Artwork for podcast Rebel Energy
Finding Your Sweet Spot
Episode 34th July 2022 • Rebel Energy • Jade Elsberry
00:00:00 00:24:05

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I know we hear it all the time. You need to niche down because if you’re talking to everybody, you’re talking to nobody.

What you need to know is who you need to be talking to. Have an actual conversation with your ideal client. Market research is really just having conversations! Peel back the layers, get really curious, and ask lots of questions.

Learn their Fears, Pains, and Goals so you can build up the trust with them. As a new Virtual Assistant, a new business owner, yes you should niche down, but not too far. Narrow down who you work with or your skillset, not both right off the bat. If your audience is on the small side, you don’t have to turn down someone who is outside of your specific ideal client if they are a good fit for you.

Your niche isn’t set in stone. Your ideal clients may shift. What’s important is that you do the market research now and learn the ins and outs, then provide the best value you can.


Music credit: Bouncin’ Back by Reaktor Productions

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

And welcome back to episode three of rebel energy.

Jade Mal:

So excited to have you guys and dig into nitching down, which

Jade Mal:

I know we hear all the time.

Jade Mal:

You need Toni down.

Jade Mal:

So whether you call it niching down, niching down, it doesn't

Jade Mal:

matter how you pronounce it.

Jade Mal:

But as a new virtual assistant, this is something that you must do.

Jade Mal:

So when I first started my virtual assistant business, I was applying for

Jade Mal:

jobs on Upwork, Facebook groups, all the things, and here is why these do not work.

Jade Mal:

Because if you are talking to everyone, you are talking to no one.

Jade Mal:

And so many times I see online business owners coming from this place of scarcity.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

This is a scarcity mindset, so we can smell the desperation a mile away.

Jade Mal:

So if you are a virtual assistant, putting out posts, like I can help all online

Jade Mal:

business coaches with all the things.

Jade Mal:

And then you list out.

Jade Mal:

20 skill sets that, you know, that's not helping anybody because you don't

Jade Mal:

know who you're talking to and you're actually confusing your audience.

Jade Mal:

So when it comes to nitching down, it is so, so important to know the

Jade Mal:

ins and outs of your ideal client.

Jade Mal:

Because if you don't, then no one is going to be able to relate to you.

Jade Mal:

One thing that, that Henry talk about a lot of is being

Jade Mal:

relatable to your audience.

Jade Mal:

So if you are just putting out content, that's trying to make everyone happy,

Jade Mal:

attract everyone, help everyone.

Jade Mal:

No one is going to have that aha moment.

Jade Mal:

No one reading your post on, Instagram's gonna be like, oh my goodness.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

She is a hundred percent talking to me.

Jade Mal:

I relate with her so much.

Jade Mal:

And it's just going to cause mass confusion.

Jade Mal:

Like what does this VA actually do?

Jade Mal:

What does their specialty, what if I hired her?

Jade Mal:

What could she offer me as an X, Y, Z business owner.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

What are you going to do to get to know your idol client?

Jade Mal:

Let's say, maybe you've been following a mindset coach.

Jade Mal:

You're like, wow.

Jade Mal:

I would love to learn more about her business, her beliefs, her

Jade Mal:

characteristics, all the things.

Jade Mal:

So what are you going to do for market research?

Jade Mal:

All right.

Jade Mal:

Drum roll.

Jade Mal:

You're going to reach out and you're going to have a conversation.

Jade Mal:

I know mind blowing, but it really is that simple.

Jade Mal:

All that market research is, is having a conversation with your

Jade Mal:

ideal client and digging in.

Jade Mal:

So I want you guys to think back tore.

Jade Mal:

Yes, the movie.

Jade Mal:

And do you remember when Trek says peel back the layers of like anion right.

Jade Mal:

People are like onions.

Jade Mal:

So I want you to remember, as you are having these conversations to peel back

Jade Mal:

the layers and get super, super curious.

Jade Mal:

So if they are telling you, yeah, I really struggle with showing

Jade Mal:

up consistently on Instagram.

