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Family Freedom
Episode 237th July 2020 • Five Minute Family • Clear View Retreat
00:00:00 00:04:53

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Good morning, Five Minute Families! It is wonderful to joining you this first Tuesday of July 2020. This year has brought so many challenges and difficulties as well as unexpected blessings. We pray that God has shown you His power and might through all the unknowns.

This morning we would like to chat about family freedom. First, let’s define freedom. Freedom means “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.”

So often in life we do not actually have the freedoms we think we do. We all answer to someone, somehow. With July 4th being last weekend, many pastors and evangelists were pointing out the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. He paid for our sins, and we are free from the eternal consequences of them. But, as most of us have found out one way or another, the earthly consequences will, in all likelihood, still come.

Because of the consequences of bad behavior at work or in some public space, many of us do not feel free to truly be ourselves or act the way we want. Thus, unfortunately, many of us “let it all go” when we’re get home. Just as we addressed last week, we give over to our first thoughts instead of pausing and focusing instead on God thoughts.

There is balance to be found between sharing our true feelings and thoughts with learning to pause and respond well in God’s manner. Turning your mind to God thoughts does not mean ignoring all your hurts, needs, or wants. Focusing on God thoughts is not meant to remove the unique qualities He placed in you. God thoughts are meant to better who He made YOU to be, to allow you and your family members the freedom to explore the full meaning of John 8:36, “So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Let us give you an example of what we mean. The other night at dinner one of our sons said something that we both thought was said simply to scare his youngest brother, but the one who said it was so upset by our admonishment that we had to take a step back, figuratively, and ask him if he truly believed what he had just said. He fully believed it; it was a typical false belief about Satan and darkness. Once we realized that we needed to help him understand the truth about evil and darkness, we also knew we needed to repair the damage we had done by the admonishment. We had to explain that we were not upset but glad he had spoken what he believed to be true. False beliefs cannot be explained and reevaluated if they are never brought up and discussed.

God instructs parents to provide love, learning, necessities, and more. One of the things we need to provide is family freedom. This allows both parent and child to grow in their knowledge of each other and for the parent to prayerfully consider the way the Lord is guiding the child and grow to a deeper understanding of God’s purpose and plan for the child. A Five Minute Family must have a home in which everyone is allowed to:

Communicate their hopes and dreams,

Confess their mistakes,

Express their fears,

Ask their questions,

And share what they have learned.

When we encouraged you last week to pause after your first thoughts and work toward only responding with God thoughts, it was not to stifle who you are or to remove the freedom we all so desperately need in life. No, God thoughts give us MORE freedom because we know that those who love us will be understanding and kind when we make mistakes. (Of course, sometimes we laugh, too, but not AT each other, only WITH each other). God thoughts in a family allow us MORE freedom to be ourselves because we know that those around us will lift us up and we know that God has so much more planned for our uniqueness than the limits we place.

Is your family living in freedom? Are you seeking God and His ways – His thoughts – to build each other up? Begin today with just five minutes of mediation on His word and then sharing those thoughts with your loved ones. May you see the power of the Creator and the freedom He provides. Be blessed!




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