they all find
Robert:their fullness in
Robert:the lightning rod
Robert:in the One person.
Robert:So when we think about
Robert:the king, boom, that's Jesus.
Robert:The descendant of David,
Robert:boom, that's Jesus.
Robert:The shepherd, boom, that's Him.
Robert:The seed of the woman,
Robert:boom, that's Him.
Robert:The prophet like Moses,
Robert:boom, that's Him right?
Robert:The line of the tribe
Robert:of Judah, boom
Robert:that's that's Him.
Robert:OK and In Ezekiel
Robert:37 here He's
Robert:using these multiple words
Robert:to describe this individual
Robert:who's there as king over
Robert:ushering in His Kingdom.
Robert:And I'll just keep reading,
Robert:So Ezekiel 37:24, "And
Robert:they will walk in my ordinances
Robert:and keep my statutes
Robert:and observe them.
Robert:They will live on the land
Robert:that I gave
Robert:to Jacob my servant,
Robert:in which your fathers lived,
Robert:and they will live on it.
Robert:They and their sons
Robert:and their sons, sons
Robert:forever, and David
Robert:my servant,
Robert:will be their Prince
Robert:forever." Okay,
Robert:so this is an eternal throne
Robert:an enternal Kingdom
Robert:being ushered in
Robert:fulfillment of prophecy.
Robert:Verse 26, "I will make
Robert:a covenant of peace with them.
Robert:It will be an everlasting
Robert:covenant with them,
Robert:and I will place them
Robert:in, multiply them,
Robert:and will set my sanctuary
Robert:in their midst forever.
Robert:My dwelling place
Robert:also will be with them,
Robert:and I will be their God,
Robert:and they will be my people,
Robert:and the nations will know
Robert:that I am the Lord
Robert:who sanctifies Israel.
Robert:And when my sanctuary
Robert:is in their midst forever."
Robert:So to me, when we take
Robert:all of these things
Robert:that we've discussed, that
Robert:when we take the full picture
Robert:that's painted of the Messiah
Robert:in the Tanakh
Robert:in the Old Testament,
Robert:and we look for passages
Robert:of hope, passages
Robert:where we can turn to
Robert:to see that yes,
Robert:this king is coming back
Robert:and things will be set straight
Robert:and we will know
Robert:full, complete, perfect peace
Robert:at some point in the future
Robert:and it's coming through
Robert:Yeshua and again
Robert:when we take the full picture,
Robert:we understand that
Robert:He must suffer first.
Robert:With that
Robert:even after the suffering,
Robert:even after He's at that,
Robert:that lowest place possible
Robert:in the grave, right?
Robert:Even beyond that, one day,
Robert:just as sure as He
Robert:rose from the dead
Robert:and ascended into heaven
Robert:where He's seated now
Robert:at the right hand of power,
Robert:He's coming back to usher in
Robert:exactly what we just
Robert:read in Ezekiel 37.
Nicole:And what's
Nicole:exciting about that
Nicole:is that's one covenant
Nicole:that still has yet
Nicole:to be fulfilled.
Nicole:The Covenant of Peace.
Nicole:So Robert, to wrap things up,
Nicole:I guess we just really have
Nicole:one final question.
Nicole:Did Jesus fulfill
Nicole:the Messianic prophecies?
Robert:I would say yes.
Robert:I would say yes.
Robert:I mean, I'm biased,
Robert:He's fulfilled
Robert:so many prophecies that we find
Robert:in the Tanakh,
Robert:in the Old Testament,
Robert:and we learn
Robert:about His fulfillment
Robert:of these prophecies
Robert:in the New Testament.
Robert:You know
Robert:it's all one united message,
Robert:and He has fulfilled
Robert:what needed to be
Robert:fulfilled already.
Robert:He still will fulfill
Robert:the things that are pending.
Robert:Bonus question,
Robert:in your expertise
Robert:is there a resource or book
Robert:that you would suggest
Robert:to people that could help
Robert:cover some more of this?
