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Change the Direction of Conversation
Episode 14th January 2024 • The Constitution Commandos • Chris Williams and Patrick Williams

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Introduction :

I believe that focusing on being prepared for any situation is crucial, especially considering the current state of our country. Rather than engaging in repetitive political discussions with listeners who already agree with us, we should prioritize supplying practical advice and solutions to improve their preparedness. By doing so, we can have a more meaningful impact on the lives of our audience and contribute to a better situation in America.


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God, indivisible,
With liberty and justice for all.


Good morning, fellow patriots!

Welcome to1 of 3. Today we strike up a conversation about Change the Direction of Conversation.

Don't forget to sign up for our weekly emails to get notifications when I publish new episodes.

My name is Chris Williams and I am your host. My brother Patrick Williams is the cohost and we are The Constitution Commandos .

[00:47] Explaining the change in direction of our conversations

  • Prompt listener engagement
  • Help our listeners with preparedness
  • Attract input from experience survivalists

[03:40] In case of collapse or alternative catastrophes

  • Shoot - Call 9-1-1 first - DO NOT HANG UP; Identify the aggressor; Know your layout; Know your weapon; Try to escape; Fight like your life depends on it.
  • Communicate - Discuss/Rehearse multiple scenarios;
  • Move - Individual Responsibilities; Pre-plan Fall-back positions; Designate Rally points in case of separation; Plan/Rehearse all party movements.

[04:37] Mission set for anyone with a residence, especially with shared occupancy

  • Self-preservation
  • Secure life
  • Know your dwelling and your property
  • Know what you have

[06:55] P.A.C.E. Method

  • Primary Plan - Food/Water storage; Batteries;
  • Alternate Plan -
  • Contingency Plan
  • Emergency Plan


Support The Constitution Commandos

The American Sentinel

[15:01] Get-home/Bug-out Bag

[16:06] First Aid Kit (Minimize Opportunity for Injury as Much as Possible)

  • Iodine is the preferred wound disinfectant
  • Allergic to shellfish - use saline in the place of iodine

[19:03] Acquire a well-rounded First Aid kit

[19:12] Learn to use your medical supplies properly




Commando Crow:

you said you want to change the direction of conversation.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

I'm going kind of direction we're going to start heading in this way,

Commando Crow:

but also is more likely to enlikely to encounter some engagementsteners and.

Commando Crow:

Also, asking for anyone with more experience, if you see anything flawed

Commando Crow:

or errored in what we say, then please chime in, correct us where need be.

Commando Crow:

I am a veteran of the 82nd Airborne, and I moved with the 2nd of 325 Scouts,

Commando Crow:

so I have a fair amount of knowledge about what we're going to be talking

Commando Crow:

about, which the newer format, Let me explain the reasoning of that.

Commando Crow:

It's going to be more for preparedness, but the newer format is going to

Commando Crow:

be because one talking political and geopolitical all the time.

Commando Crow:

I honestly feel like we're just talking to an echo chamber.

Commando Crow:

We're not getting any real feedback from a lot of people, and it just seems like

Commando Crow:

that everybody that we're talking to agrees with what we're saying or shares.

Commando Crow:

That view, maybe from minor different perspective, but shares that view,

Commando Crow:

and we're not doing any good for the listener or to improve the situation

Commando Crow:

in America through the listeners.

Commando Crow:

So we're looking at life and our current situation through the lens of

Commando Crow:

preparedness, because there's a lot of people that listen that are not veterans

Commando Crow:

or have any type of police training.

Commando Crow:

They're just average citizens.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

They're just plain citizens.

Commando Crow:

I do know that there's a lot of hunters, a lot of hunters will know a lot of

Commando Crow:

this stuff just through the application of hunting and tracking the game, but.

Commando Crow:

I feel that with where we are right now in the country, I think a level

Commando Crow:

of preparedness is more important than talking politics with our current crowd.

Commando Crow:

Once I do think that this will encourage a little bit more engagement.

Commando Crow:

And to go back to my last statement, I'm not an expert in any one thing

Commando Crow:

that I'm going to talk about.

Commando Crow:

I am well trained in what I'm going to talk about or what

Commando Crow:

we're going to talk about.

Commando Crow:

And I think there's a lot of points.

Commando Crow:

It's been 20, I got out in October of 2000.

Commando Crow:

So I know a lot of tactics have changed since then through

Commando Crow:

the department of defense.

Commando Crow:

I understand that.

Commando Crow:

I also will be the first to say that I have absolutely no idea about

Commando Crow:

many of these changes just because of the time that I've been out.

Commando Crow:

However, I do still stay in touch with current military and a lot of

Commando Crow:

buddies that retired as of recent.

Commando Crow:

But for me and what I want to try to put across to the people is in case

Commando Crow:

of a collapse or a shit hits the fan situation, As a veteran of the U.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Army, we had three principles that we tried, or objectives that we strived

Commando Crow:

for, and it didn't matter what MOS you were, or what your job was, and that's

Commando Crow:

standard Army wide is shoot, move, and communicate, and in order to do those

Commando Crow:

three things in a proficient manner, you There's a million little things under

Commando Crow:

each one of those that has to be done in order to proficiently do shoot, move and

Commando Crow:

communicate, especially in a mission set.

Commando Crow:

So I want to break it down to the smallest basic level for the

Commando Crow:

average civilian for starters.

Commando Crow:

And we're going to build on this over time is for homeowners

Commando Crow:

or for renters or whatever.

Commando Crow:

I mean, if you have a home.

Commando Crow:

And if you have a family, your mission set is to secure life, self

Commando Crow:

preservation, protect your family, not so much protect your things.

Commando Crow:

However, that is going to be covered in some of our conversations.

Commando Crow:

Property can be replaced, lives cannot.

Commando Crow:

So, I feel that for the average person with zero training, they

Commando Crow:

really need to become hyper aware.

Commando Crow:

And whatever it takes, everybody's different, but know the layout

Commando Crow:

of your property, the inside and the outside of your property.

Commando Crow:

Understand avenues of approach.

Commando Crow:

If it's a common path for you to get there, it's also a common path for

Commando Crow:

an adversarial person to get there.

Commando Crow:

You know, look for things that would provide cover or concealment.

Commando Crow:

And the difference is cover.

Commando Crow:

If a bullet is shot in your direction, cover will, by definition,

Commando Crow:

protect you from a bullet.

Commando Crow:

Concealment is nothing more than something you can hide behind.

Commando Crow:

that an enemy or from seeing you.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Or an aggressor can't see you and it does not stop a projectile

Commando Crow:

or any type of munitions.

Commando Crow:

It's just kind of like hiding behind curtains or diving down in

Commando Crow:

some thick shrubs or something.

Commando Crow:

But knowing the layout of the interior and the exterior of where

Commando Crow:

you live is very, very important.

Commando Crow:

And I would advise people to turn the lights off, learn pace counts, you know.

Commando Crow:

Understand what you have in each room that would serve as a weapon.

Commando Crow:

And it doesn't have to be a gun, doesn't have to be a knife, a baseball bat, a

Commando Crow:

golf club, anything that can be utilized to defend yourself against an aggressor.

Commando Crow:

I mean, anything can be utilized as a weapon, a writing utensil, pencil.

Commando Crow:

I mean, those are valuable weapons.

Commando Crow:

In most cases,

Commando Crow:

engagement is not something that the average civilian wants to do.

Commando Crow:

We had a term called break contact.

Commando Crow:

And for us, it's something like, Better the PACE method, which is an acronym.

Commando Crow:

You got your primary plan and alternate plan, a contingency

Commando Crow:

plan, and then an emergency plan.

Commando Crow:

And in order, those are your primary plan is if somebody comes into your house,

Commando Crow:

don't just go turning lights on, but identify your aggressor, know your layout,

Commando Crow:

know your weapons, but call 911 first.

Commando Crow:

That's first.

Commando Crow:

Then fight like your life depends on it because your life does.

Commando Crow:

Somebody's not going to be in your house unwelcomed or uninvited and

Commando Crow:

just not intend to cause you harm.

