1) The Yiddish proverb states that man plans, but God laughs. How true that is for yet another episode of The David Spoon Experience. The show opens with some general encouragement, and then Debra calls in, giving a great answer to the trivia question and asking for prayer for herself and for Suzi.
2) David takes a little extra time talking about our DNA, explaining that D means drawing closer to the Lord daily, N means never being ashamed of Jesus or His words, and A means always being ready to serve, whether that means sharing politely or standing up for the truth.
3) Mark calls in with the next answer for trivia and also asks for prayer for his family in general, which is something each of us needs to do on a regular basis: praying for the family to connect and stay connected, especially in the spiritual realms.
4) Following that moment is Joy, who calls in to share a phenomenal testimony that blesses everyone who knows her story. She needed provision, prayed about it last night, and the Lord provided for her the very next morning. That is something to rejoice in together.
5) Finally, our brother Sampson calls in asking for prayer because he's not feeling well, but also answers the trivia question because he is filled with Bible knowledge. David closes the show by making an earnest plea to the audience to make sure to stay connected to God, no matter what happens. If you're looking for a better life, the answer is more of God.