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Summer Jobs: more than seasonal work?
Episode 2926th May 2022 • Careers & Coffee • Corridor Careers
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In this Careers & Coffee, Dan and Liz return with some ideas for summer jobs that are currently available in the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City area.

  • Recreation jobs
  • Retail jobs
  • Service tech jobs
  • And a new feature announcement!

Part-Time Jobs available


Dan Holterhaus:

Hey, Liz. Good morning. How are you? I'm good.

Dan Holterhaus:

Drinking coffee this morning.

Liz Kennedy:

Out of that out right now

Dan Holterhaus:

Right on, oh, shoot. Well, we'll welcome you

Dan Holterhaus:

back whenever that time comes. It's been a little bit since we

Dan Holterhaus:

done careers and coffee, but we're back. We're still moving

Dan Holterhaus:

along here. I think since we did the last one, we had a career

Dan Holterhaus:

fair. Yeah.

Liz Kennedy:

We hopefully we saw some of you there.

Dan Holterhaus:

Absolutely. Yeah. We had ended April, we had

Dan Holterhaus:

a career fair at Cedar Rapids Public Library. Over 100

Dan Holterhaus:

jobseekers, I don't remember the exact number but and 38

Dan Holterhaus:

employers. So lots of activity going on at the spring career

Dan Holterhaus:

fair. And I'm happy to announce we've made plans for a fall

Dan Holterhaus:

career fair. Yay. So we'll be back at Cedar Rapids Public

Dan Holterhaus:

Library in early September. So be on the lookout for that.

Dan Holterhaus:

summer progresses here, we'll get some information out. So

Dan Holterhaus:

yeah, we're happy to have the library as partner. Yeah,

Liz Kennedy:

They were super great to work with. And every

Liz Kennedy:

job seeker that we spoke with was like, Oh, I'm so grateful

Liz Kennedy:

that you guys are here doing this and having all these

Liz Kennedy:

resources at the ready to help. And hopefully a lot of people

Liz Kennedy:

made some good connections, whether it was with an employer

Liz Kennedy:

or with a resource. I mean, that's what it was all about. So

Liz Kennedy:

went really well. And I'm excited that we can continue to

Liz Kennedy:

partner or partner with such a great partner like the Cedar

Liz Kennedy:

Rapids Public Library. But don't wait for the career fair.

Dan Holterhaus:

No reason to wait,

Liz Kennedy:

Yeah, so they're, they do have a workforce center

Liz Kennedy:

at the library that's open and ready to help at any day.

Dan Holterhaus:

So use your resources. If you're a job

Dan Holterhaus:

seeker right now and looking for something, plenty of resources

Dan Holterhaus:

sources out there. So well, we do have a topic today. But

Dan Holterhaus:

before we do that, I do want to talk about a new feature that we

Dan Holterhaus:

have on Corridor Careers

Liz Kennedy:

New feature alert! This is super exciting, and a

Liz Kennedy:

brainchild of Dan, he has wanted this for a while and we finally

Liz Kennedy:

were able to make it happen. So take it away.

Dan Holterhaus:

Well, this feature is called swipe a job.

Dan Holterhaus:

So once you are if you're on your mobile phone, this guy

Dan Holterhaus:

right here, right? If you're on your mobile phone, once you get

Dan Holterhaus:

into a job listing on Corridor Careers, you can just swipe

Dan Holterhaus:

right or left to go through that category and see all the jobs in

Dan Holterhaus:

that category. This is kind of nice, because before you

Dan Holterhaus:

actually had to scroll, like all the way to the bottom of that

Dan Holterhaus:

job posting to see like similar job postings, or you had to hit

Dan Holterhaus:

the back button, you can just swipe in between jobs. You can

Dan Holterhaus:

browse a little quicker, you also have a nice little heart

Dan Holterhaus:

right at the top of each job posting. So even you don't need

Dan Holterhaus:

to log in, you can just click the heart to save that job and

Dan Holterhaus:

come back to it whenever you'd like. So if you're you know, if

Dan Holterhaus:

you're scrolling through jobs quick, just at the heart, if you

Dan Holterhaus:

see if you are interested at all, I mean, come back.

Liz Kennedy:

Yeah, that's kind of like totally in alignment

Liz Kennedy:

with our DNA at Corridor Careers like our mantra is like we love

Liz Kennedy:

guest checkout, we do not want to make you log into our site to

Liz Kennedy:

have to have it be useful. Because we know, as a job

Liz Kennedy:

seeker, one of the scariest things is the fact that you're

Liz Kennedy:

so many things are out of control. When you're looking for

Liz Kennedy:

a job, you don't know who's going to call you back and ask

Liz Kennedy:

you for an interview, you don't know what stuff is going to

Liz Kennedy:

resonate with an employer. That's enough for you to think

Liz Kennedy:

about like you shouldn't be worried about whether the job

Liz Kennedy:

site that you're looking at is going to take your information

Liz Kennedy:

and give it to somebody else. So that's one of the things that

Liz Kennedy:

differentiates Corridor Careers from products like indeed, you

Liz Kennedy:

don't have to log in to get a benefit from our site. And we

Liz Kennedy:

know that about about you that you would prefer not to have to

Liz Kennedy:

share your information all the time. Now, if you do choose to

Liz Kennedy:

create a profile and Corridor Careers and log in, there are

Liz Kennedy:

additional features that are available to you like quick

Liz Kennedy:

apply or being able to use a resume builder. Those are all

Liz Kennedy:

free free to use, but it should be your choice whether you use

Liz Kennedy:

those features or not. So just throwing it out there that

Liz Kennedy:

that's this is key to who we are at Corridor Careers.

