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#55 Manifesting Success Behind The Chair with Nick Mirabella
Episode 559th November 2023 • Your Hair Mentor • Crystal Green
00:00:00 01:29:59

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Nick Mirabella is a sometimes-controversial, but always-insightful salon owner and beauty industry coach with a great story of success to share.

Join us as Nick breaks down his thoughts on manifesting wild success in your life and your business behind the chair. I promise you'll leave this episode energized and inspired to use the laws of attraction to create your wild successes.

Find Nick on IG @nickmirabella

Apply for his coaching on his website here:

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As always...thanks for listening!

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Like if you want to dress like a slob, then you're going to have slob energy. You know what I mean? If that's your brand, that you're like slobby and you don't really care, fine. But that's what you're portraying. I'm not saying wear a million dollar outfit, no professional. Look, look like you are in, in the beauty industry.

Yes. Like I see hostesses of restaurants that look well put together. Right? Like this girl's decked out. Like I see people in an office at a doctor's office, like she doesn't look like shit. Her hair's done, her makeup's done. She's like, she's dressed nice. Right. And then when you're in the beauty industry, because you work in a salon, you think you can wear yoga pants and a t shirt?

tions happening on Instagram [:

It's needing to basically look presentable at work. And you know, it's really funny because he did the video in kind of his fashion, which tends to be a little more, uh, masculine and like get straight to the point kind of thing. Well, Long story short, he pissed off a lot of people with that video. He also inspired a lot of people and it has started multiple conversations that I have been part of online.

g stylists that they need to [:

The Nick that I interviewed is like this very caring, um, insightful, smart human. And that one video that he did, I feel like does not properly represent who he is maybe a little bit, but there's more to him, I guess, than what you're seeing on the surface there. So come in, have a listen, soak up some of what he's saying, because it is.

Brilliant, my friends. And so with that, I would love to welcome you to another episode of the Your Hair Mentor podcast, where I am your host and your hair mentor, Crystal Green. And I love having you here. I'm super excited to share this interview with you today. And I hope you get some enjoyment and fulfillment out of it, just like I did.

into the episode with Nick. [:

Sure. Um, I'll go for a background. Can you hear me? Okay. I can hear you great. All right. Yep. My background is I started doing hair right after high school and then did that for like three to five years. Then I got a, uh, I got a job with a soap opera actually in between that doing hair, doing hair in a soap opera.

Oh, how fun. Yeah. That was actually like super stressful for me as a hairstylist that new into the game and I, uh, I bowed out of that really quick. It just wasn't what I wanted. Then shortly after that I was doing really well in the salon. 9 11 had happened and then I was watching the news. I was like, you know what?


Actually, my late twenties, I got really serious about Harrigan and then I, I just wasn't making the money that I wanted to make. So I started really diving into self development and I started really practicing the things I was learning, like in think and grow rich and like a lot of mindset practice, a lot of Tony Robbins.

A lot of these guys were talking about the law of attraction and. And manifesting your thoughts into reality. And obviously you have to apply your actions. And I started doing that. And that's when my career went from literally nothing like 400 a week to 4, 000 a week in six months, and then 5, 000 a week and beyond that.

tive mental attitude. And so [:

Wow. And that's kind of where I'm at right now. I'm trying to take the skillset that I learned and pass it off to the people who are, who are, you know, coming up behind me. I'm almost like, I want to be who I needed 10 years ago. And that's kind of absolutely my mindset. That's what all the good coaches say.

Right. Is that like when you, when you find your voice and you find your, your vision, usually you are talking to who you used to be. It's so true. Yeah. It's so true. And then I'm just going to adjust my mic right here so I can actually hear you a little bit better. Sure. Do what you got to do. You know, hearing that little bit of your story immediately makes so much sense because you have this, um, almost like David Goggins kind of quality to you.

that it's like, what's David [:

And if it's hard, good. That means you're doing it. You're right. A hundred percent. And you know, we're such a, listen, like it's such a soft generation now. And our industry is soft in general. Like we want. To have professional money, but yet we don't have professional actions. And the problem is these people, I think they're getting a hair and they see like the Ted Gibsons and they see these superstars on Instagram.

They see they're making money. And like, um, Chris Appleton, is that his name from color? Well, and they're like, wow, I want to do that, but yet they don't want to put the work in. Right. And the problem is they're looking at all these different videos and they're trying to learn like how to do it. And they're trying to learn all these different techniques and taking the courses, which is great.

serves to be successful. And [:

And by adding an immense amount of value to your posts. And it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there. And so you need a, you need like a, Like leather skin to actually start doing it. And I have a lot of people on my team that are really scared, like making that first post. But once they do, they start seeing the effect of, of getting an audience and that audience turns to clients and they start building a nice career from it.

Absolutely. So you need that Goggins mentality of like, can I curse on here? Yes. Let it fly. Good. Like, fuck what people think. Yeah. No one's paying your bills but you. Yes. And if you think about the person you needed when you were in high school, this is what I tell stylists all the time, who did you need when you're going through that awkward stage?

r hair, your hair was really [:

You know, I have a, I have an early wakeup time, so typically like three 30 to 3 30, 4 30 is my wake up time, depending on when I go to bed. Not surprising. Yeah. . And then, uh. But when you start your day like that, I do my morning prayer, my gratitude, and then I work out. And the workout is really where a lot of my good ideas come from, and then a lot of your strength.

Because, you know, strong mind, strong body, you know, spiritually strong. It's all connected. You can't have a strong mind if your body's weak. And you can't work 12 hours behind the chair or even six hours behind the chair if your body's not strong. So it's really important that you start working out. You don't have to be a fitness star, but I do want a lot of my, my clients and even my stylists to work.

keep their body able to work [:

Have you seen those? Like they're joints popping and stuff. It's funny, but it's also like, Ooh, we should really not get to that point guys. No, it's true. Yeah, it's also diet nutrition. Yes, which is a whole nother. I mean, okay. So when I started doing hair I worked with people that were like drinking wine and coffee cups in the morning and snorting coke in the back room Like that that was my I mean, I wasn't doing that but like I was like, wow This is the industry, huh?

at's not going to build your [:

That's not going to make you a good wife or a good husband or a good stylist. So this is why I like to self development is so important for our industry because you get these young people, 20 years old, 22 years old making serious money. And serious for their age, like some of them are making like 80 to 100, 000 a year.

And that's a lot of money for somebody who's, you know, who never made anything. Absolutely. And you can do a lot of cocaine with 100, 000. And they do. Yup, yup. And that stuff's expensive. Um, so where do you, uh, I know you're a coach and I know you make, um, all of your online content is like speaking to stylists.

