What has season one taught us about what it means to be a White person in the US today without supremacy or shame?
After 9 weeks, 28 hours of recording, and 12 hours of published material Jenny and Loran identify the key findings of season one.
In the conclusion of our first attempt at a community assessment of White people and Whiteness, Loran and Jenny sit down to discuss the incredibly thoughtful interviews, moments, and themes which left a lasting impact on them.
Questions include:
Loran references Alok's guest appearance on The Man Enough Podcast which may be viewed here.
Bonus materials for select episodes may be found on specific episode's pages on The Spillway's website. Loran references bonus materials for Evangeline's episode which may be found here. ==========
TRANSCRIPT DISCLAIMER: The following transcript was auto-transcribed by Descript software. It will be updated and cleaned in the coming weeks. Please reach out if you would like a transcript in the interim.
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For a transcript of this episode and more, please visit our website, www.thespillway.org
Mentioned in this episode:
The Spillway Community Guidelines
1. Engage sequentially. The show is a serial not episodic. We do this so we can build relation and find common ground and context. 2. We stay in our own lane. The Spillway is about White people talking to (predominately) White people about White people and White culture. We're not out here to critique anyone's actions but our own. 3. Our combined fabric of destiny. (3a) As Dr. King said, our humanities are deeply interconnected to each other. Racism negatively impacts me, too. (3b) The Spillway is one mechanism within a larger framework needed to sustain racial equity and justice. We're not a one-stop shop. 4. No one right way to liberation. We all share the same goals, but not every method works for every person. If this doesn't work for you. That's okay. Maybe it works for someone else.
I had a personal turning point in 2015, shortly after Dylan
Jill Nagle:roof had killed a room full of Black church goers in their Bible study group.
Jill Nagle:And I was looking at a picture of him and he had that same sort of glazed over
Jill Nagle:dissociated dysregulated look that my autistic son would get in his eyes just
Jill Nagle:before he had yet another violent tantrum.
Jill Nagle:He's now a lot better.
Jill Nagle:Um, but I had this moment where this, this knowing just kind of suffused my body,
Jill Nagle:which was, I am not separate from him.
Jill Nagle:The same system that created him also created me.
Jill Nagle:We are part of the same.
Jill Nagle:Collective White psyche.
Jill Nagle:And right around this time, I noticed that the White people around me
Jill Nagle:were doing and saying things pretty much exactly the opposite of that.
Jill Nagle:Calling him a monster calling for him to be locked up forever.
Jill Nagle:No.
Jill Nagle:And I thought, oh, wait a second.
Jill Nagle:You know, from this sense of connection, I started to, um, formulate the idea
Jill Nagle:for these White on White workshops, how to talk to the other White people.
Jill Nagle:And I brought my sematic body-oriented, um, counseling skills and help people
Jill Nagle:slow down their reactions to what, like what happens in our bodies
Jill Nagle:when we monster Ify, if you will.
Jill Nagle:And even if you want another White person, oh my God, what's
Jill Nagle:actually happening within us.
Jill Nagle:How do we slow that down and be with it and consider, just consider the
Jill Nagle:possibility of engaging them as another human being as if we were members of the
Jill Nagle:same family and in some profound way, we are all members of the same family.
Jill Nagle:We would draw them in just like when my son was having a tantrum,
Jill Nagle:I wasn't going to monster by him.
Jill Nagle:I wanted to draw him in and say, what's going on?
Jill Nagle:How did this happen?
Jill Nagle:How do we make you feel more comfortable and safe so that you do this?
Jill Nagle:And as White people, I think that's where, you know, some things that
Jill Nagle:Lynn and Jared have mentioned about doing the work within ourselves.
Jill Nagle:How do we expand our capacity for being with the hard feelings that come up when
Jill Nagle:we see other White people doing violent and harmful, sometimes fatal things.
Loran:I love what Jill is saying here in episode six.
Loran:And I think it kind of speaks for itself.
Loran:So I just want to like, stop and appreciate you and just like acknowledge
Loran:that I'm loving this conversation.
Loran:I don't love you because this conversation's going so well.
Loran:I love you, period.
Loran:But also like I've been joining this conversation now.
Loran:I know, because we've done so much fucking work on this thing.
Loran:And so to like sit at it and reflect and share, and like, even when you're
Loran:like, oh, a Bandalan says that too.
Loran:I was like, did she just used her time?
Loran:Like, oh fuck.
Loran:Like there's just so much beauty that we fucking trudged through
Loran:to get to this final episode.
Loran:And then Jill's over here talking about our interconnectedness and our
Loran:shared humanity that I'm just like, I got a lot of love on the heart.
Jenny:Uh, I have a lot-, a lot of love in my heart for you.
Jenny:I mean, this whole process has been painful and wonderful.
Loran:Yeah, that's the best way to describe it as painful and wonderful.
Jenny:and I didn't even really have to do much.
Jenny:I just had to just up and I would still, like the night before we
Jenny:were going to record, I was like,
Loran:that's beautiful.
Loran:Um, which I think this is actually a really lovely segue into, uh,
Loran:I'm so excited to report out to you on data from our conversations.
Loran:Um, and so we have had on the podcast, I want to make sure that I get this
Loran:number, correct, 116,014 words of that.
Loran:We say White or a weightness, 1,017 times.
Loran:We ask at a minimum 816 questions.
Loran:Um, we say racism 214 times community, 146 times men, 143 culture, 1 28 people of
Loran:Color, 118 Black, 107 women, 81, fuck 78.
Loran:That sounds right.
Loran:I also don't think we said shit a whole lot, but we say 44 times shit.
Loran:I feel like isn't the most like impactful curse word.
Loran:But when you use strategically, it can be, um, preciousness dirty too.
Loran:I mean, that makes sense.
Loran:And then tears 13, like I thought we talked, we talked about tears, like White
Loran:women tears a lot more than we actually.
Jenny:That's one of the things that I have on here.
Jenny:It's like the themes that keep showing up.
Loran:So just by the numbers, is there any word or phrase or it has, yeah,
Loran:it has to be a very specific word or phrase that I could look up.
Jenny:Just curious.
Jenny:Six that's all.
Jenny:Um, but in all seriousness, um, harm
Loran:77, that's
Loran:I feel like that's where I was like, oh, I feel like we talked about this a lot more.
Loran:And so when I was like coming up with my themes, I was like, well, maybe we didn't
Loran:actually talk about this a whole lot.
Loran:And the data says something different about we, we.
Loran:That's really good.
Loran:I mean, let's try us 134, which is more than culture.
Jenny:1 28.
Jenny:Oh yeah.
Jenny:That's right.
Loran:When I was little and this is what I thought, the first thing
Loran:that you would, this is something that I thought you had access to.
Loran:And the afterlife was how many times you did our set something.
Loran:No way.
Loran:I really wanted there to be like a database that you could go through of the
Loran:life that you had and be like, oh my God.
Loran:I said, I love you.
Loran:X times I watered the plants X amount of times, I masturbate at X amount
Loran:of times and just be like, oh wow.
Loran:These are my, these are my stats.
Jenny:only you.
Jenny:Well, maybe not only, but definitely you would be like, baby Loran would
Jenny:be like, I need a spreadsheet of all.
Jenny:When I get to get to heaven, I need a spreadsheet of all the things.
Jenny:Thank you.
Loran:Pearly gates.
Loran:Where's the database.
Loran:Which, which way do I go?
Jenny:Do we have an Excel spreadsheet?
Jenny:You would probably bring your own
Loran:if you could.
Loran:Well, I guess that's the thing.
Loran:If you could bring anything across the river sticks, what would you bring?
Loran:Here's my cold one.
Jenny:Just never ending supply of new cells or cause I only liked those first two goals.
Loran:welcome to the final episode of season one of The Spillway podcast,
Loran:where we try to refocus our lens on what it means to be White in the U
Loran:S today without supremacy or shame.
Loran:Jenny and I have come up with lists of our biggest takeaways,
Loran:incredible moments of learning and highs and lows of this first season.
Loran:So this should go without saying, but if you haven't listened to
Loran:season one, a whole lot of this is not going to make sense.
Loran:And without further ado, let's just jump right on it.
Loran:Um, yeah, let's just start with the biggest impact.
Loran:Let's uh, so three, I'll do three first since I have, I have three of them.
Loran:You have two.
Loran:Um, so the first one I have, it's like a penumbra of clips
Loran:and it's about the interconnect.
Loran:You just say the penumbra, it's a pin number of clips.
Jenny:What is
Loran:I love the numbers.
Loran:So it's when multiple things kind of overlay themselves, they're
Loran:all very different and distinct.
Loran:But once you see this overlay and you like, look through them, it
Loran:makes its whole own entire thing.
Jenny:So like the thing I think of like a power point or something, no.
Loran:It is, yeah.
Loran:It's like a thing that exists, but doesn't exist in the actual electric.
Loran:But like the feeling, the gist of it kind of does.
Loran:And so I think you'll understand as soon as they say, and it is
Loran:the interconnectedness of artwork.
Loran:And like, when I started The Spillway, I, it was kind of around this, like,
Loran:don't you want to stop fucking hurting yourself and hurting other people?
Loran:Like, is your life really that good when you talk about race and racism?
Loran:Because I kept seeing people like, like cringe and recoil from conversations
Loran:of race and racism and like that to me, like registered as this trauma response.
Loran:And it was like, oh, like that, doesn't like, I think even Lynn Burnett says
Loran:and the White to the round table, Yeah.
Loran:Lynn says in the episode, you know, if you're a White person and you're wrestling
Loran:with experiences of guilt or shame or feeling embarrassed or being worried that
Loran:you're racist or being worried that people will perceive you as racist, or if you're
Loran:feeling defensive, um, or if you have fear and anxiety around Black and Brown people,
Loran:or if you're turning on Fox news and you're feeling, you know, a fear reaction
Loran:to the narratives, they're like, none of that is a positive life experience.
Loran:You know, like all of that is taking away from you having a beautiful life.
Loran:Like that's not a good quality of life.
Loran:And that's why I started the spelling of like, no, like let's
Loran:increase your quality of life.
Loran:And then I think, uh, like through, beyond White supremacy and then the
Loran:focus group with the men and its impact on GLBT folks and women, like
Loran:my healing is tied up in your healing.
Loran:My wellbeing is tied up in your wellbeing.
Loran:And it reminds me of the, uh, the Martin Luther king quote of, I cannot be fully
Loran:who I am supposed to be if you were not fully who you were supposed to be.
Loran:Uh, and so that was like never really explicitly sad throughout the piece.
Loran:But I feel like there was a couple of times throughout the series
Loran:where it felt like, yeah, there's, there's this really like beautiful
Loran:interconnectedness to our world and to our work within the, uh, the combined
Loran:destiny, our shared fabric mutuality.
Loran:But Martin Luther king talks about that's my number three.
Jenny:clip was that?
Jenny:Oh, was it the Lin one?