Jade Mal:

Don't just say, oh, okay.

Jade Mal:

And go to the next question.

Jade Mal:

Ask them specifically why they think that they struggle with being consistent.

Jade Mal:

Is it not knowing what kind of content to put out there?

Jade Mal:

Is it because they don't know how to prioritize their business?

Jade Mal:

Do they not enjoy?

Jade Mal:

These things may seem trivial to you, but those questions matter when you are going

Jade Mal:

to try and to attract your ideal client and to be a hundred percent transparent.

Jade Mal:

This is actually why my clients are able to leave Rockville academy at 12.

Jade Mal:

And have multiple clients or be booked out or have their first three K month.

Jade Mal:

It is because first of all, they have a heart centered business.

Jade Mal:

They aren't looking at people as a dollar sign or as their first client.

Jade Mal:

They are actually giving their ideal client a solution to the problem

Jade Mal:

that they have in their business.

Jade Mal:

This is also a really great way.

Jade Mal:

For your audience to get to know you.

Jade Mal:

So many of my clients in rock solid academy have actually landed clients on a

Jade Mal:

market research call, or they do a market research call with someone and then a

Jade Mal:

month or two later, that person comes back to my virtual assistant and says,

Jade Mal:

oh, Hey, um, I've been loving the content that you've been putting out recently.

Jade Mal:

I really think that you can help me with X, Y, and Z.

Jade Mal:

And then they hire them.

Jade Mal:

And one thing that I hear a lot in the DMS when I'm talking with virtual assistants

Jade Mal:

is they tell me I don't wanna niche down.

Jade Mal:

Because I don't want to turn people away, or I don't want people to think

Jade Mal:

that I can't help them that right.

Jade Mal:

There is the wrong mindset to have, because what if, there's a online business

Jade Mal:

owner that wants your help with Pinterest management and you don't know how to do

Jade Mal:

that, or they want you to build a website, but you don't want to build websites.

Jade Mal:

The whole point of nicheing down is feeling aligned with what you are doing.

Jade Mal:

And if you are looking at people as just a dollar sign and you don't have

Jade Mal:

that passion or that drive to help them, then you're not going to enjoy

Jade Mal:

your virtual assistant business.

Jade Mal:

So when you niche down and why this tactic works a lot better, and let me,

Jade Mal:

let me break it down free this way.

Jade Mal:

There's two different paths that you can go down as a

Jade Mal:

virtual assistant, the one path.

Jade Mal:

Is the one that we talked about in the last episode, which a lot of people do.

Jade Mal:

And that is the applying for jobs on Facebook groups, Upwork, maybe,

Jade Mal:

you know, Googling and, and, um, emailing small local businesses.

Jade Mal:

And I won't say that that way is wrong.

Jade Mal:

But it's definitely not going to get you those quick results that you're

Jade Mal:

looking for versus the other path, which is you being an actual business

Jade Mal:

owner, you finding your ideal clients, or even attracting your ideal clients

Jade Mal:

and you are building an actual relationship with them by putting out

Jade Mal:

amazing content and being consistent.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

So when you are taking that first path, You are playing it safe.

Jade Mal:

You are playing small.

Jade Mal:

You are not standing out in an oversaturated space,

Jade Mal:

like in a Facebook group.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

I love to use this analogy because women resonate with it.

Jade Mal:

Virtual assistants resonate with it, so well, but in vision, Some you're on a boat

Jade Mal:

and someone throws a piece of meat into an ocean and that all of the fish in the

Jade Mal:

sharks come swarm for that piece of meat.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

That's exactly what I envision every time.

Jade Mal:

A VA says that they are currently posting their resume in a Facebook group job

Jade Mal:

op because you are a very small Phish.

Jade Mal:

In a big pond when you do that, because now you're in competition

Jade Mal:

and I've seen it so many times, literally over a hundred women.

Jade Mal:

And now that a hundred women, the person that did the Facebook

Jade Mal:

group job op usually right.

Jade Mal:

Usually is looking for who has the most experience and who will do it, the

Jade Mal:

cheapest and you as a brand spank new virtual assistant, or maybe you're just

Jade Mal:

looking into becoming a virtual assistant.

