1) We're picking up Genesis chapter four at verse 6. The two offerings, one from Cain and the other from Abel, were presented to the Lord. Abel's offering, which was the best he had to offer, was accepted by God. Cain's offering, which simply came from the produce he had cultivated, was rejected. Because of this rejection, Cain became angry and dejected. Unchecked anger and feelings of dejection can lead to a multitude of problems and sins.
2) God tells Cain, "You'll be accepted if you respond in the right way." This is a profound lesson for every Christian now, as well as for every person who walked the earth then. God is not looking for perfection. That’s what redemption is all about. That’s why we depend on the blood of Jesus Christ to make us righteous. What the Lord is looking for is a right response to Him. How do we respond when we do right, wrong, or nothing at all? We will be accepted if we respond with the right heart and the right mind in the right way.
3) In an amazing revelation regarding Hamartiology, or the study of sin, God gives us an immediate clue as to the process of mankind fighting against sin itself. Sin wants you. It’s hungry for you. It desires you. For those that do not understand this language, sin has an appetite. In the process of fighting against sin, God warns Cain that sin has an appetite and is hungry. And if you feed it, it will continue to try and get more from you. This warning is not just for Cain, it’s for you and me. God even tells Cain, "It wants to consume you, but you must subdue it."