Dan Holterhaus:

Yeah, absolutely. I love that about

Dan Holterhaus:

us. Not to toot our own horn or anything but yeah, and make sure

Dan Holterhaus:

to check it out. Feel free to give us some feedback. We're all

Dan Holterhaus:

ears and we're constantly trying to develop this product into

Dan Holterhaus:

something that's super helpful for local jobseekers and Eastern

Dan Holterhaus:


Liz Kennedy:

So hopefully even though you weren't asking for

Liz Kennedy:

it, it's a feature that you love and just find very easy to use.

Liz Kennedy:

If you don't find it easy to use, please let us know. We'd

Liz Kennedy:

love to improve on it. We're always tweaking things a

Liz Kennedy:

Corridor Careers. It's not like there's development that happens

Liz Kennedy:

every day on our job board.

Dan Holterhaus:

Yes, absolutely. So Well, I think that's enough

Dan Holterhaus:

Corridor Careers updates, enough talking about ourselves. How

Dan Holterhaus:

cool we are. So we're, we're in May, summers, basically here

Dan Holterhaus:

right around the corner. Yeah. Schools ending very soon. So

Dan Holterhaus:

let's want to chat about summer jobs today. And on Corridor

Dan Holterhaus:

Careers, we have a lot of jobs right now. Lots of employers,

Dan Holterhaus:

anxiously looking for people. But some of those jobs that you

Dan Holterhaus:

see, I guess, let me pose a question to you as I guess, what

Dan Holterhaus:

are what are some jobs that you see that become available more

Dan Holterhaus:

so in the summertime?

Liz Kennedy:

Well, sure. We saw it last year, the city was

Liz Kennedy:

really struggling to fill all those positions, that recreation

Liz Kennedy:

area so differently, all the pools in town need to hire all

Liz Kennedy:

of the positions. So from lifeguard to concession stands

Liz Kennedy:

to attendance, those positions need filled and those are great

Liz Kennedy:

positions for younger workers entry level. You know,

Liz Kennedy:

obviously, you need to have lifeguard training in order to

Liz Kennedy:

be a lifeguard, but they do probably have some training

Liz Kennedy:

that's offered in the summer to help them fill those slots. And

Liz Kennedy:

just continuing on with the city. There are lots of golf

Liz Kennedy:

courses that need people working at those as well. So Twin Pines

Liz Kennedy:

is the new mini golf course. Is

Dan Holterhaus:

that right? Yeah, Mini Pines is that

Liz Kennedy:

Mini pines. I can't wait to go out there with my

Liz Kennedy:

family. But yeah, they're gonna be looking for people as well.

Liz Kennedy:

And all of the, you know, of course, you see hiring signs

Liz Kennedy:

everywhere with regards to retail. They're always going to

Liz Kennedy:

be looking for workers. And sometimes they're okay with

Liz Kennedy:

seasonal workers too. So they know that you're going to just

Liz Kennedy:

make work for them for the summer, and then you'll maybe do

Liz Kennedy:

something else in the fall or those flexible type positions

Liz Kennedy:

are going to serve you as you're trying to negotiate whether you

Liz Kennedy:

know, the other things that you do in the summer.

Dan Holterhaus:

Yeah, yeah. And that's a nice thing, too. A lot

Dan Holterhaus:

of these a lot of those summer jobs are part time. But yeah,

Dan Holterhaus:

I'm scrolling through what the city of Cedar Rapids has

Dan Holterhaus:

available on Corridor Careers right now. Recreation

Dan Holterhaus:

supervisors, camp counselors, cashier, cashiers, at aquatic

Dan Holterhaus:

centers, rec center assistance, you know, different things like

Dan Holterhaus:

that. And there are some more permanent full time jobs as

Dan Holterhaus:

well. But golf seasonal labor? There you go. So, you know, lots

Dan Holterhaus:

of lots of opportunity. Yeah,

Liz Kennedy:

Besides like, just working for the city, you know,

Liz Kennedy:

there's there's plenty of landscaping and construction

Liz Kennedy:

positions available as well, you know, oftentimes, people will

Liz Kennedy:

work, construction in the summer, and maybe they would do

Liz Kennedy:

snow removal in the wintertime, you know, they could just flip

Liz Kennedy:

flop between those two things or work in the interior in the

Liz Kennedy:

wintertime too. There's a lot of painting, roughing and service

Liz Kennedy:

type organizations with service service companies looking for

Liz Kennedy:

additional workers as well. So if you have that skill set, it's

Liz Kennedy:

in high demand.