Jade Mal:

You already have wasted whatever amount of time it was for you to

Jade Mal:

perfect your resume and post it.

Jade Mal:

Because now you have a one and a hundredth chance of landing that job versus you.

Jade Mal:

Now being a big fish in a small pond, like when you are using Instagram,

Jade Mal:

because you are ahead of that game, you are getting in front of your I client.

Jade Mal:

Right by using hashtags, putting out amazing content in doing lead

Jade Mal:

generation and DM management.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

So because you are seeking out your I clients, and then when you get in

Jade Mal:

front of them, you have this Instagram feed that is full of value of their,

Jade Mal:

of their fears, pains, and goals.

Jade Mal:

Because when you're doing market research, you have to know

Jade Mal:

their fears, pains, and goals.

Jade Mal:

An X, Y, Z coach, or as an OBM as a online business owner.

Jade Mal:

So now they're like, oh wow.

Jade Mal:

I've been thinking about hiring a virtual assistant, but I've been

Jade Mal:

pretty nervous, but this lady knows what she's talking about.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Or, wow.

Jade Mal:

I just read this amazing post.

Jade Mal:

By this virtual assistant and she totally understands why I've been struggling with

Jade Mal:

showing up consistently because I'm over here in the back end of my business, doing

Jade Mal:

all this tech stuff, the email sequences, the launch, I'm like a one man show.

Jade Mal:

And that's why I'm struggling.

Jade Mal:

And that's why they're going to want to start following you and reach out to you.

Jade Mal:

So even though you don't have 10 years of work experience as a virtual

Jade Mal:

assistant, like those people in the Facebook group, job ops, you.

Jade Mal:

Are already ahead of that person, because you know, the ins and outs

Jade Mal:

of your I client's business, you know, what you have to offer to them.

Jade Mal:

And I've had, you know, virtual assistant question me and be like,

Jade Mal:

what, you know, how does that work?

Jade Mal:

Or, you know, I, I don't even know what my skillset is.

Jade Mal:

How does that work?

Jade Mal:

How is someone gonna find me on Instagram or yada, yada, yada, guess what.

Jade Mal:

This is my third year of being a coach.

Jade Mal:

And I literally can count on one hand.

Jade Mal:

The number of times a virtual assistant has reached out to me and

Jade Mal:

tried to make a connection with me.

Jade Mal:

And I don't mean obviously as a client, you know, like wanting to be my client or

Jade Mal:

ask me questions about Rockside academy.

Jade Mal:

I mean, a virtual assistant asking me about my business.

Jade Mal:

Asking me.

Jade Mal:

If I'm currently working with a virtual assistant, giving me some free value,

Jade Mal:

something to help me with my business, literally under five people ever have.

Jade Mal:

And that to me is mind blowing because even maybe yourself, you thought, oh,

Jade Mal:

the online space is oversaturated.

Jade Mal:

No, it's not, I promise you, it's not because guess what?

Jade Mal:

This is my third year of doing Rockwell academy and my clients are

Jade Mal:

still getting booked out, still having consistent three, four 5k months.

Jade Mal:

So it's not oversaturated, but what is happening is that virtual assistance

Jade Mal:

are scared to reach out to their IDO client and really get to know

Jade Mal:

them and see how they can help them.

Jade Mal:

Me as a virtual assistant coach, I think it is honestly pathetic.

Jade Mal:

That I have not had more than four VAs in the last three years.

Jade Mal:

Try and make a connection with me and try and see if we would

Jade Mal:

be a good fit to work together.

Jade Mal:

So I really hope that knowing that that opens your eyes to holy cow,

Jade Mal:

there' so many online business coaches out there that haven't been

Jade Mal:

reached out to that haven't had a VA reach out and see how they can help.

Jade Mal:

I know that it takes balls to reach out to people.

Jade Mal:

I totally get it, but do not let your fear be getting in the way of

Jade Mal:

your success as a virtual assistant.

Jade Mal:

All right.