Loran:Um, so the clips, so it is, um, Fred and Pablo
Loran:talk about interconnectedness and beyond White supremacy.
Pablo Cerdera:Um, of the importance of shared stake in harms, um, and recognizing
Pablo Cerdera:that we have obligations to be in good relation with each other, right.
Pablo Cerdera:Um, to care for ourselves and our collective community.
Pablo Cerdera:So it's very much tied up for me in this kind of concept of collective liberation.
Pablo Cerdera:You know, this off quoted idea that, that Loran brought forward that
Pablo Cerdera:Fred talked about, but none of us are free until all of us are free.
Pablo Cerdera:Right?
Pablo Cerdera:And that, that our liberation, as, as White men is directly tied into
Pablo Cerdera:the liberation of women, of, of Black folks, of indigenous people,
Pablo Cerdera:of people, of Color and, and all sorts of other, uh, subjugated,
Pablo Cerdera:uh, othered or minoritized groups.
Pablo Cerdera:to say that we as White men are not impacted by racism or sexism or
Pablo Cerdera:these other systems that power is I think, a total misrepresentation.
Pablo Cerdera:Right.
Loran:Um, and then the focus group with men, uh, to see them talk about.
Loran:It's interconnectedness and race and then interconnectedness and gender.
Loran:And I think that that's what really like brought it home for me was the beyond
Loran:White supremacy and the focus groups.
Loran:There were, you know, White men talking about racism.
Loran:And then there were White men talking about gender and to see
Loran:both of those times the impact that it has on people of Color and then
Loran:on women and gender nonconforming, non binary, transgender folks.
Loran:That, to me, it was the like, oh, here's this thing that we're not talking about.
Loran:That's actually here in those two pieces.
Loran:Does that make sense?
Jenny:it sure does.
Jenny:I was just trying to like, not visually, cause you don't see anybody cause it's
Jenny:a podcast, but like in my head, think of like examples though, overlay Palumbo
Jenny:era or whatever you open them, bruh.
Loran:All right.
Loran:What was your number two?
Jenny:My number two was.
Jenny:Um, in the men's focus group when teach said,
Teej:and I'd say to all White people, that the only thing you're entitled to is
Jenny:So the reason why I think, and also our discussion about it tied
Jenny:into that where you said your view
Loran:was, I just need to say this around the, the only thing you're entitled to
Loran:is love, because I feel like this was a really important Eureka moment for me.
Loran:When I hear that there is part of me, this really, uh, unfortunate
Loran:shaming part of me, this is my shame culture talking that says a White
Loran:man is entitled one of course, huh.
Loran:But then to, to love is skeevy.
Loran:It sounds rapey.
Loran:Um, And it sounds manipulative.
Loran:I don't know.
Loran:I am entitled to your lab.
Loran:I'm entitled to your body.
Loran:And however I'm defining love.
Loran:And it has taken me like a couple of weeks of like listening and sitting
Loran:with this, this episode specifically to like really set in acknowledging
Loran:my like roots and shame culture and how deeply embedded I was in that and
Loran:how it wasn't until there was a moment like this, where someone who, and we've
Loran:talked about this multiple times, how this person basically just repeats Fred
Loran:jealous, but I couldn't hear it from him.
Loran:I couldn't hear it from teach, but I could hear it from, from Fred and just the work
Loran:that I need to do unpacking my fucking
Jenny:My feeling was, you know, like, oh, how you know how hopefully.
Jenny:You know that a straight White man is, is saying this.
Jenny:And I think that highlighted for me how differently we hear the same words, not
Jenny:you, you and I specifically, but anyone.
Jenny:And how much of that is impacting how people approach the work
Jenny:specifically White people?
Jenny:Um, because we can say.
Jenny:Anything, and two people in the room will hear them completely differently.
Jenny:And also there's the difference on how you, you are saying something and your
Jenny:context and your lens through which you are saying, these things, they,
Jenny:they're not gonna know that the people who are listening to you or reading
Jenny:whatever you're writing necessarily.
Jenny:So that has made me very mindful of what I read and consume and say to
Jenny:folks around race and racism, which is humbling, you know, like I don't
Jenny:know where people are coming from.
Jenny:Um, so when I'm talking, when I hear somebody say something racist, I,
Jenny:I step into the conversation with more compassion, which is, which
Jenny:is not what I would've done before.
Jenny:I would've just been like, oh my gosh, that person is racist.
Jenny:Fuck off.
Jenny:You know, but now, you know, I gently, I gently probe I'm like,
Jenny:oh, what makes you feel that way?
Jenny:Or, um, what do you mean?
Jenny:You know, just trying to open up more of a conversation.
Jenny:Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but I think
Jenny:that's what that did to me.
Loran:It's interesting because my number two is also shame and that's not also
Loran:shame, but it's like sh it's about shame.
Loran:And I think, because for me in that moment, it was shame culture.
Loran:Speaking of shame on you, White man, you're not entitled to anything.
Loran:That's what you said.
Loran:Um, and having to, it's interesting that you bring up that clip.
Loran:I wasn't thinking about that clip as much as I was thinking about and
Loran:talking about shame and social justice as being this intercultural kind
Loran:of legacy that we leave for each.
Trystan Reese:Oh, I've thought about this a lot.
Trystan Reese:And it's because it's because of power for so many years, perhaps all
Trystan Reese:of our modern existence, the only social political power that queer
Trystan Reese:people have had is the power to shame.
Trystan Reese:That's it?
Trystan Reese:We weren't elected officials who weren't teachers.
Trystan Reese:In many cases, we weren't parents, we weren't bosses.
Trystan Reese:We didn't have the ability to hire and fire people.
Trystan Reese:We didn't have the ability to shut down businesses or to regulate.
Trystan Reese:Our only power was to make people feel like crap in the hopes that
Trystan Reese:they would feel bad enough that they would stop doing harmful
Trystan Reese:things against the queer community.
Trystan Reese:It was our only tool.
Trystan Reese:And so we got really used to using it.
Trystan Reese:And I don't think that the queer movement has sufficiently evolved for
Trystan Reese:people to understand like, If you, if whatever, where they say, like, if all
Trystan Reese:you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Trystan Reese:People are acting like, all
Trystan Reese:they have is hammers.
Loran:You don't like, um, and we've taken to fighting ourselves
Loran:rather than it places and policies that can be changed or be made.
Loran:Shame shows us our otherness, just wanting to be seen, heard, and respected, but
Loran:how collectivized that shame has become when we as like leftist, liberal social
Loran:justice types project, that racism that happens to POC onto ourselves and feel
Loran:like it's ours and that's not empathy.
Loran:That's a lack of boundaries or self regulation skills.
Loran:And then we experience that as an emotional contagion and
Loran:it's really fucking unhealthy.
Loran:And that cycle turned into how hurt people can hurt people like
Loran:I was doing with fucking Teej.
Loran:Beautiful human.
Loran:I don't know.
Loran:You're entitled to love "fuck you, White man."
Jenny:It's so easy though.
Jenny:So fucking easy.
Jenny:It's so easy.
Jenny:And I, I just finished before we started recording, listening to
Jenny:the Evangeline episode cause I wanted to get some stuff from it.
Jenny:And one of the things that she says in there is like, it's so
Jenny:lazy to just canceled people.
Jenny:It's so lazy to just be like, Angry and shut down.
Evangeline Weiss:That's why cancel culture is so
Evangeline Weiss:easy
Evangeline Weiss:because it doesn't require anything of us.
Evangeline Weiss:It's just lose your
Evangeline Weiss:temper.
Evangeline Weiss:And like the only place that I'm down with calling out is like, if
Evangeline Weiss:I'm standing in front of Capitol hill
Evangeline Weiss:holding a sign, like, yes, let's call, like we call out up.
Evangeline Weiss:Right.
Evangeline Weiss:It's like we punch up.
Evangeline Weiss:We don't punch down.
Evangeline Weiss:That's what's so intoxicating for so many people about cancel culture.
Evangeline Weiss:Is that it's lazy.
Evangeline Weiss:It's easy.
Evangeline Weiss:Right?
Evangeline Weiss:I can just block you.
Evangeline Weiss:I can just discard you.
Evangeline Weiss:I don't need to engage you.
Evangeline Weiss:I can walk away from those 53% of White women who voted for Trump.
Evangeline Weiss:I don't need to try to figure out how to talk to them.
Evangeline Weiss:Right.
Evangeline Weiss:It's it's an incredible shift
Evangeline Weiss:to think.
Evangeline Weiss:Well, actually, how do I support?
Evangeline Weiss:How do I support people to make another step in their journey?
Evangeline Weiss:All right.
Loran:Carlin Quinn talks about that.
Loran:And the, uh, she had, uh, Education for Racial equity and she said,
Loran:"whenever I feel comfortable.
Loran:I know that White supremacy has a foot whenever I'm at
Loran:ease or things are easy for me.
Loran:I know that White supremacy is a foot."
Loran:I don't think that that's like a really good example of, oh yeah, this is so easy.
Loran:Like let's just fucking roll into it.
Loran:Don't even have to stand up just fucking slide and do it.
Loran:That's a huge impact on me because it has reminded me how fucking, yeah.
Loran:Some names lazy that I am intellectually,
Jenny:Yeah, yeah.
Jenny:Because also being alive asks a lot of us, just everyone in general.
Jenny:So, and you can't possibly emotionally show up for everything in life
Jenny:there's you wouldn't, you can't.
Jenny:So, so being intentional about showing up for this work.
Jenny:Takes effort.
Jenny:And, and then also just being, being present for it is work also.
Jenny:So, so it's easier just to like, you know, shut people down because then
Jenny:you don't have to do any work yourself.
Loran:I've never even thought about it that way, but that's exactly
Loran:why the shutdown happens.
Jenny:Cause you're like, oh, okay.
Jenny:I hate you.
Jenny:You're awful.
Jenny:Or, Hey everyone, look at this awful person.
Loran:holding multitudes, I have a feeling we're both going to say
Loran:the same thing for number one.
Loran:If there's one word that you could say, say it in 3, 2, 1
Loran and Jenny:preciousness.
Fred Jealous:I think I would ask them a question.
Fred Jealous:I would just ask them, can you access the truth of your own preciousness and that's
Fred Jealous:the starting place for the discussion.
Fred Jealous:Can you access that?
Fred Jealous:And if you can access that, that place, can you stay there?
Fred Jealous:And you use it as a starting place to, from which to connect to all of life?
Fred Jealous:And from which, and from which to take a look at where you put
Fred Jealous:your attention with other humans?
Loran:I'm so shocked.
Loran:It's amazing.
Jenny:it's like changed how I operate in the world.
Jenny:Because when people are being shitty or I'm being steady or things feel shitty,
Jenny:and it's just like, I don't want to deal with anyone, including myself.
Jenny:It reminds me that I have to, and it's not at first, I was like, oh, I can
Jenny:just feel that everyone's precious.