Commando Crow:

You have to look at it that way.

Commando Crow:

And if you've already dialed 9 1 1 and your speaker is

Commando Crow:

on and you did not hang up.

Commando Crow:

That right there is first, that provides a documented record of someone

Commando Crow:

has entered your home uninvited.

Commando Crow:

You have police on the way, hopefully, but they are not going

Commando Crow:

to have an immediate response.

Commando Crow:

So you have to depend on yourself.

Commando Crow:

Now, when it goes to communicate in this basic plan of defending your home,

Commando Crow:

communicate is if you have a family, let's just say basically a wife, a

Commando Crow:

spouse, girlfriend, wife, what have you.

Commando Crow:

We're not going to include children yet, but if you have a spouse, you need

Commando Crow:

to talk to them before something bad happens and you need to have a plan.

Commando Crow:

If someone comes in this home, this is your job.

Commando Crow:

This is your function.

Commando Crow:

This is what I'm going to do, and I'm going to elaborate a little bit so

Commando Crow:

you'll have a clearer understanding.

Commando Crow:

If you do have a firearm, you don't want to shoot, have it go through

Commando Crow:

a wall, and strike your spouse.

Commando Crow:

Walls do not stop bullets, and we'll get into this in another conversation.

Commando Crow:

Know your munitions, depending the weapon you use.

Commando Crow:

And the type of rounds that you put in your weapon is vitally important.

Commando Crow:

But right now we're just talking communicate.

Commando Crow:

If you want to confront an aggressor or somebody that has come into

Commando Crow:

your home, which if you are a man, hopefully you would be the one

Commando Crow:

doing it instead of your wife.

Commando Crow:

You got to protect life.

Commando Crow:

Then your wife needs to be on her way out somehow.

Commando Crow:

or not backing you up, not providing you cover, you need to protect your wife.

Commando Crow:

You deal with the problem in the best manner possible.

Commando Crow:

If you have a way to exit Then exit, take your family and get out.

Commando Crow:

That goes into communicating.

Commando Crow:

Communicate a plan before you have a problem and rehearse this plan.

Commando Crow:

This covers the move part.

Commando Crow:

In a mission set, we have op order briefings.

Commando Crow:

We'll, all crucial members of that exercise or deployment, and we talk

Commando Crow:

about and discuss what we are doing.

Commando Crow:

What the actual mission is, where do we assemble, where do we take a

Commando Crow:

head count, the equipment required to perform this mission, we talk about

Commando Crow:

fallback positions, we talk about what type of, you know, mission is it.

Commando Crow:

Usually for us it was break contact, we avoided contact with the enemy.

Commando Crow:

If they encroached on our primary position, we went to a

Commando Crow:

secondary or fallback position.

Commando Crow:

So communicate, and then that moving part, if you train on these things

Commando Crow:

before there is a problem, then you and everybody that you care about in

Commando Crow:

that home will be able to operate in a manner that is, is muscle memory.

Commando Crow:

You do it without thinking.

Commando Crow:

Your training will kick in and it greatly improves your chances of survival.

Commando Crow:

That is the goal in any type of situation, especially at home, is protection of life.

Commando Crow:

Basically what you're talking about as

Commando Crow:

far as in the preparedness.

Commando Crow:

Like we used to do in schools with tornado drills or the country.

Commando Crow:

You're talking about earthquake drills or hell, when we were

Commando Crow:

kids, we had the nuclear drills.

Commando Crow:

Remember those?

Commando Crow:

But yeah, that's, that's what you're talking about.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Absolutely.

Commando Crow:

Anytime you do a fire drill, you want to know where your primary

Commando Crow:

escape route is, do you have a fire, fire chute or a fire ladder or a window?

Commando Crow:

You need to know all that stuff.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That is correct.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

And that's where knowing your layout, both parties, all parties is so important.

Commando Crow:

The last thing you want to do is in a lights out situation,

Commando Crow:

you're startled in the middle of the night, you jump out of bed.

Commando Crow:

You go blazing through the house to see what's going on and you

Commando Crow:

stub your foot on an end table, a lamp hits the ground, but you have

Commando Crow:

already lost the element of surprise.

