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54 - How AI is Revolutionizing Sales Conversations with Shruti Kapoor with Clari's Shruti Kapoor
26th September 2023 • High Profit Event Show • Rudy Rodriguez
00:00:00 00:25:07

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In this exciting episode of the High Profit Event Show, host Rudy Rodriguez sits down with the talented Shruti Kapoor, the CEO of Clari Copilot. Shruti's unique background, encompassing life science research, fintech, investment banking, technology, and even life coaching, gives her a rich perspective on a multitude of subjects. The duo delves deep into the intersection of AI technology and sales, a domain where Shruti's expertise shines brightly. They explore the pressing challenge that many businesses face: ensuring that their sales promises match the actual deliverables. This is where Shruti's invention, the Clari Copilot, comes into play. Originating from her association with Try Wingman, Clari Copilot was designed to seamlessly bridge communication gaps in sales and uphold a high level of quality assurance.

Shruti's insights don't stop there. She shares her observations on the often-unspoken queries from customers, which usually hinge on the essential element of trust. By using her software, businesses can preemptively address these silent questions, guaranteeing that they strike the right balance in their offerings without overcommitting or underdelivering. The conversation also takes a nostalgic turn, as Shruti reflects on the astronomical advancements in technology over the past half-decade. She marvels at how modern tech has not only become feasible but has reached unparalleled heights of excellence, often exceeding her own predictions as an industry pioneer.

An intriguing part of the discussion revolves around "conversation intelligence." Here, Shruti elucidates how this concept, especially in sales, is being revolutionized by AI. Conversation intelligence involves recording, transcribing, and deriving insights from business-customer interactions. With AI tools, like ChatGpt, the boundaries of this process have expanded beyond mere keyword searches. These tools can swiftly summarize extensive conversations, provide instant feedback, and interpret intricate nuances in dialogue, making the sales process more dynamic and insightful.

Rudy then throws the spotlight on the multifunctionality of Shruti's Clari Copilot. While it might seem like a straightforward note-taking tool, its backend functionalities are game-changers. He shares an anecdote of how the software was used to identify a correlation between sales objections and sales successes, emphasizing the continuous learning potential it offers for teams. Their interview culminates with the broader implications of integrating AI in sales processes. Rudy and Shruti stress the software's capability for training, coaching, and even pinpointing how engaged a salesperson is during a call. The episode underscores the dual role of AI: automating mundane tasks and enhancing creative tasks, all backed by a Harvard Business Review study highlighting AI's transformative role in sales.

Wrapping up, Rudy endorses Shruti's Clari Copilot platform as an essential tool for any entity, from large corporate teams to solo entrepreneurs, aiming to leverage AI's vast potential in sales. With the ever-evolving landscape of sales, recording and analyzing conversations now can be a strategic move, setting businesses up for a prosperous future.

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Rudy Rodriguez:

Hi, welcome to today's episode. We have a special guest with us today, Ms. Shruti from Try Wingman, now known as Clari Co-Pilot. Welcome to the show, Ma'am.

Shruti Kapoor:

Thank you, Rudy. I'm excited to be here.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Excellent. I'm excited to have you here on the show today. You and your team have been one of the biggest secret weapons in sales that we've been using over the last several years to help us do tens of millions of dollars of sales for our clients and I'm really excited to finally interview you and talk about AI and how we're integrating AI with sales today. But before we do, I want to share a couple of bio points with our audience about you, which is really cool. Shruti is a really interesting person. She's worked across very different industries, including life science research, investment banking, technology, investing, Fintech, and now sales AI. She's also a certified life coach through Ericsson Coaching. So it's a really neat perspective from Shruti on how we combine the human components of sales with technology. You're literally from the technology industry. I think you're on the cutting edge of sales and AI. So that's why I'm excited to have you on today.

Shruti Kapoor:

Absolutely. I think it's really exciting to be talking to this audience because I think I talk to tech companies and teams all the time. But speaking to people who also work a lot more on the human side of things is always exciting.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Most of our people who listen to this in some way, shape or form are also coaches, either coaches or educators. They have programs. One of the things that I oftentimes hear when I work with our clients is, hey, we want to have more sales. That's why we're hiring a sales team, or that's why we have a sales team. We want to have more sales at our events. But we don't want to damage our reputation. We don't want something said about us that it's going to get back to us and make us look bad or feel bad. One of the things that I've discovered with this software is it's not only, and you're going to talk about this in detail, but not only has it been helpful as a training tool, but more than anything, it's helped us create a high level of quality assurance to make sure that what's being sold is what's being promised. When people sell things that are $10,000 to $100,000, there's a high level of expectations that go with that. And one of the things I learned is that the upset that happens with customers is when their reality doesn't meet up with their expectations. So we've used this Trywingman tool through several virtual events, dozens of virtual events over the last several years, to be able to make sure that, hey, what our client once said about them and their program is what's actually being said and what's actually being sold, not more, not less. So I want to put that out there upfront because I know that's top of mind. We want more sales, but we also want to make sure that the quality assurance is there and the team's being trained properly. So Shruti, I'm curious to hear from you. We're talking about sales and AI. Tell us a little bit about your story and what brought you to where you're at now as a CEO of the Clari software.

