Today: VIVE Takeaways - Quotes
Episode 664th April 2023 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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Today in Health it the start of my Vibe takeaways series. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week Health. A set of channels dedicated to keeping health IT staff current and engaged. We wanna thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders.

Sure. Test and Artis site two great companies. Check them out at this week, All right. We just got back from five. , we did our fundraiser and we appreciate everyone who took a picture with Captain. We appreciate everyone who scanned the barcode, went out to the site and gave directly. We had people give up to $1,500 directly, just went to the, to the site and gave money directly.

And my gosh, I couldn't be happier on that, that, that just warms my heart and shows the generosity of our community. You can do the same if you want. Hit our. Banner right on the top, you'll see Alex's lemonade stand. Click on that. You can give right there on that website. , what a great organization.

They're, , raising money and awareness for childhood cancer have raised up to 250 million so far in their life. And, , I got to share Alex's story with several people at the conference. Alex, when she was four, was diagnosed, she did a lemonade stand, raised $2,000. The first lemonade stand she did, she then got her friends.

orth listening to. , in total:

And, , we are so. , excited. I can't begin to tell you how excited we are. And there's, there's several great partners who participated in captain's campaign, , for cures, , order short test and Arti site, and we really appreciate them and all the things. That they did as part of that campaign.

Appreciate everyone who, , who had their picture taken with, , with Captain. That was just, , it was just phenomenal. We, we had a great time, captain. Had a great time. Little tired at this point, but, , had a great time as well. Appreciate some of our other sponsors who, , participated with us as well. , gosh, I can't, , I'm gonna forget somebody.

Tao site was a part of it. First, health Advisory, , CrowdStrike, , clear sense. , it was a part of it as well. And obviously shortest, , art Artis site in order. So, , can't, can't say thank you enough to everyone who participated. All right. The Vibe event. , I had a, I, we did a lot of interviews. They're being released right now on the conference channel.

Interviews in action. You can go ahead and listen to those over. And, , , that was fantastic. We've also captured, we went from booth to booth, captured a bunch of those, and those will be released over there as well. , here what I'm gonna do is, , we, I, we recorded two, , news days while we were there.

One aired on Monday, you heard that one. And one's gonna air, , either Wednesday or Monday of next week. I'm not, not sure which, , but. , so you're gonna get those news days and that's right from the floor. What's happening. I've gotten a chance to step back and think about it a little bit. I went out and, , clip some stories and looked at what, , what people were saying while they're at the conference.

And, , this is really the quotes from the stage. This isn't the quotes from my interviews. You can hear those and it's probably worth us, you know, going through and capturing some of those quotes. But what I did is I went. Took a whole bunch of stories and I looked for the quotes in those stories and here's some of them.

And , just to give you a feel of what people were talking about, Mickey Tripi, chief of the office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology on the potential of chat G P T in healthcare. I think all of us feel tremendous excitement and you also want to feel tremendous. Right. So there's the side that's Hey, the Terminator movie, and then there's the side of, oh my gosh.

Did you see what chat G p t can do? , I heard both of those at the conference. I had a great, , discussion, , with, , , VC person A around chat G P T and integrating into a lot of the health IT solutions that are out there. You saw Judy say something complimentary of chat, g P. , from the stage as well.

And so, , again, a lot of conversations. If you have a product team right now, you should be reviewing how you can link into the API for chat, G p T and utilize it in your product. By the way, I'm, I'm utilizing it through Zapier. It's one of the ways I pulled all these quotes out. , to be honest with you, it's just a lot easier for me to feed all this stuff in and say, you know, give me, give me the 20 quotes from these articles.

And it did, it gave me 20 quotes. I'm not gonna give you 20 quotes. I went through them and decided which ones I was gonna share. , Michael Hask, chief Digital Health Officer at University of Rochester Medical Center on the power of generative ai. It's so easy to. I have no formal training as a computer scientist, and I can program with OpenAI.

Okay? Again, talked about a lot at the, , conference. , Tom Castle, ceo. Of the advisory and consulting, , arm of rock health on the dangers of bi of biased data models. Again, as we start to utilize these different tools, we have to understand what's going into them, what's training them, what's the data that's being used?

It's one of the things that we talked about a lot. Are we gonna be able to use our data to train the generative AI models so that we know what data's going in, and are we gonna have a clear path, a line of sight to the data that we use to train these different models? G P T four will not give you that line of sight.

If you ask it for what's the source for this, , data or information, it will not give it. And I think there's a lot of reasons for that, but that's the kind of model it is. So we have to, we are still looking for those models that are going to be, , used for specific diagnosis and care in for AI models anyway.

, Tom Castle had this to say, what's dangerous are digital health companies who touch clinical. Practice that are thinking about bringing in big data models by using existing biased medical guidelines and information. A lot about health equity, a lot about disparities, a lot about, , the, , biased data models.

So that has to be looked at. , Craig, Richard will, I did interview Craig. You can listen to that interview. I don't think it's been released yet. It'll be released. , coming up here. Craig was extremely busy during the conference, , but we were lucky enough to catch up with him. And he was talking about the economic realities affecting digital health investments.