Jenny:There's that laziness.
Jenny:But it actually call it calls you to.
Jenny:To be active about it.
Jenny:Like at my favorite coffee shop, there was a human wearing these
Jenny:shorts that had the American flag made out of a K assault rifles.
Loran:Oh, interesting.
Jenny:And he was standing next to an elementary school kid who was probably
Jenny:around the same age as the Uvalde.
Jenny:This was after the shooting, um, there, and, and I looked at the parent of the
Jenny:kid, I'm assuming it was the parent.
Jenny:I don't know for sure.
Jenny:But the, the adult that was with the child and we like had this moment
Jenny:where we looked at each other and spoke to each other through our
Jenny:eyes, because we were both looking at the shorts at the same time.
Jenny:And then we looked at each other and.
Jenny:I was so angry at first.
Jenny:And I was like, well, fuck that guy.
Jenny:And then I was like, I remembered preciousness in my hand.
Jenny:And I was like, wow, somebody feels so unsafe in their skin and their environment
Jenny:that they have to put on clothing that speaks to potential violence to go to the
Jenny:coffee shop in their neighborhood on a whatever day it was, it was like a Friday.
Jenny:And that person's inability to feel safe, clothing themselves in violence.
Jenny:It doesn't just affect them.
Jenny:It affects everybody.
Jenny:And especially, you know, this child who probably didn't register the shirts
Jenny:as much as we did, but maybe I have no idea, but that human, the adult
Jenny:that was with the child was so aware.
Jenny:You know what I mean?
Jenny:So it's like, this guy probably thinks, I shouldn't say what he
Jenny:probably thinks, but you know, that's my shorts, my personal property.
Jenny:I'm an American do what I want type of deal.
Jenny:Not thinking that like this parent or caretaker of this child is
Jenny:experiencing anxiety or trauma.
Jenny:Um, because of the shorts he's wearing.
Jenny:So then I also was like, oh, they are also precious.
Jenny:And it.
Jenny:Fucked me up.
Jenny:It's like, like crying over my muffin, just like in this coffee shop.
Jenny:Um, but yeah, that, that's how, that's how that has changed me.
Jenny:Also, the remembrance that, that human that was wearing those assault rifles
Jenny:shorts was once the age of that child and the children who died by died.
Jenny:in Uvalde..
Loran:I mean, I just want to sit in that for a minute.
Loran:It just feels like.
Loran:I'm holding what you're saying.
Loran:It's interesting because when you talk about preciousness, you're thinking
Loran:about other people's preciousness.
Loran:And because I was so invested in shame culture, I didn't
Loran:think that my life had value.
Loran:And so I always centered the parts of me that were marginalized because those
Loran:parts have social credit and social power and social justice, leftist spaces.
Loran:But like my full humanity didn't mean anything.
Loran:It was, oh, no, no, no, no.
Loran:I'm going to make myself this two dimensional, queer and trans human.
Loran:Um, but that my life has value and my life has meaning like my
Loran:full, complete complexity of it.
Loran:And not because of any identity that's associated with it, but just because
Loran:inherently we are all precious.
Loran:And I lost that.
Loran:Or perhaps they like never had that understanding or that kind
Loran:of connection to my own humanity.
Loran:And so that's why it was so easy for me to take away other people's
Loran:humanity, because I was trying to gain something from myself or trying
Loran:to like, Hey, if I take some of yours away, maybe I can add it into my bucket.
Loran:Um, and yeah, this like, um, really limited understanding of power.
Loran:The power is not infinite power is this, this scarce resource that
Loran:I have to extract from you and that's takes away my preciousness.
Loran:What do you think in,
Jenny:I'm just sitting with that for a minute because we've
Jenny:known each other for a long time.
Jenny:So I can see that, you know, if you hadn't have said that, I don't think
Jenny:I would have associated, um, Past you with with that and how that plays out.
Jenny:But that, it just makes me really sad because we don't, life is very
Jenny:short and we've spent where, you know, mid thirties, so spent a lot of our
Jenny:lives, maybe all of our lives, not being connected with our preciousness.
Jenny:But I think when we're both, when we were born, that was there, you know, that was
Jenny:something like, I don't know how much babies know, but I think the feeling of.
Jenny:Being alive and in the world.
Jenny:And, and knowing that there are things that will care for you
Jenny:is something that babies have.
Jenny:That's just my own view.
Jenny:And then something happens along the way where we lose that.
Loran:I mean, my theory is we start to talk because, and I genuinely believe
Loran:that, um, well, there's a couple of quotes out in the universe that are,
Loran:you know, an infant is nothing but a reflection of the parent before you talk.
Loran:It's literally, it's everything that the parent wants the kid to be.
Loran:Um, infants don't have a personality.
Loran:It is who their parents.
Loran:And how their parents interpret or express who the kiddos, but then as soon
Loran:as you start talking that fragments and then, oh, wait, you're actually your own
Loran:person with your own hopes and dreams and aspirations and wants and desires.
Loran:You're not me.
Loran:Oh shit.
Loran:And so there's like these years where you build this, like,
Loran:oh, this is an extension of me.
Loran:This is an extension of my body.
Loran:And so of course you love.
Loran:And you're like, oh my God.
Loran:Now I can like, literally hold and love myself.
Loran:And then this fucking thing starts to talk.
Loran:And you're like, what?
Loran:Who, and it's not you anymore.
Loran:And so that's where I think.
Loran:And as soon as we start talking, we start memory and we start development
Loran:and, uh, like developmental cognition around our understandings
Loran:and environmental assessments.
Loran:Um, and that's the shit that we start to remember.
Loran:And like Fred was saying,
Fred Jealous:no, I think underneath it all, we're built for love, you know,
Fred Jealous:as part of the fabric of life, And you know, that the, the disappointment
Fred Jealous:that our childhoods weren't about that, that they were about a training.
Fred Jealous:us into a role is profound.
Fred Jealous:Hmm.
Loran:We are so pissed that our childhoods weren't about love, but
Loran:our infancy probably was better.
Loran:And I think that that distinction between infancy and childhood
Loran:is a pretty important marker.
Loran:You know,
Jenny:we assume that babies are blank slates.
Jenny:As people say like, oh, it's just a mushy mush of nothing, you know,
Jenny:which is always what I assume.
Jenny:I'm like, oh, very cute mushy creative creature, but they're starting to find
Jenny:that babies actually understand the world better than we think they do.
Jenny:People do project themselves onto babies because they think
Jenny:that that's blank slate time.
Jenny:And then when they start talking, it is very jarring because they're
Jenny:like, oh wait, you have all of these things and you're not just
Jenny:gonna do whatever I want you to do.
Jenny:And like parenting, I think, I mean, I don't know, but I think
Jenny:it's how you respond to that.
Jenny:Like, do you get angry?
Jenny:And I think that's the same with this work, you know, learning
Jenny:to not be reactive, but to be curious and thoughtful.
Loran:think that's really interesting for them on parenting too.
Jenny:I've been thinking I'll, I mean, you know that I've been
Jenny:thinking a lot about it, um, and it's sort of seeped into other parts of.
Jenny:My life, like, how am I responding to these things?
Jenny:Why am I responding this way?
Jenny:Who does that harm?
Jenny:Who does that help?
Jenny:You know?
Jenny:And I think, yeah, responding out
Loran:of curiosity,
Jenny:which I don't regularly do.
Jenny:Like I have to think about doing that.
Jenny:Like, I'll get mad if somebody cuts me off and start cussing, and then
Jenny:I'm like, well, what's going on in their life, but it takes, you
Jenny:know, I have to make that switch.
Jenny:And like we just spoke about I'm lazy.
Loran:I mean, the more repetitions we do of anything the better we're
Loran:going to get at it's true practice.
Loran:All right.
Loran:So let's maybe do this next one as well.
Loran:In the reverse order.
Loran:3, 2, 1.
Jenny:The three clips.
Loran:What are the three clips that kept, what are the, what three clips
Loran:kept creeping into your consciousness when you least expected them?
Jenny:So, number three was
Jenny:it's, like we say, at the beginning of every episode, you know, hurt people,
Jenny:hurt people, and that's easy to turn around to do when you're hurting.
Loran:Also, I think I just want to like name that the tagline is hurt.
Loran:People can hurt people because they think would have Angela is doing,
Loran:is trying to support people to move into the canned territory rather
Loran:than just like, oh, you're hurting.
Loran:So you're inevitably gonna hurt this other person.
Loran:I think what you just did is like you show.
Loran:Exactly what, like the liberal left movement is like, oh no, you're
Loran:this woman, you will always be hurt.
Loran:Oh, you're White.
Loran:You'll always be racist.
Loran:That's like the, always the inevitability of your
Jenny:And it's not like the echo, it doesn't have to be that way.
Jenny:It doesn't have to be that way.
Loran:so like, I totally get what you said it because I sometimes
Loran:get tripped up with that tail.
Jenny:Because yeah, I think I've also heard it so much without the
Jenny:can, like just in the world, like, I've heard that phrase before,
Jenny:but in my head it's always hurt.
Jenny:People, hurt people, not hurt.
Jenny:People can hurt people.
Loran:It goes back to redemption.
Loran:It goes back into reformation.
Loran:Can you do, do humans have the ability to change?
Loran:And that can, to me makes the world of difference.
Jenny:And that made me think about how I did assume that
Jenny:all hurt people, hurt people.
Jenny:Um, and that possibility.
Jenny:Has followed me every day when I see something because.
Jenny:Should always happens.
Jenny:And I see shitty things and I think, okay, hurt people can hurt people,
Jenny:but that doesn't have to be how I respond to this, whatever it was.
Jenny:So that one, that one, I think about a lot.
Loran:My number three is it's actually in the bonus materials.
Loran:That's listed on a website.
Loran:It's the conversation that Evangeline and I have.
Loran:Uh, about fuck the individual experience.
Evangeline Weiss:I actually,
Evangeline Weiss:I actually, I don't know.
Evangeline Weiss:Let's try this on Loran.
Evangeline Weiss:I don't give a shit about people's individual experience.
Evangeline Weiss:Like I don't think I am so over a White people's individual experience and
Evangeline Weiss:every little snowflake that exists.
Evangeline Weiss:That's where the term snowflake comes.
Evangeline Weiss:Right?
Evangeline Weiss:Think like I'm special and unique.
Evangeline Weiss:You need to understand my particular perspective here.
Evangeline Weiss:And if I was going to just like, maybe it's cause it's 9:00 AM on
Evangeline Weiss:Friday and I've had a hell of a week.
Evangeline Weiss:But like my response, when you say individual people is like,
Evangeline Weiss:no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Evangeline Weiss:I don't care about individual people.
Evangeline Weiss:I'm building a conversation that is across the group, a group.
Evangeline Weiss:And the thing with White people
Evangeline Weiss:is we hate.
Evangeline Weiss:Our
Evangeline Weiss:group identity.
Evangeline Weiss:We hate it.