Shruti Kapoor:

Absolutely. I think I've always been very intrigued by technology because it feels like that secret weapon that can help us do much more than what we think is possible. So to that extent, when I started working at a fintech company in a more sales type of role, I realized that there were a bunch of things that were kind of getting broken in terms of the communication. That's what triggered me to start Trywingman, which is now Clari Copilot. But one of those things that I felt strongly about was the fact that you mentioned what the customer is told at the time of sale often lands up being different from the expectations and from what they actually get served. That could be both ways. One is I might have said something and the other person interpreted it differently. Or it could be that I tried to oversell. Both of those can be a problem. When we initially started building the software, we actually came across a third version of this, which is somebody underselling. So you often don't realize what might be the unsaid questions when people are trying to sell something because those could be trust questions. Those could be questions that people are too polite to ask. But if you actually look at a conversation over a period of time and you realize what are the patterns, you realize that often there are unsaid trust questions that you need to just coach your team to actually proactively answer because people might not even ask those. So sometimes if you don't do that, you'll end up underselling yourself. But those were some of the problems that we were facing. Of course, the second part of it is just the disconnect that happens between what the feedback that you're getting from your customers versus how you perceive the market perceives you.

Shruti Kapoor:

So I wanted to bring all of those elements together. That's the start of Wingman. Today, I think that has evolved a lot just because the technology has evolved so much in the last five years. I would say that a lot of things that technology can do today, even if you had asked me as a founder of a company in the space, I would have said this is not going to be possible in five years. But today, so much of that is not just possible, but possible at a really, really good level.

Rudy Rodriguez:

What I'm hearing you say is you had a diverse background that ultimately has led you to this moment where things that were not possible in the past are not possible when it comes to sales. You haven't said this word yet, but conversation intelligence. Now on the leading edge of AI, because I know when I first started using Wingman, it was a few years ago. I had this idea of like, hey, we can have enough intelligence that we could have some semblance of an AI, some semblance of a mechanism to give us intelligence that we could use to improve our process. And now, three years later, all this data, now we have tools like ChatGpt and other AI tools. You're now merging these two to create a world class platform. So I'm curious to hear from you, I know our audience is eager to hear about this. What is conversational intelligence? And how are you combining that now with AI, with what's currently happening that's now possible?

Shruti Kapoor:

Absolutely. So I would define conversation intelligence as intelligence that you're trying to derive from conversations that are happening typically between a business and a customer interface. Right now, this involves like three steps. One is, of course, recording or getting access to that conversation with good quality audio. The second step is being able to transcribe that voice into text. Then the third step is being able to look at patterns from all of the text that you're collecting so that you're able to either give insights or answer questions. This is the fact that you now have all of these conversations recorded, transcribed and filed using technology. So that's at the baseline what conversation intelligence does. Today with AI, the questions that people are beginning to ask of these conversations have changed from, earlier people would be happy to say, can I search for certain keywords? Could I maybe search for a time where maybe my salesperson swore on a call? But today, I think the type of stuff that AI allows us to do is, one, you're able to actually just summarize your entire conversation. So at the end of a 45 minute call, I could actually just get a summary that I could quickly read through in 30 seconds. It gives me a quick context of what happened in that meeting. People use this in many different ways. Two, you could use it to give you live feedback on the call.

Shruti Kapoor:

