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The secrets of selling with confidence with Shayla Boyd-Gill
Episode 19521st June 2021 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 00:53:39

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Today’s episode of the podcast is an interview with Shayla Boyd-Gill who is a family, freedom and affluence mentor and creator of Luxe Your Business. She shows women entrepreneurs how to have it all whilst doing what they love. We talk about how you can sell without feeling horrible, your money mindset and how she juggles home-schooling her 6 children whilst running a successful business.




  •  Show up with confidence and as a business from the start.
  • Your business needs to work for you – giving you the freedom to not have to sacrifice your time with your family.
  • Give people the skills so they are not reliant on you – otherwise they will always have to come back.
  • When you sell a high ticket item, you need to bring value to your customer and deliver what you’re promising.
  • You have enough experience to sell your high ticket item.
  • People will pay for what they want.
  • If you don’t have an abundant mindset, you will prevent yourself from asking for what you truly want.
  • What money stories are you carrying? What are your beliefs? Did something happen around money in your life that has changed your money mindset?
  • Higher ticket clients save you time.
  • When your clients have invested more money – they will do the work.
  • You can’t sell when you’re desperate – people will feel that energy.




Until you stop treating yourself as if you are a liability, you will always struggle to charge your worth – remember, you are an asset!




  • An introduction to Shayla 05:36
  • Showing up with confidence 11:29
  • Juggling being a mum and a business owner 18:55
  • Creating the schedule you desire 26:05
  • Selling higher ticket items 30:40
  • Money mindset 33:20
  • Working with high ticket clients 38:44











FREE Email Masterclass


Transcript Below


Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are things? So this week I've got a great interview for you, but before we jump into that, I just want to remind you again, that I'm going to be doing a live email list-building masterclass. It's going to be about an hour long. There on the 29th of June. And if you head over to, then you can find all the details. But basically we're going to look at how to get your first 100 subscribers and the do's and don'ts of building a list.


Some of the pitfalls you should avoid, and some of the ways to help accelerate building your list. So, if you want to join me for that, then please do come along. I would love to see you and you get to pick my brain, ask me questions, which you know is always nice. Okay. This week we got an amazing episode because I interviewed the very lovely Shayla and I'll do her proper intro in a sec.


But basically we talked about money and charging and selling. Things that I think most of you listening are probably like, "Ooh, not so much thanks." And I think I know lots of you are female. And I think for women, sometimes that is a very difficult thing to do, to have faith in what you charge. To feel strong about what you charge and to go out there and ask for it.


And we often, I see this a lot with my members. They undercharge, they, they think I'm not worth that money or they think I can't possibly charge up money or someone's not going to be, think I'm worth it. And I would say, I think that's more of a feminine thing that we think like that. So this episode is a really good one because not only does she talk about How to sell a high ticket item without being sleazy and horrible. And if you don't have a high ticket item, don't panic because we talk so much more around this. But how you can sell without feeling horrible. She also talks about mindset around pricing and money and getting comfortable with us going out there and saying, "This is what I charge."


And then the other thing she talks about, which literally blows my mind is the fact that she's a mum of six. Six children like wow. And she homeschools them. Wow. Running a very successful business. Now, do you know what I've just recorded the episode I did last week. Cause I'm batching. So I record all at the same time.


And in that episode, I talk about the fact, if you didn't listen, I want, uh, I want a home manager. I want someone to help me with the house and the food and the everything else, because it's so much work could have just got a daughter who is only here half the time, because she lives between me and her dad.


I've got a step son who's 18. So it doesn't really take a whole lot of looking after and two dogs and me and my husband. Like I maybe should that have a word of myself? Do you know what I mean? Like if I can't manage, but yeah, like six children. So, let me find her official bio to review. Okay. So Shayla Boyd-Gill juggles being an entrepreneur with being a wife of 24 years and a mum of six homeschool children still can't get over that.


She went from bankruptcy to multiple six figure business and now Shayla is a family freedom and affluence. Gosh, I can't speak. How many times I told you, I hate reading Affluence Mentor and creator of Luxe Your Business, Sales System and a sales strategist who shows women entrepreneurs how to have it all – family, freedom, and affluence – while doing what they love.


She teaches her clients service-based businesses to restructure their businesses and live by boosting their higher ticket sales so they can make more money in less time without a heavy client load. So she really is an expert at this. And like I said, she was, so we had such fun. I love it when that happens. Sometimes when I'll have people on the podcast I've never actually spoken to them before the time I interviewed them, but it was just so nice to chat to her. She really is lovely. I'm always going to link up to everything in the show notes, but I hope you enjoy today's episode.


