Glenn Livingston is the creator of the Never Binge Again method to permanently end binge eating. He is also a veteran psychologist and was the long time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm whose clients included several Fortune 500 food giants.
Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer overweight and/or food obsessed individuals, Dr. Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of bingeing and overeating via work with his own patients AND a self-funded research program with more than 40,000 participants.
But it was his own personal journey out of obesity and food prison to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food.
“Being from the family that I was from, (everyone is a psychologist) I went the psychological route. I assumed, which I later figured out was wrong, that I must have a hole in my heart. And if I could fill that hole in my heart, then I could stop trying to fill the hole in my stomach.”
Glenn tried therapy, Overeaters Anonymous, made amends, had a spiritual journey—all to heal this binge problem.
What do you think happened?
“Everything I would try, I would get a little thinner and a lot fatter, a little thinner, and a lot fatter.
I don't regret the journey because I learned a lot and it was very soulful and it made me part of who I am today. But it didn't really help me with the overeating. This was over the course of decades, and my top weight was probably around close to 300.”
We talked about the perfect storm of reptilian brain meets Big Food. We are hardwired to eat when food is around, and the food industry does everything it can to get us to eat more.
At one point I mentioned David Kessler, former head of the FDA. I erroneously thought he wrote a book that about behind the scenes at Big Food. The author was Michael Moss and the book—which I highly recommend—is “Salt, Sugar, Fat, How the Food Giants Hooked Us.”
Glenn’s recovery began when he decided he had to know when his reptilian brain was active and driving his urge to eat.
So he began to make rules for his eating. He also decided to name the voice in his head that made the excuses his inner pig. “and I don’t let farm animals tell me what to do.”
“I came up with rules that I could and would do, and I tried to follow the rules rather than to lose weight. I'd gotten to this point that I felt hopeless and despairing and like, I just didn't understand, why am I always eating so much more than my own judgment?”
And I thought there was something desperately wrong with me.
Not only did he journal all of what the pig had to say for eight years but he turned it into what is now a best-selling book, Never Binge Again. That’s also the name of his website.
Glenn has a ton of great free stuff on his site. If you grab his ebook here, you’ll receive truly useful bonuses like “12 sneaky pig squeals and how to defeat them”, “Craving Defeater Set”, and 8 more cheat sheets to help you never binge again.
He has programs and coaches to work with anyone interested. And his success rate is off the chart. “We get a 90% reduction in binge eating on average for people that engage with us, which means they actually talk to their coach and do the assignments we give them.”
His program works with any kind of dietary preference—it’s plan agnostic. You just have to be willing to flood your system with nutrition.
By the way, punishing yourself into submission will not work and actually makes it harder to change says Glenn.
There are recorded coaching sessions on the site as well so you can get a taste of what others have said and experience the coaching.
There’s a lot to digest here—sorry I had to go there—so have a listen if you feel like you could use some help with your inner barnyard animal.
Never Binge Again as a free Kindle or Nook book plus all the bonuses.
Glenn can be found in Insta,