Commando Crow:

I mean, whoever the intruder is obviously has figured out that

Commando Crow:

somsomebody is moving around ine house.

Commando Crow:

Well, on the other side of that, without an

Commando Crow:

intruder, I mean, let's just.

Commando Crow:

This uses a fire as an example.

Commando Crow:

I mean, if you haven't already planned and worked together on how to escape

Commando Crow:

stubbing your toe, dropping a lamp on the floor, now you just created a

Commando Crow:

possible life threatening situation for somebody else in the house, especially

Commando Crow:

if you haven't planned for it.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That's right.

Commando Crow:

And, you know, I mean, there's so many layers of preparedness.

Commando Crow:

I'm not going to tell everybody to buy a gun.

Commando Crow:

However, that would be my I am pro Second Amendment.

Commando Crow:

I think a firearm is necessary for self preservation and to prevent

Commando Crow:

tyrannical governments from taking over.

Commando Crow:

But I think like I also believe in knives.

Commando Crow:

I have knives everywhere.

Commando Crow:

They're concealed and I know how to access a knife at any given

Commando Crow:

point in my house anywhere.

Commando Crow:

I am That's right.

Commando Crow:

I can go straight to a blade now I think also in the realm of preparedness Is

Commando Crow:

basic simple things that are outside of our control that will affect our

Commando Crow:

immediate life and well being You do not under you have no control over

Commando Crow:

basic infrastructure Power water if the water and power goes out I think

Commando Crow:

everybody should be able to have some type of alternate power source or be

Commando Crow:

able to provide some type of lighting.

Commando Crow:

And I believe that everybody should have some type of rations,

Commando Crow:

emergency rations, not things that you break into from time to time.

Commando Crow:

They're there in case of our geographical area.

Commando Crow:

Hurricanes are very common and you can shelter in place more times than not

Commando Crow:

with the hurricanes from our location.

Commando Crow:

But It is more common than not, you're going to lose power.

Commando Crow:

A lot of people lose water.

Commando Crow:

Better trees fall, soft ground, bust the water main.

Commando Crow:

It's common.

Commando Crow:

So having large amounts of water and food in your home that are specifically

Commando Crow:

for emergency situations is a must.

Commando Crow:

It might not be a hurricane.

Commando Crow:

It might be a tornado.

Commando Crow:

It could be the collapse of infrastructure.

Commando Crow:

And the societal breakdown.

Commando Crow:

But if you do decide to stock up on things like this, you have got to

Commando Crow:

keep that information to yourself.

Commando Crow:

Or if you have family members close by and their bug in location is

Commando Crow:

your location, those people will need to know outside of that.

Commando Crow:

Outside of that, keep it.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

Keep it quiet.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yeah.

Commando Crow:

No one needs to know

Commando Crow:

you become a looting target.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: That's correct.

Commando Crow:

No one needs to know what you have, whether it be weaponry

Commando Crow:

or for emergency supplies.

Commando Crow:

Nobody needs to know this.

Commando Crow:

Another thing that you should have at all times, and this should be regardless,

Commando Crow:

I think a get home bag is important.

Commando Crow:

Whether it be in your car.

Commando Crow:

I mean, every vehicle should have a get home bag.

Commando Crow:

You'll never know.

Commando Crow:

Infrastructure goes down, powers out.

Commando Crow:

You cannot access a fuel pump so you can't fill your vehicle up.

Commando Crow:

And if you're 20 - 30 miles from home and your car runs out, you need to be able to

Commando Crow:

grab a bag that will have your essentials to make it possible for you to leave your

Commando Crow:

vehicle and bee-line it to your house.

Commando Crow:

Because that is your primary location.

Commando Crow:

That's where you're going to have any type of, whether it be weapons, your food,

Commando Crow:

your water, that's your sustainment place.

Commando Crow:

That is where prime.

Commando Crow:

And if your family is at home, you need to get home to defend your family.

Commando Crow:

I'd call that a rally point more than anything, because

Commando Crow:

it may not necessarily be your home.

