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Comedy on Wheels
Episode 665th March 2024 • Casual Nonsense • Mogo Media
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Episode 66: Comedy on Wheels

Host: @marcdiette

Guest: Brent Van Wilder

This episode is the 1 year anniversary of Casual Nonsense. What better way to celebrate than bring back my guest and my friend, Brent Van Wilder.

Brent still has The Local Plug running strong. He is also hosting open mic nights for those of you with talents to showcase. He has a few hilarious tales of being an Amazon delivery driver. Tune in and check out what Brent has to say

Where to find and support:

Instagram - @Brentvanwilder919   


Facebook - Brent Van Wilder              

YouTube - @thelocalplug    

Spotify - The Local Plug   

Mixcloud - El_pluga      

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