And so, uh, what is your like focus and your message in your coaching when you're reaching out to people online? A lot of it has to do with the laws of success and it's like, um, you know, a lot of Napoleon Hill, a lot of influence from Wallace D. Wattles, uh, Tony Robbins, and really just helping them identify the person that they need to be to become successful.

I'm really [:

I'm cool with that. I'm cool with whatever somebody wants. And I want to, I want to identify what those goals are and now let's get there and let's create the person who can get there too. Gotcha. And so, you know, for some people it's making, you know, 2 million a year and you could do that in this industry if you do it right.

eir fingertips in our career.[:

Absolutely. Um, I see there's like some product on the shelves behind you there. Do you sell retail in your salon too? I do. So retail is my bread and butter. So I started a Shopify. Store back in the, I don't know, maybe like five, six years ago, maybe a little more now. And it's because my clients were buying products on Amazon and eBay and Walmart.

And I have a pretty good education in computer programming and e commerce as it was. So I started a Shopify store and I got, you know, you've seen other podcasts before talking about how I got my teeth kicked in and got my ass kicked. I was, I started with Google ads. I ran an application in my Shopify store and I was, I did like 96 or 98, 000 in three months in ad spend.

e returns, um, coupon codes, [:

And so fast forward several years later, you know, the, the. My whole e commerce portfolio, I think we did like 2. 4 million, uh, a year and a half ago or two years ago. So now, you know, that was a total growth sales, you know, non profit obviously. But then I started learning really harnessing ads because that's obviously, that's your visibility.

If you don't have any kind of Google ads, unless you're a really good content marketer, you need to, to understand. The, the Google ads genre and the Facebook ad genre and the content marketing and the SEO. And I started learning all of that stuff. So e com or retail is a huge, huge part of my business. And if you're a salon owner or even a suite renter, you need to harness the power of retail in your shop and online.

r client's products, they're [:

Like, you, like, you don't know, A, if it's real or not. And B, you can let them know, Hey, like my client just left before, you know, the reason why I was late. She's like, well, I got ColorWow, but I don't, I don't know if I'm using it right. Well, you don't need color. Wow. Like, and her mom was right next to her.

I'm like, that's for your mom. Your mom has thick, coarse hair. You have fine, straight hair. Like, just because you see an influencer speaking about it doesn't mean you necessarily need it. So had she asked me first, I would have told her, no, don't waste your money. Right. You know, so we, I, she buys, she buys everything I tell her.

icing on stuff, but Ulta and [:

And so I was like, I'm not even, I can't even be competitive with these big box dealers because they're getting like blowout rates or whatever, or they're buying hundreds of cases of something at a time. I work, I work with small distributors for the most part, and you have to negotiate, like you've got to buy in deals, you've got to buy in sales.

So when there's like a 20 off sale, you got to double down and invest in it. I don't invest in the stock market anymore. I invest in shampoo and it's funny, but it causes like issues at home because my wife's like, why is, who's, why'd you spend this much money on at salon centric or Cosmo? Or I'm like, it's no different than me buying options when a stock goes on sale, women or men or whoever will always buy the shampoo.

So I look at the trends and then if there's a sale and I get a discount on top of it, I'll throw 10 to 15 to 20, 000.

t's going to sell, you don't [:

Hmm. Okay, let's unpack that a little bit. So you look at trends, where, where do you find these trends? Do you literally just cruise social media or like? Google search. I see what the bloggers, YouTube, what they're talking about. And then I look at, uh, Amazon also, you can, you can get certain tools that you can look at who's searching what and how many times something was, was bought.

And then I know I could double down on my Google ads with that as well. Fascinating. And then you can sway the market too. So creating enough. SEO friendly blogs and enough content of your own. You can start doing some internal linking on your site. So if I have a connection, let's say with a product called the Pura, it's I know the owner of the company, it's a coconut hair serum.

y're looking for their hair. [:

Hmm. This stuff is so good. I feel like obviously you're clued into this stuff because you've, you've gone down the rabbit hole and back. Um, but a lot of hairstylists don't know the first thing about anything you just said. Like backlinks, SEO, all that stuff. They're like, what the heck are you talking about?

This is the issue. And I have this with the industry too. And I teach this as well. And of course, whoever wants to get, give me their ear. Cause I'll talk to anyone really. It's um, you, when you own a salon. And you own a business. The one thing we forget as stylists, because we're artists, right? Mm hmm. Is to learn business.

Like you wouldn't get behind the chair if you didn't, you wouldn't do a highlight or a balayage of somebody if you didn't learn it. Like some people would just try and wing it, but. Right. You would go to YouTube and watch a tutorial. Mm hmm. You would try and figure something out. And the issue is in business, we just start a salon because we think we could do hair.

good on a business, but you [:

And then you have the leader. So the true entrepreneur, and a lot of times we have to wear multiple hats in the salon. And as an owner and a stylist, you have to know when to put on each one of those hats. And so you are, you are doing your clients at the service and you're doing yourself at the service and your family.

If you don't try and learn business, it's not that hard to learn. You can learn it on a podcast. You can learn it on YouTube. You can learn it. There's a hundred. There's a thousand channels out there now where you can learn business from and books you can read. Like Tony Robbins has a business mastery, um, leadership by, by, um, John Maxwell.

. So I think, I know, you're [:

We're like, oh I can use that from over here and I can use it here and then I can do that It's like we can puzzle it together and I think for a lot of people They have a hard time doing that. And so I'm really, really happy that this kind of conversation is happening in our industry for people that are clued into the industry and have also learned these really interesting techniques they can pull in.

ke this awesome plan. And so [:

I actually, that's one of the things that, that blows my mind and gets me so irritated. Oh, I'm not good at technology. Oh, that's not for me. Oh, it's too hard to learn. Right. Why would you not even try? Right. Or they try once and they give up. And my whole thing is like, I got this from Tony Robbins. Like if your parents stopped teaching how to walk the first time you failed at walking and be like, ah, fuck it.

She's not going to be able to walk. They taught you, you kept teaching your kid how to walk until they learn how to walk. Do yourself the same service, like learn business till you figure it out. Right. And that, that's, that's so frustrating to me. And I'm a big believer in mastermind groups too. So having a mastermind group isn't just internally in the hair industry, right?

iPhone or learn how to take [:

Mm hmm. Right? And then that's a quick mastermind trade off right there. Right. So I can look at, you know, I would go to a local bar. And I, obviously I would like their Instagram page. I would communicate and leave comments, but I would try and find the bartenders, like the bars and the clothes, the cutest girls there.