I am really excited today to welcome to the podcast Shayla Boyd-Gill. Shayla, how are you doing?


Shayla: Doing great Teresa. So glad to be here.


Teresa: Great stuff. Great stuff. We were just chatting about COVID before we got on and about how we can't wait for the world to open up and fly somewhere amazing again, because you live in a lovely part of the states and, and a part I've not been to. So yeah, I can't wait.


It's either that we, like, I chat by all the weather when someone's not from the UK. It's like, So what's the weather like that now. It's a very British thing we like to ask about weather mainly because it appears that lots of other countries have better weather than we do. So think that's why we ask all the time.


Anyway, we didn't bring you on to talk about that. So. Well, you always start off the same way with you telling my audience how you got to do what you're doing now and your story is pretty cool. So I will just let you get on and say that to us.


An introduction to Shayla



Shayla: It's a pretty wild story, you know? Um, again, thank you for letting me be here.


So my journey definitely started from a world of birthing. I was a doula, a childbirth educator, and lactation consultant. So all about babies. And from there I understood in that field, there was an issue with abundance. That's a giving community. It's, we're giving of our energy, we're bringing in new life, but there was a lot of issues around charging for services.


Teresa: Right.


Shayla: I understood the value of the services that I provided. And so I was okay with charging for them. And I actually started teaching other birth workers to do the same. During that time, I worked so hard that I burned out pretty quickly because I was gung ho. So I knew I could teach women how to sell, but I didn't have to stay in that industry.


I decided I'm not going to continue to do the birth work after over 300 births. I needed to figure out how I could spend time with my kids. I have six by the way, and preserve my energy. So I said, let me take this skill. And the skill I understood it. I understood how to build a business. I understood how to sell.


I understood how to transform lives. And so from there, I went into the coaching business and it was a gradual thing for us. I coach birth workers. Then I brought on other women that were just starting their businesses. And I've been able to grow that rapidly over the years and sustain the business through everything that we've been through.


It's been a journey and it was definitely, it was up and down and touch and go at points. But I was able to figure out how to make it work.


Teresa: Okay. So there's like, I just pulled across my notebook and quietly tried to pick up my pencil to jot a few things down. So I didn't forget them. Cause you just like really casually said a whole load of things there. First off, like I've got to ask about the job as a doula because that is now we, we do have doulas in the UK, but they're not very well known.


I think it's definitely more well known in the states.


Shayla: Yeah.


Teresa: But like, what was, how did you get into doing that? Cause it's not a midwife is it?


Shayla: No, it's not a midwife. Your midwife certify can catch and deliver a baby. I always say the doula is the person that's with you from the beginning of the pregnancy until you've had the birth and a little beyond. We spend more time with you than any provider that you'll ever pay to be with you. Because we are the mindset coach. We are the physical coach, the trainer to get you prepared for it, with all of the knowledge you gain from their professionals, we're there to advocate on your behalf.


And so I started because I had three really amazing birthing experiences. And what I noticed was the community that I came from, women were having awful stories. Like when you talk to people and you say, "Hey, you know, how was the, how was the birth?" They're like, "Oh, it was horrible. It was the worst thing ever. Or this thing happened. Or my doctor did this and I had surgery." And we know surgery is necessary sometimes. But what we saw there were women who felt like they weren't being heard. No one was advocating for them. They were being told, this is what you're going to do, but no one ever asks them, what do you want?


And I said, if my experience was so great, there's a gap here. Something's missing. Maybe it's an education gap. Maybe it's just not having access or knowing that these services exist. And so my job was really to share with my community and beyond opportunities that are out there with your birth experience and how could I help you to stand up for yourself in your family?


And it just took off. I was like, first let's teach you, let me become a childbirth educator. Then my students would ask, "Could you come to the birth with me?" I'm like, "Oh, really? You want me in your birth? I thought that was weird." But I'm like, "Oh, that's a thing you really want me." And it just, it was a natural next step for me.


And I just, I knew I had a mission to advocate for women and make sure they had better birthing experiences, especially here where I live.


Teresa: That's amazing. And like, I can, as you're talking, I can totally hear why there's an abundance problem and why there's a being charged for what you do. Because you do something where now I'm going to surmise a lot.


And if I'm wrong, by all means, please call me out on this. Right. You can do something that is probably quite difficult to get down on paper, like same with some coaches. Okay. So when people are like, what do you actually do? No, but how do you actually help? Sometimes I got a team member in my team who her job is almost like an exec kind of right-hand woman thing. And if someone said to me, what does she actually do for you? I'd like...