Evangeline Weiss:That's where the trauma is.
Evangeline Weiss:We are not at peace with this group identity.
Evangeline Weiss:And the reason we're not at peace with this group identity
Evangeline Weiss:is because it's meaningless.
Evangeline Weiss:It's both the, one of the most meaningful social constructs in the country right
Evangeline Weiss:now because of structural racism.
Evangeline Weiss:But the reason that it's traumatizing is that it's meaningless.
Evangeline Weiss:It has no meaning.
Evangeline Weiss:Whiteness
Evangeline Weiss:has no meaning.
Loran:And how Evangeline really tries to pull the micro work into a macro lens.
Loran:And it's like, when you're talking to people, they're telling you
Loran:all of their cultural shit.
Loran:And so it's, it is, it's like universalized within Whiteness thing
Loran:that's happening, but we are so hell bent on being these individuals and
Loran:individual freedom and individuality, which is like a huge, like cornerstone
Loran:of our American democracy and founding, uh, that we have taken it and just
Loran:obliterated the concept of community.
Loran:And I was, it actually reminded me of, um, did you watch the, the,
Loran:Alok on The Man Enough podcast?
Jenny:That I didn't watch the whole thing, but I watched
Jenny:the clips on Instagram.
Loran:There's this actually want to bring this into the two hour podcast here for
Loran:a second, just for educational purposes, because they feel like they're saying the
Loran:exact same thing and it reminds me again of the interconnectedness of our work.
Justin Baldoni:And I read and I read your book and I understand gender pronouns.
Justin Baldoni:And yet I still find myself sometimes feeling nervous because I don't want to
Justin Baldoni:mess up or, or hurts you or say the wrong thing, or feel like I'm, I'm taking away
Justin Baldoni:from your identity by calling you a hero.
Justin Baldoni:Um, and so I'm just wondering, do you feel people be nervous that
Justin Baldoni:they're going to say it wrong?
Justin Baldoni:This is a, a 1 0 1 class for listeners because I just, cause
Justin Baldoni:I noticed I felt nervous and I didn't want to make you feel bad.
Justin Baldoni:And so I apologize if I did, I tried to correct it right away.
Justin Baldoni:But for anybody who's listening who maybe has never been around a
Justin Baldoni:gender nonconforming person, because there's way too many, uh, people that
Justin Baldoni:haven't, um, what, I'm just curious.
Justin Baldoni:So that's kind of where I wanted to start.
Alok Vaid-Menon:Sure.
Alok Vaid-Menon:I guess I would say welcome to the awkward choreography of being a human
Alok Vaid-Menon:we're always going to mess up because we
Alok Vaid-Menon:are indoctrinated into a world.
Alok Vaid-Menon:That teaches us ideology,
Alok Vaid-Menon:not compassion.
Alok Vaid-Menon:So it's not
Alok Vaid-Menon:you speaking when you mis-gender me.
Alok Vaid-Menon:It's everyone that has spoken to you
Alok Vaid-Menon:before
Alok Vaid-Menon:and in my
Alok Vaid-Menon:life.
Alok Vaid-Menon:What?
Alok Vaid-Menon:I always try to remind people as
Alok Vaid-Menon:I was not born with gender literacy, I was born hating
Alok Vaid-Menon:myself and hunting myself.
Loran:I don't want to do the whole thing because people just need to go
Loran:over and listens last, watch that.
Loran:But it feels like they're saying the exact same fucking thing.
Loran:This isn't okay.
Loran:You have individual experience.
Loran:I get that.
Loran:And you were taught everything that you're saying to me right now
Loran:was taught to you from someplace.
Loran:And so we miss that as White people.
Loran:And that's what like always keeps creeping up into my consciousness of, oh wow.
Loran:Someone taught you this.
Loran:Someone taught you to think, believe, or behave in this very specific way.
Loran:And so that's why when I, when I hear something that like really just feels like
Loran:nails on a chalkboard of all right, cool.
Jenny:This is, this is,
Jenny:um, my number two is from the men's focus group from Sam's,
Jenny:vulnerable, vulnerable confession of the sexual abuse slash violence.
Jenny:And I think part of that is that it scared me.
Jenny:And part of that is that that lives in that capacity to be violent
Jenny:and angry or so angry or violent or whatever is within everyone.
Jenny:So how far away am I?
Jenny:Like, where does mine lie?
Jenny:Because I know it's in there.
Jenny:And what keeps me from, from projecting that onto the actual people.
Jenny:Um, so that, that one, that one, it also makes me think
Jenny:how well do you know people?
Jenny:You can't just look at someone and know, and even if you've known someone for
Jenny:years, like you and I have, we're always one, we talk being like, oh, I didn't know
Jenny:that, you know, whatever the case may be.
Jenny:So, so that one, that one, I think about a ton
Loran:I love that there's this connection between your humanities and that too,
Loran:but like in such a, a very scary, violent place, it's so easy to go.
Loran:Oh yeah.
Loran:That's him.
Loran:He's having that experience, but also knowing, oh, wow.
Loran:I'm also capable of that.
Loran:And where do I lie on that?
Jenny:And it reminds me.
Jenny:Uh, in the never-ending story where a tray has to look into the mirror,
Jenny:um, before he goes through whatever gateway, and he's told that men see
Jenny:their true selves in this mirror.
Jenny:And a lot of it causes a lot of them to go crazy and kill themselves.
Jenny:And a lot of people die.
Jenny:So when he looks in the mirror, he sees whatever the other kid's name is.
Jenny:Oh my God.
Jenny:I don't remember.
Jenny:Um, but the other kid who is actually reading Elliot or whatever his name
Jenny:is, is reading the neverending story.
Jenny:So Trey's living the neverending story and Elliot's reading it and.
Jenny:I, I thought of that scene when I was thinking about Sam confessing to this
Jenny:thing that happened, and me standing across from him, judging him and
Jenny:being afraid, but then tying in Fred's preciousness thing and being like,
Jenny:oh, I'm just looking at myself, I'm looking at a possible version of myself.
Jenny:Um, so that's what I thought of
Loran:this feels connected independent, but that if you I'm so
Loran:excited to go back and revisit the focus groups in like a year, a couple
Loran:of years, and listen to us talk.
Loran:The focus group, as much as it is trying to understand these White
Loran:men's perspectives, it's such a reflection of who we are and what we
Loran:were thinking about or what we were saying or what we thought was important
Loran:to bring into the conversation.
Loran:And so as much as it is this like analysis and exploration of White men,
Loran:it's this huge analysis and exploration of us as humans and how we like receive
Loran:and interpret something like violence or something as mundane as them
Loran:introducing themselves and us being like, oh my God, there's so inconsistent.
Jenny:Well, that, that goes back to when we were talking about teaches, all
Jenny:you're entitled to is love, you know, how we hear things, how we, how we
Jenny:take in somebodies words or actions,
Loran:which I feel that leads perfectly almost to my number two.
Loran:And that's when Fred was talking about Rumi's quote.
Fred Jealous:Now, if you just keep welcoming, it's like Rumi's quote, you
Fred Jealous:know, uh, there's one quote from Rumi about, um, welcome, welcome, welcome,
Fred Jealous:welcome you 10,000 times, if that's what it takes for you to come to the
Fred Jealous:world of love, something like that.
Fred Jealous:I'm paraphrasing.
Loran:And as many times, as I've tried to look up this
Loran:Rumi quote, I cannot buy that.
Loran:Like Fred Fred changed.
Loran:It's not, but I just, I keep thinking of that whenever there is
Loran:like this quarter disconnect, when someone's like, oh fuck you Loran.
Loran:Or like, fuck The Spillway.
Loran:It's like, okay, that's fine.
Loran:I'm just going to keep welcoming you back.
Loran:Like at some point you're going to be ready at some point, you're going
Loran:to be here and like, that's fine.
Loran:But like, I just have to keep like holding space for you to know that
Loran:this is a space where you can be angry and that you're angry is valid here.
Loran:And then so many other places, your anger is not, uh, please
Loran:come back when you're ready.
Loran:And sometimes even when you're not ready, but we're here.
Loran:Just come back.
Loran:Welcome, welcome.
Loran:And we're going to keep loving you.
Loran:That's me.
Loran:Number two.
Loran:Yeah, that just keeps fucking creeping in because so many people
Loran:like to project their shit to me
Jenny:and The Spillway.
Loran:welcome to the work of healing.
Jenny:Um, so my, my number one is.
Evangeline Weiss:So love
Evangeline Weiss:is an important tool and it, it can't happen outside of
Evangeline Weiss:an accountability context.
Evangeline Weiss:I want both, right.
Evangeline Weiss:I want support, which is my word for love, but y'all are calling love.
Evangeline Weiss:Like I want, I want support, but I also want accountability.
Evangeline Weiss:If all I'm getting is love and support, that's like sappy and
Evangeline Weiss:vapid and I don't really believe it.
Evangeline Weiss:And if all I get is chastised and yanked on and told I'm doing
Evangeline Weiss:it wrong, then I'm only going to stick around for five minutes.
Evangeline Weiss:What we, what I would say is what we really need in our organizing
Evangeline Weiss:spaces is we need that balance of
Evangeline Weiss:support and accountability.
Evangeline Weiss:And that can only happen
Evangeline Weiss:in relationship.
Jenny:Evangeline taught me that love can be support plus accountability.
Jenny:That's just, I just don't even know, like that's.
Jenny:So much harder than hat just being like, I love you and then
Jenny:never showing up for anything.
Jenny:So like here's an example.
Jenny:My, one of my best friends had here had a birthday party for her granddaughter.
Jenny:And I was like, oh no, I don't want, I don't know anybody other than
Jenny:my friend and her husband really, I'm going to be all by myself.
Jenny:Now, this friend has driven me to the hospital.
Jenny:This friend put together a COVID bridal shower for me when I got married.
Jenny:Like this friend is, is legit.
Jenny:And I thought of evangelism.
Jenny:I was like, God damn it support plus accountability.
Jenny:So I showed up, I went, it was uncomfortable.
Jenny:And I was like, for half of it just sitting there by myself, like, like trying
Jenny:to enter people's conversations, what was going on, but she felt, my friend
Jenny:felt so loved that I just showed up.
Jenny:You know, I was just there.
Jenny:And that that's an example, but that's what,
Loran:and I love that your example is a difficult conversation that with
Loran:yourself, we constantly think about this dialogue as this interpersonal thing,
Loran:rather than an intra-personal thing.
Loran:I love that example.
Loran:My number one just keeps fucking creep and.
Loran:Sam, just like, as a human.
Loran:Sam's, humanity just keeps fucking creeping into my consciousness
Loran:when I'm not even expecting it, I could be doing nothing.
Loran:And all of a sudden here comes Sam
Sam:it's it's that like, these people grew up, like spend their
Sam:lives, thinking that they were good.
Sam:And all of a sudden they were told no, you're the problem.
Sam:And they were like, but I followed what I was supposed to do.