So I don't want to go on a long monologue. I could have the AI tell me that, hey, you've been speaking for too long. It knows that this particular speaker who's speaking and it's going to give that particular person the monologue alert, etc. The third thing it can do is it can also give you nudges and battle cards, which are live cues that show up during the call. But today, with the AI, we can actually take a one page piece of content and condense that into three bullet points that will show up as nudges during the call. Then, of course, overall, from an insights perspective, people are able to ask much more complex questions from all of this conversation data. So you no longer have to just rely on asking, was this keyword present? You can actually begin to ask questions like, OK, show me the times when people were frustrated in this context. Because the sentiment analysis today is so good. You can also ask questions like, OK, show me everywhere where we had some negotiations around price. That doesn't have to be just based on specific keywords. That is just based on the understanding of language and looking at transcripts as a whole in a much wider context. So it's just incredible what AI can do today.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Your software has so many bells and whistles in the back end of it, and I have to highlight this for our audience on the surface level, it looks like another note taking platform. There's a few different note taking platforms out there. It's a little thing that shows up in your Zoom calls and what have you or other digital meetings. It gives you notes and a recording. But it's so much more than that. As you were mentioning, the search function is the back end to be able to go specifically and look for, and this can be a training program, like how often were objections given? What were the objections? I can click a button and go to exactly where in the call. So instead of having to go and listen to 10 or 20 hour long calls, I can do a quick filter in 10 minutes. I can review what the objections were. In fact, it's something I want to highlight for our audience because I thought it was so cool that we set up a filter on our end where we could see on our sales team how many objections certain people were getting. We're able in a dashboard to see, OK, so and so is getting this many objections out of this many calls. We were able to correlate that the people that were getting the most objections were actually also getting the most sales. And that was something that people know hypothetically, like if you get objections, it means people are interested and you know how to handle them, you get a sale. We're able to show that quantifiably and not only that, but we are able to figure out what were those objections and we're able to take those objections and to train them to the rest of the team. In fact, one of the things that we would oftentimes do is as soon as we would get a sale, we would go and get the recording, analyze it, figure out what were the top parts of it, and we would share that with everybody else.

Rudy Rodriguez:

So now the team is also becoming more intelligent. So it's not just the AI that's becoming more intelligent, but like the team itself is learning from each other and is able to learn from each other's calls, what works and what doesn't work. So the amount of learning overall that happens with the platform is exponential. So I had to share that because it's been so helpful for us.

Shruti Kapoor:

That's great to hear. I think pure learning is definitely a big thing that today businesses should aspire to, because one of the reasons that we've heard sales people leave is, especially the top sales people leave, because they feel that they're not learning anymore. The more learning opportunities we can create through such options, it really helps.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's big. There's definitely a big emphasis of that on our end, because we have the platform, we are able to teach and learn and coach and train much more effectively versus a shot in the dark, which is my experience. Most of the time, most companies, most businesses, most teams are just doing shots in the dark and it's not very specific. The key thing you mentioned earlier is the talk to listen ratio. That is so powerful to be able to see on average who's talking more, what percentage is the prospect or the salesperson. We can very quickly correlate a lot of the effectiveness to, hey, are we presenting or are we asking great questions? Is a customer engaged or not engaged in all this intelligence comes very quickly with your platform. So I'm putting myself in the shoes of the audience now and I'm thinking, OK, this is a lot of really cool features and benefits. But on day one, what's the future of this when it comes to AI and how can I make money? How can I grow my business? I'd be curious to hear from you as far as what is maybe where you see the future is going. Maybe that's always good to see where the future is going when it comes to sales and maybe your platform, where it's going and where you see the opportunities at right now and ultimately how can people make more money in their businesses?

Shruti Kapoor:

Absolutely. I think I would divide how I was going to impact sales into maybe two buckets. One bucket of tasks are things that we expect salespeople to do, but we know that they are grunt work. There I believe everybody is always eager to try and automate because not only do you get to save time with your salespeople, what you also get is the ability to be much more, have much more reliable data. So things like could I automate capturing notes? Could I automate filling out my CRM? Those are the tasks that I, of course, can do much better because they're not going to get bored of writing notes. It's not going to suddenly feel like should I just go out this evening rather than spending another 35 minutes on updating my CRM? So I think that bucket of tasks is easy to see. Why it should get automated. And most people are supportive of it. Today, with even just the ChatGpt specific example. Earlier, the challenge was that we didn't have AI that could understand what was actually being spoken in the conversation to the extent that you couldn't tell it go and update these five fields and could it find the information related to those five fields if it wasn't specific keywords within like a 30 minute call? But today, because the language models are so much better, you can actually have AI that is able to say, hey, you know, this is where you discuss pricing and this is the price you quoted. This is where you talked about the details of the product or the course.

Shruti Kapoor:

And this was the course that they chose. So this is one part of it. I believe that that part is going to get to close to 100 percent automation where the humans are only reviewing whatever is going in rather than actually typing out that information. Then there's a second category of tasks which are more somewhat creative or have a bigger human aspect to it. Where I think the roles are going to be reversed, where the AI is going to help us is with having better baseline, better benchmarks, better checks. The humans are still going to do a lot of the heavy lifting. So an example would be is the human being actually going to go and speak on the call? Yes. But the AI could be the one telling you that, oh, I see that the energy is sagging on the other side maybe, or I see that they're getting distracted. Do you want to maybe pause, ask a question, switch something, etc. So there it could be that the AI is giving more suggestions and then the human being is able to overrule those suggestions. Another example is just in cold outreach. We all send out a ton of cold emails and so far, either those emails have been largely templatized or they have been entirely handcrafted. Today, what we are increasingly being able to do is tell the AI, hey, this is the profile of Rudy. You go look at his LinkedIn profile, what all he has done. And this is my product's website.