Then do something with the owner. We're Hey, let's do a fashion show or a shoot at your bar. I'll do all the hair. I'll bring my photographer friend to take the pictures. We'll market at your bar. Cause you have a huge audience of people in our demographic. And now you just, you have a ton of eyeballs on your stuff and everybody wins.

g beliefs to like, you know, [:

But like there's it's for real like people a lot of the times are not college bound that come into this industry And that's not saying that that's a bad or a good thing. It's just different, right? And so they come in thinking like well, I didn't go to college I'll go to beauty school a lot of the times now I know there are people that are like I just want to do hair and I want to make You know, six figures and be this like banging hairstylist.

But for the most part, people come in feeling like I'm not smart enough, right? I do hair. Cause I'm not good at math. I do hair. Cause I'm not good at computers or whatever. And like, I think that's a bunch of crap personally. I think we're just artistic a lot of the times and like. For me personally, I've realized like I process things by speaking them.

al with information in a way [:

Wouldn't you agree? A hundred percent. And I use that as an example for my team, thinking, emotion, behavior, outcome. I'm not sure you've heard of that analogy before. No, tell me. Your thinking affects your emotion, which affects your behavior, which affects the outcome of the situation. And just to bring up a point you just made, if you're one of those girls who go to, who went to hair school because you weren't good at school and you're like, I'm going to do hair and that's all I can do.

So let's take that thought process. You are now a stylist and you have that thought process and you can, you communicate with your stylist. Let's call her name, Jen. Jen is a high power attorney. Jen is super professional. Jen makes a lot of money. So when you speak to Jen, you're like, Oh, I'm not good at that stuff.

. But what's that do to Jen? [:

So Jen, like I said, she's a high power attorney. Jen has a one o'clock meeting, which should end by two. She has a highlight appointment with you at three. That meeting for Jen got pushed to three o'clock. She got the email saying, hey, can you do three o'clock instead? So, what does Jen do? Jen knows you're just a hairdresser.

She's like, yeah, no problem. She calls your salon. Sorry, I can't make it. Uh, something came up. Done. I'll reschedule. I'll call back when I can. Now, let's change your language and change your thinking. You are a professional. You're an elite of the elite. Doesn't matter if you do hair or you're a surgeon. You think of yourself as a professional.

You're good at math. You're good at chemistry. But you carry yourself in the salon as that of a professional. Jen is your equal. Whether she's a lawyer and you're a stylist, it doesn't matter. When you speak to Jen, you carry a conversation because you better yourself through education. And outside of her industry, you can articulate a conversation about negotiating contracts or whatever it may be.

math. You tell Jen about the [:

What does Jen do? I'm sorry, I have an obligation at three o'clock. I can't make it. Let's do it tomorrow instead. So what's the outcome? You keep your appointment with Jen and you make money that day. That's how thinking emotion, behavior outcome, and that's how it carries in every aspect of your life. And if you think for a second that you're just doing hair, I'll give you another scenario.

So your hairstylist, a woman comes into your salon. She had a really bad day at work. Her boss was a dick. Let's say you have the option now to take the education you're learning of self development. And have a conversation with her and arm her and make her feel good. Not just that, but you're getting her out of her funk because we're energy.

energy. Love it. But by you [:

Okay. And let's say her, her husband has to perform a surgery on somebody. And had he had a bad day and his wife came home and bitched at him and just, just took all her frustration on him. He would go to work the next day, maybe have a bad day and during that surgery. And let's say that surgery. Went wrong and that person had died right really bad day for a lot of different people But let's say that surgery went really well and he saved that young person's life in that surgery Fast forward 15 to 20 years from now the person's life.

thinking, emotion, behavior, [:

And that's why it's so important to have a positive mindset and, and really internalize all of these mindset principles. Because you, we affect everybody, everyone's connected through one source and the quicker you realize that, the quicker you're going to start treating people much better. I love that as you're going on those, like the layers, I'm like, yes, yes.

You gave me goosebumps with that. It's so true. And like, so what is the biggest hurdle that a hairstylist has to get over before they can start understanding that playbook that you just gave us? They have no limitations. Like, your limitations are only in your own mind. You literally can do whatever you want to do if you apply yourself.

income anyway, right? That's [:

Who understands what I'm saying to them? And people raise their hand. All right, who in this classroom knows how to do basic math with our American currency, our dollar? If I give you a 20, can you give me a change? Give me a five, a 10, and five singles. Can you do that? Good. Who in this classroom now knows more than one person here in America?

Everyone, right? You look around, you know each other, so you're already ahead of the game. Why is it that someone could come in from a different country, not know our language, not know our currency, and not know another person in this country, and become a millionaire in five years? What's your fucking excuse?

grand a year. [:

Is that person that much better than you? What's the difference between them and you, and you have to, like you said, limited beliefs. Is it not? Is it true that it's impossible? No one can do it. And once they see that somebody is doing it, they're like, Oh, maybe it is possible. Yeah. You know? And one of the things, my limited belief was I need to work hard to make money.

Like I have, like you have to work hard, which is true. You have to work hard, but I would almost cause myself to do more work because of the, my limited belief of, I need to work hard in order to make money. That's not true. Because are there people that are not working hard that make lots of money?

have downtime and spend time [:

Um, I think in terms of money, I had limited beliefs. Like I know I'm smart and I, I have charisma and I have drive and all these things. things, but I did not grow up in a family where money was easy or, you know, um, abundant at all whatsoever. And so money has been something that you have to really work hard for.

And, you know, like those who work the hardest get it. And, um, if I'm not making enough, I'm not working hard enough. And then I met someone a while back that I had held up on this pedestal as like, someday I'll be like her outside of the hair industry as like a digital creator. I met her in person and let me tell you, she was a complete dud.

And it was, I had to be like [:

They gotta, they have to realize it and unfortunately have to get out of their, their circle of friends. And that's another thing I teach. Proximity is power. Who are you hanging out with? If you're hanging out with the elite stylists who are making six, seven figures a year, who are superstars and they're crushing it and they're making a lot of money.

What are they doing? I'm sure their habits are aligned with that. So if you're hanging out with a bunch of hairstylists that are only making 30 grand a year and they're going to the bar spending 25 of it drinking and they're eating like shit and they have negative self talk, well of course you're going to be, you're going to be a product of your environment.

son in your salon and you're [:

So there's something you can learn from that person. Go to those salons where the people are. It really does. Yeah. It really does come back to like self reflection, right? Like you have to have the ability to like look around you with some situational awareness and realize like, this isn't serving me. You know, and if you don't do that, then you're just going to be like the frog in boiling water, right?

Until one day the water is boiling and you can't do anything about it. So I always tell people, get your goals. That's the first thing. You'd have a clear purpose in life, right? Have a mission statement, have core values, but have that goal. X amount of dollars, X amount of pounds by X amount of date. So I, Nicholas Marabella, want to make 50, 000 a month.