Sam:I, I was good to my family and I was good to my church and
Sam:did all these great things.
Sam:And now you're telling me that I fucked up and Sam, Sam, forties
Sam:and fifties, I'm so old that like, I couldn't even fathom doing it
Sam:different, but I like my life is over.
Sam:And now my world has been turned upside down, struggling to break
Sam:free of the cultural scripts that we place around straight White men.
Loran:And I think of the, to me, I feel like the good ol' boys club, the
Loran:good old boys network turned into this inescapable co-constructed prison.
Loran:And Sam just wants to be loved and to love and to feel valued.
Loran:And so when I it's, it's so interesting.
Loran:I see Sam everywhere.
Loran:Whenever I see her, I see someone who's asking to be loved and it reminds me
Loran:a lot of the, the Kazu Haga quote.
Loran:Uh, well actually I think Kazu was quoting Marshall Rosenberg.
Loran:That violence is the tragic expression of unmet needs.
Loran:And so then that just like it's yeah.
Loran:When I see violence and so.
Loran:While we've been recording this and the world has turned more violent.
Loran:I think of Sam a lot.
Loran:And it's not that Sam would do this violence.
Loran:I don't want maybe I don't know.
Loran:Um, but that it is all from this desire to be loved and
Loran:seen and have their needs met.
Jenny:And Evangeline talks about that too.
Evangeline Weiss:And then we have to
Evangeline Weiss:invite discord, but that discord has to be relationship relational.
Evangeline Weiss:I think we live in a very conflict avoidant world.
Evangeline Weiss:We have, we have lots of examples of conflicts going really badly, right.
Evangeline Weiss:Bombs dropping that's, you know, people losing their tempers,
Evangeline Weiss:being violent with one another.
Evangeline Weiss:Um, and then we have lots of examples of avoidance, right?
Evangeline Weiss:Like, mommy, why does that man only have one leg?
Evangeline Weiss:Oh, shut up.
Evangeline Weiss:Don't talk about that.
Evangeline Weiss:Let's go.
Evangeline Weiss:Right.
Evangeline Weiss:So like, we don't want to talk about the hard things or we
Evangeline Weiss:want to drop bombs on people.
Evangeline Weiss:It's like, these are the extremes that we're living in.
Evangeline Weiss:And if we want to be in a negotiated space where we're trying to figure
Evangeline Weiss:out what does justice mean, or what does equity mean in this organization?
Evangeline Weiss:Or what does power look like?
Evangeline Weiss:Whatever the question on the table is that negotiated space needs to be able
Evangeline Weiss:to tolerate a certain amount of discord.
Loran:What was the hardest thing to learn?
Loran:Slash hold and why, as we're talking about the pain and the sludge and the
Loran:shit for me, it is the cancel culture is an extension of White supremacy culture.
Loran:And it reinforces White supremacy culture just by using the same tactics.
Loran:Not that it's trying to say that White people are more important, but that the
Loran:tactics which have rooted White supremacy cancel culture, which is supposed to be
Loran:about liberation and justice and equity and diversity are using the exact same
Loran:tools that are shown to be divisive and to hurt people and to create conflict.
Loran:And so Audre Lorde's "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house."
Loran:It just makes me fucking wonder, like how and why I drank that juice for so long.
Loran:And it just like gives me so much empathy and love.
Loran:For the people who are still deeply invested in cancel culture, because I
Loran:know that they can come out of that.
Loran:I know that we can change.
Loran:I know that we can evolve, but like the hardest fucking thing is to know like, oh
Loran:God, the amount of damage that I have done by perpetrating White supremacy in the
Loran:name of justice, in the name of diversity.
Loran:And that I was not that I was like fighting fire with fire, but like the
Loran:image that comes to my mind is that like I was trying to help drowning
Loran:people by adding more water, like White supremacy is a fucking piece of shit.
Loran:Like everyone's just drowning in White supremacy.
Loran:And I was like, here's some more water get out, you know, like
Loran:it's not a ladder arms, like throwing buckets of water in there.
Loran:Uh, and so, yeah, that's been really, it's been hard to hold and hard to learn about
Loran:the ways that I have perpetrated harder.
Loran:And how I can, like still, if I'm lazy, I'm not thinking about it.
Jenny:So mine's very similar, but not because I didn't come
Jenny:to this work until The Spillway.
Jenny:Let's be honest about that.
Jenny:But so mine, mine was that I'm both a perpetrator and the victim of racism.
Jenny:And as you were talking, I thought about something you said to me, I said,
Jenny:uh, I said something, it's not coming to mind what, what it was right now.
Jenny:I don't know.
Jenny:But I said something and you kind of, you were very kind and said, you know,
Jenny:um, You shouldn't say that because of X, Y, and Z or whatever, not you
Jenny:shouldn't, but you know, a lot of times when people say that it's connected
Jenny:to this, I can't remember what it was.
Loran:Oh yeah.
Jenny:It was.
Jenny:And I said, oh my gosh, I wouldn't even have thought of that.
Jenny:Cause I use, you know, the articulate to say someone is articulate.
Jenny:I use that for everyone, you know?
Jenny:Um, and you said exactly, like, if you didn't know, if you
Jenny:don't know, you don't know.
Jenny:And so that's.
Jenny:It makes me think of, of you pouring water into the drowning people's full
Jenny:because if you don't know, you don't know.
Jenny:And even evangelists and tells that story of when she first started doing
Jenny:this work and she went, I know she went in full of, you know, hell and brimstone
Jenny:and everybody was like, no, thanks.
Jenny:And then she went in with like humility and vulnerability and
Jenny:was like, here's what I've done.
Jenny:That's not okay.
Jenny:And, and she says that you have to be able to fail.
Jenny:So I think, because my thing was that I'm, I'm a perpetrator when I don't do
Jenny:anything when I stand by and allow shitty stuff to happen without doing anything.
Jenny:Cause I'm like, oh, it's not me.
Jenny:So, but, you know, having that compassion for ourselves and the willingness to
Jenny:see and move forward is I think big and the fact that you were putting
Jenny:anything in the pool, you know, you didn't just walk away from the pool.
Jenny:You may, or you may, you know, turn on some water and some faces, but
Jenny:you, you were there, you showed up.
Jenny:And then when something different presented itself, you didn't
Jenny:just keep doing what you had been doing, because that was comfortable
Loran:right now that you know, that, you know, are you going to change?
Jenny:What are you going to do?
Jenny:And sometimes, sorry, I keep going back to Evangeline and I think it's partly
Jenny:because I just listened to that up.
Jenny:That was like the, the one that I was needed to listen to, to
Jenny:remember something that she said.
Jenny:So, um, but she said, you know, you need to say you get
Jenny:something on the 58th, try will.
Jenny:You need to have failed the 57 times before that.
Jenny:You, you do stuff.
Jenny:You fail, you learn, you do it again.
Jenny:And you're like, damn it.
Jenny:And then, you know, you keep going,
Loran:failure is such an important part of our work.
Loran:It is such an important part of our work.
Loran:And to me, this connects to my hardest thing to hold them learn
Loran:is perfectionism being this tenant of White supremacist culture says
Loran:that you cannot make mistakes.
Loran:And so for us.
Loran:Massive majority of my life.
Loran:It has been about perfectionism.
Loran:And so if I can't be messy, if I can't make mistakes,
Loran:then I can't grow or change.
Loran:And I think when you apply this to a social justice framework,
Loran:it is, well, when you make mistake, people are dying, right?
Loran:And so it becomes this very like elevated hypervigilant stance around mistakes,
Loran:but then where are we supposed to, if I can do trial and error, right?
Loran:Where are we supposed to learn and grow and share and do?
Loran:Cause it's like, we're saying, like we have to keep putting these reps in, in
Loran:order for us to be able to do this work.
Loran:And so we have to be able to do these reps, these repetitions with
Loran:each other and cancel culture.
Loran:Doesn't allow that.
Jenny:And the people who.
Jenny:Are pointing and saying like, oh no, you know, you screwed up whatever, you're,
Jenny:you can't be a part of this work anymore.
Jenny:Like, are they really doing anything?
Jenny:Because if they were, they'd be screwing up too.
Loran:Well, and I think that that's where this is.
Loran:If this is a hard thing for me to have to learn too, is that not everyone
Loran:is invested in healing spaces.
Loran:It's true.
Loran:Uh, and so that's been really hard to hold them learn.
Loran:And so there, there are many, many, many White people who listen and
Loran:learn from, uh, BiPAP authors and intellects and scholars who are hurting
Loran:and then they turn around and then they use the hurt that is not ours.
Loran:And then they say, no, you don't have space or time to heal.
Loran:As White people.
Loran:And that's part of that is very legitimate.
Loran:And another part of that is, well then how do we change?
Loran:How do we grow?
Loran:And it's this incredible, both end.
Loran:But if you, Jenny could have every White person in the
Loran:United States here, one clip.
Jenny:So it would be you stop at the beginning.
Jenny:Well, it's not the very beginning, but at the intro to the men's focus group,
Loran:I mean, I have come to love to these men
Loran:and I also wonder who they are as one of the participants says, "the more likely
Loran:we are to understand each other, the less likely we are to harm each other."
Loran:We can't fully understand each of these four men as individuals and 60 minutes.
Loran:Well, and also if you think, you know, these literal men and who they
Loran:actually are in real life fuck off, they bravely agreed to talk with us so that
Loran:we can have this conversation today.
Loran:If you come for them, you're committing to setting the movement back.
Loran:If we can't make space for other White people to be vulnerable
Loran:and show up in the work, we have to meet people where they're at.
Jenny:And the reason why that's powerful to me is because one of the
Jenny:things that I think perpetuates racism and harm and patriarchy, and you
Jenny:know, all that stuff, capitalism is that we think we know who people are.
Jenny:We think we know who people are and what people want.
Jenny:When we do that, we get in trouble because then people aren't human anymore.
Jenny:They're an idea in our head or an object.
Jenny:Yeah, exactly.
Loran:So I have four.
Loran:I fucked up.
Jenny:know we've got to get started, then go.
Loran:I wrote the rules.
Loran:I'm going to break the rules.
Loran:Um, one, everyone in the U S just needs to listen to the Fred
Loran:jealous episode from start to
Jenny:That's the classic.
Jenny:Well, and I didn't say that one because we've talked about that
Jenny:one so much that I feel like it's obvious, but yes, absolutely.
Loran:Um, and to me, it is also this like women and non binary folks are
Loran:so implicated in our shared fabric.
Loran:And so, yes, it's about White men and like buzzing beneath the surface.
Loran:Is this like huge gendered conversation that a far extends beyond the masculinity.
Loran:Uh, second are the Chute Blocks they are the most under listened to episodes.
Loran:Of the entire series and it baffles me because this is the foundational
Loran:work of The Spillway visit.
Loran:Like stop trying to like, guess what The Spillway is.
