The hunters are separated and trapped throughout the Eastey Agency as the Radio Ghost begins to prey upon their painful memories and insecurities. The stakes are dire as more agents lives are put at risk by the Radio Ghost’s devious spectral manipulations and control of Eastey systems. Our heroes need to stop this performing poltergeist before his radio drama turns into a full on tragedy. This week, important questions are being asked. What’s Raven got against the Eastey Agency’s requisitions department? What price is Felicity willing to pay in order to protect her friends? And most importantly, what is Hugo going to do with that mop?
“The Whispered” by Kateryna Storcheus
“Tension” by Isaac Williams
“The Angel” by Boris Todorov
“Felicity’s Theme” by Isaac Williams
“Wild Magic” by Isaac Williams
“Whittaker’s Theme” by Isaac Williams
“Trouble” - by Isaac Williams
“Damien’s Theme” by Radovan Jekic
“Autumn Falls Theme” by Radovan Jekic
“The Folk” by Isaac Williams
“Raven’s Theme” by Radovan Jekic
“Mystery Rising” - by Boris Todorov
This week's sponsor - @CuriouslyCrimson on Instagram