Commando Crow:

You wind up at in case of natural disaster or something like that, because

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: absolutely

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: But people should remember.

Commando Crow:

The next most important, well actually it's probably more important

Commando Crow:

than the food aspect, not as important as water, a first aid kit.

Commando Crow:

If you have an injury trying to get home if you run out of fuel,

Commando Crow:

or if you're at your house and you sustain an injury trying to defend

Commando Crow:

yourself or whatever, whatever.

Commando Crow:

Plan on not having any medical assistance

Commando Crow:

from the outside, always.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Absolutely.

Commando Crow:

And you can't take care of certain things, they're all first aid.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

I mean, Patrick, you've got a, you got several books or training

Commando Crow:

manuals from like rangers, was it ranger books and stuff like that.

Commando Crow:

They're very good, very detailed on, you know, immediate medical attention.

Commando Crow:

Get your hands on those.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Not to mention the amount of practical application that

Commando Crow:

I've had in the military for first aid and I did go through EMT school as well.

Commando Crow:

But for people who didn't, I mean, it's amazing really

Commando Crow:

how much we, how little we know about just basic first aid stuff.

Commando Crow:

I mean, I had to be first aid CPR qualified as a lifeguard and then

Commando Crow:

in the military, of course, but, and really that's very basic information

Commando Crow:

is there's not a whole lot to it, but if you don't know that.

Commando Crow:

I think you're, survival chances decrease exponentially.

Commando Crow:

I mean, you don't have a chance and just like just a little minor cut that

Commando Crow:

we don't think anything about you put a band aid on, but if you lose all

Commando Crow:

these other amenities like your lights or water or whatever, you know, you

Commando Crow:

don't have a lot of what you need to treat just a small cut next thing you

Commando Crow:

know you're infected and you're gonna cut a limb off I mean think about it.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: And see nowadays there's so many things that are absolutely

Commando Crow:

vital I know there's a lot of people that have Allergies to shellfish, right?

Commando Crow:

If you don't have a shellfish allergy, you can't beat iodine.

Commando Crow:

Iodine or kill it.

Commando Crow:

If it's bacteria or anything like that, if it's a nasty environment,

Commando Crow:

iodine will clean and disinfect a wound prior to dressing it.

Commando Crow:

If you do have a shellfish allergy, stay away from iodine and get something

Commando Crow:

so basic as a saline solution.

Commando Crow:

Nowadays, you don't have to have any type of medical training.

Commando Crow:

You can literally order a saline solution or lactated ringers

Commando Crow:

like would be used in an IV.

Commando Crow:

Contact lens solution is also a saline.

Commando Crow:

You can clean an open wound with saline solution.

Commando Crow:

It's basically salt and water, but it will kill any type of

Commando Crow:

bacterial or anything in the wound.

Commando Crow:

It will clean it so you can dress it.

Commando Crow:

And a little cut untreated could lead into sepsis, which is like blood poisoning.

Commando Crow:

People have amputations and die because of that.

Commando Crow:

You don't want kidney failure.

Commando Crow:

You don't want a small cut leading into things that would kill you.

Commando Crow:

Not to mention that removes resources for the preservation of life.

Commando Crow:

You are a resource.

Commando Crow:

The most valuable resource, in fact.

Commando Crow:

All American Commando: Yes.

Commando Crow:

So, get a first aid kit.

Commando Crow:

Get a well rounded first aid kit.

Commando Crow:

It doesn't have to be a paramedic pouch.

Commando Crow:

I mean, get a basic first aid kit learn how to use the medical

Commando Crow:

supplies you have properly.

Commando Crow:

It is too easy to learn application of this stuff.

Commando Crow:

You do not have to be a medical student or a nurse.

Commando Crow:

Anybody can learn this stuff.

Commando Crow:

If you get the basics of the first aid anyway, you should be fine.

Commando Crow:

And in, you know, in case of a major disaster, the basic

Commando Crow:

first aid stuff will get you to

Commando Crow:

medical professional you know, but the basic first aid will get you there.

Commando Crow:


Commando Crow:

All American Commando: that's correct.



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