Loran:There's literally these two 20 minute episodes that tell you exactly what
Loran:we're doing, why we're doing it and the data and research that goes
Loran:into the work that we're doing.
Loran:But they're the most under listened to episodes.
Loran:And it just, yeah, because people like jump into an episode out of context.
Loran:I'm like, what the fuck is this?
Loran:Well, okay, we're a serial.
Loran:You didn't listen to the whole thing.
Jenny:Also, I think they don't have a name attached to them.
Jenny:Like I think a lot of people.
Jenny:Maybe came and you can correct me if this is wrong.
Jenny:Cause I don't know the data, but came to the episodes because of a name or
Jenny:a person or an organization that maybe posted it or was attached to it, I think.
Jenny:And I think when people share stuff, they're like, oh, listen to me.
Jenny:In this episode of the podcast, not listen to this whole podcast and I am on episode
Jenny:because that's, that's what anybody who's promoting themselves would do.
Jenny:Um, so I think that might be part of
Loran:Um, but then the actual literal clips, since I'm trying to answer the question,
Loran:like I was dead, it's a mashup.
Loran:It's just about the theme.
Loran:The idea of inconsistent.
Loran:And inconsistent ideology.
Loran:And so Pablo Cerdera's introduction on beyond White supremacy when
Loran:Pablo first starts talking.
Loran:And then Amy Hillier's piece on interest convergence, uh, both
Loran:with like restorative practice and then critical race theory and how
Loran:these are like these huge buzzwords in liberal and leftist spaces.
Loran:But then we're so very often, like cherry picking, which parts of
Loran:restorative practice and critical race theory to actually engage and do.
Loran:But if we actually did them, Pablo says, here
Pablo Cerdera:we are.
Pablo Cerdera:As partial or total beneficiaries and as Loran and Fred talked about in the
Pablo Cerdera:spiritual and psychic harms that happen as a result of being perpetrators
Pablo Cerdera:or benefiting from armful systems.
Pablo Cerdera:So recognizing that we all have needs that require attention, um,
Pablo Cerdera:including those of us who cause or benefit from harm, I think is a really
Pablo Cerdera:critical part of the restorative philosophy and resonates really deeply
Pablo Cerdera:with, with what's been said so far.
Pablo Cerdera:Um, so if we're working on healing and we're ignoring folks who are causing
Pablo Cerdera:harm, uh, we risk doing a lot more harm, uh, in the, in the longterm.
Pablo Cerdera:Um, and I'll add also, uh, you know, I think that Loran, you talked about sort
Pablo Cerdera:of hatred within Whiteness and White folks distancing themselves from each other.
Pablo Cerdera:Um, I think a lot of that also needs to do.
Pablo Cerdera:Trying to separate ourselves from these harms distance ourselves from these
Pablo Cerdera:harms to set ourselves up as, as the good White people or as blameless, or
Pablo Cerdera:as not implicated in these systems, um, through our critique and saying, and, and
Pablo Cerdera:through, uh, a diff identification with Whiteness, um, as opposed to thinking
Pablo Cerdera:about what our individual and collective harms needs and obligations, right?
Pablo Cerdera:As people who are implicated in these structures, in these systems and these
Pablo Cerdera:patterns, um, And I also will say to build on Fred and then I'll wrap up for now.
Pablo Cerdera:It's um, this idea about the centrality of community, um,
Pablo Cerdera:the importance of community, uh, I couldn't second it harder.
Pablo Cerdera:Um, I really do think that we need practice.
Pablo Cerdera:We need support to be vulnerable with one another, especially as men, um, especially
Pablo Cerdera:as White men, who, as you said, are, are trained from youth to, uh, shy away
Pablo Cerdera:from vulnerability and deep connection.
Pablo Cerdera:And so a big part of what we do in restorative work is try to create
Pablo Cerdera:containers where that vulnerability can be accessed and where people can practice
Pablo Cerdera:being in closer realer, a more authentic relationship with each other, which I
Pablo Cerdera:think has a huge role to play in healing.
Loran:And then as Amy says here
Amy Hillier:And histories, not personal motivations:
Amy Hillier:but if we look at sort of big changes, like the 1964 civil rights,
Amy Hillier:That this, this idea of interest convergence is really helpful, right?
Amy Hillier:To power can power.
Amy Hillier:People do not give up power, right?
Amy Hillier:Like people have ways of protecting power and they may look like
Amy Hillier:their concessions to civil rights.
Amy Hillier:Um, the, the, the call for de-centering Whiteness.
Amy Hillier:Um, I I'd like, I don't want my White students to take that as don't
Amy Hillier:say anything in class, like don't speak up or to a person of Color.
Amy Hillier:Um, what I wanted to, what I want de-centering Whiteness to be as just
Amy Hillier:an awareness of how you, as a White person who may have been socialized,
Amy Hillier:you know, in, in spaces, private institutions, you know, elite institutions
Amy Hillier:like Penn might make it easy for you to jump in and answer a question.
Amy Hillier:Where might somebody longer hasn't been sort of socialized in those spaces to
Amy Hillier:speak to, to just, to just be aware, like, am I speaking because I have something
Amy Hillier:really thought full to sane or am I
Amy Hillier:speaking because it's really comfortable
Amy Hillier:for me.
Amy Hillier:I feel really comfortable in this classroom, in the dead space.
Amy Hillier:I want to call it.
Amy Hillier:Um, I, you know, I don't want White people to shut up.
Amy Hillier:Um, I, you know, I do think that listening to folks of Color is, is a big part of it.
Amy Hillier:And, and, and, and, and reading things written by people from different
Amy Hillier:perspectives is a big part of it.
Amy Hillier:Um, but I don't, I, yeah, I don't know if that's an answer to your
Amy Hillier:question about how you can cycle.
Amy Hillier:This idea of interest convergence and de-centering Whiteness.
Amy Hillier:Um, I think it's more shining a light on, you know, and Dubois talks about this
Amy Hillier:so WEB Dubois wrote "The Souls of Black Folks", which most of us know brilliant
Amy Hillier:book about what it is to be Black, um, and to be considered less than, you
Amy Hillier:know, and everywhere that he turned.
Amy Hillier:But he also wrote "The Souls of White Folks".
Amy Hillier:Um, and, and he, it's remarkable that, you know, somebody who's
Amy Hillier:writing, writing so early.
Amy Hillier:So this early 20th century he's writing about, like, we just acknowledge that
Amy Hillier:this is something that, that, that it's not just about anti-Black racism,
Amy Hillier:um, that why does it, he didn't use White supremacy, um, but that, but that
Amy Hillier:people use their Whiteness all the time.
Amy Hillier:And I know that as part of my installation, as I walk over out
Amy Hillier:through an institution like Penn,
Loran:then if we're actually engaging in things that we keep trying to hold.
Loran:Sure we could move mountains.
Loran:Um, did anything surprise you when making all of this,
Jenny:how resistant I was?
Loran:What were you resistant
Jenny:I was afraid of so afraid.
Jenny:Um, I think, I mean, obviously there's the cancel culture thing, which you knew
Jenny:about, but there was also that I was afraid that I would have to uncover my
Jenny:own racism and biases, which did happen.
Jenny:Um, and then I would have to like grow afraid of growing.
Jenny:and I did it anyway.
Jenny:And actually what motivated me wasn't that I necessarily wanted to change.
Jenny:How I operated to begin with that was, was because I love you so much.
Jenny:So even though I was scared and I didn't want to do it, I
Jenny:showed up anyway, because of you.
Jenny:And then that opened the door, me just processing what we were learning.
Jenny:And now I show up, I've shown up to spaces, both in-person and online
Jenny:that I wouldn't have had, I had I not been engaged in this work.
Jenny:I've read books and watched things that I wouldn't have if I, I would've,
Jenny:you know, overlook them and been like, or been like, oh, that's not for me.
Jenny:Or, you know, what kind of difference can I make?
Jenny:You know, those kinds of, you know, avoidant thoughts, um, and.
Jenny:I realized that I really love people.
Jenny:You know, if you had asked me before this, I'm like, oh, people are the
Jenny:worst, which sometimes I still do say, but that's just because, you know,
Jenny:they kind of are, but also I love them and I didn't want to do that either.
Jenny:I was like, I love who I love, but everybody else get outta here.
Jenny:So that's that surprise.
Jenny:Those are, there's a lot in there, but that's what,
Loran:um, just a little behind the scenes magic.
Loran:Um, folks don't know that we actually recorded an episode, our very
Loran:first episode that we never aired.
Loran:We required a whole thing.
Loran:And then, uh, I think I even edited it and then you listened to it and you were
Loran:like, I, I don't want this out in the
Jenny:Can't do it.
Jenny:Cause I was such a weenie.
Jenny:I wasn't ready.
Loran:Yeah, well, but I think too, it was just like, it was this lesson
Loran:in vulnerability, I think for both of us, like the ask that I had of
Loran:you, but also the ask that you had of yourself, like there's, there was
Loran:a lot of pressure on your shoulders.
Loran:I think for someone who's never done this work, this isn't your
Loran:like your vocation or like your line of work to be like, Hey, do this
Loran:thing, jump into it, be vulnerable.
Jenny:But if you had an absurd on me in the pool, I wouldn't have done.
Loran:I mean, if we keep using that metaphor, but also like, there was not
Loran:a lot of, there's a lot of water in the pool, but I wasn't actively putting water
Loran:into the pool, but rather to, no, you
Jenny:weren't, you, you gave me a life best.
Jenny:And then you were like, you didn't throw water in my face.
Jenny:You were just like, here's your life best?
Jenny:And then you went, boop.
Jenny:And I went and then how that went.
Loran:Um, mine is boring and that it's only a repeat.
Loran:Um, but the thing that surprised me was that cancel culture
Loran:is White supremacy culture.
Loran:Like I knew that White, that cancel culture was bad, but I could never
Loran:really like point my finger on it or like figure out what the pulse of it was.
Loran:And I think of Angela and, and then Tristan, just like doubling
Loran:down on it was like, oh God.
Loran:Yeah, that's what it is.
Loran:Like I think even in some of the earlier social media posts for this
Loran:boy kind of like hint towards it.
Loran:Uh, but to hear the articulation from of Angela and interest in
Loran:was like, oh, whoa, here it is.
Loran:Um, speaking of, is there anything that you wish you could do with.
Jenny:wrote two words on my paper, the Alamo.
Jenny:And you would think that I would have looked it up, did to
Loran:look up the Alamo yet.
Loran:That's totally fine.
Jenny:I just, I really listened to that.
Jenny:And I was like, oh my God.
Jenny:And we were talking about what my, my husband, that was so funny about
Jenny:it was that you and I were actually talking about how people perceive people
Jenny:from, um, the west, like Northeast folks, see people from the west as
Jenny:not having as good an education.
Jenny:And then I'm like a cornerstone of my, um, my history education.
Jenny:I don't know what it is.
Loran:No, that's fine.
Loran:I think it's fair.