Take another piece of paper, draw a line down the middle. On the left, you're going to write away. On the right, you're going to write towards. Take your actions, everything you're doing, all the conversations you're having, and put them in a column. Away or towards. Either they're bringing you towards your goal or they're bringing you away from your goal.

And if that column away is way bigger than the column towards, you're doing something wrong. Now just flip them towards. And if you change, if you do the opposite action of going away, it's obviously gonna take you towards your goal. If it's the people you're hanging out with, don't hang out with those people.

Cross them out of your life. Doesn't mean you have to never talk to them again, but you shouldn't be hanging out with them too much because they're a bad influence on you. And they're not going in the direction that you want to go into. There's nothing wrong with it. I speak to maybe An eighth of the people I spoke to 10 years ago, it's just, it's what it is.

ke I'm really doing a lot of [:

Like what kind of husband are you? What kind of wife are you? What are the things that you're doing that you could be doing different? Coming home angry, you know, not leaving your work at work. When's the last time you got flowers for your wife or when's the last time you did something nice for your husband?

We all know what the husbands want, but yeah. Like those are things you could be doing. Right. No, very simple changes in your, in your habits and actions will. Truly have a ripple effect on every aspect of your life and people don't take an account of what you're doing on a daily basis. And the self talk is, is real.

hips because they were there?[:

And a lot of people say, Oh, 10 pounds. Well, what else? 10 pounds isn't a real goal, right? You want to have a result. I want to be healthier, but you need a purpose. Why do you want to be healthier? Okay. Well, for me, it's a dance to my daughter at her wedding. Like I want to be healthy enough to dance to my daughter at her wedding.

And I want to be able to play with my grandkids. So every time I skipped the gym, it's like, is that bringing me towards. Dancing with my daughter at her wedding. No, it's not. Mm-Hmm. . So I'm not skipping the gym. It doesn't even, I have to go there and crush myself every time. I need to just get there because going there is bringing me towards my goal.

Staying home and sleeping in is taking me away from my goal. And you know what? My daughter doesn't deserve that. So I, I have a strong enough why? And so if it's, it might be same reason for you if you're, if you're a dude and you wanna dance with your daughter, it could be a mom dancing with her, with her son.

have a stylist at my salon. [:

Wow. Yeah. She's, she's out of control. She's great. You know, she was trained in Germany. She's phenomenal. You know, old school, like she's old school mentality. Like, like I'll tell her, just don't worry about the color. Like if she does her own hair, I'm like, ah, goodie, you're fine. She's like, no, no, no, no, I will pay you.

And then she, she wants days off. And this is wild. Like the younger generation, I'm going to a concert. I'm going to be taking off, you know, XYZ days. Like six months from now, there's a Wednesday that she wants to take off. And she called me twice. And then she like kept calling me to make sure she can ask me for that day off.

And I'm like, Goody, what's wrong? Is everything okay? And she's like, I just want to make sure that that day is okay to take off. I'm like, it's in fucking March. Like, yeah, you can do what you want. You don't have to ask me anymore. She's like, no. You're the boss and I've always, I, I like team leader, I like teammate.

don't like boss. Mm-Hmm. But [:

Yep. It all goes back to that. And it's funny, I was like, good, do you want something to eat? She's like, no, my pants fit me tight, so I have to watch. And she's a twig. Oh my gosh. And she, she takes that into every aspect of her life, like her house, everything's meticulous. Her car's meticulous. Like she's just very by the book in certain things and she could relax a little bit now at this point.

to imagine for you finding, [:

Shit or get off the pot people, right? Like, so, um, do you ever have stumbling blocks with people when you start talking to them and like they're not ready to embrace this mentality yet? Often. Yeah. And they're just not ready for it. Like, I don't want to bring anyone on to a program if they're not going to follow through with it.

Right. I've had that happen a couple times where I misread them, I just misjudged exactly what it was I was doing, and it just didn't work out for anybody. And sometimes, honestly, I'll hammer somebody in the first couple sessions. It could be a three month program, and they're good. They're like, I'm good, I'm done.

e they're high, they're high [:

And so two or three hour phone calls. Like in a couple of weeks of session, they were fine. And then I have the people I check in with and like, Oh, you know, I didn't do that homework assignment. I didn't do that. And I've been too nice to them. And I have a couple of coaches that I, I associate with. And they, they're like, dude, you were a Marine, treat them like they're in your platoon, fucking rip them.

I was like, people are a little softer in our industry. He's like, I don't give a shit. He's like, do they want results? No. And he's like, call him a fat fuck. He has tits. Say he has tits. How's that? And I'm like, alright. He's like, what kind of example is that for his son? And he's, he's right, you know? Like, you want your kid to be proud of you.

ot an average, I got to see. [:

Yeah. It's really funny that you bring that up. Um, My, my mom and I are great now. Like, we have a good relationship. We're solid. But when I was younger, I think my mom was not happy in her life in general. She wasn't doing anything to fill her cup, okay? So, for a long time I kind of struggled with her. And her advice to me...

would make me so angry. Her advice was like, it's okay to be average, honey. Like, I would come home really mad that I got a C on a test in high school, just like fuming. And she's like, it's okay. C's get degrees. And I would just be like, screw you and your C's! Like, it made me so mad that she was like, complacent, or that like, it's okay.

probably wanted to drop out, [:

I just was done with it. I would like walk around the block and like, instead of going to school, I got on my parents view. I would kind of come back and sneak back in the house again when they went to work. And it was funny, my, my best friend in the world, he helps me run the online store. Like, his wife and him are partners in one salon, like we do a lot together still.

And I remember his mom, I used to drive him to school, he was a freshman, I was a senior. And she was like, Nick's sick again? I was suspended. And he didn't want to tell her. Or I just would just skip school. She's like, wow, I think you got to start finding a new ride to school. I literally just want to go.

And not because I love to learn, like I clearly, like I love knowledge. I just didn't function in that structure. And so for people who think that. If you're not good at school, it doesn't mean you have a problem. Like, it doesn't mean you're okay with average. You just don't learn that way. And for us to think that every single person needs to be trained like they work in a factory, that's what school does.

, bell rings, then you go to [:

They get told they're not a good student. They get told they're not good. They're not good. They're not good. Which may be for your mom, you know, she struggled and she didn't flourish down to vibrant. So the only way to make herself feel good was big. It's okay to be average, but it's not, it's not okay. And we need to tell our kids, Hey, if you, are you, is this a hundred percent?