Jade Mal:

So I also want to talk about the importance of knowing their, their

Jade Mal:

FPG, their fears, pains, and goals.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

And this is something that's been trickled down for me from my VA coach.

Jade Mal:

And that's something that was taught from her to her marketing coach.

Jade Mal:

So this really does work.

Jade Mal:

You may also hear their sweet spots or their pain points, same thing.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

If I had never worked as a virtual assistant, if I wasn't putting

Jade Mal:

out content that was giving you, um, some free value, right?

Jade Mal:

Like the three PS, knowing the, the person, the problem

Jade Mal:

and the promise, right?

Jade Mal:

That's just one example of something that I, that I teach and that I talk about.

Jade Mal:

If I couldn't relate to you and be like, oh, I totally get it.

Jade Mal:

My debit card got declined so many times as a new virtual assistant.

Jade Mal:

I had inconsistent months of income.

Jade Mal:

I never knew where my next client was.

Jade Mal:

Yada, yada, yada.

Jade Mal:

Would you be even listening this podcast right now?

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Would you have hired me as your VA coach?

Jade Mal:

Probably not.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Because I'm not relating to you.

Jade Mal:

If I'm over here talking about how to make 50 K as a VA, you'd

Jade Mal:

be like, uh, I'm I'm just trying to get like my first $3,000 month.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

So you have to know the ins and outs of your IDO client,

Jade Mal:

their fears, pains, and goals.

Jade Mal:

So that way you build that trust with your IDO client.

Jade Mal:

I wanna talk about one of my RSA clients, Rosa, this is one of my

Jade Mal:

very favorite, favorite stories.

Jade Mal:

So Rosa started to work with me and she really embraced the market research.

Jade Mal:

She had fun with it.

Jade Mal:

She reached out to new people every day and just had conversations.

Jade Mal:

She was never like, oh my God, what do I say next?

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Like she just dove in, asked all the questions and got super, super curious.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Within two weeks, Rosa landed three clients and every single

Jade Mal:

client in that two week period, all three of them were her I clients.

Jade Mal:

She wanted to work with financial coaches and she landed three clients.

Jade Mal:

And two weeks guys, just from nicheing down, just from doing the market

Jade Mal:

research and posting consistently and giving value to her, I clients.

Jade Mal:

Really really can be that simple.

Jade Mal:

I promise you.

Jade Mal:

So, one thing I hear all the time is, well, what do I niche down on?

Jade Mal:

Do I niche down on my IDO client or my skillset?

Jade Mal:

So we create, we, I, I created something that now we use in Rockel academy

Jade Mal:

and it's called a pyramid method.

Jade Mal:

So you, you want to be either niched down on your I client or your skillset,

Jade Mal:

but not both as a new virtual assistant.

Jade Mal:

That's one of the mistakes that I.

Jade Mal:

Because I listen to this coach.

Jade Mal:

I love her, but she said niche down until you can't any anymore.

Jade Mal:

And that works great for her because she literally is a million.

Jade Mal:

So when you have a huge audience, of course you can niche down

Jade Mal:

until you can't anymore.

Jade Mal:

But for me and guys, this is why free value or free information.

Jade Mal:

Doesn't always work, cuz it isn't always pertaining to specifically you.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

It's a generalization.

Jade Mal:

So I did that.

Jade Mal:

I said that I did virtual summits for only fitness coaches and I kid you not.

Jade Mal:

I literally had, a woman reach out to me.

Jade Mal:

She was like, Hey Jay, I don't wanna work with you.

Jade Mal:

You know, I got your name.

Jade Mal:

I heard that you work with virtual assistant, blah, blah, blah.

Jade Mal:

Then she read my, I help statement, which said that I only

Jade Mal:

did virtual assistant for fitness coaches.

Jade Mal:

And I hadn't even seen her first DM yet.

Jade Mal:

She DMed me again and goes, oh, nevermind.

Jade Mal:

I see that you only work with fitness coaches.

Jade Mal:

And I never got her as a client.

Jade Mal:

I literally repelled her because I was too niched down because my

Jade Mal:

audience was not big enough yet.