Dan Holterhaus:

Yeah, and I think one thing we've seen as of

Dan Holterhaus:

late with the tough time that employers have had hiring is on

Dan Holterhaus:

the job training, especially something like this, and you

Dan Holterhaus:

were seeing it even in more professional positions as well

Dan Holterhaus:

now is employers number one, they just want to hire the right

Dan Holterhaus:

person, right? They want to get somebody that's going to fit in

Dan Holterhaus:

well with their team. And then they're willing to do on the job

Dan Holterhaus:

training for you know, a couple of months if it takes it or you

Dan Holterhaus:

know, pay for continuing education or something like that

Dan Holterhaus:

if that's needed. But yeah, I'm looking through our just

Dan Holterhaus:

construction, skilled trades, job postings right now. And

Dan Holterhaus:

there's there's all sorts of different jobs both full time

Dan Holterhaus:

and part time that are available right now. kind of pick your own

Dan Holterhaus:

poison, like you could go work for a big organization like the

Dan Holterhaus:

University of Iowa doing this stuff, or you could work for

Dan Holterhaus:

somebody, you know, a lot smaller organization. Eastern

Dan Holterhaus:

Iowa airport is hiring. So, oh, yeah, a lot of construction

Dan Holterhaus:

companies. Yeah. Yeah. So lots of different options. If you are

Dan Holterhaus:

looking if you'd like to, you know, work outside or work with

Dan Holterhaus:

your hands. There's plenty of opportunity.

Liz Kennedy:

Yes, It's true and probably wages are higher this

Liz Kennedy:

summer than they have been in the past. So we are seeing an

Liz Kennedy:

uptick in applications, people are starting to apply more for

Liz Kennedy:

roles, I think, just the feeling, we don't know how long

Liz Kennedy:

it's gonna last. And hopefully at last, but like this feeling

Liz Kennedy:

of the less, there's less pandemic feeling happening, like

Liz Kennedy:

there's more in person activities people are getting

Liz Kennedy:

out, it also might be a good time to try a new job that

Liz Kennedy:

requires training that might be a little bit more challenging in

Liz Kennedy:

the wintertime. So I'm thinking of like an outside plant

Liz Kennedy:

technician for like I'm on are in media calm, you know, if

Liz Kennedy:

you're going to be stringing cable lines, you might want to

Liz Kennedy:

train to do that in the summer or similar. Like if you work for

Liz Kennedy:

like a garage door company as a service tech, any of those

Liz Kennedy:

service technician roles, it's probably better to just on you

Liz Kennedy:

physically to like train in the summer. And that way, when, you

Liz Kennedy:

know, the weather's a little bit more challenging in Iowa, you'll

Liz Kennedy:

you'll be more skilled in your position, you'll feel more

Liz Kennedy:

comfortable and you won't have to like battle the weather at

Liz Kennedy:

the same time as you're trying to learn your job. So

Dan Holterhaus:

that's a really good point. Yeah, I have a

Dan Holterhaus:

friend that does similar type work for Alliant Energy. He's

Dan Holterhaus:

mentioned that before just the change a difference in what it's

Dan Holterhaus:

like being out in the summer months versus the winter months,

Dan Holterhaus:

for sure. Yeah.

Liz Kennedy:

I mean, those can be very rewarding jobs, because

Liz Kennedy:

if you hate working in an office. It's, it is great to be

Liz Kennedy:

able to work outside with your hands. And, and it's just, it's

Liz Kennedy:

better to not have to fight that first couple of months at least.

Liz Kennedy:

So I encourage you to look at those positions now and consider

Liz Kennedy:

them because yeah, it's never been a better time as far as pay

Liz Kennedy:

and on the job training as it is right now.

Dan Holterhaus:

For sure. Okay. Do you have anything else before

Dan Holterhaus:

we sign off? For the session of careers and coffee?

Liz Kennedy:

I don't know. Any, any parting motivational words,

Liz Kennedy:

just to keep us going?

Dan Holterhaus:

Yeah, I mean. Yeah, I mean, I guess if you're

Dan Holterhaus:

a job seeker, just keep your head down. And, you know, keep

Dan Holterhaus:

exploring, I think is my main thing for today. Like, maybe, or

Dan Holterhaus:

maybe you're just a little down, like you haven't found that, you

Dan Holterhaus:

know, something that you're super interested in, but, you

Dan Holterhaus:

know, just just keep exploring, and there's just so many

Dan Holterhaus:

opportunities out there right now. In great employers that are

Dan Holterhaus:

hiring and like I said, Well, you know, willing to do on the

Dan Holterhaus:

job training and good wages. So I encourage people to just keep

Dan Holterhaus:

exploring right now and, and, you know, until you find that

Dan Holterhaus:

something that you really enjoy it or find certain things in

Dan Holterhaus:

your current role that you really enjoy and try to apply

Dan Holterhaus:

those to something that you're looking to do in the future.

Liz Kennedy:

Great, well, at least it's sunny and we got

Liz Kennedy:

weather on our side right now. So good luck out there. If you

Liz Kennedy:

have any questions for us, please drop it in the chat. And

Liz Kennedy:

how about you like and subscribe to our YouTube channel while

Liz Kennedy:

you're at it?



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