Is this your best? To get that C. If that was your best, that's okay. Because not everybody Right? Not, not everyone's being judged in that fashion. Like, if math is not your thing, then you could do something else. Like, what's the saying? If you judge, if you judge a squirrel by the way he climbs, or by the way he flies rather than climb a tree.

omething that they can't do. [:

Well, you might be a fucking amazing hairdresser. Yes. And it might not be you. It might be the professor you had, might be the teacher you had, you just may not have connected with them. They may teach a different way than you learn. And that's another thing I like to talk about is the five love languages, so we all communicate on different levels.

And for owners, like if you have a staff member that's not connecting with you, well, what language are you speaking to her? I speak to Vanessa is not the same way that Brianna is going to hear it. They're two different people. So you need to be able as an owner, especially to be able to communicate at that person's level and with the language they speak.

ting hair and coloring hair. [:

Come hang out for a day. I'll tell you exactly when to come. What time of month to come hang out. You tell me if it's awesome. That's so funny because you're dealing with personalities and then you know someone who's, who has a family member that passes away and this is not just for an owner, but when that client sits in your chair and she tells you her husband died.

Last month, like you need to have the emotional strength to be able to carry on a conversation with her and also not absorb that energy. Yes. I think that it's a huge, huge thing. And I know like all these, uh, coaches out there that are telling us to put up boundaries and policies and basically put like walls between us and our clients are trying to protect us from that sort of thing, but I don't think that's the answer.

oviders, we need to be like. [:

And unfortunately people, and I think a lot of these coaches couldn't hack it as hairdressers or stylists, a lot of them. And they felt like they were getting beat up by their clientele because they took a class on what they should charge. So they were charging 500 a highlight. Their skillset wasn't there.

Their client left upset. So now they need boundaries and they got to fire people. You know, and the one thing I like, I have, I have styles all the time that want to put cancellation policies in place and all that. I never needed it. No one really didn't show up for me. Like everyone always came and got their hair done by me, but I get it.

for day and that client had [:

And then, um, the hairdresser canceled last minute. And my friend was like, what the hell? Like this woman shoved this cancellation policy down my throat and then cancels on me last minute. She's like, there's no accountability. She should get a free haircut. Right. That's what I said. I said, I'm sorry. I think that woman owes you something.

that you promised you would, [:

appointment, I had to move them like two or three times because of something, right? And, but they're cool. They'll, they'll call my four o'clock in the morning if I want them to. So I was like, I can't move them again. I was like, I literally just did that to them last time. Like I got my phone up to text them.

I was like, shit, customer service. Yeah. Like, it's like, shit, what do I prioritize? But other hairdressers are like, oh no, no, no, I'm going to cancel out or move her. I'm running behind. But yeah, like you said, I have 15 policies for you not to do that to me. That's why I don't do it. I don't like being a hypocrite.

Because I, if I knew how to cancel, I don't feel bad. Exactly. Right. Because that's like how relationships, yeah, exactly. It's like mutual respect. Right. And I think that's what hairdressers are trying to get with these policies and these boundaries and these expectations is respect, right? It's like their way of being like.

n people. Yeah. I'm going to [:

The next time. You prepay for the appointment and if you don't show up, you lose it. Easy. Like if you have a three or four, like if you're like a serial, like canceler, like I'm like, all right, cool. Vanessa, you have to prepay for your highlights and if you don't show up, you lose it. That's what I would do.

But I never lived in a, in a mindset of lack. So I'm also a power booker. So very rarely do I only have one client in my book. I'll have like five. I was gonna say, what does a power booker mean? A power booker means like, alright, so I have, uh, Veronica at 10, I have Vanessa at 10. 15, Jen at 10. 30, like I literally have four clients there and then someone will text me and be like, hey, can you fit me in today?

puts her single process on, [:

Gotcha. And it all runs smooth. You're like the, um, conductor in an orchestra. That's it. But I've been doing this long enough to do that in. So if you cancel, and this is great, because like, you'll have a 12 o'clock meet and now I'm really jammed up. I'm like, fuck. I'm like. Oh my god, I shouldn't tell everyone to come in.

You'll text me like, hey, is it cool if we reschedule? I have an issue at my son's school. No problem. How's Friday for you? And then my, my, and then my, my, Jessica, my partner here, she's like, how does that always happen to you? It's just, that's the mindset that I'm in. It's all going to work out for me. I just did a video on that.

You're manifesting it. When it comes to the law of attraction, this is where people get it wrong. It's like, all right, let's say you're in traffic, perfect examples today, but I won't digress. I'll keep my whole, my story going. Okay. So me and you are going to meet at four o'clock, obligation, four o'clock. I get out to the road at 3.

. [:

And plus, if you're saying, I don't want traffic, you're still talking about traffic. You're going to manifest more into your life. So instead, what I say is, it's all going to work out for me. It's all going to work out for me. It's all going to work out for me. Everything will be okay. So what happens? I can't say I'm going to get there on time.

It's physically impossible. It's unbelievable. I'm not going to be able to attract that because it's literally impossible. But by saying it's all going to work out for me, what happens? You then call me 10 minutes to four o'clock or right then, and you're like, Hey Nick, I got a little jammed up. Can we push it to five?

to help out and then now it [:

Like make sure you have an understanding of that. It will work out for you. It doesn't necessarily have to be the exact thing that you want. Like you want to get there at four o'clock. Yes. But what do you want? You want to make the appointment. And so it doesn't matter if it's four or five. It was four, but now let's make it five.

Manifest that to happen to you. Yeah. And I used to do that all the time when I first started doing hair. I was good. I mean, I was always really good at doing hair. I had a natural knack for it. And like, you know, those toners that you do, they turn like a weird color right away and you're panicking. And I was like, Oh God, please make this work out for me.

And let's say you overtone and I have to retone them again with something like, and I'm like, it's going to work out for me. It's going to work out. You should love her color. She'll love her color. It wasn't what we wanted. And she's like, Oh my God, you're a genius. I love this. This looks so much better.

od. I was like, and I'm just [:

I think I've always done that in my career and without even realizing that I'm doing it. And so when you panic and like new styles, like, Oh my God, she's going to hate it. She's going to hate it. She's going to hate it. No, that's not positive. Right? No. And that negative feeling, even though you're, you know, you want it to look good, but you're telling yourself she's going to hate it.

She's going to hate it. And so I tell my every, every staff meeting I have, every time I talk to the stylist, I want them to look at their book. The week before, like on Sunday, for the whole week, and the night before. And when you have that one client in your chair, in your appointment book rather, and you know she's a pain in the ass, rather than fire them, visualize it going exactly the way you want it.

r grays never recover right. [:

And it works out the way you want it. Much like an athlete when they run, like let's say you're an Olympic runner, a sprinter, and you run that course in your mind the way you want it. Your body doesn't know. If you're really running it the way your brain triggers off to the muscle, or if you're running it or if you're just visualizing it, so your body still released the same chemicals of happiness because you want to make your client happy as if you actually made her happy.