Jade Mal:

So this is really, really the sweet spot for new virtual assistance,

Jade Mal:

new online service providers.

Jade Mal:

So for example, You know, if you are wanting to niche down with

Jade Mal:

your skillset, maybe you went through a copywriting program.

Jade Mal:

Heck yes.

Jade Mal:

That's gonna be the one thing that you can't offer, but you're gonna

Jade Mal:

wanna offer it to more people.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

But if you are wanting to work with just fitness coaches, but then maybe offer them

Jade Mal:

DM management and lead generation, right.

Jade Mal:

That's two skill sets.

Jade Mal:

It's a little bit more broad.

Jade Mal:

And that's why finding that sweet spot within the pyramid method is

Jade Mal:

so, so important for you to maximize your full potential and get skill

Jade Mal:

basically to those consistent months of.

Jade Mal:

That you are looking for.

Jade Mal:

Now, one question that I get asked a lot is, well, what if someone reaches

Jade Mal:

out to me and they need my help with, the specific skillset that you offer.

Jade Mal:

So maybe social media management, right?

Jade Mal:

But they're not your IDO client.

Jade Mal:

Maybe you work with fitness coaches, but this is a mindset coach.

Jade Mal:

It doesn't matter.

Jade Mal:

Do not turn that person away.

Jade Mal:

As long as that person respects your boundaries can afford your packages.

Jade Mal:

and you guys vibe, right?

Jade Mal:

Like they, you guys have the same characteristics that you're

Jade Mal:

looking for in an I client.

Jade Mal:

It doesn't matter.

Jade Mal:

Now, do I want you to start putting out content and marketing mindset coaches?

Jade Mal:

No, because you've done the market research with fitness coaches, but

Jade Mal:

your content is going to resonate.

Jade Mal:

With someone at some point that is not your IDO client.

Jade Mal:

And as long as they ha they meet those three requirements,

Jade Mal:

you can still work with them.

Jade Mal:

You are not going to turn away someone who needs your help within your skill,

Jade Mal:

just because they're not an IDO client.

Jade Mal:

It doesn't matter.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

So with the content, the way you're showing up, yes, you're gonna be

Jade Mal:

talking to your I client, but if you attract someone outside of your specific

Jade Mal:

niche, That is a hundred percent.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

No, tell that person hell to the, yes, we can totally work together

Jade Mal:

and get them on a discovery call.

Jade Mal:

All right.

Jade Mal:

So I hope that this episode helped you with those different myths

Jade Mal:

that you may hear about nitching down, what that looks like.

Jade Mal:

And also to the importance of doing that market research.

Jade Mal:

If you look at.

Jade Mal:

Big successful company.

Jade Mal:

They do market research actually the first time that I even heard market research,

Jade Mal:

uh, my degree is in public relations.

Jade Mal:

So I was in a PR, club, if you will.

Jade Mal:

I can't remember what it was called at Iowa state.

Jade Mal:

And we actually went to Chicago and got to go visit, um, some

Jade Mal:

amazing marketing companies.

Jade Mal:

And I still remember it.

Jade Mal:

We went and talked with, you know, marketing experts and one of their clients

Jade Mal:

was M and M and they talked about how they were currently conducting market

Jade Mal:

research for something or other guys.

Jade Mal:

This was like 2016.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

So I don't remember everything, but that was the first time that I heard

Jade Mal:

market research and I was like, wow.

Jade Mal:

Like, I, I just kind of fell in love with the process.

Jade Mal:

And even though.

Jade Mal:

Obviously out of the market research phase, right?

Jade Mal:

Like I've been doing this for three years.

Jade Mal:

I worked as a virtual assistant myself.

Jade Mal:

Like I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking

Jade Mal:

about, but here's the thing, guys.

Jade Mal:

Your client may, may change in the last three years since I've been doing

Jade Mal:

this, you know, my ideal clients, um, you know, started out coming to

Jade Mal:

me because they got laid off or they were working at home because of COVID.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

last year I had a lot of, healthcare workers that, you know, would come

Jade Mal:

and talk with me because you know, of certain things happening, like.

