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SEO Secrets for TikTok Stars and Content Creators
Episode 325th March 2024 • The Business Of Influence • Karan White
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Karan: Hello Moots. I don't know if you've heard,, but there is a lot of internet chatter at the moment about whether TikTok will become the new Google for searching content.

There are now [:

They seem to happen far more frequently than what they once did. But I guess that's the accelerated pace of digital. social and technology. What does this shift mean for you? the creators and for the brands that you want to work with. How can you use the SEO power of TikTok's snackable short form content to not just capture attention, but to inform, entertain, and answer the questions of a generation that prefers TikTok over Google.[00:02:00]

As influencers and content creators, your Constantly crafting content to engage your audience and hopefully attract the attention of your dream brands. But here's the deal, no matter how engaging your TikTok dances, how on point your fashion tips, or how mouth watering your recipe videos are, if they're not optimized for search engines, You are missing out on a massive audience beyond your current followers.

s of new fans to your TikTok [:

Hang on, wait, what? Are you lost already? Let's start at the beginning. What is SEO for influencers? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's a strategy that influencers or creators use to Enhance your online content's visibility in search engine results. Think about how when you start typing a word into Google, TikTok, YouTube, anywhere really, the platforms immediately suggest a list of potential completions.

s are based on common search [:

And we know what that means. Engagement. Which means expanding your audience and influence. Big hurrah for SEO. Now that we've got the basics of SEO explained, how can you use it to grow your audience? To grow your audience with SEO, focus on crafting content around keywords your target audience is searching for.

nt titles, descriptions, and [:

That's SEO at Work. Open up Google and have a look at the autocomplete suggestions for suggested keywords. When you type a query, Google's autocomplete shows what others are searching for. And this gives you a goldmine of popular terms and phrases. Using these suggestions in your content can further align it with real time.

page of your search results, [:

Don't stop at TikTok and Google though. Have a look at YouTube and Pinterest for more SEO keyword research. You can optimize your social media and online profiles with relevant keywords to increase your visibility, not just in searches, but in suggested content feeds as well. And this is going to lead to higher engagement and a broader audience reach.

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And this will allow your content to stand out and be easily found by your target audience. Long tail keywords are a very good strategy for influencers looking to grow their audience through SEO. Long tail SEO keywords are longer and have more specific search queries that are less competitive. But highly targeted, making them valuable for reaching a niche audience.

So you're jumping onto that. [:

and these keywords might have lower search volumes individually, but collectively they can drive significant traffic. Focusing on long tail keywords will allow you to connect with a targeted audience. They're searching for the terms that you are building in, so this will increase the chances of conversion and engagement.

or each digital platform has [:

Think of your SEO strategies the same way. There's similar principles, but we need to tweak them for each platform that you're publishing content on. Researching and understanding these distinctions will be important. to tailor content to perform well on each different platform. You can do this by staying updated with platform specific SEO trends, such as hashtags.

ics, as well as external SEO [:

Some of these tools that you can use are Instagram Insights. TikTok Analytics. And if you have a website, tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console are absolutely essential. They will give you precise feedback on your SEO efforts so you can continue to adjust. Your strategies to improve your SEO and campaign effectiveness.

And these tools actually are really good to incorporate into your social media content as well. So using Google search console and Google analytics will give you some really powerful information to bring across to your social media content. Moving along. Let's look at SEO and your brand strategy for creators collaborating with brands.

The [:

I've spoken many times previously about the rise of micro influencers and why brands like to work with micro [00:12:00] influencers. I'll link those resources in the show notes. You can go back and listen to them in your own time. With SEO delivering results on other platforms and two other platforms. So your TikTok content potentially being searchable through Google and performing well in Google.

If you're a creator with a smaller audience, this could be gold for you. If you can become adept at using SEO. To enhance your appeal to brands and demonstrate your ability not just to create engaging content, but also demonstrate that you know how to make sure your content reaches a wider audience through smart SEO practices, you have primed yourself to stand out in the crowd.

valuable partner to brands. [:

But when it does, the juice is lucrative. The OG influencers, the bloggers, many of them I know are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year through website ads. Simply through their consistent blogging and SEO efforts. And this is money they're making before factoring in brand work. These are just those annoying pop up ads.

gies with TikTok starting to [:

I'm a big advocate of AI as it can be an excellent resource to enhance your content creation and research processes, but successful ranking also requires your SEO strategies to be to go beyond content generation. So learning about the basics and building on those skills is important and you cannot rely on AI for this.

can check the show notes for [:



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