So now you're vibrating at that happy frequency when she walks in because you played it 100 times your head. And so magically. The law of attraction, she leaves it or happy, right? And it takes practice at it. Like it's not easy to do right away. I mean, it takes me years to get this down. Do you have like certain tools or mantras?

I mean, [:

And it just magically happens for you and not everything. Like there's times that I get, I get stuck in my rut where I'm like, when I started my online store, had I manifested everything properly, I probably wouldn't have those issues. But in reality, I needed those issues to happen. So I'm so grateful for them.

Gratitude is the main thing that you can start and end with everything. It's always for gratitude. And so I'm so grateful for those, those lessons, because had I made that mistake now, Instead of 100, 000, you know, it could have been 500, 000. It could have been a million. Right. You know, and I could, it could affect my, I have a daughter now, so it could affect me putting food on the table.

e who I teach online selling [:

You can't internalize when things don't go your way and make it seem like you're bad or wrong or not smart or not good enough. You have to just see it as like, whoa, that didn't work out the way I thought it would, but now I know and I can course correct and I can do it this way. Yeah, every obstacle is an opportunity and you made a really good point right now about course correcting.

That's why it's important to have that goal in your mind, that clear goal is you have your destination. And the way I explain this to people is if I were to tell you, my friend, Brian's going to give you 10 million. He's going to meet you at a steakhouse in Manhattan named John's Steakhouse. What are you going to do?

t five o'clock. You can't be [:

And when you get rerouted, you might find a great restaurant that you eat at, you might see a beautiful sunset, you might meet your spouse, you might find that one toy your kid wanted that you couldn't find. And now you're going to get that toy for him for Christmas. Who knows what the fuck you're going to find.

But the point is. If you don't have the end destination in your navigation, you're going to wind up getting lost. If you are very vague, if you put in Manhattan in your navigation, well, great. Now you're in Manhattan. You're a little closer to it, but what's going to happen? You got to walk in every building to try and find this guy with the 10 million for you.

whatever it is that you want [:

Um, like I, I think about the consultation is your goal setting, right? And in a consultation, if your client sits down and it's just like, I want to be blonde and you just go. Okay, and you just start doing stuff. You might end up way over in warm golden blonde land when your client actually wanted ashy cool blonde.

And then you're like, well, I don't understand. It's blonde, right? No, if you have like photos and you have a plan and you have your swatches and you've got, you know what I mean? And you really hone in on that goal with your client. Then you can do the course correcting along the way, like if you pull foils of the shampoo bowl and then you're like, Oh shit, this is too warm.

t to make sure my goals hit, [:

No, you have a set goal in mind. And with that goal in mind, you're able to now, Oh, she lifted it a little too warm. She grabbed too cool. Uh, she didn't lift light enough, so I gotta leave it on longer. Like you have an idea of what's going on, but if you didn't have the consultation, you didn't have that specific look that you were going for, who knows what could happen.

Right. And I just, I feel like that's such a common mistake for hairstylists in the, in the business is they don't dig into those goals. I mean, obviously the broader goals don't get dug into either, but even the specific client specific goals don't get dug into well enough. To understand that there's like a path that they can follow.

s of elimination. All right. [:

Like you, you'll get there eventually. Right. You just peel back enough things until you get to what she wants. Exactly. Yeah. And that's how you get to that destination. It's such valuable information. It's, you know, consultation, I was a bartender for years too. So the art of small talk and actually trying to figure out what somebody wants in a nightclub by reading their lips and knowing them and doing hair for so long, I've learned to master these quick two minute conversations.

To get from point A to point B. And so I've used some of those tools during our consultation to speed the process up. Yes. I don't need to talk to you for really longer than a minute. Yeah, I wonder, I want to ask you this too, because you do have some military experience as well. My husband is a fireman and so he serves people, you know, with his job also.

ome sort, unless they have a [:

Right? You have to like figure out like exactly how and what you're gonna say to that person to like effectively communicate with them. And I would imagine being a bartender does that, I would imagine dealing with anyone in the military that happens. Would you agree? Yeah, I I would say even, even clients too.

Yes, a hundred percent. So when you get, when you get on a call with a client. I'm high, I'm high energy. Like I'm just fucking boom, boom, boom. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, go, go, go, go, go everywhere. Like I'm very hyper. If you're a client of mine, it's our first call and you're very calm and you're passive and you're just like to learn a different way.

going to assess how you are [:

Now if you're a high strung person. And it's causing you to make mistakes because you're not able to think clearly about the actions you're taking because you're taking every single action. Then I need to meet you up there, come out fucking guns a blazing, and then slowly talk to you back down to help you make a decision with the proper mindset.

With a clear understanding of what the outcome is that you want. So, it's much like a client. You get the client, you leave work, their boss was a dick, they sat in an hour of traffic, their kids got suspended from school, they have so much going on, they come in your salon and they are just like, on one, right?

er, everything cool at work. [:

Like I tell all the time, you're able to control someone's energy, especially if they're nervous. Yes. Hey, can I get you a cup of coffee? Boom. You bring them down, right? You could, you could really bring someone up and bring them down. And it's that, that transfer of energy, that physical touch that you have.

And if it's a new client and you're just touching their hair for the first time. You're like, Hey, can I, I can touch your hair, right? That's cool. Take your hair down for me. I'll take your clip out. And then you have the consultation and she feels really nervous. And like, you could feel her energy. She got fucked up at like every other salon she went to and you could tell it's not her, right?

You get some people who, no matter what you do, they're going to be unhappy. But you generally know that this particular client is not asking for anything difficult. You could feel their energy. She's just really nervous about her outcome because she has a wedding for her daughter on Friday, a simple transfer of energy.

A touch on the [:

That's your space. And so whether it be a touch on the shoulder, whether it be the way you use your vernacular in conversation or the way you let like the love languages, how do they, how do they need to be spoken to? Cause I've had a client before that literally she was upset with everything that somebody did for her.

And I forget her name at this time, but I'll just, I like using the name Jen. So I was like, Jen, you know, the picture you showed me was. When you were 25, like you're a grandmother now, like no matter what I do, your hair is never going to look like that. So what is it you're looking for? Do you want to go back in those times?

ever going to happen again. [:

It's a beautiful memory. Right? We could do something similar to that. I can give you the version now of that look, but we're never going back there again. And she was like, no one's ever told me that before. I was like, I listen, I love you. I think you're great. And I want you to be happy, like inside in your heart, you could be 25 forever.