Jade Mal:

You know, maybe didn't want the COVID vaccine or they were burned

Jade Mal:

out because they're working such long hours because the healthcare

Jade Mal:

field was so crazy from COVID.

Jade Mal:

And then even this year, I see a lot of, moms wanting to bring in extra

Jade Mal:

income just because of, you know, maybe gas prices and things like that.

Jade Mal:

So, It's really, really important.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Even though I don't technically slap the label of market research on it.

Jade Mal:

Right when I'm in the DMS and talking with my adult clients.

Jade Mal:

But I am still doing the market research because I am still always connecting

Jade Mal:

and getting to know my audience and asking them those important questions.

Jade Mal:

Why do you feel like now is a good time to invest in your business?

Jade Mal:

What made you want to reach out to me?

Jade Mal:

What makes you want to get your VA business up and going right now?

Jade Mal:

Those are all important questions that I ask.

Jade Mal:

And so you need to be asking those things in the DMS as well, too.

Jade Mal:

Even if you're dealt with the market research phase, you know,

Jade Mal:

the ins and outs of your I client.

Jade Mal:

If you are still trying to become booked out as a virtual assistant, you still have

Jade Mal:

to be asking those important questions to make sure that you guys vibe well,

Jade Mal:

that it's a really good fit and that you know, that you can offer them a promise

Jade Mal:

to the problem that they are having.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

So what I want you to start doing is get in the right mindset of reaching

Jade Mal:

out to people, not being afraid and asking these important market research

Jade Mal:

questions, because here's the.

Jade Mal:

The more that, you know, your I client and their, their pain

Jade Mal:

points or sweet spots, the easier it's going to be for you to sell.

Jade Mal:

I promise you even me doing this within this is my third year doing this.

Jade Mal:

It is so much easier for me to lay in clients now than it was three years

Jade Mal:

ago when I was a brand spanking new coach, because I now know the ins

Jade Mal:

and outs even better, and it becomes easier and easier and easier to.

Jade Mal:

So I want you to remember that too, if you're like, oh my gosh, I, I

Jade Mal:

love doing market research, but I know a lot of people don't, some

Jade Mal:

people it's their freaking jam.

Jade Mal:

They'll do it for their clients.

Jade Mal:

So if you're not currently doing the market research or you need

Jade Mal:

that motivation, I want you to remember that you're going to thank

Jade Mal:

yourself better down the road.

Jade Mal:

I see this all the time when I'm working with my clients in RSA, I'll

Jade Mal:

ask, 'em a question of like, okay, so we're building out your content vault.

Jade Mal:

What is your I then they're like, oh, I'm done with my market research.

Jade Mal:

And I'll be like, okay, so now we're gonna go find your three brand pillars.

Jade Mal:

So what is your, I clients', their goal for their business.

Jade Mal:

Well, they wanna become booked out.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

Booked out with what are they wanting to do something passive?

Jade Mal:

Is there 1 0 1 coaching offer?

Jade Mal:

Um, are they wanting to build out or, you know, build out a team?

Jade Mal:

Are they wanting to skill?

Jade Mal:

And they're like, well, I don't, I don't know.

Jade Mal:

It's so hard to help someone create content when a VA doesn't even know.

Jade Mal:

What they're offering to their IDO clients.

Jade Mal:

So every single step that comes after market research from booking

Jade Mal:

a discovery called putting out the content conversations in the DMS,

Jade Mal:

all of that is reliant on the market research that you need to be conducting.

Jade Mal:

All right.

Jade Mal:


Jade Mal:

I want you guys to start showing up, tell yourself that you are a virtual assistant.

Jade Mal:

I don't care if you've never talked to anybody.

Jade Mal:

I don't care if you don't know what your skillset is.

Jade Mal:

I don't care if you've got your LLC start showing up as the badass

Jade Mal:

virtual assistant that you envision.

Jade Mal:

Take that confidence, take it with you in the DMS, and let's

Jade Mal:

go get to know our client.



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