Loran:I would also like charge any new Englander to perfectly recite what
Loran:happened at the Alamo from memory.
Loran:Yeah, I am sure there's going to be a few sure.
Loran:Exception to the rule, but a majority of we're all with you, we're all with you.
Jenny:I know like my parents wouldn't be so mad at me though.
Loran:Um, mine, if there was ever a do-over I, I love the do over question and
Loran:I hate the do-over question only on that.
Loran:Like, I wouldn't be sitting in this place of knowledge if I hadn't made
Loran:all of the mistakes that I had made.
Loran:And so I love mistakes and trying to like encourage the messiness of growth
Loran:and learning and changing and knowledge.
Loran:Um, so one, if I could do this again, and this is definitely going to be
Loran:incorporated in this season, two is planning with time allowing for time,
Loran:because I so deeply, deeply, deeply regret not having a women's focus group energy.
Loran:It'd be focused.
Loran:And so much of that came down to timing issues.
Loran:I'm like, no matter I started trying to find those focus
Loran:groups all around the same time.
Loran:Um, but for one, for personal reasons, the GNBT focus group, uh,
Loran:needed to just like, be put on pause.
Loran:And then second, uh, there, I was just like in the middle
Loran:of a cancellation campaign.
Loran:And so people were really nervous about working with me or The Spillway
Loran:because I'm was in the process of getting canceled in this sad little
Loran:community, this hurting community.
Loran:Um, and so I just needed to plan for more time.
Jenny:Also, it was your first venture, so you didn't really know
Jenny:how long things were going to take, you know, and it felt very urgent.
Jenny:Like we needed to get it done.
Jenny:And also momentum is definitely important when you're doing something like this.
Jenny:So, so I get, I hear you.
Jenny:I understand what you're saying.
Jenny:And I think it is definitely something that'll make season two,
Jenny:not only better, but also easier, not easier, but like more livable, more
Loran:on the football.
Loran:I don't think I should be producing, writing and directing
Loran:and editing the episodes the week or two before they come out.
Loran:But rather like a month or two before they come out.
Jenny:And also.
Jenny:You're doing it all by yourself right now.
Jenny:So I feel like in between the time of now and season two, once you know,
Jenny:you're going to do some stuff while we're away and then hope maybe you'll
Jenny:have somebody who can help you with that kind of stuff, which I can't do
Jenny:because I don't know anything about it.
Jenny:And B I've got a kind of business
Loran:coming into like our last three major questions here.
Loran:What's your biggest takeaway from the series?
Loran:Mine is that community has to happen.
Loran:Community just has to happen.
Loran:That's the biggest takeaway.
Loran:And I remember starting The Spillway social media channels,
Loran:and there was a friend of a friend.
Loran:Talk to a friend about The Spillway super complicated, because no one would
Loran:talk to me about what was going on.
Loran:I would see all of these people like looking at, uh, The Spillways posts,
Loran:because I think that that was the other shit with starting The Spillway.
Loran:As you can see, who's looking at your shit and not because
Loran:you have this business account.
Loran:Um, and so it's the obvious people looking at it and
Loran:engaging in it behind the scenes.
Loran:And so I was like, what's going on on this friend of a friend said, oh,
Loran:it's because we don't have an ask yet.
Loran:We don't know what to do.
Loran:So I was like, oh, we actually have to like do something.
Loran:We have to like mobilize it, do something.
Loran:And then through this community assessment, it's like, oh no,
Loran:actually I was already doing what we needed to be doing.
Loran:And that was trying to build community.
Loran:But people wanted this like more and people need, yeah, people do need this,
Loran:like really tangible, oh, I need this like 10 point list about what we need
Loran:to do so that I can like mark these off.
Loran:But rather it's Hey friend, all of the people that you unfriended
Loran:because they're racist, maybe number one, they need to do number two.
Loran:Um, check in with each other's humanity, three, be empathetic,
Loran:compassionate patient, understanding patient, all these things.
Loran:Um, and that list is so much harder.
Loran:That was just so much harder.
Loran:Um, because it's about building relationships and the, um, the relational
Loran:aspects that forge our work forward.
Jenny:And they're never done, like you can't check them off really
Loran:I think that they are in that they can be and should be only, well, like
Loran:community can get larger and bigger.
Loran:But one of the things that I like to push back against within, uh, like social
Loran:justice spaces is this idea that our work has never thought because then like,
Loran:what the fuck are we fighting for sure.
Loran:Like, there's never this time where you can like, take a breath or
Loran:like be at ease, just being human.
Loran:That's like, actually there are some places these like milestones that we
Loran:have to like co-create and co identify to say, okay, this feels better.
Loran:We can take like a breath.
Jenny:Oh, sure.
Jenny:I mean, like there's always going to be something in our lifetimes, for sure.
Jenny:Like we're planting seeds.
Jenny:And I think we talked about this episode, somebody about planting seeds for
Jenny:trees that you're never going to see.
Jenny:Um, I don't know who said, that's not something I came up with that was a quote
Jenny:from somebody, but I don't know who it is.
Jenny:Um, but I think, yeah, so, so not that we're not.
Jenny:Well, there's not an end goal, but that we're always going to come
Jenny:up with more ways to make things better because that's what humans.
Loran:And I think for me, it is, I really like that.
Loran:See it, and treat metaphor.
Loran:Because as soon as you plant the tree, you still have to water it.
Loran:You still have to tend to it, but you don't have to be like hypervigilant and
Loran:focused on it in a way that's only going to be detrimental to the tree survival.
Loran:Because if you over-water something it's going to fucking back, it's
Jenny:going to die.
Jenny:You don't have to be the only one watering the tree.
Jenny:Like you can plant the tree and like bring somebody over and like
Jenny:show them how to care for the tree.
Jenny:And then you can move on to plant another seed somewhere else.
Jenny:If that's your thing, or you can stick with that seed and just take care of
Jenny:that, you know, like there's, that's one of the things Tristan talks about that
Jenny:was so powerful is, you know, everybody has their own way to approach the work.
Jenny:Like you don't have to, you know, if you're an artist and you're
Jenny:doing artwork around social justice and, and, you know, inclusion and
Jenny:whatever else, um, you know, if.
Jenny:Have the capacity to March in the streets or can, or don't want to like that's okay.
Jenny:Like find your thing and do that.
Jenny:So my, one of my biggest takeaways is, um, how everything that we do affects
Jenny:others and with the not with remembering that we're all human and we're going
Jenny:to make mistakes and that's okay.
Jenny:And also being mindful of that.
Jenny:So my biggest, so an example of this would be the White woman tears.
Jenny:So I've always just been like, well, I was sad, so I cried.
Jenny:And I've had to look at my tears and think, yes, I've
Jenny:weaponized my tears before.
Jenny:Not necessarily against people of Color.
Jenny:Although I can think of a couple of times where I may have done that.
Jenny:I don't, I have to dive deeper into those things, but again,
Jenny:you know, to get what I wanted.
Jenny:Like, yes, I was sad.
Jenny:And also as like, I'm going to cry these tears.
Jenny:So I got what I want, not necessarily that conscious, but definitely.
Jenny:And so being aware of how I respond in situations and it's made me a
Jenny:lot less reactive and it's made me.
Jenny:You know, a lot of times when I would cry, I would shut down.
Jenny:And now when I'm feeling sad and I'm crying, I try to reach forward.
Jenny:Like as somebody actually, like my husband's trying to comfort me instead
Jenny:of just being like, no, leave me alone.
Jenny:I like actively try to engage and give love.
Jenny:Also, even though I'm in a sad place and that makes me so much
Jenny:more aware of what's happening.
Jenny:Um, so that's, that's my biggest takeaway.
Jenny:I mean, there's a lot of them, right?
Jenny:Like you can't just boil it down, but if I had to choose one, I think that would be,
Loran:and they feel like you've already touched on this a little bit.
Loran:Maybe you've got something else to share about like what in your
Loran:life has changed since the series.
Loran:Began as flash and then since the series success.
Jenny:Yeah, I think it does go back to what I said before.
Jenny:I, I go towards the spaces where I know I'm going to feel uncomfortable.
Jenny:Um, um, I'm aware of how my physical presence are more aware of how
Jenny:my physical presence and how, how I'm reacting to certain situations
Jenny:is affecting people around me.
Jenny:Um, and finding a balance between being self-conscious and aware is
Jenny:something that I'm also working with.
Jenny:Um, I speak up more.
Jenny:I am very aware of the things that I consume.
Jenny:So books, movies, you know, stand up.
Jenny:Clothing, anything I'm trying to be aware of where those things come from and who
Jenny:they support or who they don't support.
Jenny:Um, and even in my business, um, I'm trying to be aware of not picking clients
Jenny:based on who they believe or what they believe or what they, how they operate
Jenny:politically or socially or whatever.
Jenny:Um, but being aware of where they're at and trying to engage
Jenny:in appropriate ways and see if I can just leave a seed of thought.
Jenny:Right, right.
Jenny:Um, so yeah, that's, that's how my life has changed.
Loran:That's a pretty big change
Jenny:and it's, I mean, I don't always operate in those way every day.
Jenny:Like I have some days where I'm like, I'm so tired.
Loran:We'd like default back to the laziness,
Loran:maybe laziness.
Loran:Isn't the right word.
Loran:Maybe it's like defaulting back into patterns.
Jenny:You have patterns.
Jenny:I think laziness is also part of it though.
Jenny:Like not lazy in that where we don't want to do the work.
Jenny:It's that we're tired.
Loran:We know that the work is there.
Loran:We know we need to do the work.
Loran:And also, and
Jenny:also, yeah, we're all I think, I don't remember who said this.
Jenny:Maybe it was Evangeline and like, you can't do it at all by yourself.
Jenny:And sometimes it just feels really overwhelming and it's like
Jenny:other things happen in life too.
Jenny:Like death and, and loss of jobs and, um, moving, you know,
Jenny:all those things that are huge.
Jenny:So then it's like, you don't have a lot of space left.
Jenny:So really trying to take time to rest and rebuild because if you, you push
Jenny:through, as the Ventolin says, you're just perpetuating supremacist culture,
Loran:which that laps into the thing that's really changed in my-- in my life
Loran:is pushing back on White supremacist culture that I didn't even know was
Loran:inside of my body, uh, perfectionism one, right way mentality either or thinking.
Loran:And so now I'm trying to embrace curiosity and contradictions
Loran:a whole hell of a lot more.
Loran:And so when I receive frustration and anger and pushback, Um, I'm, I'm just
Loran:greeting it with so much more love and curiosity now, uh, rather than, um, I
Loran:think earlier in The Spillway process, I think before the podcast, more of
Loran:it was this like righteous petty, uh, because it was so like overlapped
Loran:in that I think, um, cancel culture.
Loran:Um, I feel like I have the, I have the answers and you
Loran:don't and this is the answer.
Loran:And now it's, oh, if someone had the fucking answer, we wouldn't be
Loran:having this conversation at all.
