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Building Better Relationships, Part 1
Episode 4018th August 2022 • Faith with Friends • Lisa Lorenzo
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Building Better Relationships- Part 1

The best way to build better, healthier, and stronger relationships is through the scripture, and Galatians 5:22 has all the tools you need to succeed. As believers, we have Jesus as a role model and the Holy Spirit guiding us. Jesus perfectly modeled all the attributes of the Holy Spirit to give us a baseline to build our lives as believers. We all know what love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control mean, but when we look at them through the lens of the scripture, they are different. They are not based on emotions, which come and go. They are more foundational and have a purpose of helping us reflect and live a godly life for ourselves and others. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are tools that can help you build relationships and demonstrate love to others, but you have to start by having a relationship with God. Once you accept Jesus in your heart, you get a helper, the Holy Spirit, to help and guide you to be better.

Join today’s Therapy Thursday conversation with me, Lisa, and my friend Lidia Martinez as we dive into the first part of the series of Building Better Relationships. We have been referencing the fruit of the Holy Spirit from Galatians 5:22 to get the qualities of creating healthy relationships. In this part, we shall discuss love, Joy, and peace. In our next session, we shall cover patience, kindness, and goodness, and in the last one, we will talk about faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

Tune in! 

In This Episode, You Will Learn About: 

[00:18] Introduction to the show 

[00:41] Give away: Four free coaching sessions 

[01:19] Today’s focus: Fruits of the Holy Spirit, love, Joy, and peace, Galatians 5:22 

[02:23] The source and foundation of the attribute or fruits of the Holy Spirit 

[04:09] Love; Jesus is our example of perfect love; John 3:16

[05:08] How perfect love can help you drives away fear

[06:15] Tools that you can use as a believer to demonstrate love to others 

[07:43] Preparing and slowing things down when you are feeling attacked 

[09:24] Living a life of love Ephesians 4:16

[12:04] Joy: Romans 15:13, Joy comes from God,

[13:29] The kind of joy we’re talking about: A joyful heart is a good medicine 

[15:07] God’s presence brings Joy; Psalms 16;11

[16:05] Peace, Hebrews 12:14, peace with God translates to peace with others 

[17:09] Boredom and comfort in chaos Vs. Peace

[18:00] How to dress with the peace of God, Philippians 4:6-7

[18:32] Maturity, learning how to use your peace emitters to make pleasing decision 

[22:44] Giving God the space and finding peace with Him to build better relationships 

[24:45] Episode wrap up

[26:37] How to reach out to Dr. Lidia and get four free coaching sessions 

[22:34] Ending the show with a word of prayer and a call to action 

Notable Quotes and Scriptures: 

  • We all know what love, joy, and peace are, but when we look at them through the lens of the scripture and their purpose, they are different. 
  • Emotions come and go; they are like the wind.
  • Perfect love drives away fear, but we’re more prone to fear when operating in the flesh.
  • You should always speak the truth in love: Ephesians 4:16
  • Joy is a gift that comes from God; it’s not based on our circumstances or mood 
  • Peace is not the absence of conflict; it’s the presence of God
  • Peace with God translates to peace with others 
  • God is a great Gardener, and to help part of us grow, and part of us mature, he prunes us. 

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Lidia Martinez



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