But unfortunately your hair has been through two marriages, four kids, you know, three grandkids, right? It's not your hair anymore. That's, you have better hair now. You have the hair that you have now, and you got to love that hair. And so if, if clients are always trying to look in the past and live somewhere else and always projecting their beauty from that, that after picture from the girl they saw that was filtered on Instagram, and that's how they want to look.

You need to be able to [:

Is it because they went through a breakup? Are they hurt? Are they looking for something? And this is when the psychology aspect of what we do comes to play. And it's like, like, it's not all about hair, right? Sometimes someone just wants someone to talk to because they could be going through some shit at home or appreciated.

how they're going through a [:

And because if I don't do that, no one else is listening to her. This is her time away from her kids. And she actually has somebody where no one she knows is around except for me. And have, had I not take that time out of my day for her, who knows, she could have killed herself, you know, she was that low and no matter what I did to her hair, even though she felt great, she needed to feel great.

And so that was my job that day, you know, that was my calling to make her feel as beautiful as she looked. Yes. And that's why I get, I get so angry about these boundaries people have, like you're stopping the joy of you giving that to somebody like, yeah, she ran behind. Yeah. Cause she's fighting with her husband at home or like I said, her boss, whatever the case is, keep using husband people.

Be a good human. It's about [:

That's an intimate space. Respect it. Like don't get taken advantage of. I'm not saying that, but the boundaries, they have to like, they have to chill out with these policies and boundaries. Yeah. And if you over deliver, if you add so much value, they're not going to cancel on you. Right? If you have that thinking, emotion, behavior, outcome, they value that appointment.

They value your time. It's, you're living in such a negative mindset that you need to set these boundaries because you don't value your time and you're afraid that they're not going to value your time either. I, I totally agree with you. And I think if some of these, um, coaches and industry leaders that were.

hat shit. We are not trained [:

Why would they not go to that place if they feel no connection to you? It's relationship. It's about brand. And that's why I get like when people are like, Oh, you need a hair page and a personal page. Nope. You need one page. You are the brand. People are buying from you. The Rock, he's a brand. He has a tequila company.

He sold for like a billion dollars. You know, uh, Kylie Jenner, she's a brand it's, she has one, she sold her makeup through it. It wasn't her makeup page that got real, real busy and sold, made her a billionaire. It was her own personal page. So if you want to be the hairstylist and your brand is known for being a bitch and being cold, cool, do it.

ouple of different examples, [:

If you lack a little skill, right? Like you're maybe 30%, you need to be 70% personality, so you're a hundred percent complete and you'll build up, you'll build up much faster by being a good human than being the best stylist and a bitch. So if you're, that is cool. Yeah. If you're 30% personality, but you're 70% stylist.

Awesome. But the second someone has the opportunity to go to someone who's nice to them, they will go to somebody who's nice to them. And I have a really good relationship with. Almost all, well actually all my clients. And it's funny because I'll have an assistant help me out now that I'm stepping away from behind the chair.

plicate myself and, and help [:

She's like, no, it just looks different when you do it. I'm like, how so? Well, you mix it different. Well, that's funny because Brianna mixed your color for the last three years. I'm like, it looks the same. It's the conversation that's different. Yes. No. And that's why I tell them, make sure you're engaging with your clients.

And that's the weird thing about these suites. Like, you have a suite, and then you leave the client in there by herself, and you go on your phone and play. Or, I've seen a girl, I've heard of a girl, who went home to do her laundry while her client processed. Like, she changed her clothes from the washer to the dryer.

a custom experience where it [:

You could do three haircuts a day at a thousand dollars. You work three days a week or make a 9k a week. Who's puts better than that. Mm hmm. Right? So, but that doesn't happen from being the best hairstylist. That happens from giving the best experience. And part of that experience is the conversation. 100%.

That's why it's so important, important to become the person who deserves to be successful. And that's when you raise your standards in all areas of life. Like if you study accounting and you understand how to, how to file your LLC as an S Corp, how to float your income, do deductions, and your client's stressing about her taxes, and you could relay some information that you learned from a course you took on taxes.

as behind the chair, I loved [:

That was my person. I was like, give them to me because I see it as like a challenge. It's almost fun. Right. Do you feel the same way? Same way. Yeah. When they were like, Oh, I fired a client. No, you're just not good enough to make her happy. Yes. Don't get me wrong. Some people are just really a pain in the ass.

You're never going to make them happy, but that's very few and far between. Agreed. They're not being heard. Yes. They're saying they want warm highlights, but they really want cool highlights. Right. Are you dissecting the picture? She's showing you a picture of highlights. But does she want to be that blonde?

No, she might want the dimension. How are you as a communicator? The better you are at communication, the better you are at reading that client, the more happy she's going to be. So yeah, give me anyone. Like, I have a lot of clients like that. And when I took people on from another salon, like they, some of these clients follow them here because they're looking around everywhere.

They're trying [:

I'm like, ah, it's going to be fine. Literally it was like five foils and like a root melt in a glaze. And she was like, Oh, I've been wanting this for the last three years, no one could do it. I'm like, yeah, you were, you almost had what you wanted. Like you literally almost had the picture. You were a half a tone off or a half a shade off and the wrong tone.

Right. Nipple. And then now, like, now I'm trying to get her to go to somebody else in the salon, cause I know what she needs. She, she waited almost four months to come to me. Yeah. And I went to Florida, my location down there and it just didn't work out. And it's just, it's so easy. It really is so easy to do what we do.

e with your clients and like [:

And then if you build the trust with that client, like you build that relationship and at the end of the appointment it's not exactly right, they're going to let you try again. Then you got like three strikes. Exactly. And then in the meantime you go take some hair classes and you figure stuff out and it's good.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. , it's, it's so, so true. I just did a video on that. I forget what I, if it's even posted yet, but they will come back to you. They were heard. The customer service was great. You were likable. And you might've like maybe messed up the hair a little bit, but you almost got it right. Like you didn't really fuck them up.

you after three times, like [:

Right. Unless they move or unless you're really just like, start screwing things up on them. Right. You got a drug problem. You're not showing up to work. Like if you get somebody in your chair on the fifth time. They're your client forever, for the most part. Yes. Yes. And it's, it's not because of your hair skills either.

Cause I guarantee you didn't duplicate everything you did every single time. It's your personality. And so I have, I have, I have a stylist and she's always miserable. Like I'm like, what is wrong with you? You're not, you're not even grateful for the clients you have today. You have to be grateful for who you have today.

