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Build Your Own Home and Save – Gary McCormick pt 1
Episode 143211th January 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:22:34

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Build Your Own Home

and Save

Gary McCormick pt 1

Gary McCormick was the Vice President of a mortgage bank and was helping home flippers and builders to obtain better mortgage rates in their businesses. This allowed them to obtain larger loans and flip more houses at one time.

Since he was so successful, they started taking him to lunches, etc. just to show their appreciation.

Then Gary started to think about entering the business himself. He seen the money they were making. He knew the “inside game” of obtaining the loans – he knew these other players would help him “sub out” the work!

Long story short, this is what he did. Amen!

All was well until, does everyone remember the housing crash in 2008-2009?

Well, Gary (along with most of the independent contractors of that time) ended up declaring bankruptcy and having to start over.

But, start over he did. But Gary did not just go right back at the same process. Now, he has carved himself out a niche where he helps individuals to build their own homes and do the work themselves. Basically, they are their own contractor. This saves them huge money as compared to the normal way of doing things.

To share more on this, how it’s done and what it could do for you, help me welcome to the program, Gary McCormick!

Gary, thank you for taking the time to come on the program today. I do appreciate it and this is a big topic right now. I mean interests rates are super high compared to just a few years ago. I know people would love to save some money in this area if at all possible…

But before we get started in that discussion, other than that brief information I just shared, can  you tell us in your own words, “Who is Gary McCormick?”

You started out small, but quickly ballooned this into, basically, a high end market, correct? How did you go about doing that and what kind of time frame did you do this in?

Tell us what happened to you when the housing crash came at the end of 2007 and into 2008…

So, how did you “start over?”

You did not have much in the way of assets, correct?

I want to encourage you to drop down into the show notes, use the information there to reach out to Gary McCormick and see if he is able to help you. It doesn’t cost you to find out IF he can help you… but it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars if you don’t. Amen!




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