"Hustle & Humor" is a special Summer 2024 series under the Unpolished MBA ® podcast, hosted by seasoned Atlanta-based entrepreneurs Monique Mills and Caitlin Ferguson. We dive into the realities of running a business with candid conversations, insightful advice, and a healthy dose of humor.
-Running from August 6th to September 19th
-Episodes released every Tuesday and Thursday
In this episode, hosts invite Kacie Lett Gordon to discuss her diverse projects revolving around women-centered media aimed at redefining modern womanhood through storytelling and conversations. She shares her evolution from a corporate VP to founding a media company named 'It All Media' that intersects entertainment, education, and impact, showcasing narratives to reshape societal beliefs and actions.
The episode highlights the systemic challenges women face, balancing professional and personal life, and the revolutionary efforts to change perceptions through impactful media. The discussion also touches on the societal shift towards authenticity over polished perfection, and the critical role of supportive communities
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Key Topics:
- The power of women trusting themselves and challenging societal norms
- How It All Media uses stories and conversations to drive systemic change
- The intersection of entertainment, education, and impact
- Balancing entrepreneurship with personal life, motherhood, and self-awareness
Memorable Quotes:
- "Trust women, and women trust yourselves—when we do that at scale, the world begins to trust us."
- "You can be a mess and still provide value and impact."
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Guest Co-Host : Caitlin Ferguson
Founder of COO Pilots: