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Achieving the Impossible: Seven-Figure Success as a Mom of Six with Brooke Hemingway
Episode 1225th December 2023 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
00:00:00 01:02:53

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Today, we're diving into an incredible conversation with the unstoppable Brooke Hemingway. We crossed paths at an event and instantly connected over our shared love for big families and ambitious dreams. What sets Brooke apart is her transition from a former nurse and fitness pro to a seven-figure leader without any prior entrepreneurial experience. She's now a multi-passionate entrepreneur, high-performance coach, speaker, event creator, and, most importantly, a mom.

In this episode, we're not just talking business. We're delving deep into how Brooke has crafted a life in alignment with her goals. From daily routines to family decisions, she'll share her secrets on how she manages it all as a mom of six. Brooke describes herself as an overachiever, visionary, and boundary pusher, and she firmly believes that we all have untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. We'll uncover practical steps to take action, navigate the messy middle, and turn your dreams into reality.

Imagine building a seven-figure network marketing business, expanding into coaching, speaking, and hosting events and retreats, all while nurturing and homeschooling your children. Brooke's story isn't just inspiring; it's a blueprint for living your best life!

What you'll hear in this episode:

[0:00] Building a successful business and life as a mom of six.

[2:40] Building a network marketing business and empowering others.

[8:55] Personal growth, healing, and aligning work and life as a successful entrepreneur.

[15:10] Balancing work and family life as a self-employed mom.

[21:50] Balancing parenting and personal growth with a large family.

[26:50] Entrepreneurship, parenting, and creating one's own rules.

[31:15] Overcoming failures and taking action towards success.

[36:00] Empowerment, self-awareness, and listening to oneself.

[41:05] Self-care habits for busy moms.

[45:30] Prioritizing self-care through mindfulness and meditation.

[48:25] Personal growth, self-development, and networking.

[52:50] Aligning personal and professional goals for success.

[57:15] Personal growth, entrepreneurship, and empowerment.


Follow Brooke: @hemingwayhalfdozen

Follow Align the Good Life: @alignthegoodlife


Follow Kelsey: @thisiskelseysmith

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What happens if you don't take that chance if you don't make that change, if you don't make that move, if you don't get in that room, if you don't start that business, if you don't say the thing that you need to say, what happens if you don't do anything, because when I think, oh my gosh, if I don't change anything, if I don't do anything in one year, I'm going to be here in three years, I'm going to be here in five years, I'm going to be here, I do not want that to be my life. And for me, that is a really powerful motivator to take action because you're either on the up curve, or on the down curve, there's a no such thing as steady state.


Let's reimagine mom life together. Mama high schools is your hub for relatable support and helpful resources that help you fuel yourself alongside motherhood. Your identity is bigger than moms, and whatever your goals are. Together, we're making them a reality. Mamas This is such a good conversation today. Today on the podcast. I'm Brooke Hemingway, who is a friend that I've met through being in event spaces. I met her my friend Christine's event and we just connected right away on her big family and her desire to communicate that you do not have to choose one over the other you can go after your goals and dreams and live this good life while having this big beautiful family if that's what you desire, and Brooke has no entrepreneurial experience. She is a former nurse and fitness professional who turned a turn her life into being a powerhouse seven figure leader. She is a multi passionate entrepreneur at this point, high performance coach, speaker, event creator and mom. She has a unique experience both building these large businesses and coaching others to do the same. From leadership strategy mindset to tactically what it truly looks like she has helped women become unstoppable and went into their full potential. Today we're going to talk a little bit about business, but we're really gonna talk about her life, how she's built this aligned life alongside her goals, and what that looks like on a daily basis, the decisions they've made as a family, she describes herself as a definite overachiever and believer, a visionary and boundary pusher. She says if someone tells me I can't do something, I will always find a way. I believe there's so much more that we are all capable of if we're just willing to dig deeper accept and embrace our dreams and go after them without allowing ourselves to play small and settle for excuses. We dive into how to actually do this today. Because as a mom of six children, she has built her network marketing business to seven figures expanded into coaching, speaking, running events, retreats, and other businesses while having babies, nursing babies, homeschooling and everything in between. So if you want to talk about how to take action, be in the messy middle, and create a life that you dream of this episode is for you. Brooke, I'm so excited to have you here. You're one of my favorite people I've met in this journey. Because you're such a solid person, you're so genuine. You're an inspirational mom. And you have a really layered life in story, which I think is really motivational for women to see. But also I love it because that's just like how you've chosen to navigate life. And one of the parts of that that I think our community can really resonate with is how you build on top of a network marketing business. And that's kind of where you started in this version of your life. So I want to start there and talk about how did you make that? Yes, initially going back to that, because I've heard you talk a lot about how you were like, that was not my personality. That is not what I thought I would do. But it's now a seven figure business. Yeah, totally impacted your network. And we're going to talk about where it's taken you sense. But I want to go back to like that very first moment where mom Brooke is home with her kids and is like, Yeah, I'm gonna say yes to this. Yeah,


it totally was uncharacteristic, for me. Not anything that I would do. My background is in health and wellness. So I was an ICU nurse for 10 years, I was in fitness as an instructor and a trainer for 20 years. And looking back I can see the connections between what I did then and what I do now, in that as a fitness instructor, and you know, a personal trainer, I love to motivate people to change their lives and empower them to, you know, take back their life, take back their health. And so in some way, shape or form. I've always been in this sort of empowerment business. And then as a nurse, I wanted to help people I wanted to take care of them. I just found that doing those two things weren't quite hitting the mark. And especially working as a nurse. I didn't really feel like I was on this side of actually helping people it was kind of like I was on the back end like they were already sick. They were already falling apart. And so I didn't feel very empowered in that profession and I wasn't looking for something I think that's how it happens for most people. I mean, you know a lot of people like Keisha for example, we both know her how to start in network marketing. Have lots of other people. And, you know, we're not looking for it. But we're open. And typically we're looking for something to help us personally. And I was looking for something to help me personally, as a mom, at the time, I had just given birth to my fifth, she was like six or seven weeks old, we just built our dream house here in Hawaii, we had put a lot of blood, sweat and tears like literally painted the whole house, I was on the floor painting baseboards, when I went into labor, you know, my fifth and so life was really full, super busy, I'd stepped away from nursing wasn't looking for anything, except what I personally needed is I needed help with my postpartum depression, I needed to help with my anxiety, I needed help with my energy, like I literally just felt like my whole life had been sucked out of me, you know, growing five babies in nine years, and birthing them. So it started for me as a journey, a health journey, I was looking for something. So I kind of was brought to my knees because I've been struggling a lot with those things. And it humbled me sufficiently to be willing to try something I did fall in love with that product, like very quickly, and it helped me so much with those things. And then it was just one day, I got an invitation like, hey, why don't you put it out there? And for whatever reason, I didn't like really hesitate. I was like, okay, whatever. And I think that there's like some beautiful benefit to like, not being, you know, influential or popular or having a huge audience or like, really, I didn't really think I was anything special. And I was like, Yeah, whatever, I'll put it out there. Nobody will pay attention. Well, turns out that even with a small network, because people knew like, I was a person of my word, and like, I don't get behind just anything. I had 150 Facebook friends, and zero Instagram, this was eight years ago. And I had eight people, eight mamas immediately come to me and want this. And so that was the birth of it. But even then I was like, Am I really doing this? Like, is this something I'm doing? Like, I'm not really doing this, right. And I didn't actually really make the decision that I was totally doing this until I had 100 customers or clients. And at that point, I was like, I mean, I guess I'm, I guess I'm doing this. And so if I'm going to do this, like I do everything in my life, I'm gonna do it the best I can do it. Because I'm like an all in kind of a person. Like, if I'm going to put my name behind something, if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do the best that I can possibly do. Because I want to serve people. Well, I want to show up for people like these people have trusted me, you know, they've come in here, and so I'm going to take good care of them. And that was kind of my decision was like, hey, it's not about me, like I've involved all these other people, all these people are thriving, I need to step up. And I need to become a leader. And I need to do the things that are going to make me better. And so I really had this feeling it's not about me. And then as I dove into it, I started to see like with every step, I was like, Okay, I see what this really is. This is community building. This is leadership. This is me, empowering other people to believe in themselves to believe they can change to believe in their dreams, to take back, whether it's their health or take back their voice or their confidence. I really, really started to see it for what I think it is, which is leadership development and empowering other people. And once I realized that I was like, oh, game on, I'm in. Because I've always loved empowering people. And you know, so that's, that's kind of where that decision came from. But yeah, I never thought I would do anything like this. It's not my background, like social media, marketing, sales, marketing, anything like that. Not in my field. But I was willing, and I was open. And instead of like, asking myself every step of the way, well, how and why and all these different things. I was like, Feels good. Feels like I should do it. Okay, let's give it a go. You know?


Yeah, yeah. And I get questions all the time is mama house goals, a network marketing, business and company. And it's not. But I'm a huge advocate for network marketing, actually, because of all the things you're saying is a way to really expand your network in kind of a controlled environment. Like you have people helping you do it along the way. It's a great, like catapult for self development and leadership. And like you said, leadership development and having someone guide you ain't done well. It is such an amazing business. And that's what it's been so fun to watch your community because you've led them with such heart and such genuine opportunity. Yeah, and it's such a cool thing to see. But you've also expanded beyond that. So when did you first start kind of utilizing that foundation to build something more of your own? Yeah,


and I think this is such an important point, because a lot of times we get going in something and we think well, this is just what I'm known for. This is what I'm good at, like, maybe I shouldn't step outside of this, I should just like stay in this box. And I have a really expansive kind of spirit, like my number one core value is freedom. So if you tell me like, well, you're just a network marketer, or that's all you can do, I'll be like, well watch me do other things, right? Like I we are multi dimensional. And I feel like, especially as women, we're multi passionate, and we have to give ourselves permission to expand. So while I have that business and grew that business to a seven figure business in three years, which is really uncommon, but I just I went all in and I saw it for what it was, and I, I saw this community growing. But the other thing that I saw is that what happened to me is I hadn't dealt with some of the things that were limiting me I hadn't dealt with a lot of these feelings of not enoughness I was performing for my worth, I was winning these private island trips and these $14,000 shopping sprees and all these things, but like, the walls were coming down, and the sky was falling, because I hadn't dealt with my feelings of doubt and lack of self worth. And I hadn't done the healing that I needed to do. And it all came to a head about five years ago on my husband's birthday, you know, June 14, I'll never forget it. It was his birthday, I was so wrapped up in my work. I was like this with my phone, holding a baby. I had my sixth baby at that time. And I was struggling so much inside, that the only thing I knew how to do was like work. Well let me work because at least I'm really good at that. Because I felt like I'm a bad mom. I'm a bad wife. I'm a bad. Like, I'm bad at everything. And I just need to prove that I'm good at something. And so I overworked which I think is what a lot of people do. And it was his birthday. And he was telling me, hey, I really want to go to the beach as a family. We were here in this house. And I didn't even really hear him because I was not present. And he just lost it. Because this had been going on for a while. And he said you know what, you can have your business, I'll take the effing kids and leave. And the thing that was like the realization that I had in that moment when he left because he did take the kids and go to the beach. I stayed home with the baby is when he said that I felt nothing. I felt nothing. I was just like so numb. And just like burying and burying and burying all these feelings. And so he went, I sat by myself, nurse, my baby. And I had time to think about it. And when he came back, I said two things. I said number one, you're right, something's got to change. And I'm struggling. And number two, if you ever leave, I'll take everything. And I'll have the kid that little sassy side of me that was like, yeah, no, that's like you're not taking the kids from me. But you know what, he was just frustrated. He's such a good guy. But like he needed to get through to me. And that got through to me. And so yeah, I had this whole big successful business loved empowering women loved leading, love succeeding, like I'm a producer, I'm a type A, you give me a goal, you give me a carrot, I'll reach it, but at the cost of not dealing with the things that needed to be dealt with. And so I dove into my own personal growth, my own healing work, coaches, conferences, like I put myself in so many rooms, I had coaches, I read the books, like I did so much personal work over the next year that did a lot of healing and a lot of growth. And I was able to continue to grow that business. But I also knew looking around at my community, other people need these tools. Other people need to know that they don't have to give up their dreams in order to be a good mom. They don't have to give up their dreams in order to be a good wife. Because really at the root of all of it was I have this core belief that everything good in my life comes to an end. And I can't have it all. Like, I can't be a good mom and a good wife and a millionaire. Like I've got a pic and so I almost quit all the work stuff. I almost just stepped back and was going to just enjoy this residual income. But something inside of me was like no, you can have all of those things that you want. You've just got to find the way and for me it was finding out how to live a life in alignment. So when I when I went through that myself, and I went through the journey of growth, I just had this deep desire to help teach other women I'm super passionate about women super passionate about mamas, because I feel like we are the most powerful creators. I mean, we create why like we are we are so powerful. And I see so many women giving up on their dreams, quitting their businesses playing small because they can't find that sweet spot of alignment and so they just figure you know, it's not possible. And that's why I started doing events. That's why I started doing retreats, because I know when good women I have a lot of money, a lot of good stuff happens. It's I love to help women make a lot of money and break through their limitations. And it came from my own pain story.


Yeah. And that expands into our kids and our partners and everything else. What did that in between period look like? Because you know, you're in this state where you're not spending maybe enough time with your family and your partner and you're not present. And it's not even about the number of hours in my opinion, it's about the quality of those hours and their presence when we're there. And so, not being present. And even those 15 minutes is really where it matters, not that you have eight hours a day that you're spending with your kids. Right. So once you decided step you were stepping into these different conferences, and really growing yourself into being present and finding this aligned good life as your brand is, yeah, what did that in between look like? Because in some ways, you were probably spending more time on yourself, it was just different. You just maybe weren't working as hard. But you were going so deep and having this like transformation of who you were. So you weren't necessarily all of a sudden, with the kids and your husband all the time. And I think that can be really tricky for women when they step into this version of their goals, because all of a sudden, they're they're looking for that alignment. But they're like, wait, I'm actually busier than I was before. So how do how did you make that transition to then figure out what that alignment look like?


Well, there's an energy and a spirit behind it. Because I feel like our kids have the best BS, like sensors. And so they know if mom's not happy, they know if things are off. And I really actually think our kids want us to be happy. And they want to see us like happy and they can feel that energy. And, and we know this is true, because little kids will do anything to get mommy to smile or give them a hug. Like, they want to see us happy. And so it's better for my kids to see me busy and working on projects I love and being happy as opposed to like, you know, tapping out numbing out scrolling on my phone, watching TV, because I can be just as disengaged as a stay at home mom. Or as a working mom, I just want to be clear there. And so I think it's an energy sort of thing. And when you start doing the work on yourself, and you start actually diving into the projects that you love, you become a mom, that's like skipping up the steps and saying, okay, Mommy's gonna go through a call, I'll see our, and they'll be like, okay, Mom, because they feel like Oh, mom loves what she does, we're teaching them a really valuable lesson. And it really is like, for me the in between look like being present in the moment. And I have an example of that even just from this morning. You know, when I'm here in Hawaii, my workday starts at like 630. Like, I will be starting calls at 630. Because everyone is like, so much farther ahead. So I'm up at five 530. So when my kids get up in the morning, I'm already working, which is not normal for me, because when I'm on the mainland, it's different. But it's just what I have to do, I have to flex. And so in between some calls, I have like a half an hour and it's like, okay, I have a half an hour, you know, I come into the room, I can sense that my daughter is really frustrated. She's trying to make this little book out of paper. And you know what, there's probably some other things I could have done in the house or do the dishes or whatever. But I was like, You know what, I'm going to go over to the table, I'm going to get the paper, cut her out. And I'm going to show her how to make a book and it took 15 minutes. But like the light in her eyes and how excited she was that while Mommy did her next call, like she was going to draw the pictures and write the words. It was 15 minutes, you guys, but it was 15 minutes of me being in awareness. And being in alignment. What matters most right now, me cleaning the dishes, or me helping her make her little book. And so it looks like those little choices because the truth is I have a very busy schedule. I am self employed 100%. But I work full time and I don't make any excuses for that. I have flexibility in my schedule, and I flex where I want to work. And I can make a lot of different choices, but I still have to get the work done. And that means that in those 15 minute blocks, or those 30 minute blocks, or at lunchtime or naptime or bedtime, like the phone is not there. I'm not distracted. I'm all in with them. And it totally is quality. And then also like the in between of what that looked like was me setting aside like specific family hours, like okay, I can be all in with my work. But when it comes to be like Friday, at four o'clock, like we're done like it's family time we ride bikes, we make homemade pizza, we watch movies, and so when the family knows like, Okay, we have these specific things to look forward to. They no longer feel so victimized. And when I was in the process of changing and growing these businesses, I was really cognizant Have not victimizing my children, and not victimizing my family. And here's what I mean, if I'm feeling so sorry for my kids, and I'm feeling so bad for my kids and my poor husband, I'm essentially saying, I'm letting you down. And you should feel like something is wrong. And I was very cognizant, to not create that environment, and instead, to create an environment where they realized they were winning, because mom was creating. And so we had very open conversations about you know, mom is doing this. And as I do this, we're bringing dad home, more dads not having to work 80 hours. And while we get to take this trip together as a family because of mom's work, and we became more of a team, so instead of me feeling sad for my kids, and making them into victims, I made a conscious decision that my children are benefactors of my success. Their benefactors in the way that we live their benefactors in the way that they think they're free thinkers. Now, they are creators and creatives. And it was hard. You guys like moms listening out there. It was so hard to fight off the mom guilt. And the doubt, oh, my gosh, am I doing the right thing? Am I ruining their lives? And I had to be like, okay, Brock, okay. Like, look at the life you're living. Look at the life they're living. Look at the lessons they're learning. Look at the kind of adults they're going to become. You are winning, you are winning Mama's. And that doubt you feel, that's just your ego, trying to keep you safe, trying to shut you down and try to keep you small, and it is going to try and it is going to send vicious attacks at you. But I think it just for me, it was like, I know I'm supposed to be doing this work. And just because you know, you're supposed to be doing some work does not mean it's going to be easy. Just because you know it, it doesn't doesn't make it easy. It's just kind of like, well, here we go, you know, that's


the journey. We're loving you bring up not victimizing them, it actually reminds me of like, when your kids fall down in their little, and you go and respond, and they're like, oh, wait, maybe I am hurt. Actually, you now that you look scared, I'm scared to. And it's kind of the same thing of like, you know, if you just kind of wait and let them see, okay, am I hurt? Or am I not hurt? Let me evaluate this for myself, then they get to make that decision for themselves. And then you can respond accordingly. But if you're like, oh, no, you're hurt, I'm gonna respond to you that way. It's going to be the same thing. If they're like, Mom, you're not here, Mom, you're not doing this. And you're like, I know, I know. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. The same way. Yeah. But if you're really like being present, and being aware, and that's the other point that you made, that I really think was great is this morning, when you were walking in that room, and you were aware that your daughter was frustrated. Because if we're not doing something that we're aligned with, if we're not pursuing something that brings the best out of us, it's actually not about the hours, it's about the type of person we are in that downtime, so we can be awake, and we can be aware, and we can notice when our child is feeling off, because you could be putting those hours the exact same amount of hours into something else that brings out a different side of you. And then you're not aware, because you're just burnt out, you're not the tradition of yourself. Yeah, you hate what you're doing. And so having that alignment in your life to create that awareness and that peace for as a family, you're all in the same boat. And you've done this in so many ways. But you guys have multiple houses, you kind of I call it house hopping, you're in different places all the time. And the other thing I really admire about how you do that, and how you travel all the time, is being a mom of six kids. From the outside, it looks like you're so aware of how you're spending solo time, or really focused time with one or two to three of the children at a time. And then you have full family time as well talk to me a little bit about how you balance all these trips. All the six kids. Yeah, the personalities, the needs the activities like and how do you make it all work?




And do you feel like you have solely created this? Because I'm sure there's parts of it. You didn't see anyone else doing? But did your opportunities get expanded? Because you pushed yourself into new rooms and new places that you saw what was possible? Or did you fully not see anyone doing any of these things? Because I know for me, it's been that I've seen other people in there's certain things that we'll make our own right just like I'm sure you've made your own. You've chosen places you've chosen and whatnot. But once I saw there were different ways to work. There were different ways that our family could live. And then there even just the opportunities of homeschooling and college and high school like I've learned so much of that from you, and that I don't have to homeschool and be the sole teacher because that was one of my fears too. Oh, I was like, I did not teach you this feature. I do not teach my kids. But having seeing it in someone else has been huge for me. Is that how you found these opportunities to?


people. And then in August of:


Yeah, you know, there's a saying fail fast, right? And it's allowing yourself to take action, because the faster you take action, and if you fail or when you fail, then you can just keep moving forward because you're closer to success, the more that you fail, let's talk about some of your failures or learnings and how you have overcome them. How do you get yourself and you don't have to give us specifics if you don't want to because I know sometimes you literally forget because you're like I just keep moving so you're like I don't even remember but I know I've had them but How in that moment, there's a woman listening, who maybe it was network marketing that she failed. And she's now thinking about starting something else, or she's looking at a different company. How do you get back up when you feel like you just are not going to be successful at that thing? Yeah.


I mean, my number one rule is it's not everything, so don't make it everything. So if you had one bad experience, one failed network marketing business, one failed coaching launch, like, something didn't go right. Like it's not everything. So don't make it everything. Don't extrapolate it on to everything else in your life. Like, there's good doctors, bad doctors, good lawyers, bad lawyers, good network marketing, bad network marketing, good coaches, bad coaches, like, there's, like, we tend to, like have one experience. And we turn it around, and we project it onto everything else. And so if you see yourself doing that, just stop, realize you can have a failure, you can make a mistake, you can have a bad experience. And that is not the totality of your experience. It's just one thing. That's my number one. My number two is don't do everything for everyone else. Like if you're starting a business, and you have business partners, or even as a parent, like stop doing everything for everyone in your life, and using that as like a badge of like, Oh, I'm a good mom, or I'm a good leader, or I'm a good business owner, like the best thing you can do is empower other people to take action and to take responsibility. And early on in my career, I was doing too much for other people. And as a mother, I was doing too much for my kids, including like wiping their butts till they were like five or six years old. I know you're laughing, right? Like control control freak control freak, though,


because I'm what I'm thinking my oldest is about to be five. And I'm like thinking through this transition that we've had where I'm like, You need to start doing stuff yourself like and he's totally like, it's so funny. You bring this up, because my son being that age right now, there are things that he will do for himself five days of the week. And then one day, the week he'll be like, Mom, I can't I need help. And I'm like, Okay, what is the underlying reason that you're asking for help here? And how can I provide that because I don't actually need to put your shoes on, you're fully capable of putting her shoes. Let's say that we as moms just get sucked into doing it. And leaders, sometimes we start doing it for the people on our team or anything else. Yes.


And what they really need is to hear I believe in you, you've got this, you've got all the tools like or asking them a question, well, what are you going to do? Well, what's your next step? What do you think you should do? And if I could go back, I would do less for people. And I would just empower them more, I would control the situation less because essentially what you're saying when you try to control the situation is I don't believe you're capable. Like that is the unconscious or subconscious message you're sending as I don't believe you're capable to succeed. So mommy better Russian here or leader better Russian here, or queen be better Russian here and she better fix everything. And so give people power, give them assignments, and don't do everything for everyone. The third thing that I would say is not everyone is for you. And that is okay. Not everyone is for you. And that is okay, you do not need everyone to love you, you do not need everyone's approval. And you do not need everyone to be on your side stop trying to convince people stop trying to argue with people stop trying to show what a good person you are a good business person you are like, just how great you are like stop trying to convince people and just be you. The fact is, some people are never going to be for you. And that's okay. You don't want them to be and the rooms that you create and the products that you create, and the communities that you create are not going to be for everyone. And that's okay. It doesn't make you better or them better. It just means like, hey, in order to attract what you want, you're going to have to repel some things. So some people are going to be repelled. Some people don't like me, it's totally fine. I have to like me. And I have to like living my life and I have to create things listen very closely. You have to create things you would want to stay in. And you're not going to stay in something that's not authentic to you. So you're building a house of cards and just be okay with letting go those people that aren't for you. Last but not least, listen to yourself. Listen to yourself. I learned this lesson the hard way a couple years ago when a business relationship fell apart because for a year or two before that, I was not listening to myself. And I was really trying to people please and I was really trying to make exceptions for why this was okay. And that was okay. And this behavior was okay. And and I wasn't listening to myself. I wasn't listening to the science. I wasn't listening to the health issues I started to have a wasn't listening to the depression and anxiety I started to experience. I was totally muting that little girl inside and the big girl that I am now. And I realized her all you got to listen to yourself. Like Patrice Washington shares his story of like, hey, it starts out as a pebble, then it's a rock, and it's a freakin boulder. And it's like, it doesn't have to get to the boulder stage where it hits you in the head and totally knocks you out, start listening, when it's the pebble, and the voice that's inside of you will not lead you astray. So start tapping into that voice and listening and knowing what that is, and getting quiet. And asking yourself, what do I really need to do? What is the truth here? What is my soul telling me, I would have saved myself a lot of pain, a lot of money, what lots of things, if I would have just listened to myself.


And I think so often we have to slow down to do that. And being moms that are going after our goals, trying to balance all the things with our families and our kids, our businesses, our jobs, or whatever it is that we're looking to achieve. Slowing down can be a hard task sometimes. And I know you actually do this really well with some of your non negotiables, whether it's around your health, or how you're showing up for yourself, how did you transition into those habits? Or have you always had them? And what are some of the things that you do make sure you do on a daily basis?


Well, I would say when I learned that lesson five years ago, and we kind of had that blow up, I had actually stopped taking care of myself. So some of those non negotiables of moving my body every day, getting outside everyday those fell by the wayside. And so I started to create this thing that I called Six for six, which is basically like six days a week, I'll move my body at least 20 minutes. It wasn't seven for seven, because that reeks of perfectionism. And I was trying to break that perfectionism. But I was trying to teach myself that I have 20 minutes for myself every day. And so ever since that day, I have committed to that whether that is walking or jogging, or doing some Pilates, or just squats and push ups or, you know, going to the gym, or whatever it is, is like if I don't have 20 minutes, I don't have a life. So one non negotiable for me is legitimately moving my body every day. And it's not about exercise. It's about keeping a commitment with myself. And it's about generating energy. And it's built with myself a trusting relationship. So that's a non negotiable. For me, at least this is going to seem like really like it's not enough. But I think it's the culmination of very small things over time, that makes a huge difference. And as a mom of six kids with three businesses, I can't meditate for an hour, you guys, that's not even like when I listened to some people's morning routines. I'm like, Cool, you don't have a child and you're a dude in your 40s. Awesome. So glad you can do that, bro. But I'm like, here's my reality, right? Like I've either had a nursing baby or a toddler or teens that stay up late or littles they get up early. And so five minute, five minutes of nothing, five minutes of quiet time, five minutes to center myself, sometimes it is sitting on my bathroom floor, or laying on my bathroom floor, like that is a non negotiable, and then every single day, every single day, because my natural state before I was an entrepreneur was glass half empty, negative, everything good in my life comes to an end, I already told you that I had to reprogram my brain. So every single day I listened to something that empowers me, inspires me, helps me to grow helps me to believe in myself. And then the fourth non negotiable I would say is I do supplement like a boss and I eat real food. Because I do believe that what you put in is what comes out. So my input is going to affect my output. And I have learned so much about health and nutrition and all these things over the year that I've learned. I'm not a garbage disposal, especially at 45. The older you get ladies, those of you listening, the older you get, the better care you need to take of yourself. And when I put good in, I get good out. So non negotiable for me is real food, nutritious food supplementation. And that's really it. Like it's super simple. If I do those four things. Actually, there's a fifth. Can I can I name my fifth? Yeah, okay. Yeah. And this is this is a self care thing. And it may not seem like a self care thing. But if we were in a room and I asked people to raise their hands, I would ask them like, how many of you guys crash land into your day? How many of you guys experienced chaos are overwhelmed like day after day after day and you feel like you're just on this hamster wheel? That used to rival mode? Yes, survival mode. Hot Mess mom. It's like super cute to hashtag I'm like, that is not cute. Okay, it's not cute. Let's stop it. And so what I started to do to take better care of myself was the night before like before I go to bed. I map out my day. Like what is tomorrow gonna look like and what are my top three priorities. And the reason why this goes under self care. And loving myself is because when I wake up in the morning, my heart's not racing, I don't feel chaos right away, I feel peace. I know what I'm walking into. And that feels like a form of self love, chaos and drama, and overwhelm. And having no schedule and flying by the seat of my pants is not self love. Self love is me, like walking into the day feeling empowered, feeling like I've got this feeling this peace and calm, that I know, you know what's coming up that day. And so I'm a boss with doing that as well. Yeah,


that was the first thing I did. When I did what I call my self discovery journey, I was mapping out my day, the next day, and it was super impactful, still do it every day. And just looking at my calendar is like the bare minimum. But I highly recommend that too. And definitely putting good food in your body. And I think for anyone that's hearing like these five things, and they're like, where do I start? What do I do, I feel like just breaking it down. And I think you would just echo this is okay, you focus on real food over fake food to start, and then focus on moving your body. If you can't do 20 minutes, do five minutes. And I know for me being a really busy minded person in the sense that my brain doesn't stop. When people would tell me sit with yourself and be quiet even for five minutes. I would try it and I'd sit there. And I'd be like, Okay, this is like, I need to get up and do something. So I think for me, literally setting a timer for five minutes and sitting in a quiet space is how I started, is that what you would recommend to especially if you can so still you might still hear kids screaming in the background. But sitting in a place? What do you is that how you would start for that? Honestly,


what it looks like for me a lot of times is I'm usually the first one up in the house. And I actually just I wake up and I sit at the side of my bed, I just sit there. And sometimes you know, when I'm in Hawaii, the windows are open and I can feel the trade winds and I start to hear like the birds chirping and the roosters. And I just that, and I give myself like that five minutes to sort of come to myself. And to just like instead of like hopping out of bed and running, to do something I give myself the five minutes of stillness that's honestly where the five minutes is, in my day is before I even start the day I don't rush into my phone, I don't rush into other people's needs, I don't rush into work or working out. For me like that's simply where it goes. And it's I was the same way I had a really hard time sitting still because as a mom and as a businesswoman like there is a never ending list. But guess what that list is not going to go anywhere, it's just going to keep growing and time is going to continue to pass where you're not giving yourself the space and time to calm your nervous system to breathe, to slow the heck down. And to gather yourself before you start the day. The list is always going to be there in five minutes is not going to make or break anything that you have on your list. But five minutes is going to help you to regulate your nervous system in the morning so that you're not entering everything triggered, and everything just like with your nerves shot, which is how I used to enter the day. So I would just like plead with you. Give yourself five minutes if that's exactly right when you wake up, or if it's at lunchtime, or if it's before you go to bed. I think earlier in the day is better though, because that's when you really kind of need to set the tone for your day. I'm not a fancy pantsy like you got to do it this way or that way or this way. I'm like No, sit at the side of your bed. And breathe. Sit


down for five minutes. Figure out how that works for you. Yes, yeah. And I think with so many things in our lives, we have to have the small daily thing and habit, but big things matter to and you know reminds me of like with your partner, you want to connect with each other every day. But it doesn't mean that date nights or weekends away are important also. And when we think about our own self development, growth, our time, these five habits as an example are really important. But also putting ourselves in bigger experiences and bigger environments is really important too. Yeah. And I want to talk about your event that's coming up because I've been at events with you. I've been at your smaller events. This will be my first bigger event and I'm super excited to go. But before we talk about why you do that AI and what's going to happen there I wanted to get back because you said the first event you ever went to Jamie Kern Lima was a speaker at and now she's speaking at your event like oh, like just a couple of years later. What is that five years later? You go from attending and four years later? Yeah, you go from attending an event where this amazing woman so for those that don't know who Jamie Kern Lima is she sold a cosmetics to L'Oreal for billions of dollars, I'd have to look up what it was and became the first female CEO. She has an amazing story. But you went and listened to her speak and now she's at your event as a friend and speaking Yeah, that is so cool. Yes, it's huge.


hen I was in that audience in:


going to be at your events, who's speaking thanks to


lip like to set you free into:


v2, so we're going to be in San Antonio, Texas, January 18 to 20 yet, give us a little bit of an overview of the agenda of each day. And you know, we have a mama's Event Guide that I'm happy to give to anyone that books a ticket so that you can really be set up for success to leave your family and be fully present there. And we'll link everything down below. But this is truly a relay events in general. Like I said, they're the thing that is different than your day to day activity. You need both. But being in rooms like this is so impactful. It changed my life. I know what she ensures it's changed so many others. But what are some of the specific things that are happening throughout those days?


e the actual founder, there's:


And you have such a kind, welcoming community, I'd love for you to tell us a story about one of the women in your community that had never been to an event like this, or came alone, and how it totally changed her trajectory. Oh


my gosh, it happens all the time. I think about Krystal, who is a single mom who got out of an abusive relationship who has four kids and lives in a trailer park. And the first time she came like she had to make major sacrifices to come and to get her ticket. And to see her growth over the last couple of years and how she shows up on social media and how she's lost a ton of weight. Because sometimes the first thing that we have to go through is we have to go through our physical transformation. And so to see her transform, and to see her confidence grow every single year, she's become a different person that that first year she came like she was so excited to be in that room and Amberly laga was speaking, and Amber Lee gave away a spot in her mastermind, and somebody had to do something the audience and she just like bolted out of her seat. And she was the first person to like, also being in that room that she had the opportunity to join Amber Lee's mastermind for six months. So I see people like her. I see a mama that came two years ago to Scottsdale and she brought her baby because I'm a baby friendly person. I mean, if they're mobile, and they're walking, they shouldn't be in the room. But if they're nursing, and he's that's


gonna impact your experience, too, right? It's not exactly because we don't want them there. Because you're not going to be able to pay you're


sent. But like say you have a:


A lot of what you do is help entrepreneurs but the event itself is really great for anyone that's looking for any form of personal growth or expansion. And it's called align. It's all about living and aligned life and finding what's In alignment with you, so you don't have to have a business to come you definitely, as a person support entrepreneurs, but there's so much more to it than broke, what is something that you're personally excited about right now, other than your event, because that's huge That's coming right up outside of your event, what else is really lighting you up a goal that you're currently working on? Or that you're pushing towards? Yeah,


I mean, gosh, I am feeling this really incredible energy of hope and expansion, like overall over everything that I'm creating. And I feel like that's one of the reasons why I'm led to call people into a room because I feel like a lot of people have given up hope over the last few years, or they've kind of been stuck or stagnant. And so in everything that I create, I just have this idea that it's going to 10x. And I'm really excited to watch it happen. And I'm excited to see how it's gonna happen. And when one of the things I'm really feeling called to and excited about is starting to write my first book, and just speaking on more other stages, right, I've got my own stage that I speak on and, and you know, some other, you know, places that I've spoken. But I want to speak more, I want to empower more people, because my message could reach people, whether they have kids or not, whether they have a business or not. And so those are the two things that I'm really excited about is it's time for me to like, buckle down and write the book. And it's time for me to get on more stages to share the message that anything is possible and that you can have it all without losing it all.


I love it. So exciting. Now you have your own podcast, you have two social media pages that are amazing. We'll link all those below. But where would you like people to come and follow you and being your world.


Um, I mean, just come and follow me at Hemingway, half dozen, I have half a dozen kids so easy to remember having a half dozen. And I would love to see you at a line. I'd love to know when you come that you heard me on the podcast, I can give you a big squeeze. That event page is a line events And if you're listening today, you can save $100 on your ticket with code TG l 100. Think, a good life TGL 100. And I would love to see you in that room like having your own personal breakthroughs and believing bigger for 2024.


Absolutely. And if you were just gonna put a little bit more fire under someone to take action when they get off of this podcast, you know, we've covered a lot of things, five things they can do today and event space they can be in how to take action, what is one thing that you would say do this today, don't even wait till tomorrow?


Well, if you really want to motivate yourself, the vision is super nice. And it's really fun to think about like all of the happy things you'll be doing and all of the things you visualize for your future. And that is really powerful. But I would actually like you to stop and think about what happens if you do nothing. What happens if you don't take that chance, if you don't make that change, if you don't make that move, if you don't get in that room, if you don't start that business, if you don't say the thing that you need to say, what happens if you don't do anything, because when I think oh my gosh, if I don't change anything, if I don't do anything in one year, I'm going to be here in three years, I'm going to be here in five years, I'm going to be here, I do not want that to be my life. And for me that is a really powerful motivator to take action because you're either on the up curve, or on the down curve. There's no such thing as steady state, you're either moving up, or you're moving down and the choices that you make today will define your destiny and whether you're going up or down and so take a minute to think about if I don't do this, what's going to happen. And I think that will light a fire under your butt to be like okay, well I gotta do this. I gotta get things in gear. I gotta go for it.


Yeah. Awesome, Brooke, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you so much for being here.


Thanks for having me.


Sometimes the smallest acts of love is all a mom needs to feel reinvigorated. If you can relate to that I'd feel so supported by your five star rating and written review. Take a moment and let me know what you thought about this episode.




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