Robert:I mean, there's tons
Robert:of Messianic prophecies
Robert:and we really only
Robert:talked about three.
Robert:And you know we are thinking
Robert:about dedicating
Robert:a whole Our Hope season
Robert:to Messianic prophecies.
Robert:If a listener wanted
Robert:to dive deeper into this,
Robert:what would you suggest?
Abe:Besides scripture.
Robert:Yeah. Yeah no.
Robert:I mean this is a
Robert:very important question too,
Robert:because there's a
Robert:ton of resources out there
Robert:and we need to know like, okay,
Robert:well, what's good, what's,
Robert:you know, what's legit
Robert:,what's credible?
Robert:And when it comes
Robert:to understanding
Robert:Messianic prophecy,
Robert:what I would recommend
Robert:right now is a book
Robert:that was released in 2019.
Robert:It's called "The Moody
Robert:Handbook of
Robert:Messianic Prophecy".
Robert:The Moody Handbook
Robert:of Messianic Prophecy.
Robert:You can get it on Amazon.
Robert:You can get it on Chosen
Robert:People website as well.
Robert:In our store.
Robert:Just go to
Robert:It is an excellent resource,
Robert:very thorough, over 1000 pages
Robert:and if you want to dig deep
Robert:into some of these prophecies
Robert:this is the resource for you.
Robert:You need to get it.
Robert:You need to have it
Robert:in your library. I'm sorry.
Robert:Okay, just do it.
Abe:That's awesome,
Abe:well Robert,
Abe:thank you for joining us.
Abe:Thank you for breaking down
Abe:these few out of many
Abe:Messianic prophecies
Abe:and trying to tackle
Abe:a beast of a topic in just,
Abe:I don't even know
Abe:how long this was,
Abe:30 to 40 minutes.
Abe:We can go on and on and on.
Abe:I know we really could.
Nicole:Thanks, Robert.
Robert:Well, thank you again
Robert:for having me Abe and Nicole.
Robert:I appreciate you both.
Robert:God bless you
Robert:and I'll see you on the radio.
Robert:“And the Word became flesh,
Robert:and dwelt among us,
Robert:and we saw His glory, glory
Robert:as of the only begotten
Robert:from the Father, full of grace
Robert:and truth.” John 1:14
Robert:It is a historical fact
Robert:that Jesus of Nazareth
Robert:walked this Earth
Robert:two thousand years ago.
Robert:He was born of a
Robert:virgin, suffered,
Robert:and died a criminal’s death.
Robert:As we have discussed
Robert:in this episode,
Robert:these are only a few of the
Robert:many reasons why we believe
Robert:Yeshua is the promised Messiah.
Robert:And just as He came
Robert:to pay the price for our sins,
Robert:Yeshua is coming again!
Robert:This time, He is coming
Robert:as the great King,
Robert:who will establish peace
Robert:on Earth,
Robert:upholding it with justice
Robert:and righteousness forevermore.
Robert:For many Jewish people,
Robert:it is hard to believe that
Robert:Jesus could ever
Robert:bring peace to earth
Robert:because of the church’s history
Robert:of persecuting
Robert:the chosen people.
Robert:So next week,
Robert:we will tackle another
Robert:challenging question
we have received:does
we have received:believing in Jesus
we have received:lead antisemitism?
we have received:One of our staff
we have received:members from Israel
we have received:will be joining us,
we have received:so we hope you will tune in
we have received:to hear what he has to say
we have received:about this important topic.
we have received:Thank you for listening
we have received:to this week’s
we have received:episode of Our Hope, featuring
we have received:Chosen People Ministries’
we have received:Director of Publications,
we have received:Neal Surasky.
we have received:This episode was
we have received:produced by Nicole Vacca
we have received:and written and edited
we have received:by Grace Swee.
we have received:This episode was also
brought to you by:Dr.
brought to you by:Mitch Glaser and
brought to you by:Kieran Bautista.
brought to you by:I’m Abe Vazquez.
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