And did you reach out to anyone because, you know, you left the salon, like you left one salon and came to another. She said, I don't know where my people are. Well, did you call anyone? Did you reach out? And I tell my new stylist too, Hey, when you do a new client, wait a couple of days. Hey, Vanessa. How was your hair?

h, I can't do it the way you [:

So do a blowout, get some content. It doesn't matter. And then she's going to have a great experience. I'd probably tell her friends, like, and one thing I just, I just don't get why people are afraid to call a client or reach out to them to see how the hair was. I would do that all the time. All the time when I was building up.

Mainly because I was like, oh shit, look in the salon, make sure I look it at home too, you know, and I was, I was always, I always wanted to over deliver and I, I would, Oh, something's wrong with your part. Come on in. Rather than them trying to fix themselves or rather than go somewhere else or rather than have their hair messed up in public, all it took was one low light because I highlighted too close to her part.

with my amazing personality. [:

Absolutely. And I don't charge him. It's like, Oh, this is totally that'll do that all the time. And I'm not, listen, I could charge a lot more than I charge right now. And my wife always yells at me. And some of my stylists are, you should charge more, but I power book. I don't need to. I make the amount in a day that someone who charges 500 a highlight does.

Yes. Doing five people. I don't need it because I'm, I know I'm hurting that experience aspect. Like I could give them more attention, but I don't need to. They're processing. It's okay. And half my people are like. Can you fit me in today? I mean, it's Friday or Saturday morning. Yeah. Just come in at eight.

I'll, I'll make it work out. When can you come in? Between one and two. Come then. And so like, it's chaotic to a certain degree, but they also understand, Hey, he's squeezing me in. I'm not going to get the best Nick today because he has five people here and they understand that. Now for a new client, I wouldn't do that.

ve too many new clients that [:

It's, it's just you taking ownership of your career. That's all it is. Yeah. Yeah. You have to call these clients up and check in with them, send them a thank you card, get their address, send them a birthday card, like be in the customer service industry. And if you go above and beyond. They'll go above and beyond for you.

y brain that a hairstylist in:

we had to hand out business [:

And that's how I went from the 400 to 4, 000 in six months. And it was the law of attraction. I read every single morning, I, Nicholas Mirabella, Nicholas Mirabella, book 500 every week. That was my first week. And um, I hit 500. So I read that for like. Every day, day and night, in the morning, in the afternoon, like 10 times a day, I would read my affirmation.

I was like, wow, it worked for 500. Like, maybe it'll work for 750. It worked for 750. I was like, maybe it'll work for 1, 000. I kept playing this game like, oh wow, maybe it worked. And then I got to like, I think it was like 2, 500, 3, 000. And I was falling short on a, on a Friday. I was like, I'm never going to hit it.

was the universe telling me, [:

And I would hit 3, 000 and I was like, sometimes you can't get upset because the universe will show you what you're worth. As long as you keep gratitude and you keep your focus on what it is that you want. If I had gotten discouraged and tried to drop my goal back down again, I wasn't raising my standards to meet it.

I wasn't feeling in a lack mindset. So I kept, I kept doing what I did the next week. I hit that, you know, that 3, 200, 3, 000 is my new mark. That was like three or four months into this whole affirmation thing. And then it was like, bye bye September. I started like March ish, like with my, that mindset training, and September I was hitting 4k a week.

And by the next year I was doing 25, 000 30, 000 I was charging like 65 a haircut too. It wasn't like, I wasn't charging 125 a haircut. Like I was literally booked from morning till night. And these clients would just come out of, out of nowhere. It got to the point where I was like, you know what, I'm done.

Like [:

Stop it. Swear to God. It's, it's insane. And it could be just, it could be coincidence. But it doesn't matter. But where your energy goes and focus goes, where your focus goes, energy flows. And we're, we all vibrate. We're all vibrational creatures. And so if you're vibrating at a negative frequency, you're going to get negative experiences in life.

ou get this diagnosis, right?[:

That six months you get, you have left to live, two of your siblings speak again, you, you, you heal a relation between, uh, an uncle and an, and an aunt, you, the quality of love you get in that six months far exceeds the quality of love you'll get for the next 40 years. What if. That diagnosis you beat and you, and you survive it and you beat whatever ailment you got and you were the, you were the inspiration for somebody else or hundreds of thousands of people and you help someone's mom get over cancer.

Like, think outside of being small, like that's the thing people think that, like I said before, the whole thing with the ambulance driver and all that people think they're, they're this big in the world. No, you could be a small pebble. You throw that pebble into a big lake, that ripple effect takes on the whole lake.

mn world. One highlight at a [:

Boom. I feel like that is a beautiful way to wrap up this conversation. Nick, you are, you're dynamic, man. Um, you got a lot going on in there. And I feel like we could probably do this for hours, you know, like, I feel like it's really fun to meet someone who thinks on the same wavelengths as I do. Like, I love that you just like knocked on wood when you said that a second ago.

Yes, I'm quietly doing it too. Right, but I, yeah, it is true and I totally agree with all of this stuff and I feel like, you know, However, we show up, if it's like, like you said, like guns blazing or it's like quiet and soft, as long as you have those thoughts and those values to yourself, like we can do amazing things.

ners if they just didn't get [:

Uh, there's a, a, a bunch of blogs in there too if they want to learn any tips if they're not hairstylists. YouTube, at the Warehouse Salon on my YouTube channel, and really Instagram is where I'm, I'm heavy at right now. TikTok, I got kicked off for some reason, just started a new channel. Why am I not surprised right now?

That's so funny. I didn't, I didn't do anything. I didn't like talk shit and go on a rant. Yeah. Like I didn't, but it just, I don't know what happened. I think I got hacked and then that's what happened. Uh, and then it said my account was in violation. I have no idea why. Uh, and then I'm starting a new YouTube channel strictly for like our industry's like business side of things.

channel. Wonderful. And then [:

You can reach out to me there. That's cool. Wonderful. Or you can email me nick at nick Marabella. com. Awesome. Yes. Well, thank you so much again for coming on here today and sharing a little bit of your wisdom with us. Yeah. No, I appreciate it. Thanks for having me. We've got to do it again when I'm not late next time.

Yeah. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. I agree. I'll have you back on and we'll, I'm sure we'll jam some more with this stuff. It was amazing talking to you. Yeah. Thank you for what you're doing for the industry. It's amazing. We need more people like you, you know, spreading the good word. Love that. All right, Nick.

I'll see you on Instagram. I'll see you later. Bye bye. Bye bye. Friend, it was so funny. After I pushed pause on the recording of the podcast, Nick and I continued to chat for like almost another hour. Honestly, I had to be like, okay, I'm just going to cut us off here because I feel like we could spin ideas.

you feel the same way after [:

So, um, anyway, as I always like to say, thank you so much for listening. It is my pleasure to be here as your hair mentor. And until next time, my friend have a wonderful hair day. Okay. Bye.




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