Shruti Kapoor:

This is a summary of what my product does. Now, craft for me a cold outbound email, which is humorous and includes these two elements. This is the call to action that I wanted and it'll draft you a superb email. But of course, you would want your human being to go and review the email, tweak it, stuff like that. So I think there are definitely repetitive tasks which either because of boredom reasons, human beings can only do a certain level of repetition. Well, for those reasons, everybody's supportive of them being taken away. But what we are not realizing is that a bunch of things that we also think are very creative tasks like writing a completely personalized email, which the AI can do a superb job with. Maybe it can do 70 percent today, but I'm sure in a year it can do 90 percent of it. That's kind of where you need the human beings to become better at thinking about how do I get to become friends with the AI where I can understand, how do I create a good prompt? What is my workflow with the AI rather than trying to resist it? I think once we get to that point, it helps all of us become more productive and to your point, make more money. Because if I can write really good emails instead of just five of them in a day, if I can write 50 of them with the help of AI, then I'm sure that we can make more money.

Rudy Rodriguez:

I love what you highlight there. At the end of the day, what I'm hearing you say is that it helps people be more productive. And if you're more productive, you're able to make more money. In fact, there was a study that was done just a couple of months ago by Harvard Business Review that stated that the number one application for AI in businesses will be in their sales processes, exactly what you're doing and the solution that you provide to businesses and the ability to help make your salespeople more productive. It's because you and I both know, Shruti, that oftentimes the best salespeople, they don't like to do the administrative work. But if we can put tools around them and a team around them to to allow them to shine and just do what they do best and then not have to put in 35 minutes at the end of the day into a CRM, like you mentioned, it'll make a world of difference for their morale and their productivity and ultimately will result in higher commissions for them and higher revenues for the business. So I'm really, really eager, excited to see what your platform continues to do in this space. I do believe that you are on the very cutting edge of what's possible between conversation intelligence and AI. For our listeners who are listening to this, if you're thinking, hey, I don't have a big team yet, maybe it's not for me. You can use this tool if you're an individual entrepreneur and you just want to make yourself more productive and give yourself a way to get into the AI game and start to gather that intelligence, which you can do so much with. Or if you have a massive sales team, this this platform will save you so many hours of productivity and make you so much more efficient to be able to train, manage your team and your team itself will, as Shruti said, will find the value of the learning opportunity and it'll increase your retention as well as your sales. So, Shruti, any other comments you want to make about the platform for our listeners?

Shruti Kapoor:

No, thanks so much. I think that summary of what the platform can do for sales teams, and I think maybe just one thing to add, especially for people who are maybe smaller businesses is when you start out as an individual, very often you feel that you're the only person who can really sell the business the way you understand it, the way you have the belief in it. When you get your first salesperson or your third salesperson, you always struggle to kind of transfer that knowledge. I think that's, again, another place where the software can help you. The second part of it is you don't want your business to get misrepresented. Very often you understand what are the patterns with which people might be misrepresenting it. It could be, oh, I guarantee blah, blah, blah, or I'll give you a money back guarantee or things like that. You can literally set up alerts for those types of things so that if somebody is overselling, mis-selling the common type of complaints that you might be receiving from customers, you will immediately get an email in your inbox saying, hey, this is the snippet of the call. This is where somebody said this word and you can go back, review it and course correct immediately.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's big. That's really big. Shruti, for our listeners who would like to learn how they can do a demonstration of your software, where is the best place for them to go?

Shruti Kapoor:

So we are now part of Clari and you can go look for Clari Copilot on Google. You can just search for Clari Copilot or you could go to the website

Rudy Rodriguez:

Ok, we'll be sure to include those and the Clari Copilot links in the show notes for today's show as well. Highly recommend it. Check it out and do a demo with them and get into the platform and see what's possible. I think the number one thing people can be doing right now to prepare for the wave of AI that's that we're in right now is to record all of their conversations and get them transcribed and start to gather that database, build that data set. That's what we've been able to do with Clari. We’ve been with Clari for the last three years, we've been able to gather over, I think, like two hundred and fifty thousand hours of sales conversations. We're only now beginning to understand what's now possible with that data. Thanks to your platform. So I encourage every single person listening to this, even if you're an individual entrepreneur, to get started with this platform or some way of starting to catalog and record your knowledge when it comes to your sales conversation so that you can use that in an infinite number of ways with AI. So thank you again, Shruti, for being a guest on our show. Appreciate you so much.

Shruti Kapoor:

Thank you.




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