We are not immune to the macroeconomic that's happening within our industry and in other industries. What it has caused us to do is raise the bar for what we invest in and how we proceed and how we don't proceed. All right. Along those lines, Aaron, Mary had this to say, I did not catch up with Aaron. In fact, I didn't see him there.

, he was busy and we just didn't cross paths. , he had this to say, , again, on startups needing to prove their worth. Companies need to do a good job of not selling hype. We don't clap for hype. We clap for results. Prove it to us. Put your money where your mouth is. So the economic downturn is a reality, and I'm gonna talk about that more over the next couple of episodes.

But the economic realities is, is, is very real for us as health systems. And we're seeing, we're being asked to do things that we, we would normally have said that's not possible. It's that level of, of cuts that are, that are coming towards health systems. But on the flip side, it's causing us to be more discerning in our investments, more discerning in the projects that we select.

This is getting us focused now, one of the things we liked about the pandemic was it provided focus, an economic downturn of this type provides focus for our in. What actually impacts patient care? What actually impacts the clinician experience? What are the things that we are doing that aren't just noise, but are actually moving the thing forward, moving the, the critical success factors for our health system forward?

And this focuses us in on those things. And so from a digital health company standpoint, if you're selling into healthcare, you better have your ROI model down. You better have examples of it. You, they better be. And they better be, , , provable, right? Provable? Is that a word? You better be able to prove it.

Let's just say that. All right. So the, there is an economic downturn. It is real, it's impacting both your, your vendor partners. It's impacting health systems as well. , let's see. Sophie Lou, chief Information Officer at Northwell on data privacy and personal. At the end of the day, da at the end of the day, it's the person's personal data, not our data at Northwell and not the data of the public domain.

We make sure there is consent. Interesting that you would say that. That's actually, I'm not sure that's factually correct. , if, if the health system generates the data, it is their data. , but at the end of, I mean, from a legal standpoint, but she's absolutely right from. , personal responsibility from a corporate responsibility standpoint.

You're handling that person's data and there is a responsibility that goes along with handling that person's data. Even if you generate it, even if legally it is your data, it is data about them. You've collected very personal data about them, and we talked about some very visible breaches. I had that interview with, , with Drex and David Ting, Drex Ford and, and David Ting, and we talked.

, some of the, , some of the breaches and some of the more egregious breaches and what that means for us as we move forward. And, , it was a very interesting conversation and it really comes down to we, we have to go beyond just protecting the borders. We've known that for a while, but we have to know where are our protected health information, our phi, our personal health information is located and where it's moving.

At all times, ignorance of the PHI and where it's located is, is not a defense. It's not a good defense. , we have to know where it is. We have to know where it's going. Let me see a couple more. , Steve Kraus, partner venture firm, Bessemer Venture partners on AI models and healthcare models have a lot of potential to automate processes like prior author, , prior authorizations.

AI is going to be applied to ef. Right. And it maybe not direct patient care because we are very cautious and we need transparency into those models in order to deliver, , in order to trust those models. But in things like prior authorizations and things like patient communication and things like patient outreach, , varies.

Other things that it's not life and death or life threatening AI models are being brought to. And they have to be brought to bear. We have a crunch in terms of the labor. We had a crunch in terms of finding enough labor to do the work of caring for patients. And now we, we are gonna have a crunch just based on the economics of healthcare and what's going on right now.

So, , let's see. Any others? Aaron Mary's just a quote machine. Let's see. Startups need to prove that they're providing quality of care and generating a return on investment. Absolutely. , , let's see. Any others here? Scott Arnold template General Hospital Chief Information Officer on the cost of implementing GDPR like regulations.

There was a, a panel that talked about this. It was interesting. It's a whole new set of investments in cyber that aren't necessarily bad, but it's expensive. And we don't have a lot of experts on European law. Okay? So are we gonna see GDPR type laws? Are we gonna see a, , patient data bill of rights kind of thing where the patient's data is treated, , differently than it is today?

, we'll have to see. Anyway, this was meant to be my quick open. On, , what went on at the VIBE Conference. I don't give you some quotes and some background on what's going on, what I'm gonna cover tomorrow. I'm gonna go through top takeaways from the VI conference. , my, my top takeaways, I'll probably break it down in terms of health tech investors and, , digital health providers.

Maybe those are two episodes we'll see. All right. That is all for today. If you know of someone that might benefit from our. Forward them a note, just shoot 'em a note and say, Hey, are you listening to this Week Health, the Today Show? And , they can find it on our website. They can find it wherever they listen to.

Podcast. Apple, Google Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher, any anywhere. And you can get it right on your phone and listen to it when you work out on your commute. If you have a commute. If you don't have a commute, you can listen to it while you're walking around the block cuz all of us need to get out of our home office and get some exercise.

, we wanna thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission. To develop the next generation of health leaders, shortest and 📍 art of site, check them out at this week, Thanks for listening. That's all for now.



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