Loran:If this work were profitable, this work wouldn't exist.
Loran:So those are the things.
Loran:Let's go into the themes.
Loran:This is the like overarching out of everything we've talked about.
Loran:What are like the most common things that we've been talking about, but also
Loran:maybe there's something else that hasn't come up and it really is just like
Loran:a connection of these multiple dots.
Loran:What's the very, uh, do you have yours in an order?
Loran:I don't really either.
Loran:I'll just start with one and then that of this contradictions
Loran:contradictions seem to be a huge theme.
Loran:I think starting with Amy was the first one.
Loran:I think that we started to really talk about it with these contradictions
Loran:by episode three were already there.
Loran:And it's interesting to see it kind of show up throughout these pieces
Loran:of, uh, the multitudes that we hold.
Loran:And then how that can like re be reembody with Sam or how it can be in
Loran:leftist spaces where we're not fully working through critical race theory
Loran:or interest convergence, uh, how cancel culture is White supremacy culture.
Loran:Just these contradictions are massive and how we embody that.
Loran:It seems to be like a pretty massive theme.
Jenny:Um, one of minus community, community, community, you have
Jenny:to do this work in community.
Jenny:It's not a nice it's you can't do it in isolation.
Jenny:That seems
Loran:I also have community.
Loran:And I'm thinking about.
Loran:Fred talked, I think twice about he would only start an organization or another
Loran:group if there were multiple people on board and then he would start up, it has
Loran:to be done in a group so that if someone leaves other people can join on Amy's
Loran:working in classrooms of Angela and is working on accountability and enjoy Bennis
Loran:talking about like White men and suicide for not having fucking community Pablo
Loran:and vulnerability with other White men.
Loran:And then Tristan, even coming on the podcast was like, this is like, the
Loran:pandemic has made this really isolating.
Loran:And this is a way for me to connect with community that feels really lovely.
Jenny:And the men's focus group, um, when you asked the question about
Jenny:COVID and they misunderstood what you were asking, they went and immediately
Jenny:to White people being isolated.
Loran:So, yeah.
Loran:I also had community on my list if you can't tell.
Loran:So yeah, we've got a we've double done community.
Loran:Do you have name another.
Jenny:This is more an observation maybe than a theme, but that almost none of the
Jenny:people that we spoke with social media.
Jenny:No, I mean, evangelist on she's on Instagram, but it's through her
Jenny:organization and Facebook, but mostly, you know, trusted and got off of social media.
Jenny:Um, the Whites of the round table.
Jenny:White to the round table.
Jenny:The most, any of them are on his LinkedIn.
Jenny:Oh no.
Jenny:Lynn is on Facebook, but with his organization.
Jenny:Before solidarity,
Loran:Jared like completely went off LinkedIn.
Loran:He just made a post about it recently, but that was Joel Nagel.
Loran:Pretty active on LinkedIn sometimes.
Loran:Um, but then just start at a Tik TOK account.
Loran:That's really exciting, but that was like the only time.
Loran:But there's the thing like, oh, I made a new account out of the 13
Jenny:people we talked to.
Jenny:In the men's focus group, you know, Jay was like, I used to post, you know,
Jenny:anti-racist stuff, but not really anymore.
Jenny:And Tish was the only real one that had like a lot of
Jenny:interaction on social media, social
Loran:media theme of social media, social media.
Loran:I just, I don't know how or why, or if change can happen there after
Loran:this, it just seems like there's such a, there's such a space for it,
Loran:but no one wants to take up because it is so fucking terrifying though.
Loran:Um, another one that I had was curiosity and mistake.
Loran:That seemed really large, not all of it.
Loran:And I think in this, like maybe larger, maybe like another synonym would be
Loran:vulnerability, maybe this larger kind of consistent theme throughout the pieces?
Jenny:White people fear.
Jenny:Um, which maybe wasn't explicit, but I think it was definitely
Jenny:an undertone, especially with getting people onto the podcast.
Jenny:You had to do a lot of like reassuring even with, I mean, especially
Jenny:with me, you know what I mean?
Jenny:I think it was yes there for
Loran:That's interesting.
Loran:I didn't even think about.
Loran:It that way with White people fear, but looking at the first
Loran:like five or six episodes, they were all people that I knew.
Loran:And so it was very easy for them to, like, as evangelists says, when White
Loran:people work with other White people, you have to name who you are and name your
Loran:contacts, name, your heart name, where you're coming from in order for people to
Loran:be able to hold you accountable with love.
Loran:And yeah, I think it was, as Jay was saying, hold me
Loran:with love and lead with love.
Loran:And so to reach out to people who didn't know me from Adam
Loran:were like, fuck, is this mass?
Loran:And so people were receiving it in these weird ways.
Loran:And so you really had to like position yourself in a way that almost felt
Loran:in human with caveat after caveat, after caveat of this is who I am.
Loran:There's there was a lot.
Loran:It's a really good, there's a lot of weight, fear.
Loran:I still fucking think about those six fucking human.
Loran:Who I reached out for, for the LGBTQ White people episode that just never
Loran:fucking responded, but that these people have made these public commitments
Loran:to racial justice and equity.
Loran:But the second it was like, Hey, let's, let's work on White people.
Loran:They couldn't even fucking respond.
Jenny:And the fear, White people fear, just to clarify, isn't afraid
Jenny:of people of Color it's afraid.
Jenny:Well, the, the fear that I, the theme of fear that I'm talking about
Jenny:is a fear of other White people.
Jenny:You know what I mean?
Loran:Wait, people love to not trust other way people, uh, which leads to my last theme.
Loran:Yeah, that shit.
Loran:How often we talk about council culture?
Loran:66 times 66 times.
Loran:Yeah, we talked about that a lot.
Loran:I did not realize how much of this.
Loran:My work was going to be about this vast overlap of cancel culture.
Loran:Wait, cancel culture.
Loran:Jonah, all last theme was that
Jenny:five of them.
Jenny:Let's see.
Jenny:1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Jenny:No, that wasn't five of them.
Jenny:I have two more.
Jenny:I have two left.
Jenny:So what you might be missing one counted.
Jenny:So mine was White women tears.
Jenny:And I think that one's like very selfish cause I just, it affects me.
Loran:Well, we did talk, I think to me it kind of went into the vulnerability.
Loran:He wouldn't talk about White women tears probably.
Loran:Five of the 12 episodes.
Loran:Yeah, mine was community social media, curiosity, mistakes,
Loran:vulnerability, cancel culture.
Loran:And then contradictions.
Jenny:Oh, maybe you did
Loran:I overlapped on your community.
Loran:I like double loud.
Jenny:Oh, I forgot.
Loran:Cause community.
Loran:That's the number one theme.
Jenny:Do you want to hear
Loran:my last one?
Loran:No, we're done.
Loran:We can go home now.
Loran:The end.
Jenny:Um, it was love.
Loran:Oh, ah.
Loran:Oh, I love that.
Loran:That's where we're like coming to this natural conclusion of love.
Loran:You were so right.
Loran:There is a huge theme of love throughout this entire thing.
Jenny:I feel like that's the, like if you just take all of the layers away
Jenny:of everything, that's important and unimportant, the reason why you're doing
Jenny:this is because of love ultimately.
Jenny:And not that love of, like we talk about with evangelists, not like the.
Jenny:Not the greeting card love, but the support, accountability type, like
Jenny:that deep, that deep connection to humans and the world that we live in.
Loran:I think when I there's something about the word accountability,
Loran:that's like rubs me wrong.
Loran:And I think it's because I hear it so often in social justice and left spaces.
Loran:And so I guess for me, I'm also just thinking about this extemporaneously, but
Loran:rather like love and interconnectedness.
Loran:And so if you do something that impacts our interconnectedness or
Loran:interwoven newness or mutuality vignette, we're going to talk about it.
Loran:We're going to explore it.
Loran:We're going to excavate it.
Loran:We're going to like totally hold space for whatever the fuck happened.
Loran:But there's no one right way to repair fabric.
Loran:And so yeah, through accountability to that, whatever that is, but like, yeah.
Loran:Love, love at those, this, that, ah, you have this very literal
Loran:microphone in front of you right now.
Loran:There are people who are sitting in traffic or folding their laundry or
Loran:listening to this podcast, White people.
Loran:What do you want them to know?
Jenny:Don't be afraid or be afraid, but do it anyway.
Jenny:That's better.
Jenny:Oh yeah.
Jenny:If you're afraid, that's okay.
Jenny:That's super human of you and you're not alone in that and show up anyway, the best
Jenny:you can in the best way that you know how, even if it feels insignificant to you,
Jenny:even if it's just giving someone of Color visibility at the grocery store saying,
Jenny:hello, meeting their eyes, how are you?
Jenny:Or, you know, riding to your.
Jenny:Um, representatives and showing up to a caucus space or, um, an anti-racist
Jenny:class or setting up, um, a book club, you know, people talk a lot of shit
Jenny:about book clubs, but, you know, for some people that's the best way
Jenny:they know how to engage the work.
Jenny:So be afraid if you are and know that that's okay.
Jenny:And do it anyway.
Jenny:I mean, there's a lot of,
Jenny:you always make me do one thing or then like five things and it's hard to choose,
Loran:you know?
Loran:Cause there's no one right thing for people to hear, you know,
Jenny:So, so Loran, you have this very literal microphone in front of you.
Jenny:There's some White folks, folding laundry, taking their dog for
Jenny:a while, sitting in traffic.
Jenny:What is one thing that you would say to them at the end of season one?
Loran:I think I'm going to take a note from Fred and ask a question.
Loran:Can you see how compassion, empathy, patience, and understanding are not tools
Loran:within the master's tool box to go back to the Audrey Lorde quote, the master's tools
Loran:will never dismantle the master's house.
Loran:Understanding compassion and empathy are so foreign to White supremacist culture.
Loran:That if we start to build those tools within our toolboxes and belts,
Loran:imagine what we can do when we bring more love into our work, because
Loran:love, when I think of love, I do not believe that I was taught that
Loran:as a White supremacist doctrine.
Loran:I never understood love has been connected to White supremacy.
Loran:And so that's my that's.
Loran:I think my charge go up yourself, go left your neighbors.
Loran:Go live your community
Loran:and show up with general genuine curiosity for how to make your relationship better.
Loran:And that's not to say that everyone has to get along.
Loran:And this whole, like now kind of utopic hippy-dippy Woodstock lifestyle, but
Loran:rather we are all interconnected.
Loran:My humanity is wrapped up in yours and yours and mine.
Loran:And so if you want to treat me like shit out, we're going to get a shit.
Loran:If you want to treat me with love, we're going to get us love.
Loran:And we're going to get so much further in this conversation.
Loran:If we use so much more honey than we do better.
Loran:And so this may not feel right.
Loran:It may feel like super counterintuitive.
Loran:And maybe that's why it's the exact answer or one of the answers.