In security (and elsewhere) the long game is often overlooked in lieu of short-term advances and accomplishments. From building security into the culture of an organisation to setting goals and objectives for leaders and staff, being strategic in your security approach is critical.
In this episode we cover:
- How to balance an organisation's drive to shareholder value over the short term with the need to invest strategically in security, privacy and compliance
- What are we doing wrong by throwing technology alone at security problems (and not looking at the process or people issues along the way)
- Does proceduralising security or training up staff reduce the efficiency of the organisation or set up the org for longer-term efficiency?
- Degrees vs. experience? And the ever deteriorating definition of "entry level"
- The impact and importance of building the time in to train entry-level staff vs. hiring "ready now" experienced people (if you can find them at all)
We also have a video channel on YouTube that airs the "with pictures" edition of the podcast. Please head over to and watch, subscribe and "like" the episodes.
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