Shayla: It's hard to say.


Teresa: I don't know how to explain it. But I know that when I get on a call with her and I talked things, things through through, and she talks back to me and helps me get them straight in my head, but it's like, yeah, you're worth every single penny I pay. Try and then justify it.


It's really hard. And not only. Have you got that difficulty, which I can see lots of coaches having and lots of people in a more supporting role, but also your doing something that, one, there are people there to do it. Now, obviously in the states, it's very different here we have the NHS, so there's a, it's entirely free. Two, it's a very natural thing.


And again, when I think about coaches, you know, well, you should just be able to be happy or you should just be able to cope or, you know. So I can, I can understand the issues around the abundance. How did you tackle that and how did you, what were your skills for kind of going, this is what you paid for it?



Showing up with confidence


Shayla: Yeah. So I, I understood number one, just showing up. I looked at what was already existing and I looked at how the women in my industry in the birth industry were showing up. So we had this running joke, you know, we're in Birkenstocks. Yeah. So we were the sandals, I don't know if you all are familiar with the match. We're hippie.


Teresa: Yeah.


Shayla: But I wasn't hippie. You know, and I'm like, "Huh, okay. Do I fit into this community?" So I walked in, I knew, I know something that you don't know. And I know something that you need to know and I would sit people to invite me into their homes. I would have a conversation and I will let them know. I want to be able to guide you.


I don't want to replace your husband or your partner. I don't want to tell you what to do. I want to guide you to get what you say you want. And I always promise there's nothing guaranteed.


Teresa: Yeah.


Shayla:  I can not guarantee the outcome, but I can guarantee that you'll have an experience that you will feel proud of no matter how it is.


And that's all they wanted. It's all they wanted. And so I would show up in the first thing people started saying this "You're so professional." I'm like, "Well, how are people showing up here? I'm confused." Because we were showing up as our, our hippy holistic self, which is fine. But I had order, I had content and I didn't know what content was at that time, but I came, I would have information packets for them.


I had branded folders. And my husband's like, why are you buying these laminated branded folder? I didn't know why, but I'm like, I want my business to feel and look like a business. Birthing schools train you to do the work of a doula or a childbirth educator, but they don't train you to own a business.


And so I said, I want it to feel like a business. So I'm spending money on this training. It needs to feel like a business. I had branded shirts. So I walked in as a business owner that happened to be someone that was able to guide and support them through a holistic experience. The holistic, the holistic experience didn't look and feel like a holistic business that was not cared for. They understood, this is going to, this person's going to take care of me. This is a real business. I trust giving my money to this company, even though it was just me, they trusted the brand.


Teresa: Yeah.


Shayla: That's what it was.


Teresa: And I think you've hit on it in perfectly. You, you showed up as a business and therefore it made perfect sense that someone was going to pay you for your service because you are a business. And therefore, no matter what it was that you were selling. No matter the skills involved, no matter. You know, because I can only imagine some mothers of the moms would be like, "Oh, what do you need them for? You've got me." Or... I bet you hear that a lot. You know, because they, they didn't see. But when you turn up and go "No, this is how serious I am about it." And how amazing for you in terms of how we built for you must have been because this is the other really interesting thing that I find as a small business owner, but also as someone who teaches small business owners, is that we come into the business world because we're really good at the thing we do. Okay. So you were an amazing doula. I'm great at marketing. Someone else's great coaching, someone else's great at I've got somebody makes wedding cakes and all various different businesses. But the thing that none of us had is how to run a business.


Shayla: That's it.


Teresa: And, and that is like, that is, so I had such a wake up call when I started my business. Because I thought marketing as part business, I've worked with businesses, I'm in a business. Like how hard could this be? This is like, no, it's so different. And that point you said exactly about feeling that you can actually charge when it's up here or when it's experience, when it's not a physical product that I can hand over to you and go, "There you go. It costs me X amount and to make an estimate on there's my price." So, so that is that for me is amazing that you did that at that point, almost like showing your route that the route was the business route.


The doula thing was the thing, you loved it. But so can I just ask, like, what is it like seeing over 300 births? That is just crazy.


Shayla: It's amazing that. When I go back and I look at the numbers and I'm like, really, I still have files. And I, I asked myself, did you really do this? And how did you do this? But I also tell myself, this is exactly why you burned out so rapidly because there was a high demand.


The part of the business, I didn't know was how to bring on a team.


Teresa: Yeah.


Shayla: So had I brought on his team, it had other doulas that worked with me. I was a little afraid of having the...




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