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How do I chart my cycle?
11th February 2022 • Getting Pregnancy Ready • NatChat Productions Ltd
00:00:00 00:28:01

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Why aren't we taught to chart our fertility in school?

In my latest book review episode with my lovely guest reviewer Amber Woodward we continued our mission to review all of Amber's fertility books ahead of her mass giveaway as he hubby has said enough is enough and they have to go. 

spoke about Toni Weschler's book 'Taking Charge of your Fertility' which Amber explained helped her reach a self-diagnosis of PCOS, despite being turned away by the medical professionals. If you're keen to understand how to do fertility charting, especially if you have difficult cycles have a listen to what Amber tells you about this book and I'm hoping to get to speak with Toni on a  future podcast. Amber highlights how the book isn't diagnostic but it can give you a real insight into where your cycles might be going wrong

Next up was Zita West IVF Diet and if you don't know about Zita, her focus is on holistic treatment alongside IVF and her London clinic has very good success rates. She’s written about 9 books and this one looks into the IVF process - what to expect, how to have the right mindset, lifestyle factors that help or hinder your success then it’s nutrition-based.

 Finally, we heard about Juliet Indichova's book  Inconceivable which is about Julia's secondary infertility and Amber shared how she's only ever read two books twice... Pride and Prejudice and this one! In the book Julia talks about her diagnosis and tests and all that she tried to get pregnant throughout the two years and Amber explained how it was such a heartwarming book as Julia was struggling to find an IVF clinic to accept her, so she was left to work it out for herself after being told there was nothing that could be done about her high FSH levels and she had to accept it and donor eggs were the only way to proceed.

Amber said in her low moments,  this book helped her feel more normal. I love having Amber sharing her reviews and I hope you find them useful as well. You can follow her online here 

The episodes I mentioned  in this episode are this one about the best apps to track your cycle with  plus I mentioned One More Shot - the IVF documentary from Maya and Noah which you can hear 




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